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Chapter 2 gun shot from behind

third viper 李迪 45683Words 2018-03-22
Mengta Forest is famous for its abundance of leopards.At this moment, on this tall osmanthus tree, there is a ferocious leopard lurking. This is a clouded leopard.It is covered with large cloud-shaped markings all over its body.The stripes are black and gray, which naturally matches the dense shade of osmanthus, making the clouded leopard hide its figure skillfully. It lay quietly on a thick branch extending outwards, its soft body like a snake clinging to the trunk, and its two huge front paws were in a posture ready to pounce from the tree at any time; The extremely sharp claws stretched out the claw sheaths, firmly grasping the bark.

Its broad forehead is dotted with a few black spots, which look like a few dead leaves.But under these few dead leaves, there were two beams of fierce light shining like knives.These two beams of fierce light scanned the grass under the osmanthus tree calmly and hungrily.Leopards are the most familiar with bestiality. Before dawn, the clouded leopard endured its hunger, climbed branches and branches from one tree to another, carefully searching and searching among the dense leaves and branches.It tries to use the clouded leopard's unique way of hunting in trees to catch a monkey or a big hornbill to satisfy its hunger first, so that it can add a little heat to its body, and then go to the forest to catch bigger ones. animal.But, suddenly, it stopped passing through the trees, and squatted down on the osmanthus tree.It found that the thatch under the tree was unusual.The grass looked straight at first glance, but on closer inspection, the grass stems stood upright again after being trampled down.This shows that an animal with hooves once passed by here, and this animal is not big, and its light body did not break a grass lotus.

The clouded leopard, which is good at observation and has a keen sense of smell, tightens its nose against the cold wind blowing from the grass.Immediately, its ears stood up, pointed, like two knives.In the cold wind, it smelled a very familiar smell sticking to the tip of the grass. It was the smell of red deer!Well, a red deer walked by here.Cloud Leopard believes that his judgment is absolutely correct.Going straight from under the osmanthus tree, there is a pond full of weeds in the depths of the forest, and the water in the pond is slightly salty.What an attraction this is for red deer!Because in addition to needing to eat grass and leaves, the rapidly growing body also makes them need to eat a little salt.Especially during the period when the horns are long, their demand for salt is even greater.

There is no doubt that the red deer that walked under the osmanthus tree went to drink in the saline pond. The clouded leopard knew very well that if the red deer didn't have any accidents during the drinking process, then it would go back along the path it had walked. Because the red deer, which is so smart that it has become downright stupid, actually believes that when it walks along this road, it has not encountered any enemies, so when it returns, this road is still safe. Well, just lie down on the tree and wait for the red deer to come back!Clouded Leopard made up his mind, stretched out his blood-red tongue to lick his lips and nostrils, and then lay quietly on the osmanthus tree.It panted cautiously, warning itself not to make any noise.

It knows that when the red deer is out, the pair of pointed ears never hang down, but are always erect nervously, alertly collecting all abnormal sounds, and ready to jump and run away at any time. In the dense bushes, sprinting, jumping on the flat ground and sudden sharp turns are the red deer's special tricks to get rid of the beasts that are chasing them. He jumped over the top of his head, throwing away the beast that had no time to turn around. Clouded Leopard understands that in order to be successful, to subdue a red deer, which is not easy to subdue, one must resort to a sneak attack——

Patiently and calmly waiting on the tree, when the red deer returned to the tree by the same route, it suddenly jumped down from the tree with lightning speed and jumped onto the red deer's back, stabbing it like a steel knife. The sharp teeth bite off the cervical spine of the red deer.At the same time, tearing its throat with its claws... In this boundless primeval forest that connects the borders, various animals play different roles at any time.Today, they are murderers.Tomorrow, they were killed by the murderer again. As the Uniy proverb says: Every animal has a "tiger" that they are afraid of, and they themselves are also a "tiger".

However, this clouded leopard crouching on the osmanthus tree has never changed its role. It is always the "tiger" that other animals fear. - smashed the skulls of blue sheep, dragged the bloody corpses of muntjacs up the trees, and threw the intestines of civet cats all over the ground; even broke the wings of the ferocious goshawks that fell on the trees. Clouded Leopard slaughtered countless creatures and owed a lot of blood debts, but never received revenge. Because, in this dense virgin forest, there is no "tiger" it is afraid of.Even the tiger that is really king, avoids it from time to time because it lacks the trick to climb a tree.

Moreover, although the Mengta Forest is famous for its abundance of leopards, among its kind, as a clouded leopard, it outperforms other leopard species because of its stubby limbs and huge front feet, which make it better at climbing branches.It can jump vertically from the tree and jump directly on the back of the victim, unlike other leopards, which always jump obliquely to the ground first, and then jump up from the ground to attack the victim.The extremely fierce offensive of the clouded leopard makes it impossible for the victim to escape. At this moment, the clouded leopard was suffering unbearable hunger, quietly waiting on the osmanthus tree, secretly accumulating strength, preparing for a new bloody attack.Not long after, there was a gentle sound of hooves under the tree.Clouded Leopard suddenly opened his eyes.

Those gleaming eyes were bloodshot and red from the excitement before the fight.It believes that in the coming bloody struggle, it is the winner.Absolute winner!However, things were suddenly unexpected.It was not a deer but a horse that came to the osmanthus tree!Two horses with people on their backs. Two horses, one black and one white.Two riders, one old and one young. The drops of water dripping from the tall trees wet the green cloth headband of Papa Weisb riding on the black horse. According to legend, the water droplets attached to the leaves due to the transpiration of heat and humidity are the miasma breathed by the devil.If it is directly sprayed on the hair, it will make people feel cold and hot, and they will die of plague.

Therefore, the silly nuns who live in the mountains and dense forests wrap their heads with turbans to protect their hair. Due to the sun and rain, Papa Wisb's blue cloth baotou has been worn out and faded.The sideburns that got out of the Baotou were also black and white. But no, they are all in their early fifties, and people have already upgraded from calling them big daddy to old daddy. Shouldn't their hair be gray? Don't be old!The wrinkles on the black and purple face, which were densely covered with spider webs, also deepened day by day, as if countless invisible silk ropes were strung into the flesh.Especially the few deep lines on the forehead, one by one, like the knots of bamboo roots.The back also started to bend.This caused the black and shiny copper gun on the shoulder to slide down from time to time.The hands that gripped the reins were as dry as sticks.Several twisted blue tendons arched outward like earthworms on the back of the hand.All of this shows that Papa Weisbu is indeed old.He was no longer the incomparably tough hunter who used to break out his fangs and drag a big wild boar weighing more than 300 jins from Qingli back to the village alive.

However, under his thick eyebrows like eagles spreading their wings, there was a sharp and menacing gaze shining like a lamp. This gaze is alert, brave and unstoppable.Seeing it, you will feel that Papa Weisbu is not old, he is running with youthful blood and exuberant vitality. "Gu Long, don't fall asleep! Be careful not to fall off the horse and flatten your nose!" Papa Weisbu turned his head and reminded the boy on the white horse. "Don't worry, Papa Wisbu. My nose is made of mochi. If I fall flat, I can pinch it!" Hey, this kid is really a doll. He is almost sixteen years old, and he is still so naughty when he talks.No, there is a bit of coquettishness in the mischievousness.Father Weisbu curled his lips with a smile: "Oh, even the birds in Yezhuqing know that Gu Long has a beautiful high nose bridge. If it can't be pinched, I went to Nuoda Mountain today and met you, Ada, and they Why don't you take my old man's head off?" But no, just like his Adapozhagu, Gulong's nose bridge is tall and straight, set on his oval-shaped black and red face, with a mouth with thin lips and two With big eyes like longan cores, he looks really handsome in his small appearance. He wore a navel-length blue cloth jacket and indigo coarse cloth trousers; the three rows of silver round buttons on his chest collided with each other as the horse swayed, making a crisp sound of jingling.And the angular big red bag wrapped around his head complements the hardwood crossbow and suede quiver slung across his shoulders, showing Gu Long's bravery and fearlessness, just like a real Uni man . A year ago, when the wild loquats on the mountain were blooming, Ada and Ama of Gulong, who had worked at the Yezhuqing border checkpoint for many years, were ordered to transfer to Nuoda Mountain to set up a new border checkpoint. Glutinous rice balls are a staple food of the Uni people, made from steamed glutinous rice. Because I was going to a new area, people and land lived together, and the situation was complicated.Ada and Grandma temporarily left Gu Long in Yezhuqing, and entrusted him to Papa Weisbu, a traffic officer at the checkpoint.Before leaving, Pozagu gave the bow and quiver that he used to use to Father Weisbu: "It's time for the kitty eagle to practice flying, Father Weisbu, I want to make you suffer!" Father Weisbu took the crossbow with both hands, and put it on Gu Long's small shoulder: "Don't worry, Boza Valley station master! When the little eagle flies up, I am the wind in the sky; when the little eagle falls, I am the wind in the sky. I am a tree on the ground!" In this way, Gu Long became Papa Weisbu's little tail.Papa Weisbu started to teach horseback riding, and the clever Gulong soon became a happy little bird on horseback.Papa Weisbu's two horses also fell in love with Gu Long.The two horses, the black one is called Bamu, and the white one is called Silu.They love to wag their pointy ears constantly.No matter what Gu Long told them, they all snorted and nodded to show they understood. Gu Long rode a horse with Weisbu's father, crossing forests and valleys, over mountains and ridges, and transported for checkpoints that had not yet been built; Daily necessities are transported back to the checkpoint from the area.When the transportation was free, Father Weisbu either took Gu Long to go hunting in the forest, set up a net to catch him, or took him to the checkpoint to help. Like a deer coming to a pond with abundant water and grass, Gu Long met many brave uncles at the checkpoint——Uncle Jielu who loves to tell jokes, Uncle Fei Yufu who is tall, Uncle Liu Bie who is full of beards, Han nationality, and many others. There is Uncle Banzhang who succeeded Ada as the station master.These uncles are busy every day.They carefully inspected the documents and carry-on items of people entering and leaving the country to visit relatives and do business, and seized smuggled items and drugs skillfully hidden in luggage packages by criminals who smuggled and trafficked drugs.Once, Gu Long saw with his own eyes that Uncle Fei Yufu had captured a smuggler who put the stolen precious diamond in his mouth and pretended to be a mute in an attempt to sneak out of the country.When Uncle Fei Yufu grabbed him, he actually swallowed the diamond.What is even more hateful are those drug offenders of unknown nationality who "play black goods". They secretly transport drugs from the Golden Triangle area outside the country into China, or use them as a springboard to re-transport drugs out of Hong Kong, or resell them in China, and get money from them. Get rich.These drug offenders are bold, dark-hearted, and active in prostitution. They are the key targets of checkpoints and public security departments.But these guys are not easy to deal with.Gu Long has heard from Ada more than once that on the border of Yezhuqing, there is a group of drug criminals called "Yuzi", which operates rampantly like a ghost.The uncles at the checkpoint have dealt with them for many years and only caught a few peripheral elements.The leader of this group, "Scorpion", has never been caught and brought to justice. Gu Long got along with the uncles at the checkpoint day and night, gained a lot of knowledge, and learned a lot of skills.But there is one thing!He was often asked to swell his mouth into a clam belly: every time the uncles went to hunt down those fugitive smugglers and drug offenders, Gu Long was not allowed to participate.Of course, Papa Weisb was not allowed to participate either.And, let Papa Weisbu keep an eye on Gu Long like a fisherman watching a float.There is only one reason for the stationmaster of Banzhang, and Gu Long's ears are callused: "There are real guns and knives, and there are many people. You, old and young, stay and look after the house!" The stationmaster of Banzhang said In principle, like an iron plate, there is no gap to drill.Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye, the wild loquats on the mountain bloomed again.Ada's mother brought a letter from Nuo Dashan, asking Gu Long to go back to them.Grandma also said that a new school had been built in Nuoda Mountain, and Gu Long could go to school now.According to Gu Long's current education level, he can go to the fifth grade as soon as he goes! Hearing that he was going back to Ada's mother, Gu Long jumped up happily.But at the thought of leaving the Yezhuqing checkpoint, father Weisbu and his beloved Marslu and Bamu, Gu Long's happy face suddenly became sad like a sun-dried melon leaf. Uncle Banzhang sighed, and gently stroked the top of Gu Long's head: "Oh, the wren is gone, and the woods are lonely. We are also reluctant to let you go! But, you, Ada, are like millet looking forward to rain. I am looking forward to you day and night! You go, when you arrive at Nuoda Mountain, you must listen to Ada’s mother’s words and study hard. When you miss us, stand on the top of the mountain and call Ye Zhuqing a few times. The passionate wind will blow you away. Your thoughts are sent to us!" In this way, Gu Long bid farewell to Yezhuqing.Under his firm request, the station chief Banzhang agreed that Gu Long would follow Father Weisbu to complete the last transportation mission for the Yezhuqing checkpoint—send the list and samples of a batch of seized smuggled goods to the district, and then, Then Wei Sibu's father escorted Gu Long to Nuo Dashan and handed it over to his Ada and Ama. Before leaving, Uncle Fei Yufu hung a beautiful blue cloth schoolbag that he made all night around the neck of Silu, the white horse that Gu Long was riding. "Goodbye, Gu Long!" Uncle Fei Yufu swayed his big palm-like leaves, "When the mountain spring in Yezhuqing jingles, we can hear the sound of your reading." Gu Long followed Papa Weisbu on the road. They handed over the documents and items to the district, then turned back, and walked for two days and two nights on the winding mountain road covered with halberd grass on both sides, and came to Mengta Forest.From here, head eastward and walk for half a day, and you will be back at the Yezhuqing checkpoint.The two horses who knew the way thought they were going home, but half-closed their eyes, and followed the familiar old road, heading east. "Hey, it's not going home!" Father Weissbu yelled at Bamu, "turn around and go west. Today, I'm going to show you a new road, and you have to keep your eyes open Yo!" A wren is a small gray bird with a small body and a pointed beak that can sing well. Masangpu, also known as papaya tree.Its leaves are shaped like palms. Bamu understood what Papa Weisbu said, and turned around.Silu also turned around with Bamu, and they got into the Mengta Forest. Father Weisbu told Gu Long that after crossing this leopard-rich forest and turning over a mountain range, when it gets dark, he will be able to reach Nuoda Mountain. As if Silu and Bamu also knew that they were about to say goodbye to their little master, walking on the path covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves in the forest, their hooves were very slow and light. Sand blowing, sand blowing, sand blowing... Bamu, the leader, was the first to walk under the osmanthus tree.It didn't see the clouded leopard hiding in the tree. However, the high level of vigilance and its extremely keen sense of smell developed by walking through the deep mountains and dense forests for many years made it feel the mildew smell from the fallen leaves all over the ground and the slightly bitter smell unique to the osmanthus tree. , feel another smell - an ominous smell! Immediately, Bamu straightened his ears, his nostrils bulged, and he hesitated to put his hooves up. It seemed that the ominous smell came from the grass under the hooves.Before Bamu could settle down, there was a sudden, sudden sound, like a gray blanket falling from the sky, and the clouded leopard waiting on the osmanthus tree rushed down with a gust of wind. Extreme hunger forced it to decide to make an unprecedented attack.Ah Ang! —— Bamu screamed and raised his front hooves.The high horse's head broke several low branches. Father Weisbu shuddered all over, and hurriedly grasped the reins. At the same time, he swung his right arm and threw off the bronze cannon on his shoulder.However, things came too suddenly after all. Before Father Weisbu stretched out his hand to grab the bronze cannon that was thrown off his shoulder, the clouded leopard that rushed straight down came in front of him. This ferocious guy adopted its unique tactics, opened its huge sharp claws in mid-air, and grabbed Papa Weissb's neck. If this claw hits, Father Weisbu will definitely die.The danger was imminent, and it was too late for Papa Weisbu to go alone.He turned around quickly, dodging the sharp claws, and suddenly, he passed his neck, but showed his right shoulder. The two sharp claws of the clouded leopard kept grabbing at his right shoulder.There was only a click, and he was holding on to the copper cannon that was about to be thrown off his shoulder just now. Because of his eagerness to win, Clouded Leopard took the bronze cannon as an arm of Father Weissbu's and held on tightly. Papa Weisbu got a wit out of his haste, and let go of the gun sling.The clouded leopard grabbed the copper cannon, rubbed against Papa Weisbu's shoulder and dodged down. Although Father Weisbu has subdued countless ferocious birds and beasts with his superb martial arts, but now that he has reached his age, he suddenly jumped like a horse and a leopard. The clouded leopard fell off the horse.This back and forth, only in the blink of an eye. Gu Long, who followed closely behind Papa Weisbu, just saw a gray blanket fall from the osmanthus tree, Papa Weisbu had already fallen off his horse. "oops!" Gu Long screamed, and then drew his bow and arrow. Because of the critical situation, Gu Long's hands trembled a little.After pulling out a few times, a bamboo arrow was drawn from the suede quiver with "see blood seal throat" on the arrowhead.This "seeing blood to seal the throat" is a kind of extremely poisonous tree sap.The arrowhead is coated with this kind of venom, no matter which part of the beast it hits, as long as the arrow sees blood, the beast will coagulate and die in an instant. Gu Long put the poisonous arrow on the crossbow and went to look for the clouded leopard again, only to see that the clouded leopard was emptied, holding the copper cannon tightly with its two claws, like a gust of gray wind, it suddenly swirled and landed on a At the foot of the big tree. Because of the sudden fall, with a bang, the barrel of the copper cannon hit the root of the tree, and the handle of the gun hit back and hit the clouded leopard firmly on the forehead.Ow! —— The clouded leopard let out a roar that made the ground tremble.It wasn't until then that it realized that it wasn't Papa Wisbu's arm that it grabbed.Annoyed and annoyed, it dropped the copper cannon and turned around, with piercing eyes flashing a sharp and fierce light. When it saw that its capture object also fell off the horse, it roared excitedly again, and the bastard sprang up on the ground, and rushed straight at Papa Weissbu.At this moment, Gu Long's poisonous arrow had already aimed at Clouded Leopard's waist.Good timing! The clouded leopard only cares about desperately fighting with Weisbu, how can it defend against the arrow flying across the sky? From Wei Sibu's father, Gu Long learned this skill: If you don't bring poisonous arrows, but only ordinary bamboo arrows, when you encounter a ferocious big beast, you can dodge it if you can; if you can't dodge, try to aim at the big beast The beast's eyeball shot.Bamboo arrows can penetrate the eyeballs and penetrate into the brain, killing the beast. But right now, Gu Long is using poisonous arrows.Therefore, he didn't need to aim at the clouded leopard's eyeballs, he could hit wherever it was easy to hit. Gu Long's arrow aimed at the clouded leopard's waist.At this moment, even if the clouded leopard leaped forward, it could still hit its ass. However, before Gulong could release the arrow, suddenly Bamu raised his neck and screamed, turned around, kicked the clouded leopard viciously with two hind hooves. Bamu gathered all the anger in his body on his two hind hooves.But it didn't know that its body that jumped up suddenly was full of energy, just like a black wall, blocking Gu Long's arrow. The clouded leopard, which was rushing straight at Weisbu's father, saw two horseshoes kicking in mid-air, hurriedly closed its body, and turned its head to dodge.It gave up on Papa Weisbu, straightened its long hair, turned around and bit Bamu's neck again. The poisonous arrow in Gu Long's hand couldn't shoot out, he slapped Silu anxiously, trying to switch positions. When Ke Silu saw the clouded leopard pounced on Bamu, he also hissed, jumped up and kicked the clouded leopard. Silu jumped so violently that he almost threw Gu Long off.Gu Long hurriedly grabbed the reins, but dropped the bow and crossbow to the ground. Gu Long was about to get off his horse, but unexpectedly, Weisbu's father yelled, "Don't get off the horse!" Gu Long raised his eyes, and saw that the old Weisbu who had fallen on the ground jumped up, threw himself at the foot of the big tree, quickly picked up the copper cannon from the ground, and shot at the roaring and biting man between the two horses. The clouded leopard pulled the trigger—boom! The sound of gunfire filled my ears like thunder. Papa Weisbu screamed in the thick smoke: "Wow!" Gu Long fixed his eyes and saw that the copper cannon gun in the hands of Weisbu's father was blown to pieces, and a piece of the flying gun barrel hit his forehead with blood. It turned out that the barrel of the copper cannon was bent when the clouded leopard hit it on the big tree.When Papa Wisb pulled the trigger, the full tube exploded in the bent barrel, unable to discharge. The loud noise made by the copper cannons startled the fighting horses and leopards. With a cry of alarm, Bamu spread his hooves and rushed straight towards the depths of the dense forest. Silu raised his tail and chased after him while shaking his mane.Gu Long didn't have time to stop the frightened horse, but was carried away by Silu.For a while, only Clouded Leopard and Papa Weisbu remained on the ground.The clouded leopard was still in shock, its gray fur was shaking, and its eyes were staring straight.However, it didn't run.Having slaughtered countless creatures, it has learned the importance of being cruel, ferocious and calm in bloody hand-to-hand combat and life-and-death struggles again and again. It stood motionless, letting the pungent gunpowder-smelling green smoke gently drift away from its eyes. Suddenly, it shook its body and tightened its long hair.It knows that its life still belongs to itself, and it understands that the loud bang made by its opponent did not damage a single hair of its own. Immediately, its eyes flashed ten times more fiercely.It turned and stared menacingly at Papa Wisb. Papa Weisbu calmly looked at the clouded leopard head-on.At this moment, he couldn't turn around and run away.Because the forest is too dense, clouded leopards will catch up and throw them down within a few steps. He stared at the clouded leopard, and kept shaking the shattered half copper gun in his hand. This half rotten gun cannot be thrown away.Papa Weisbu kept shaking it, firstly, it could pose a threat to the clouded leopard, making it hard for it to figure out what kind of weapon it was, secondly, the blown barrel was like a sharp knife, if it The clouded leopard suddenly pounced, and Papa Weisbu was about to use it to poke the clouded leopard's eyes. Clouded Leopard really felt that the half-rotten gun dangling in Father Weisb's hand was very novel, and he didn't know what power it would produce. It blinked its eyes incomprehensibly, then steadied itself and watched for a while. But it soon felt that this strange thing could only shake so non-stop, and Yodo could only make another terrifying loud noise; and it had already experienced this loud noise. The clouded leopard was "gurgling" in its throat, and its whole body was full of luck.In order to test its judgment, it tentatively took a step forward.Seeing that the clouded leopard was taking a step towards him, Father Weisbu didn't retreat, and kept shaking the rotten gun in his hand. He understood that his retreat would immediately lead to a whirlwind pounce of the clouded leopard.Of course, he also understood that the clouded leopard would pounce on him sooner or later.He set his posture more calmly, and at the same time quickly scanned the surrounding environment, looking for a favorable terrain to deal with the clouded leopard's pounce. At this moment, he really hoped that Gu Long could come back to help, even if he threw a poisoned arrow at him. However, Weisbu's father never imagined that at this moment, Gu Long was also at a critical juncture of life and death: Gu Long was carried into the dense forest by the frightened Slu, sweating profusely.He tightened the reins desperately, trying to stop Sluh's fast hoof, and turned around to rescue Papa Wisb.Ke Silu chased after Bamu like a demon.Seeing that he was getting farther and farther away from Weisbu's father, Gu Long let go of the rein and rolled down from the horse's back. He hugged the suede quiver tightly and fell on the thick fallen leaves without hurting anywhere.It's just that the poisonous arrows in the bag were scattered. Gu Long was about to pick up the poisonous arrows on the ground when suddenly he felt a pair of bright eyes staring at him. He raised his head and looked, ah!Can't help but gasp.I saw a piebald leopard as big as a calf staring at Gu Long from behind a big tree with wide-eyed eyes. Gu Long's heart suddenly jumped violently.He didn't care about picking up the poisonous arrow, turned his head and ran away. He didn't run in the direction of Papa Weisbu, fearing that the piebald leopard would also be led there, which would increase the danger to Papa Weisbu.Gu Long chose to run in the opposite direction. The piebald leopard hiding behind the tree was hesitating, not knowing whether to advance or retreat, seeing Gu Long running like this, immediately concluded that Gu Long was a weak person to be bullied.It didn't even bark, suddenly, it jumped out from behind the tree, and chased after Gu Long... Just as the piebald leopard was chasing Gu Long, the hungry clouded leopard also attacked Papa Weisbu: it had seen enough.It has endured enough. It roared wildly, like a banana tree that was suddenly cut down by Qi Gen, and rushed at Papa Weissbu's head and face. Father Weisbu stepped back sideways again and again, avoiding the clouded leopard's pounce, but unexpectedly tripped over the messy vines under his feet, thumped, and fell backwards on his back. Seeing that the opportunity came, Clouded Leopard followed up and threw a black cloud over the top without waiting for Weisbu's father to land on the ground. Papa Weisbu let out a loud roar, and stabbed the bloody mouth of the leaping clouded leopard fiercely with the end of half a rotten gun. One stabs upwards, and the other pounces downwards. With the combination of strength, this half-rotten gun can penetrate the clouded leopard's throat and kill it.This is Papa Wisbu's last move!However, this life-and-death move was unsuccessful.The moment half a rotten gun pierced into the clouded leopard's bloody mouth, the alert and elf clouded leopard clicked, closed its steel teeth, and firmly bit the gun head.No matter how hard Papa Weisbu exerted all his strength, he couldn't move. The clouded leopard bulged its eyes, raised a giant claw, and grabbed Papa Weisbu's face fiercely... A blood-curdling scream suddenly sounded in the void: Aww! —— It was not Papa Weisbu who made this scream, but Clouded Leopard!Before the clouded leopard's giant claw could grab it, a rounded stick suddenly hit the back of the clouded leopard's neck. It's a great effort, and you have enough strength!Clouded Leopard uttered an astonishing scream, turned around and fled.Father Weisbu opened his eyes and saw that the one who saved him from the leopard's claws was Fei Yufu, a big man at the checkpoint! "Fei Yufu, is that you?" Father Weisbu's eyes widened in surprise. "It's me, Dad." Fei Yufu, a big man with a good kung fu, dropped the big stick in his hand: "I should have used a gun, I'm afraid it will hurt you!" "How did you get here?" Papa Wisb asked again. Just as Fei Yufu was about to answer, there was a gunshot from deep in the forest: Bang! —— Not a shotgun, but a pistol! Papa Weisbu was startled, and when he looked up, the gunshots came from the direction where Gu Long was taken away by the startled horse. He trembled all over, and couldn't help but blurted out: "—Oh, Gu Long!" Gu Long was frightened by a spotted leopard in the forest and ran like a deer.He stared at Dao'er with his eyes wide open, and nimbly circled among the big trees rushing towards him. However, he was no match for the spotted leopard after all.When he ran to a big dragon tree, the piebald leopard had already chased after him. Gu Long was quick to wit, he tore off the little blue shirt, and threw it behind him forcefully.suddenly! The fluttering little cloth shirt was being put on the spotted leopard Yu's head, covering its eyes.The piebald leopard roared, raised its sharp claws, grabbed the little cloth shirt on its head, stabbed it, and tore it to pieces. When it looked up, Gu Long had jumped up the big dragon tree like a monkey.How could the piebald leopard be willing to let it jump under the tree? With all its strength, the tiger jumped up from the flat ground as high as a person. Its two front paws firmly grasped the tree's waist, and its two hind paws were lightly retracted. Like a big gecko, firmly attached to the tree trunk. It took a breath, looked up at Gu Long, scratched the bark sparingly, and climbed up the tree. When Gu Long saw the piebald leopard rushing up, his eyes turned red immediately.At present, there is no other way but to climb to the top of the tree and take shelter.Gu Long didn't care about the branches hanging on his face and the bark scratching his legs, he climbed up and down.The piebald leopard seemed to see Gu Long's intentions, and with all its strength, it hurriedly rushed. At the critical moment of fleeing and chasing, Gu Long saw a small tree hole in the trunk not far from the top of his head. At first, he thought it was a large hornbill nest. He was afraid that the frightened hornbill would suddenly flap its huge wings and fly out, knocking himself off the tree, so he moved his position carefully, trying to avoid the tree hole. But dizzy, suddenly, he heard the rattling sound like dry bamboo branches being snapped from the tree hole. Immediately afterwards, amidst the sound of zazaza, there was a short but sharp cry: quack, quack, quack! Oh!Gu Long immediately became excited. It was not the hornbill hiding in the tree hole, but the porcupine. The rattling sound was the porcupine turning its body and stretching the long thorns on its tail. The rattling sound is a warning from the porcupine to the attacker.OK, porcupines!You came just in time! Gu Long suppressed the excitement in his heart, raised his hand and broke a branch beside him, quickly climbed to the tree hole, and suddenly pushed the branch into the tree hole.Immediately, he felt the branch being bitten hard.The porcupine, which was turning its body and trying to aim its tail at the entrance of the hole, took resolute self-defense against foreign objects that dared to enter the hole. It gnawed at the branch, mistaking it for a snake, or a wood wolf.It is the nature of the porcupine to bite until you hear the crack of the opponent's bones before giving up. It should be said that in the Mengta Forest, the porcupine is also a "tiger".However, it is a "tiger" that never takes the initiative to attack other animals. In the competition and elimination of the weak and the strong, the bristles on the porcupine's body gradually evolved into long spine-like needle hairs, densely grown on the tail, making it the best defensive weapon.When the beast that covets its delicacy tries to attack it, the porcupine puts its head between its front legs, well protected; Target the assailant.At the same time, it will issue a rattling warning sound.If the intruder is still ignorant and wants to make a move, the porcupine will suddenly use the guard hairs on its tail to give the intruder a fatal blow with lightning speed. Don't underestimate this blow! These long spine-like needle hairs grow loosely on the porcupine skin and fall off easily; and there are many small barbed spines growing on the needle hairs.When the porcupine gives the intruder a severe blow, the barbed and easy-to-fall guard hairs will firmly stick to the intruder's face and body.Once the offender is hit by the "arrow" of the porcupine, which cannot be pulled out at all, either he dies of pain; or he cannot eat or walk because of the injury on the mouth or the injury on the leg, and finally starves to death or is tortured by someone worse than them. The powerful "tiger" eats it. Therefore, no matter how ferocious the wild beasts in the Mengta Forest are, they dare not touch the porcupine lightly, let alone break into the hole to invade it. As for the vegetarian porcupines, they never take the initiative to kill.But this time it was different. Gu Long actually poked a branch into the tree hole, and the porcupine was so annoyed that he couldn't turn his butt for a while, so he bit the branch with his mouth. At this time, the piebald leopard rushed to Gu Long's feet with a mouth full of stench.It raised one of its front paws and was about to grab Gu Long's foot. Suddenly, Gu Long exerted all his strength and suddenly pulled the branch out, pulling the porcupine that had opened its needle hair angrily out of the way. Pulled out of the tree hole. Oh, what a big gray-black thorn ball!With a wave of his hand, Gu Long slammed the huge thorn ball down on the piebald leopard's upturned face.Ow! The piebald leopard let out a trembling scream.The porcupine that hit the piebald leopard's face released its barbed "arrows" and pierced the piebald leopard's face densely. With a thud, the piebald leopard fell from the tree and fled into the depths of the old forest without even looking back. And the porcupine that confusedly defeated the leopard fell from the tree, rolled twice, shook the guard hairs on its body, and burrowed into the depths of the old forest in panic. Of course, it has to return to its own tree hole. At this moment, why it runs away in panic, I'm afraid even it doesn't know why. Gu Long let out a rough breath. 直到这个时候,他才发觉自己盘在树身上的两腿,在一直不停地颤抖着。 谷龙定了定神,四下环顾着老林。阴森森的老林里,藤葛缠绕,古木相接。逼人的寒气从那黑魆魆的树林深处习习而来。因为潮湿而附着在繁枝密叶上的水珠不时从高处滴落下来,沙沙沙地敲打着厚厚地铺在地上的枯枝落叶。 这里,那里,从布满鳞状苔藓和寄生植物的奇形怪状的树身上,从乱蓬蓬的长满蕈子的竹根旁,若隐若现地闪烁着点点暗蓝暗蓝的磷火,像无数只神秘的眼睛在一眨一眨的。 谷龙发现,自己跑到了人迹罕至的老林深处,像摔倒在黑漆漆的山洞里,又像钻进了一个没有缝隙的大口袋里。这是跑到哪儿了呢? 维斯布老爹又在哪儿呢? 想起自己被惊马驮走时,维斯布老爹正处在危险的时刻,芥龙恨不得马上赶到维斯布老爹的身旁。 谷龙抬眼瞅瞅黑魆魆的老林,忽然,他感到身上一阵发冷,不由得打个激凌,谷龙这才想起被花斑豹子撕烂的小布衫。 他低头一看,破布衫还甩丢在树下不远的草丛里。他哧溜溜地爬下树,去拾小布衫。就在拾起小布衫的时候,谷龙看见了花斑豹子追赶自己时踩在落叶上的脚印。 如果寻着豹子的脚印往回走,不就能找到自己和维斯布老爹突然分手的地方了吗?嗯,就这么办。 谷龙拿定了主意,抖了抖小布衫。嘿,小布衫虽然撕破了,可穿上总比不穿强啊! 谷龙小心地伸着胳膊,把破烂的小布衫穿在身上。 他仔细辨认着豹子的脚印,朝来路走去。 沙沙,沙沙。 踩在脚下的落叶发出轻轻的声响。 这声响,本来是很轻微,很轻微的。 可是,不知是怎么的,谷龙却感到脚下发出的声响很大很大。 沙沙!沙沙! 他的心抖了一下,停下步子。他这才感到,阴森森的老林实在太静了。静得可怕! 这时候,又不知怎么的,谷龙突然想起爱讲笑话的节鲁叔叔对自己讲过的一句话:“当你一个人走在老林里的时候,有时你会突然感到四周很静很静,静得能听见你自己的心跳。其实,老林里并不静。你感到静,是因为你心里在害怕呀!” 谷龙清楚地记得,节鲁叔叔讲到这儿的时候,拍着自己的肩头大声笑着,那笑声就像鸭子叫一样响亮。紧接着,节鲁叔叔又说:“碰到了这种情况,你可别以为世界上真的有鬼哟!你就站住脚,别再急着走啰。你就定定神,喘口气,舒舒服服地喘口气。这时候,你就会听到鸟儿在唱,麂子在叫,各种各样美妙的声音都会跑到你的耳朵里。老林还像平常一样,一点也不可怕!” 想到这儿,谷龙不由得照节鲁叔叔说的那样,喘了口气。当然,喘得不那么舒服,有点急促,也有点心慌。但总算喘了口气吧。 可是,喘过了气之后,谷龙仍旧没听到什么美妙的声音,老林里仍旧静得可怕。 哪怕有一声鸟叫也好啊!难道一切都死了吗? 就在这时,就在谷龙感到自己被一片死的寂静所包围的时候,他忽然听到了一种声音。 一种说不出是什么声音的声音。 像断裂的大树杈落在地上,又像掉进陷阱里的野猪在扑腾挣扎。 这究竟是什么声音呢?谷龙瞪大眼睛,紧盯住发出声响的黑暗处。他把手掌拢在耳边,正要仔细辨别这究竟是什么声音,突然—— “哇呀!” 一声钻心裂脑的惨叫,惊得谷龙出了一身冷汗。这是人的惨叫声。 这惨叫声,颤颤抖抖地拖着余音,回荡在死一般寂静的老林里,显得那么恐怖,那么凄厉,那么吓人。谷龙听得清楚,这不是维斯布老爹的声音。那又是什么人呢? 他为什么要跑到这阴森恐怖的老林里来呢?他碰上了什么? 怎么会发出如此凄厉的惨叫呢? 谷龙的心,嘭嘭嘭地猛跳起来,浑身上下直起鸡皮疙瘩。He is afraid. 但好奇心又驱使他要朝那个可怕的地方摸去。他绕过一棵棵大树,迈过一根根乱藤,小心翼翼地朝那发出恐怖的叫声的地方摸去。 说不定,这个发出惨叫的人正需要我去帮助!谷龙这么想着,身上渐渐地恢复了正常,心也不抖了。当他摸到一棵巨大的、上面长满了奇形怪状的寄生植物的铁力木树后,突然出现在眼前的一幕令人心惊肉跳的场面,又吓得谷龙头发根全竖直了:阴气森森的泥地上,横躺着两个浑身是血的大汉!不,是一个大汉强压在另一个大汉的身上。两个人滚成一团,正你死我活地扭打厮拼。被压在下面的大汉,满身泥血,看不出衣衫是黑是蓝;分不清哪是鼻子哪是眼。他仿佛是受了重伤,流血太多,整个身子都在不停地颤抖着,嘴里不时发出一阵阵粗大的喘息声。 可是,他的右手却青桐树一样挺直着,手臂上的筋络鼓跳跳地扭曲着,手掌里好像有一件什么东西。 谷龙终于看清了,他那攥得铁挖瘩似的手掌里,紧握着一枝短枪! 而压在上面的大汉,左手紧卡住被压者的脖颈,右手鼓着劲儿去抢夺这支短枪。 这夺枪的大汉,十足的傻尼装束:一身黑布衣裤,上短下长;两行银质圆扣,锃光瓦亮;盘在头上的青布包头被扯落下来,露出蓬乱的卷发。 不知是厮打中蹭上的,还是他也受了重伤,这虎头豹眼的卷发汉子也是一身一脸的污血。 这以死相拼的一对,必有好歹之分。可谷龙又怎么认得出谁个是好,谁个是歹呢?分不出好歹,就不能下手相助。急得谷龙手足无措,只好躲在一旁睁大了双眼观战。 地上的一大片被踢蹬过的泥土和被压倒的草丛,说明这场厮打已经有个时辰了。两个大汉闷头打着,他们都身魁力壮,武艺相当,所以一直没分胜负。伹是,此刻,谷龙看到,被压在下面的大汉已经明显地处在劣势了。 这时,卷发汉子因为下气力伸手夺枪,整个上半身就向前倒伏着,那夺枪的右手的手肘,正好压在下面那个大汉的脸上。 两下一挣,卷发汉子的手袖来回一蹭,就赵掉了下面那个大汉脸上的血污,露出了鼻子眼。 谷龙就着密林中微弱的光线定睛一看,不由得险些叫出声来:啊! 被压在下面的大汉不是别人,正是节鲁叔叔! 节鲁叔叔怎么会在这儿? 卷发汉子又是什么人? 这些,谷龙都来不及想了。 涌上心头的只有一个念头:冲上去! 救出节鲁叔叔! 忽的一下,谷龙像一头小豹子一样,从铁力木树后冲了出去。 已经冲了出去,他才想起自己是赤手空拳!What to do?顾不得那么多了! 而且,情况也不允许他再退回去想主意了。噔噔噔!噔噔噔! 谷龙一阵旋风似的冲上去,两眼紧盯住那卷发汉子青筋鼓跳的太阳穴一脚猛踢在他的太阳穴上,说不定会把他踢死呢!谷龙心里这么想着,把全身的劲儿都聚在脚尖上。他恨不得自己的脚尖变成一把刀子,一家伙在这个卷发汉子的太阳穴上戳出个大窟窿。 谷龙那虎虎生风的脚步声,早已被卷发汉子听到。他不扭头也不心跳,生铁般冰冷的脸上没有丝毫的惊慌。他一面使力压住节鲁,一面暗自数着谷龙的脚步。 就在谷龙跑得离他只有三、四步远的时候,卷发汉子突然扬起身,如灯的两眼唰地盯住了谷龙的额头,紧跟着,他松开卡住节鲁脖颈的左手,向前只一甩,袖口里便飞出一个小亮点。 这是一把小得不足两寸的三棱飞镖。 飞镖虽小,可它尖锐锋利,棱角狰狞。 这飞镖,闪着刺目的白光,流星般直钉谷龙的眉心而来。 无论谁也吃不消这当头一镖! 在这千钧一发之机,节鲁暴喝一声:“谷龙,低头!” 这一声喝,犹如霹雳当顶,惊得谷龙一下子缩紧了脖子,只听噌的一声,飞镖擦过头顶,在大红布包头上穿出一个窟窿。 紧跟着,砰!节鲁手中的枪响了。 这就是维斯布老爹和飞于甫冷丁听到的那一声枪响。因为卷发汉子抽手投镖,全身姿势的变化给了节鲁扭动手腕放枪的时机。 他的这一枪,本来是冲卷发汉子投镖的手上打去的。可是,卷发汉子在左手投镖的时候,右手扔旧铁钳般钳住节鲁持枪的手。在节鲁扭动手腕放枪的时候,枪口一下子偏了,子弹从卷发汉子的耳根底下打了进去。 子弹打穿了他的脑袋,卷发汉子上身一歪,斜斜地倒了下去。 “节鲁叔叔!”谷龙叫着扑了上去。 节鲁答应着。他扭动了一下身子,却没能爬起来。他鹿下的软部位已经被利刃重创多处,致命的伤痛使他说话的声音都颤颤抖抖的:“……谷龙,你,你来得正好啊!维斯布老爹呢?”谷龙向节鲁叔叔讲述了自己与维斯布老爹被豹子冲散的经过。 “哦,哦,这么说,你也正在找维斯布老爹呢!”节鲁点点头,“我正担心有几个从没讲过的笑话,要跟我一起死在这里了……现在好啦,谷龙,你来啦,这几个笑话就有救啦。我把它讲出来,咱们俩一道笑笑。你,你再把它们讲给别人听听……” 节鲁脸上的肌肉跳动着,露出了艰难的微笑。他想伸出手去抚摸抚摸谷龙的脸蛋就像平时见丫谷龙一样。 可是,他费力抬起的手停在半空里。突突地抖动着,怎么也够不着谷龙的脸蛋。 全身的虚弱与颤抖,同他刚才与卷发汉子殊死搏斗的情景形成了鲜明的对照——刚才,他是以惊人的毅力顽强地与卷发汉子在搏斗啊! 谷龙急忙接住了节鲁停在半空里不住抖动的手:“节鲁叔叔,这是怎么回事?你怎么会在这儿?这个坏蛋是谁?你为什么早不开枪打他?” “……谷龙,你驩位下子把满天的星星都摘了下来,让我怎么数得清呢?你听我讲,你和维斯布老爹走了以后,检查站接到情报,说蝎子集团从境外携带一口袋毒品,今天清晨要从野竹箐西口伦运进境……” “蝎子集团?”谷龙吃惊地瞪大睛睛。节鲁点点头:“是啊,你阿达在检查站的时候,跟这个幽灵似的毒品集团斗了好几年。临调走的时候,他还不放心这件事。板章站长一接到情报,马上就带了一些人去西口设伏。谁能想到,板章站长刚带人走了不久,一个放牛的孩子就向我们报告了情况,说有四个毒犯子偷偷地从北口摸进境了。当时,检查站里只剩下了几个人,还要留看家的,还要派人去给板章站长报信。我和飞于甫,还有,还有刘别,就带上枪先追出来了……” 说到这儿,节鲁的声音越来越低,越来越慢了。他的胸口扯风箱一般急剧地起伏着,干焦得裂出了血口的嘴唇一张一闭的,呼出大口大口的热气,一双红得吓人的眼睛渐渐地合上了。 “节鲁叔叔!节鲁叔叔!” 谷龙着急地连声叫着。他想摇摇节鲁的胳膊,又怕这样一摇,更加剧了他肋下的伤痛。谷龙双手抱住节鲁的头,生怕节鲁的头突然垂下去碰在地上。 “节鲁叔叔!”谷龙呼唤着,眼里忍不住掉下泪,“节鲁叔叔!” 谷龙的泪水,大颗大颗地滴落在节鲁紫黑的脸膛上。谷龙多么熟悉这紫黑的脸膛啊! 在这紫黑的脸膛上总是堆着笑。节鲁叔叔仿佛有一肚子讲不完的笑话,常常把谷龙逗得捂着肚子笑成一只小弯虾。 可是现在,才分手两、三天的工夫,节鲁叔叔就变成了另一个人。紫黑的脸膛失去了往日的光彩,干焦得像一块树皮,上面糊满血迹和泥污;爱说爱笑的嘴巴紧闭着,像上了一把锁。 谷龙的泪水滴落在节鲁的脸膛上,阴冷的风把这泪水变成冰凉的水珠。 节鲁逐渐从昏迷中苏醒过来,他慢慢地睁开眼皮:“……是你在哭吗?谷龙。为什么要哭呢?你听我说,一只野兔对空手而归的猎人说:你为什么要难过呢?我们没收你一个钱,就给你检查出你的眼睛是斜眼;而在这之前,你一直认为你的眼睛好得天下无比。难道这不是你今天最大的收获吗?你应该感到高兴才对呀……”听到这里,谷龙忍不住扑哧笑了。“哎,这就对啰!为什么要哭呢?我离死还远着呢。你把眼泪留好,说不定哪天咱们要举行大哭比赛,你再痛快哭一场,争取拿个冠军……” 谷龙羞涩地笑着,抹去脸上的泪。“谷龙,你看你,多有本事啊,居然从豹子嘴里逃出来。要是我呀,说不定已经给豹子当了早点啦!因为我有一次下夹子,恰好打着了一只箭猪。它们是不会来帮我的忙的!就凭这一点,你也应该是一个坚强的男子汉呀!”谷龙说:“节鲁叔叔,我再也不哭了。你快说,那四个坏蛋呢?” “这四个该死的毒犯子道儿很熟,又会说汉语,他们从北口一摸进来,就钻进了勐塔森林里。我们一追,他们四个人就有意跑散了。老林里黑得锅底似的,他们跑散了,我们三个人也追散了。现在,也不知道飞于甫和刘别在哪里了。” 说着,节鲁吃力地抬起头来,盯住那倒在血泊中的卷发汉子:“我知道这几个坏蛋故意跑散的目的,就是要分散我们的注意力,掩护这个卷发的家伙,因为他扛着装毒品的口袋!我一直盯住他追,一步也不放松。唉,这个贪心的家伙,要是他早一点把装毒品的口袋甩掉,也许就躲过我这一枪了!这家伙身上有镖又有刀,我是中了他的暗镖才倒下的……” 因为说话用力,节鲁感到肋下的伤口一阵阵针扎般的疼痛。他闭住嘴,伸出手,抓住谷龙的胳膊。谷龙感到节鲁的双手在颤抖。 “节鲁叔叔,你,你为什么不早点开枪打他呢?” “……谷龙,我一直没敢开枪,是害怕引来犲狗帮了狼。现在,现在,我的枪响了,这就给在林子里乱跑瞎追的人们报了信。寻着枪声赶来的,可能是咱们自己人,也可能是这卷发家伙的同伙他们不会让毒品落在这家伙一人手里的。为了防备万一,你马上,马上把那口袋毒品!走!” 说着,节鲁松开谷龙的胳膊,伸手朝右前方一指。谷龙随着节鲁的手指看去,这才发现右前方不远的一棵大树下,正甩丢着一个装得鼓鼓发囊的麻袋。离寐袋不远的地方,还丢落着一把牛角尖刀。 谷龙跑过去,先捡起牛角尖刀,别在腰里,又把麻袋从地上揪起来。 他打开麻袋口上的绳索一看,嗬,里面一坨一坨的,装的全是毒品。提起来拎拎,足有一只小羊重。这麻袋毒品,少说也有四、五十斤。谷龙重新扎好袋口,把麻袋朝后一抡,牙根一咬,就扛在肩头上了。 他扛着麻袋,回到节鲁的身边。“嘿,看不出你还有这么一把好力气!”节鲁笑了。谷龙也笑了。 “蝎子怎么不发展你加人他们的集团呢?你给他们扛毒品,准比这个倒霉的卷发家伙要强!” 节鲁说着,欠起身子,两眼火辣辣地盯住谷龙,提高了嗓子曰:“谷龙,你别放下麻袋了,就这么扛着朝前走,从这个方向走出森林。你走得越快越好!” 谷龙连连摇着头说:“不,不,节鲁叔叔,我不走,我不离开你!” “傻孩子,你别说这些,你,你快走吧。你走累了,扛不动了,就想办法把毒品藏好,埋在地里,要么架在树上。总之,要像狐狸藏食似的,让谁也找不到。然后,然后你就赶紧走出森林,去检查站报告。”谷龙急红了眼睛,大声地说:“不,节鲁叔叔,我不能丢下你走!”说着,谷龙弯下腰,要把麻袋放下来。节鲁突然叫起来:“别动!” 接着,他倏地把黑洞洞的枪口对准了谷龙:“你不走,我就打死你!” 谷龙吓了一跳,他咬住嘴唇,浑身抖动着,两手紧紧揪住肩上的麻袋,一双大瞪着的眼睛一动不动地盯住节鲁的枪口。仿佛那枪口是强有力的磁石,而他的眼睛就是被磁石牢牢吸住的铁块。 “你!你!”谷龙一下子咬破了嘴唇,鲜血顺着嘴角两边淌了下来:“你打死我,我也不走!” 这回答,像炸雷一般震聋了节鲁的耳朵,又像钢针一样刺进了节鲁的心。 节鲁的耳朵嗡响着。节鲁的心哆嗦着。 狐狸爱把吃不完的食物,严密地埋藏起来,等饿了的时候,又挖出来再吃。 “……谷龙,谷龙,傻孩子,你别说傻话啦!你以为我愿意你把我丢下吗?啊?” 节鲁颤抖的声音变得那么嘶哑,那么悲凉:“我要是能变成一块石头,让你把我装进麻袋里背走,那当然再好不过了。可是,这不能够,不能够啊!一只山羊要想搭救陷进泥塘里的大象,它就得和大象一起死!孩子,咱们不能都死了啊!毒品不能再落到蝎子集团的手里,入境的毒犯子也不能让他们再跑掉!孩子,你就听听大叔的,大叔把一切都托给你了。你快走吧!” “……节鲁叔叔!”谷龙哑着嗓音叫道。他感到喉头堵塞了,目艮前的节鲁叔叔像被蒙在雨水里,模模糊糊的,再也看不清鼻子眼了。 “谷龙,你快走,快走!我已经听见了脚步声。我祝愿你能躲过这一关,祝愿我们还有机会再见面!” 谷龙的双脚还在迟疑着。他从没感到自己的双脚像今天这么沉重过。 “好孩子,你,你……快走吧。大叔给你跪下来,大叔求求你、求求你……” 节鲁说着,咬紧牙关,翻动着身子。他的额头上,暴起一排青筋。他的肘弯下,涌出一片殷红。 他仍旧在翻动着身子。他的手掌要扑在地上,他的胸脯要贴在地上,他的头要碰在地上——天啊!他真的要支撑起来,给谷龙跪下!“节鲁叔叔!”谷龙忍住狂涌上来的泪水,大声叫着,“我走!我走!你一定要活着等我回来!”随即,他迈开了双脚。 他头也不回地一直朝出林的方向走去。腾腾腾!腾腾腾! 谷龙觉得,自己的心在往下落,越落越深;而自己的身子,却在往上升,越升越高。 他从没感到自己的身上像现在这么充满了力量!不要说一个口袋,就是整个勐塔森林压在肩上,他也照样能扛着走! 在谷龙眼前晃动着的,不是一棵紧连一棵的大树,不是一根紧缠一根的乱藤,而是节鲁叔叔那沾满血迹和污泥的紫黑紫黑的脸膛,和一双圆睁着的仿佛刀刃一般闪亮的大眼。在谷龙心里反复叨念着的,只有一句话:“节鲁叔叔,你一定要活着等我回来!” “节鲁叔叔,你一定要活着等我回来!”眼看着谷龙走了,那腾腾腾、腾腾腾的坚实有力的脚步,像是踩在了节鲁的心上。―好样的,谷龙! 节鲁宽阔的胸膛剧烈地起伏着,他想这么轻声地说一句,但是,他说不出来。他只是默默地、默默地盯住谷龙那渐渐消失在密林深处的背影。 谷龙,好孩子,我们还能见面吗?别离才更感到相见的可贵。 当谷龙的背影完全化进一片黑魆魆的密林时,不知怎么的,节鲁突然感到一种说不出的孤独。仿佛一切都不存在了。整个勐塔森林都随着谷龙离开了他。苍天之下,只剩了他孤独的一个。陪伴着他的只有一具横在地上的面目恐怖的血尸。 寂静,寂静! 四周寂静得让人喘不过气来。是啊,节鲁并不愿意谷龙离开他。哪怕谷龙不说不笑,只是那么静静地坐在他的身边,或者是睡在他的身边也好。可是,谷龙走了。头也不回地走了。 哩!哩哩! 节鲁忽然又无声地笑起来,自己对自己说:节鲁啊,节鲁,你今天是怎么啦?你怕什么呢? 就在这时,密林里传来了沙沙的脚步声。这脚步声,猛地打断了节鲁的思想。有人走过来了!是什么人呢? 节鲁退缩到就近的一棵树后,把枪举到了眼前:来吧;不要命的,就朝我枪口上撞吧! 朝节鲁枪口上撞来的,不是人,而是一头傻头傻脑的麂子。 麂子这东西,浑身上下没有什么可以防御天敌的武器。在生存的竟争中,惟一保存自己的办法,就是依靠尖耳朵和长脚杆。尖耳朵听见丁点动静就跑,而长脚杆跑起来又如同飞起来一般。并且,在疾跑中,它还能跳起来,腾跃过高高的灌木。这往往使得对它垂涎三尺的猛兽,一次次扑空。 但是,机敏的麂子又有一个致命的弱点:当它被一种奇怪的声响惊动,没命地奔跑了一阵之后,发觉身后并没有什么东西在追它时,好奇心就会促使它悄悄地走回去,看一看刚才究竟是什么东西发出的声响。而这就往往成为它最终丧命的根由。这只迎着节鲁走来的麂子,就是因为被节鲁击毙卷发汉子的那一声枪响,惊得窜出好几里后,发觉身后并没有东西追赶,又悄悄地返回来看个究竟。 它小心翼翼地朝前走着,不时扬起头来四下张望。突然,它站住脚,吃惊地瞪圆黑葡萄似的眼珠,只愣了片刻,就尖叫一声,调头逃进密林深处。 它看见了那具被打炸了脑壳的血尸,像一段天雷轰倒的断树,叉开两脚直挺挺地躺地泥地上。 这恐怖的景象,吓得麂子顾不得再去追究那一声令它生奇的枪响了。 麂子失魂落魄地惊逃,无意中提醒了节鲁。我为什么要像一只死守鼠洞的小傻猫一样守在这里
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