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Chapter 6 Chapter 5 The Living Dead

Darksider Gaiden·Punishment 周浩晖 24054Words 2018-03-22
The large-scale investigation has been going on for a week, and the police have still not made a substantial breakthrough.The difficulty of the case exceeded Luo Fei's expectations. This is not a suspense case, the murderer has been identified as Li Junsong's contradictory relationship, and the time period of the incident is also very clear.Luo Fei once thought: as long as the relationship between the people around Li Junsong is clarified, and the time and motive of committing the crime are thoroughly investigated, the murderer should soon surface.However, the facts proved that this was just his wishful thinking.

From Zhuang Xiaoxi, Yao Fan, Wang Jingshuo, to Xu Mingpu and Ke Shouqin, suspicious characters around Li Junsong appeared one after another.Mysteries emerged one by one, and were solved one by one. Li Junsong's fate trajectory became clearer and clearer, but it was still difficult to find the answer to why he died. The public is extremely concerned about the progress of the case.The sudden discovery of a head in a downtown area has a huge impact on ordinary citizens. If this case is not solved, people will not be able to regain their lost sense of security.While putting pressure on the police, the people also actively provided various assistance.Within a week, the police obtained more than 300 clues provided by citizens, but unfortunately, none of these clues could stand up to follow-up in-depth investigation.

Luo Fei felt that there must be something wrong: did the police's initial judgment go wrong, or did the suspect hide his traces in a very clever way, or the police's investigation was not detailed enough, and there were still hidden dangers? What's missing? Along with Luo Fei's confusion, the case also fell into difficulty.For several days in a row, what the police could do was to continuously expand the scope of the investigation, radiating from Li Junsong's contradictions, and gradually covering all the people who had social contact with him.This kind of investigation consumes a lot of manpower and material resources, and the public security system in the entire provincial capital is exhausted.

Until noon on November 10th, another key clue was finally fed back. The clue comes from the theft that happened at Zhuang Xiaoxi's home. On the second day of Li Junsong's disappearance, Zhuang Xiaoxi found that several pieces of jewelry were missing from his home.In total, there are two gold necklaces, one pair of earrings, one gold ring, and one gold bracelet.At first, Zhuang Xiaoxi thought it was Li Junsong who stole the money and sold it secretly, but after Luo Fei reminded her, she realized that the kidnappers might have come to steal money with her own keys.So she gave the police a detailed description of the brand styles of those pieces of jewelry, and the police relayed the relevant information to various pawnshops and gold purchase points in the city.

In the following days, the police once received six reports, which means that six people came to sell the same jewelry as the one stolen.The police launched an investigation on the six people, and five of them were able to produce legal proof of purchase, and the suspicion was immediately ruled out.Another man was initially unable to explain the source of the jewelry, and was once listed as a key suspect by the police.But follow-up investigations found that this person was a habitual thief. The gold necklace he sold was stolen from another resident's house and had nothing to do with this case.

After Li Junsong's head appeared, Luo Fei once lost confidence in the jewelry as a clue.Because he believes that the main purpose of the murderer is not to seek money.How could a guy who was not short of money and thoughtful at the same time take out the stolen jewelry rashly and sell it off? But the progress of the case is always so unexpected. The latest whistleblower is the lady boss of a gold shop in the urban area.She claims that a man came to the shop in the afternoon and wanted to sell five pieces of gold jewelry, which exactly matched the characteristics mentioned in the police report.

The characteristics of the five pieces of gold all match?The significance of this is self-evident!Luo Fei immediately rushed to the gold shop with Yin Jian, and the proprietress Qiao Jing told them what happened. "The man came to the store around twelve o'clock. When he came, he said he wanted to sell some gold jewelry and let me see how much he could give. I asked him to take out the jewelry, and he took it out of his bag. Five pieces of jewelry, two necklaces, a pair of earrings, a ring, and a bracelet. I immediately remembered what the police said. Looking at the jewelry again, they looked more and more similar. I wanted to call the police, but it was noon. , I was the only one in the store, so it was hard to get out. Then I thought about it, I had to find a way to stabilize him and let him keep his personal information. So I said, these jewelry are very beautifully crafted, and it’s not enough to just buy them back at the gold price. It's suitable, it must be higher. How much higher it can be, I can't say for sure, I have to wait for my husband to come back to make the decision. The man was very happy to hear that, but said that he was busy in the afternoon and couldn't wait too long. I I just said, why don't you leave your name and phone number, and I'll call you when my husband comes back. The man dialed me on his mobile phone, and he said his name is Wang Xian, Sanhengyi Stand up for that king, dedicate yourself." Qiao Jing took out her mobile phone while talking, and called up the dialing records for Luo Fei to check, the other party left a mobile phone number starting with 187.

Luo Fei told Yin Jian: "Check this number." The latter immediately started to work on this matter. Qiao Jing said again: "I even took photos of those jewelry, saying that I want to show it to my husband." She fiddled with her mobile phone to retrieve the photos, Luo Fei looked at them carefully for a while, and sure enough, they were very similar to Zhuang Xiaoxi's stolen jewelry. match.He returned the phone to Qiao Jing, and at the same time praised her: "You did a good job." Qiao Jing smiled and took the initiative to ask Ying, "How about I call now and see when that person will come back?" As the proprietress of the gold shop, she is not only beautiful, but also very smart in dealing with people.

Luo Fei made an "OK" gesture.Qiao Jing picked up the phone and started dialing. After a while, there seemed to be an answer on the other end of the phone. "Hello, Mr. Wang?" Qiao Jing greeted enthusiastically, "Yes, it's me. Let me tell you, my husband has seen the photos, and he also thinks these jewelry are very good. Yes, plus ten yuan per gram for labor. Hmm...do you think it's okay? Then when will you come over...yes, you can pay now...OK, then we'll wait for you in the store. " Qiao Jing hung up the phone and told Luo Fei, "The man said he would come over in about an hour."

Luo Fei nodded.At this time, Yin Jian also found some results, and rushed over to report: "Captain Luo, I checked the phone number and it was registered with a real name. The owner of the phone is Wang Xian, and I have my ID number. It looks like it should be The household registration of this city." Luo Fei gave a "hmm" and then ordered: "Check his household registration information again." Yin Jian made another call and reported Wang Xian's ID number to the household registration administrator. After a while, the other party gave the query result, which surprised Yin Jian very much.He immediately expressed his doubts: "What? You didn't make a mistake, did you?"

The other party replied: "That's right. That's how it is displayed in the system. How about I transfer you to the Caohe Police Station, where Wang Xian's household registration is located?" Yin Jian said: "Okay." The other party began to transfer, and Yin Jian talked with the Caohe Police Station. Finally, he hung up the phone and frowned. Luo Fei asked: "What's wrong?" "I checked and found out that there is indeed Wang Xian. But..." Yin Jian shook his head, "The household registration data shows that this person is dead." "Oh?" Luo Fei immediately thought of a possibility, "Could it be that guy used someone else's mobile phone number?" "I have asked the police station to send Wang Xian's household registration photo to my mailbox. I need to ask the proprietress to verify this." Yin Jian turned his head and asked Qiao Jing as he said, "Do you have a computer here to access the Internet?" ?” "Yes." Qiao Jing led Yin Jian to the computer in the store. Under Yin Jian's guidance, she opened the other party's mailbox and downloaded the photo just sent by the police station. Luo Fei also went behind the two of them to check. After the photo was clicked, a young man in his twenties appeared on the screen, dark and thin, but with piercing eyes. "Is it him?" Yin Jian looked at Qiao Jing and asked. Qiao Jing replied very definitely: "It's him!" "Ah?" Yin Jian blinked, "Are you reading that right?" "I see so many people every day, how can I be wrong? This is the person, look, there is a mole on the eyebrows, right? I remember it clearly!" The man in the photo had a black mole between his right eyebrows.Qiao Jing can even tell the details, so she shouldn't be mistaken. Yin Jian turned around and looked at Luo Fei with a dazed expression. The guy who came to sell the jewelry turned out to be a dead person? Luo Fei also frowned, unable to figure out the mystery for a while.In the end, I had no choice but to say: "Let's wait for him to come." That's right, the guy said he was coming over soon.As long as he can be controlled, all confusion can be easily solved.So there is really no need to guess wildly now, just wait patiently. An hour passed, and it was the appointed time, but the guy didn't show up. Under Luo Fei's arrangement, Qiao Jing dialed that person's number again, ready to press him.Surprisingly, the phone didn't go through. "Why is it turned off?" Qiao Jing listened blankly to the system prompt voice from the phone. "Shut down?" Yin Jian guessed in a bad tone, "Did he notice something?" "No, I said it well before... What's going on?" Qiao Jing held the phone in front of her eyes and stared at the screen in a daze, wishing she could pull the other party out of the phone and ask for clarification. Luo Fei also felt that there was nothing suspicious about Qiao Jing's previous performance, but why did that guy break the appointment?Was there a temporary accident over there, or was there something wrong with my actions? No matter what the situation is, continuing to wait is already passive, and we must take the initiative to attack!Luo Fei thought about it for a while, then turned to Yin Jian and said, "We have to go to the Caohe Police Station. You transfer two people from nearby, and continue to guard here. Also, check the call history of the mobile phone, and get the guy's phone number. Find out the main people involved." Yin Jian made arrangements according to Luo Fei's instructions, and then the two drove to the Caohe Police Station.This is Wang Xian's household registration management unit. If you want to solve the mystery of this person's life and death, you must come here to find the answer. The Caohe Police Station is located in the outskirts of the provincial capital and mainly manages the public security affairs of Caohe Village.Yu Lianhai, the director here, personally received the two of Luo Yin.After Luo Fei explained his purpose, he immediately said, "That's right, Wang Xian is dead." "You remember so clearly?" Luo Fei felt a little strange when the other party answered so quickly. "We are in a rural area, and the number of household registrations is small. Moreover, Wang Xian's family has always been a key target of assistance in the community, so I am naturally more impressed." "Oh? What's the situation at Wang Xian's house?" "Alas!" Yu Lianhai sighed first, and then began to tell, "This matter started from Wang Xian's parents' generation. Wang Xian's father was a bad alcoholic who had no skills outside, and he knew how to beat his wife when he came back. , beating the children. Later his wife couldn't take it anymore, so she took the opportunity of cooking to inject rat poison and poisoned her husband to death. After the case was solved, Wang Xian's mother was sentenced to life, and the family was over .That happened six or seven years ago, right? At that time, Wang Xian was in college, and he had a younger sister named Wang Lei, who was still a middle school student. After this incident, Wang Xian dropped out of school and stayed in the city He works part-time and supports his younger sister to study. His younger sister got good grades and was later admitted to a prestigious university. Didn’t she graduate from university last year? It is said that the siblings survived, but unexpectedly, my younger sister got kidney disease..." "Kidney disease?" Luo Fei suddenly became sensitive.Li Junsong is the chief physician of the Nephrology Department of the People's Hospital, and there seems to be a faint connection between the two incidents. "Yes, kidney disease. I don't know much about the specific condition. Anyway, I have to be hospitalized, which costs a lot of money. Although Wang Lei has participated in the medical insurance, the part of the cost personally borne is not small! So Wang Xian has to be busy again. I want to raise money for my sister's medical treatment. The brothers and sisters are really pitiful..." Yu Lianhai sighed heavily again, "At this juncture, Wang Xian died." "How did you die?" "I heard that he drank too much and died of drunkenness." "Drunk?" Luo Fei felt that this way of dying sounded strange. "That's right. His dad loves to drink so much, I'm afraid he can't do without it? When so many things go wrong, let's use alcohol to relieve his worries." Yu Lianhai talked a lot, giving people a way to think The feeling of words. "Who did you hear about this?" "Wang Lei said it. After Wang Xian died, his sister came to the police station to go through the formalities." Luo Fei stared at Yu Lianhai for a while, then asked, "Is Wang Xian really dead?" Yu Lianhai felt the questioning attitude in the other party's tone, and he spread his hands innocently: "Why should I lie to you about this?" "But at noon today, someone saw Wang Xian with their own eyes." "How is this possible? Can the dead be brought back to life?" Yu Lianhai grinned, thinking it was absurd, and after a while he guessed, "Maybe it's just someone who looks a lot like him? " Luo Fei pondered for a while, then asked again: "Have you seen Wang Xian's corpse with your own eyes?" Yu Lianhai shook his head: "That's not true." "Then why are you so sure he must be dead?" "There is the death certificate from the People's Hospital, and the cremation certificate from the funeral home." Yu Lianhai spread his hands and said, "If this is not certain, how can we be sure?" And he was right.As the household registration management unit, the police station judges a person's life and death based on these two paper certificates.In other words, as long as Wang Lei came to the police station with these two certificates, Wang Xian could be legally defined as a dead person. What if the two certificates are forged?That is to say, Wang Xian is not dead, but the household registration system thinks he is dead.This seems to be the only reasonable explanation for the life-and-death puzzle in front of us. But what is the purpose of doing so?He is clearly alive, but he has to fake the illusion of his own death.This is really a bit unbelievable.And with the background of the Wang brothers and sisters, are they really capable of forging these two certificates, and can they perfectly fool law enforcement agencies like the police station? It's really hard to think about it, because the more I think about it, the more mysteries become.If you want to crack it, you must find the core party involved. So Luo Fei asked again: "Where is Wang Lei now, do you know?" "I don't know much." Yu Lianhai guessed, "Isn't she sick? Should she be hospitalized?" Luo Fei thought for a while, then asked again: "Is their home far from here?" "It's far, but it's not far... Do you want to see it? There's no need for it. No one has lived there for a long time." Luo Fei said: "I want to go and have a look. You can find someone to take us there." Seeing that the other party was very firm, Yu Lianhai no longer tried to dissuade him, and he took the initiative to say: "Then I'll go with you, it's not a few steps anyway." About ten minutes later, Yu Lianhai brought Luo Fei and Yin Jian to the gate of Wang's old house.This is a one-story house with its doors closed.Luo Fei touched the doorknob, and his hands were immediately covered with dust.It seems that no one has lived here for a long time. "Wang Lei is going to college outside, and Wang Xian has been working in the city. The siblings have not come back to live in these years." After Yu Lianhai explained a few sentences, he sighed, "This house is also a sad place. I don't want to come back either. Just wait for the demolition in a few years." Luo Fei frowned, "Why is there no trace of the funeral?" Yu Lianhai gave a "hmm" in confusion. "After Wang Xian died, he must go back to the ancestral house to hold the funeral, right? Then the house is unoccupied, so there should be traces of the funeral, but now it can't be seen at all." "Oh, maybe it's because there was no funeral." Julienhay paused, and then said, "Think about it, these two brothers and sisters depend on each other for life, and the older brother is dead, and the younger sister is seriously ill. Who is going to show the funeral? Most likely The mortuary dragged it directly to the funeral home to finish the work." This analysis makes sense.But in this case, it is even more difficult to judge whether Wang Xian is really dead or fake death. But then there was good news. This time, Yin Jian's investigation had made some key progress. The mysterious man who wanted to sell the jewelry left a mobile phone number registered with Wang Xian's real name.After an in-depth investigation of this mobile phone number, it was found that the man usually has very few call records, and there is only one main contact.The mobile phone number of this contact was also registered with his real name, and the owner of the phone was Wang Xian's younger sister, Wang Lei. After a little deliberation, Luo Fei decided to find Wang Lei first.So he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number Yin Jian had inquired about. "Hello?" A woman's voice came from the other end of the phone. It was calm and powerful, and it didn't sound like a young patient. "Hello." Luo Fei asked tentatively, "Are you Wang Lei?" The woman who answered the phone replied, "No." "This is Wang Lei's phone number?" "Yes." The woman explained, "Wang Lei is resting, and I was taking care of her, so I answered the phone for her." "Oh." Luo Fei felt relieved, "Then where are you?" "What's wrong?" "I want to come and see her," Luo Fei lied, "I'm her college classmate." "We are in the Nephrology Ward of the People's Hospital, Room 702 on the seventh floor of the Inpatient Department." The woman said the address happily, and then asked, "When will you arrive?" "We're leaving now." Luo Fei raised his wrist and looked at his watch, "About half an hour." On the way to the People's Hospital, Luo Fei called Xiao Jialin.The other party is the director of the medical department. If he can accompany him, many things in the hospital will be easier to deal with.Xiao Jialin agreed to Luo Fei's request. He met Luo Yin and Luo Yin on the seventh floor of the inpatient department, and at the same time he brought a tall male doctor with him. "This is Dr. Guo Jiaguo from our Nephrology Department, who is also Wang Lei's attending doctor." Xiao Jialin first introduced the two parties, "These two are from the criminal police team. This is Captain Luo Feiluo, and this is Wang Lei. Officer Yin Jianyin." Luo Fei shook hands with Guo Jia, and then asked, "What exactly is Wang Lei suffering from?" Guo Jia spat out a series of professional terms: "systemic lupus erythematosus nephritis." Luo Fei didn't know much about this disease, so he could only ask in a general way: "Um...is this disease serious?" "It is a relatively serious kidney disease, and it needs long-term hospitalization. If the prognosis is not good, it may turn into uremia." Guo Jia briefly introduced a few words, and finally concluded, "In short, it is a troublesome disease that consumes time and money. .” While talking, the group walked to Ward 702.The door was open, and it could be seen that there was only one hospital bed in the room, a girl was half lying on the bed, and a long sofa was placed at the window, and a middle-aged woman was sitting on the sofa. Guo Jia led everyone into the ward.Luo Fei looked around and found that there was a dedicated bathroom in this ward. He was surprised and said, "The conditions here are pretty good." Xiao Jialin said: "This is basically the ward with the best conditions in our hospital." "The hospitalization fee for this room is not cheap, is it?" Luo Fei looked at Xiao Jialin, and then turned to the girl on the hospital bed.That girl should be Wang Lei. It is said that her financial ability can never support such hospitalization conditions, and a ward of this level must be beyond the coverage of medical insurance. "Of course it's not cheap, but the most important thing is to live comfortably, right?" The woman on the sofa accepted Luo Fei's words, she stood up while talking, took two steps forward, and said , "I will bear the hospitalization expenses, so don't worry about it." Luo Fei recognized the other party's voice, it was the woman who answered the phone earlier.He looked her up and down a few times. The woman was about forty years old, quite pretty, and well-dressed. Luo Fei asked in a probing tone: "Are you Wang Lei's relative?" "No, I'm her brother's friend." The woman also gave Luo Fei a few glances back, and then laughed teasingly, "You are Wang Lei's college classmate? Then you look a little too anxious." "This is Captain Luo of the criminal police team." Xiao Jialin stepped forward to introduce, and judging by the way he spoke, he seemed to be familiar with that woman before. Luo Fei came here for the girl on the hospital bed, so he didn't get too entangled with the strange woman, he just smiled at himself, and then walked straight towards the girl.After walking to the bed, he asked the girl, "Are you Wang Lei?" The girl nodded.She had a sick look on her face and a timid expression, appearing ignorant of the world. "I'm a policeman." Luo Fei revealed his identity, "I want to know something about your brother." "My brother..." Wang Lei whispered, "He is dead." Luo Fei frowned: "Do you know what I want to ask?" Wang Lei glanced at Luo Fei: "No, I don't know..." "Then why are you in such a hurry to tell me that he's dead?" Wang Lei lowered her head and said nothing. Luo Fei continued to ask: "Since he is dead, where is his grave?" Wang Lei said: "He doesn't have a cemetery." "No cemetery?" "I don't have money, and I can't afford a cemetery," Wang Lei explained, "so after cremation, I scattered his ashes in the Yangtze River." Luo Fei said "Hey", obviously not believing what the other party said.Then he drew a long tone and asked solemnly: "Is your brother really dead?" Wang Lei nodded, but her gaze didn't dare to meet Luo Fei. "Wang Xian is indeed dead. Is there any doubt about it?" The strange woman came to interject again, and she said to Luo Fei in a reproachful tone, "You shouldn't talk to her like this, you will scare her Yes. She's sick." Xiao Jialin and Guo Jia also nodded at the side, expressing agreement with the woman's words.Luo Fei also felt that he was a little too anxious, so he slowed down his tone: "I'm just asking you to understand the situation, not doubting you...or blaming you or anything. Don't be too nervous, okay?" Wang Lei looked up at Luo Fei and said, "Okay." "187********." Luo Fei reported a series of numbers, "This is your brother's cell phone number, right?" "It seems...it seems to be." "What about 135********?" Luo Fei continued to ask, "Is this your own phone number?" "yes." "We just checked your brother's phone call records. His phone number has been in use all the time, and you are the one who calls the most." Luo Fei shrugged his shoulders and said, "Can you explain what's going on? ?" Wang Lei looked at the middle-aged woman standing by the bed, as if seeking help from her. "187 is indeed Wang Xian's mobile phone number, but since Wang Xian died, this mobile phone has been in my hands." The woman said to Luo Fei, "So the person who calls Wang Lei frequently is not Wang Xian, but Wang Xian. It's me." "Is this wrong?" Luo Fei narrowed his eyes, "Just at noon today, the person using this mobile phone number appeared in a gold shop in the city. The person was a young man, and his appearance was very similar to Wang Xian's. .” "You can try to dial that number." The woman suggested, "See where that phone is." Luo Fei was stunned for a while, then he took out his mobile phone and started dialing the string of numbers.After pressing the call button, the phone rang soon.And that voice came from a small satchel on the woman's shoulder. The woman took out a mobile phone from her bag, connected it in front of Luo Fei, then put it to her ear and said, "Now do you believe it?" This sentence was transmitted to the receiver of Luo Fei's mobile phone, creating a A wonderful resonance effect. Luo Fei's face froze.This mobile phone was clearly owned by the man who sold the jewelry. When Qiao Jing was talking with the man, Luo Fei even heard the man's voice.An hour later, the call was disconnected, but now it suddenly appeared in the hands of the woman in front of her.Luo Fei began to realize: this woman did not appear here by accident, this is clearly a good game set by the opponent against him! "Who the hell are you?" Luo Fei narrowed his eyes, and his eyes showed more and more scrutiny. "I've said it before, I was a good friend of Wang Xian before his death." "What friend?" "Is this a private topic? I don't have to answer." The woman responded calmly, with a confident attitude. Since the other party has such an attitude, Luo Fei doesn't want to go around in circles anymore.He said seriously: "This mobile phone is related to a theft case. Since you said that you have been using the mobile phone, I would like to ask you to come with me to the criminal police team." "Take a trip?" The woman asked calmly, "What kind of concept is this?" "In terms of law, this is called a summons. If you refuse to execute it, we can take compulsory measures according to law." "According to the law, you have no right to take compulsory measures against me." The woman said while taking out a small notebook from her bag.She handed the small notebook in front of Luo Fei, "Look, I am a representative of the Provincial People's Congress." Luo Fei was stunned.What was presented in front of his eyes was indeed a provincial people's congress representative certificate.This means that if you want to take compulsory measures against this woman, you must report to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress for approval.But based on the little evidence in Luo Fei's hand, it is obvious that such a big commotion cannot be caused.No wonder the other party has nothing to worry about, and you have no choice but to tell a lie to your face. Seeing the stalemate in the situation, Xiao Jialin began to jump out to smooth things over: "Oh, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding. This is the boss of Xinglong Group, Ms. Zhao Lin Zhao. How could she be a suspect in the theft case? It must be a mistake! " Luo Fei had also heard about Xinglong Group, and knew that it was a well-known private enterprise in the provincial capital.This woman in front of me is actually the boss of Xinglong Group?How could she get involved in this matter? "Captain Luo is not really concerned about the theft case, he is concerned about Wang Xian's life and death." Zhao Lin smiled at Xiao Jialin, "But Wang Xian is indeed dead. The death certificate was issued at the People's Hospital——Director Xiao , can you also testify about this?" "That's right." Xiao Jialin tilted his head, as if he was recalling something, "That happened in March, right? You and Wang Lei were sent to the emergency department that night. Wang Xian drank too much and vomited in his trachea Although we tried our best to rescue him, the suffocation time was too long, and he still left. Alas, it’s a pity that he is young. In fact, we also hope that he is not dead, but the fact that people cannot be resurrected after death has to be accepted..." Luo Fei's ears were listening to Xiao Jialin, but his eyes were fixed on Wang Lei.The girl just lowered her head, as if all these things had nothing to do with her.After Xiao Jialin finished speaking, Luo Fei turned his head and gave Yin Jian a wink, saying: "It seems that we did make a mistake." Yin Jian didn't understand Luo Fei's intention, so he gave an ambiguous "Oh". Luo Fei looked around the room, and suddenly asked, "Can I use the bathroom?" Xiao Jialin responded immediately: "Yes." Zhao Lin and Wang Lei did not raise any objections.Luo Fei walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind his back.After a while, the sound of flushing water came from the bathroom, which aroused people's imagination. Yin Jian felt a little embarrassed, he didn't understand why Luo Fei was in such a hurry to go to the bathroom here, after all, this is a ward for lesbians, it's a bit inconvenient after all. Luo Fei came out from the bathroom. He looked around the crowd and said with a smile, "Oh, I'm really sorry for disturbing you this time. Let's go back and check again to see what went wrong." After speaking, he greeted Yin Jian, "Let's go." Yin Jian followed Luo Fei out of the ward, Xiao Jialin and Guo Jia accompanied them all the way, and they didn't stop until they were sent out of the inpatient department. As soon as he walked outside the building, Yin Jian couldn't help but said: "That woman is obviously lying, how could Wang Xian's mobile phone be used by her? Even if Wang Xian is really dead, this matter is illogical! Team Luo, you How could you show weakness to the opponent so easily?" Luo Fei said with a sullen expression: "The opponent is very powerful." "Isn't it just a representative of the National People's Congress bought with money?" Yin Jian curled his lips disapprovingly, "What's so great about it?" Luo Fei shook his head slowly: "It's not about the deputies to the National People's Congress..." "What's that?" Luo Fei began to ask questions to guide the assistant's thinking: "The guy who went to the gold store to sell jewelry, since he dared to leave his phone number, it means that he was not very vigilant at the time, right?" "Yes indeed." "Later, the lady boss of the gold shop called him, and he answered normally, and promised to come to the transaction in an hour. Until this time, he didn't find anything unusual, right?" Yin Jian gave a "hmm" and continued to agree. "But an hour later, that guy missed the appointment, and his phone was turned off. Then the phone was in the hands of Zhao Lin—Zhao Lin appeared in the ward of the People's Hospital, nominally to take care of Wang Lei, but actually The purpose of the above is to control Wang Lei's words and deeds, you should be able to see this, right?" "That's right." "So within that hour, the other party began to realize that the police had launched an investigation against him. And they knew that the first breakthrough point of the police investigation was the mobile phone, and the second was the main contact Wang Lei in the mobile phone. The other party Immediately start to deal with it, Zhao Lin is the vanguard officer sent to deal with this matter." "You mean, Zhao Lin is just a front-line character, and there are more powerful characters behind him?" Luo Fei nodded, and said: "The opponent's strength is not only in being able to mobilize Zhao Lin, in fact there are other more terrifying aspects." Is there a more terrifying place?Yin Jianning thought for a while, but still didn't understand why, so he had to ask: "What?" "Think about it, the other party's change happened during that hour." Luo Fei narrowed his eyes, "What did we do during this period?" Yin Jian blinked his eyes and recalled for a while: "We...we just checked Wang Xian's household registration information." Suddenly he realized something, and asked in surprise: "Could it be that the rumors leaked out at this time?" "It's unbelievable, isn't it?" Luo Fei said seriously, "Since there are no other possibilities, we have to face it seriously, no matter how unbelievable it is." This means that the opponent's eyeliner is actually hidden in the public security system!Yin Jian was stunned for a moment, and then gave a bold guess: "Could it be Yu Lianhai?" The Caohe Police Station is Wang Xian's household registration management unit. If there is any doubt about Wang Xian's death, Yu Lianhai, the director of the police station, cannot escape responsibility.In the afternoon, Yin Jian called the Caohe Police Station to verify Wang Xian's life and death, and then the situation took a turn for the worse.When Luo Fei and Yin Jian came to the Caohe Police Station, the director Yu Lianhai seemed to be too active. He was always explaining many things on his own initiative, and Yu Lianhai insisted on accompanying him personally when he went to investigate Wang Xian's old house.It’s fine if you don’t think about these things carefully, but if you think about it carefully, it’s really full of mystery! Luo Fei didn't directly respond to the assistant's guess, he just muttered: "Yu Lianhai has been trying hard to convince us that Wang Xian is indeed dead. In fact, it is not only him who has problems, but also the people from the People's Hospital. people." "People's Hospital?" Yin Jian thought, "Are you referring to Xiao Jialin?" When Luo Fei and Zhao Lin confronted each other in the ward, Xiao Jialin was mediating on the surface, but what he said was actually on Zhao Lin's side . Luo Fei nodded and said, "Not only Xiao Jialin, but also Guo Jia." "Guo Jia?" Yin Jian didn't quite understand, "That person hasn't said much all the time." Luo Fei smiled "hey": "He didn't say much, but how could it be possible to change the ward without his participation?" "Change ward?" Yin Jian became more and more confused. "Do you really think that Wang Lei has been living in a high-end suite?" "Oh." Yin Jianpin smelled, "Do you think the ward was changed temporarily?" "I don't think so, I'm sure." Luo Fei glanced at Yin Jian, "Do you still remember that I went to the bathroom before I left?" "Yeah. I'm still wondering—do you have a purpose?" "In the bathroom are the daily necessities that Wang Lei needs to be hospitalized. Just by looking at these daily necessities, you can tell whether Wang Lei has been living here or just changed here." "How to judge?" "Let's put it simply. If you live for a long time, all the daily necessities will be placed in the most convenient location; if you move in temporarily, then all the daily necessities will be placed in the most convenient place." Yin Jian smiled knowingly: "That's right." It's like a person who has just moved house. At the beginning, he would arrange daily necessities very casually, and he would do whatever is convenient; but after a period of use, many Daily necessities will change their positions and gradually come to the most convenient place to access them.The difference here is not difficult to distinguish as long as you observe carefully. "So you went to the bathroom on purpose to see if Wang Lei was really living here or pretending to be here - it turned out to be a fake. Then they temporarily changed the ward to..." "In order to cover up the truth." Luo Fei took the other party's words and said, "Wang Lei must have lived in an ordinary multi-person ward at the beginning. People in the same ward will know a lot about her. Xiao Jialin can control the medical staff. Mouth, but can’t control other patients. Therefore, Wang Lei must be transferred to a single room, so as to completely cut off this clue.” “原来如此!那个郭嘉果然也不干净!”尹剑想了想,又提议道,“要不要在七楼的病人中间走访一下?” 罗飞道:“没有那么大的范围,到709房间问一下就行了。” “是吗?”尹剑有些不放心的样子。 “走的时候我观察了,只有709房间空着一张床位。所以那里就是王蕾原本的病房。”罗飞解释了两句,然后又吩咐道,“我们俩就不要去了,那边的医护人员肯定会防着我们的。你叫沈源过来吧,假扮病人家属去了解一下情况。” 尹剑立刻拿出手机,通知了前方的侦查队员沈源。等他安排妥当之后,罗飞又招呼道:“走吧,我们再去拜访一个人。” "Who?" 罗飞不答反问:“在这家医院里,最有理由帮助我们的那个人是谁?” 尹剑目光一亮,答案脱口而出:“庄小溪!” 罗飞和尹剑在骨科主任办公室找到了庄小溪。他们把王献的户籍照片提供给对方,庄小溪盯着照片端详良久,最后摇头说道:“我不认识他。” 罗飞觉得有必要给对方一些提示,便指着照片说道:“这人叫王献,我们怀疑你家里失窃的那些首饰就是被他偷走的。另外他还有个妹妹叫王蕾,最近一段时间一直在你们医院的肾脏科住院治疗。” “王献?”庄小溪咀嚼着这个名字,往照片上又多看了几眼。 罗飞期待地追问:“想起来了?” “名字好像有点熟。”庄小溪皱着眉头,“好像在哪里见过似的,但是具体又说不出来。” 罗飞鼓励道:“你再好好想想。” 庄小溪努力地想了一会儿,最终却还是摇了摇头:“确实想不起来……也许是我记错了吧。” 既然这样,罗飞也觉得无能为力了,只好说:“那你什么时候想起来了,一定要立刻通知我。” “那是当然。”庄小溪把照片还给罗飞的同时,口中又轻轻地念叨了一遍,“王献……” “还有一件事情。”罗飞把照片收好之后,又对庄小溪说道,“我想让你帮忙查一下王蕾的病历记录。她不是在肾脏科住院吗?我想知道她的治疗过程是不是和李俊松有过交集。” 庄小溪随口反问了一句:“这事你让肖嘉麟帮着查一下不是更方便吗?” 罗飞苦笑着说:“关于王蕾兄妹好像有很多秘密,肖嘉麟也在有意瞒着我们。” 庄小溪“哦”了一声,表示理解。 罗飞觉得对方的态度过于淡然,便又问道:“你不觉得这事有些奇怪?” “没什么好奇怪的。”庄小溪耸了耸肩膀,一副见怪不怪的模样,“肖嘉麟的秘密太多了。他是个混仕途的人,撒谎是他必备的职业技能。” 罗飞会心一笑。心想这评价虽然刻薄,倒也不失准确。话说到这里,他又想起另外一件事,便问道:“肖嘉麟和柯守勤是不是很不对付?” “那能对付得了吗?柯守勤是一点人情都不讲的,坐在病理科主任的位置上,三天两头地就给肖嘉麟惹麻烦。” 罗飞理解“惹麻烦”的意思,肯定就是病理检验啦、死亡分析啦之类的事情,柯守勤只认真实的结果,从来不会考虑院方的利益。而肖嘉麟是要出面处理医患纠纷的,自然会把柯守勤看成眼中钉。 “前些天柯守勤把死者的心脏弄丢了吧?后来那事怎么办了?” “赔钱呗。” “那柯守勤呢?没被肖嘉麟扔出去背黑锅吗?” “肖嘉麟本来是想借机把柯守勤免职的。后来柯守勤找到医务科,他一只手拿了一大瓶医用酒精,另一只手拿了个打火机。见到肖嘉麟之后,什么话也不说,直接把酒精往对方身上一倒。肖嘉麟吓得腿都软了,当场就把处分报告撕得粉碎,扔进了垃圾桶。”庄小溪说起这事,嘴角露出一丝浅浅的笑意。 罗飞也笑了:“柯守勤这家伙还真是个混不吝,肖嘉麟可治不了他。” “好了,别说这些没用的了。”庄小溪站起身来问道,“你要查的那个病人叫什么来着,王蕾?” “没错,花蕾的蕾。” 庄小溪离开了办公室,大约一刻钟之后,她带回了查到的信息。 “王蕾的病历是在今年三月十二号建的档,给他看病的门诊医生叫张瑞,当天便确诊为系统性红斑狼疮性肾炎。五月十三号她开始入院治疗,主治大夫是郭嘉。”她把大概情况介绍了一下,然后总结道,“这么看来,这个病人跟李俊松好像没什么关系。” 罗飞听完之后产生了另外一些疑惑:“这种肾炎不是挺严重的吗?怎么三月十二号确诊,到五月十三号才入院治疗呢?” “这就不好说了啊,有可能是手头紧,需要时间来筹钱。也有可能是……”庄小溪欲言又止,似乎有些事情不方便说似的。 “是什么?”她越是这样,罗飞便越要问个明白。 庄小溪犹豫了一会儿,最终还是把吞进肚子里的那半句话又说了出来:“也有可能是医院不想收。” “医院不收,为什么?” “因为王蕾是有医疗保险的,她个人只会承担一小部分的治疗费用,大部分钱则要从医保基金上划账。” “那怎么了?”罗飞不懂对方的意思,“有医疗保险不是好事吗?” “这事是这样的,”庄小溪在罗飞对面坐下来,摆出一副要长篇大论的姿态,“现在不是医改了吗?医疗保险的费用不需要病人垫付了,直接从医保基金上划账。这就带来一个问题:每个医院每年会分配到一定数额的医保基金,可是这个数额肯定是不够用的。如果当年的医保基金用完了,再收治参加医保的病人时,治疗费用实际上就要由医院来垫付。这部分亏空得等第二年划拨基金的时候才能填上。然后第二年可用的基金就更少了,这样就陷入了恶性循环。到最后医院就不太愿意收治走医保的病人,因为你收得越多,自己要垫付的钱就越多,这样整个医院的流水,包括医护人员的工资福利什么的,都会受到很大的影响。” “难道因为这个就能拒绝病人,有病也不给看吗?”罗飞理解了其中的逻辑,但不能理解这样的行医态度。 “当然不能明着拒绝,至少门诊上来了是肯定给看的。但是牵扯住院的话,那就有一些处理手法了。”庄小溪继续向罗飞解释,“因为我们医院的病床肯定是供不应求的,这样在收治病人的时候就可以有选择,自费掏现金的病人肯定会优先考虑,有门路有背景的公费患者也不愁进不来。有的时候哪怕真的没有床位,也是可以加床的。但是像王蕾这种既没路子又要走医保的病人,情况就不一样了。也不说不收,就说没有床位,要排队等着,你能有什么办法?” 罗飞听得直摇头。医保改革,治疗费不用参保人垫付,直接从基金划账,这本来是为了便民的,没想到执行起来却变了味。究其根本,还是因为基金总量不足,倒也不能片面地把责任全都推给医院一方。 “所以王蕾虽然病情危急,还是拖延了整整两个月才让入院?” “很可能就是这个原因。”话已经说到这个份儿上了,庄小溪也不再避讳,她进一步点明道,“你看看她入院的日子,五月十三号。你还记得吧?就在前一天,肾脏科可是发生了一件大事。” 对方这么一提,罗飞立刻想起来了:“五月十二号凌晨,王钰死了!” 庄小溪点点头:“医院内部对医保基金也是有分配的,各个科室都有一定的配额。像王钰这种病人,一年的花费都要一两百万的,这得堵死了多少普通医保病人进肾脏科的门路?所以王钰一死,原本被他占据的配额一下子都释放出来了。王蕾这才得到了入院治疗的机会吧?” “这么说的话,李俊松酿成的那起医疗事故,事实上间接地帮了王蕾一个大忙?”罗飞的眉头皱了起来。他似乎找到了李俊松和王蕾兄妹的关联纽带了,不过这纽带和案件本身又有什么关系呢?他一时间仍看不分明。 “可以这么说吧。”庄小溪顿了顿,又道,“具体医保资源的调配,那是肖嘉麟管的事,你可以找他去核实核实。不过他多半不会说实话的,这是行业的潜规则,你要是问他,他肯定回答说:哪有这种事?我们从来不会因为钱的问题拒收任何病患。” 罗飞也觉得没必要再找肖嘉麟核实,他觉得事实已经很清楚了。 这时尹剑的手机响了起来。小伙子接听片刻,向罗飞汇报说:“沈源那边已经排查过了,果然有情况。” 罗飞立刻起身:“让他在住院部门口等我们。”说完便带着尹剑向庄小溪告别,两人又赶回到住院部门口。沈源已等在那里,他手里提着一袋子水果,看起来就是个来探望病患的普通人,可实际上这人却是刑警队中一名得力的侦查员。 罗飞迎上前问道:“什么情况?” 沈源道:“王蕾的确在709病房住过。我当时假装是王蕾的同学,到病房里寻找王蕾。旁边病床的一个大妈说王蕾刚换了病房,下午搬走的。我就凑过去跟那个大妈搭讪了几句,大致了解到一些情况。据说王蕾在这边住院,经常照顾她的人是一个年轻的小伙子,王蕾管他叫'哥'。” “这就对了。”罗飞一拍手道,“王献果然没有死。” “这帮人葫芦里到底卖的什么药?”尹剑苦苦琢磨,“人明明活着,户籍系统里却成了死亡状态。而且有那么多人都在帮着隐藏这个秘密!” “一定要把这家伙找出来!”罗飞斟酌了一会儿,开始部署接下来的方案,“现在我们兵分两路:沈源,你就在这里守着,把702病房盯紧,如果有什么人来和王蕾接触,立即向我汇报;尹剑,我们俩这就去排查监控,看看他离开金店之后又去了哪里。” 于是沈源继续留在人民医院的住院楼,罗飞和尹剑则赶往乔静的金店,那里正是追踪王献行迹的起点。王献离开金店的时候并未刻意隐藏身形,所以排查工作进行得很顺利。到了晚上七点钟左右,罗飞已经找出了王献最后消失的地方——距离人民医院不远的一片城中村。 罗飞判断这里应该就是王献的租住地,他一边在城里打工,一边照顾着重病住院的妹妹。于是他们便带着王献的户籍照片在城中村内走访,并且很快就有所收获。 “这人我知道。”一个老大爷看着照片说道,“就住在前面拐角那片,租的老李家一间平房。”说完老大爷还热心地把罗尹二人带到了那间平房门口。 平房窗口透出灯光,罗飞上前敲了敲门。 “来了。”屋内有人应了一声,片刻后房门打开,一名三十来岁的男子站在门后。这男子又矮又胖,显然不是王献。 “你好。”罗飞出示了证件,“我们是警察。” “哦。”男子无所谓地笑了笑,“有什么事?” 罗飞把王献的照片递了过去:“你认识这个人吗?” 男子瞥了一眼说:“不认识。” “他不是一直住在这里吗?”老大爷对男子的说法表示质疑,然后他又打量了对方两眼,嘀咕道,“你是谁啊?我怎么没见过你?” “大爷,您记错了。”男子笑呵呵地说道,“一直住在这里的人是我,照片上这人,我可从来不认识!” “你胡说!”老大爷有些生气了,“我年纪是大了点,但脑子还没糊涂!” “您要是不相信,可以问问房东嘛。”男子无奈地把手一摊,“李师傅就在隔壁住着呢。” 老大爷也不含糊,真的来到隔壁开始叫门:“老李,老李。” 隔壁门也开了,房东老李走了出来,他先是跟老街坊打了声招呼,然后又用审视的目光看着罗飞等人:“怎么了这是?” “李师傅——”矮胖男子抢先说道,“您帮我做个证:我是不是一直住在这里?” 李师傅点头道:“是啊。” 男子又问:“那我这屋子里还有别人住吗?” 李师傅摇摇头:“这么小的屋子,哪住得下两个人?” 男子便转过身来,看看罗飞,又看看那老大爷:“这下你们相信了吧?” 老大爷愣了一会儿,晃晃脑袋道:“难道真的是我老糊涂了?” 一旁的罗飞却露出苦笑。他知道老大爷一点都不糊涂,只是这男子早已和房东串通一气,故意在蒙骗他而已。 和病房里的赵霖一样,那男子也是一副悠然自得的神态,恨不能要明说似的:我就是在骗你,你又能如何? 毫无疑问,他的身后必然有一股足以支撑这副姿态的强大力量。 罗飞感觉自己面前出现了一张大网,这网严严实实地挡住了他的去路。他能感受到执网者的力量,却无法窥看到对方的真容。 “好吧……看来是我们搞错了。”罗飞再一次做出了让步。正当他准备招呼尹剑离去的时候,他的手机铃声响了起来。而接下来的这个电话给眼下的尴尬局面带来了重大转机。 打来电话的人是庄小溪,她告诉罗飞:“我知道王献是谁了——你最好赶快到我家里来看一看。” 二十分钟后,罗尹二人来到百合家园和庄小溪碰了面,后者把他们带进了李俊松的书房。 在书房东侧的墙壁上挂着三十二个相框,每一个相框都代表着一起成功的换肾手术。可以说,这三十二个相框便凝结了李俊松一生的职业辉煌。 “我一直觉得王献这个名字有点熟悉。刚才在书房打扫卫生的时候我终于想起来了……”庄小溪走到墙边,指着其中的一个相框说道,“你们看,就在这里。” 罗飞和尹剑凑到近前,庄小溪所指的部位在相框的左下角,那里有几行小字,其中最值得关注的两个人的信息: 最下面一行还标注了手术进行的时间,正是今年的四月二十三日。 短短的几行字,罗飞却看了半晌。他的神色渐渐凝重,末了他转过头来对尹剑说道:“你现在就查一下,唐兆阳书记的儿子叫什么名字。” 尹剑也猜到了对方的用意,他立刻拨打相关电话展开查询,查询结果很快就反馈回来。 “没错,”尹剑看着罗飞说道,“唐书记的公子就是叫唐楠。” “李俊松半年前给唐楠做了换肾手术,肾源供体就是这个王献。”罗飞的声音缓慢而低沉,“现在终于可以解释了,为什么王献明明还活着,在户籍系统里却变成了一个死人。” “因为我们国家对活体器官移植有着非常严格的限制,供体和受体必须是三代以内的亲属。但如果是死后捐赠的话,对供体和受体之间的关系就没有任何限制了。”尹剑一边思索一边说道,他用这种方式努力跟随着罗飞的思维。 一旁的庄小溪似乎听不懂了,她问了句:“怎么回事?” “我们一直在寻找这个王献,但是户籍系统显示他已经死了。”罗飞简要地解释道,“现在看来,他的死亡只是一种假象,目的就是为了半年前的这场换肾手术。” “你的意思是,李俊松参与了一起非法的器官移植?” 罗飞点了点头。 “你们刚才说的唐书记又是什么人?” “市委常委、政法委书记唐兆阳。”罗飞用手指在相框左下角点了点,“他就是这个唐楠的父亲。” “政法委书记?”庄小溪惊讶地“嗬”了一声,然后又若有所思般说道,“以他的权势,要伪造一个人的死亡也不是什么难事。” 没错,罗飞终于看到了隐藏在幕后的执网者——竟然是这个人物!难怪会给自己带来如此巨大的压迫感。 庄小溪又问:“那李俊松的死会和这件事情有关吗?” 罗飞也正在考虑这个问题。 “一切有罪之人都要得到惩罚。”这是凶犯留在李俊松头颅上的字条。 所谓“有罪”,是否就是指半年前那次非法的器官移植手术呢?按这个思路展开的话,有罪者就不光是李俊松一人,参与运作这起手术的人全都有份儿,其中当然也就包括唐兆阳。 所以唐兆阳才会蓦然出现在专案组的会议现场,因为李俊松的死让他嗅到了一丝不安的气息。他担心警方对李俊松展开调查时会拔出萝卜带出泥,把非法移植的事情给捅出来。他必须对警方的进展时刻保持关注。 当初给王献办理假死的手续,于连海肯定是知情者之一。所以当尹剑把查询电话打到漕河派出所之后,立刻引起了唐兆阳的警觉。于是各路人马粉墨登场,围绕着王氏兄妹做足了文章。目的就是阻止警方挖掘出半年前的换肾事件。 那么王献呢?难道他就是杀害李俊松的凶手? 可以想象,半年前王蕾患了重病,急需一笔治疗的费用。王献救妹心切,情急之下参与了卖肾的黑市交易。在这样的交易中,卖肾者往往处于弱势。他们会遭受到层层盘剥,虽然付出了巨大的身体代价,但最终到手的酬劳也就是三四万的样子。他们的付出和收入是远不成比例的,事后心生怨恨也是很正常的事情。而王蕾所患的又是这样耗时耗金的麻烦病,半年过去,当初卖肾的收入恐怕也不剩多少了。这时王献又要想办法弄钱,他也没有别的门路,着眼点可能还是会放在卖肾这件事上吧? 当时拿到的钱那么少,必须得讨还一点公道回来!如果是怀着这样的心态,那么绑架、盗窃、勒索、杀人,这一系列的行为似乎都顺理成章了。 因为王蕾入院时的纠葛,王献对王钰那起医疗事故应该也有所了解,而且他对王钰父子这种大量占据医保资源的行径肯定很不满吧?这些便为他日后设局陷害王景硕埋下了伏笔。 只是王献为什么会把矛头对准李俊松呢?李俊松只是主刀的大夫,他最该怨恨的,应该是买肾者和那些黑心的中介才对。难道只是因为李俊松软弱好欺?但是有必要杀人吗?还把人头弃于闹市,这该是怎样的仇恨? 难道说那起换肾手术中还隐藏着某些不可告人的秘密,所以才诱发了王献这般疯狂的举动? 要想破解其中玄机,看来警方必须把视线转回到半年之前。 在罗飞进行这番思考的同时,尹剑的脑袋也没停着。此刻后者提出了一个建议:“要不去医院查一下当初换肾的医疗记录,或许能发现些东西。” 罗飞略略斟酌后,摇头道:“不行!这事肖嘉麟肯定有份儿,现在医院那边早就做了防备。我们去调取记录,不但看不到有价值的信息,反而会打草惊蛇!” 高手过招,讲究的是知己知彼、出其不意。现在对方还不知道换肾的事情已经败露,警方便没必要给他们提这个醒。要知道,下午自己只是查了一下王献的户籍,立刻就引起对手的强烈反弹,直接导致了后来的步步被动。现在总算有了新的转机,面对那个强大的对手,必须格外慎重才行。 尹剑也理解了罗飞的意思。他“嗯”了一声,向对方请示道:“那现在要怎么办?” “从外围
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