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Chapter 43 Chapter Forty-Three

survive alone 戴维·鲍尔达奇 10043Words 2018-03-22
Web drove Claire back to her house, she packed some clothes and other things, Web sent her to her car, followed her car to a hotel, and let her stay.The two agreed to contact each other as soon as they discovered any new situation, and then Webb rushed back to Dongfeng Ranch. Romano is in the garage. "The Canfields are in the main house. I don't know what's going on, but something big must have happened. Both of them are as smug as paper." "I know what's going on, Paulie." Webb went on to talk about the tape. "You also know, Weibu, you can do everything. It's really angry. At that time, I happened to be abroad. Those guys, I like it." He made a noise, "Oh, I have to tell You, lest you forget: Ann Lyle called and said it was urgent."

"Why didn't she just call me?" "I spoke to her a few days ago to ask what was going on with the team. I gave her the number here to call in case she couldn't use her cell phone." Webb took out his phone and said to the phone, "Ann, I'm Webb, what's the matter?" Ann's voice was low. "Something happened here, so I stayed on so late." Web tensed, knowing what that meant. "Action?" "Two days ago, everyone set up a new target in the training area. They practiced repeatedly until they went crazy. The commandos have been checking their equipment for a long time today. The door of the captain's office has been closed all morning. Some snipers have been deployed. You know that, Webb."

"Yes, I know. What is the target, do you know something about it?" Ann's voice dropped even lower. "A few days ago a surveillance camera tape came in which showed a truck parked next to the unloading dock of an abandoned building near where the last fire was fired. The tape was shot at a bad angle, which I regret I know, but I believe I photographed those machine guns being unloaded from the car." Web almost tore the phone in half.Bates actually kept it from him. "Who's the truck registered to, Ann?" "Silas 'Freedom', one of the founders of the Freedom Society, Webb. Stupid enough to use his own real name."

Son of a bitch.They're going to attack that gang of "freedom." "How are they going to get there?" "On a military plane, from Andrews AFB, to an old Marine Corps airfield in Danville. They're leaving any minute now, and the transport is already on a trailer." "Which teams are involved in the operation?" "Squad H, G, X, and W." "Only these few? I didn't use all my strength." "E, Y, and Z are abroad on missions to protect important people, and Team C is gone. Also, a commando from Team H broke his leg during training, and Romano went on a special mission with you again. We now It's a little weak."

"I'll be right back, don't let the train go away before I arrive." He looked at Romano. "Ask the guys on the other side of the gate to shrink the security circle to the main house and take over the security duties." "Where are we going?" "Blow them up and hang them up, time to do it, Paulie." While Romano alerted the perimeter guards, Webb ran to the door, slammed the trunk of the Mustang open, and checked the gear on hand.It turned out to be adequately equipped.A rescuer's lifestyle requires him to pack a few days' worth of change of clothes in his suitcase, plus a host of other necessities, in case he'll be called abroad for a week or even a month beforehand. Not even a notification.To cope with such "normal" transfers, Webb replenished himself with a formidable arsenal of goodies from the rescue team's equipment room and his home storage.In the event of a state police traffic stop, even if he had an FBI ID, explaining the inventory would have been a struggle.

When Romano came back, Webb said, "The little bastard Bates kept the news from me. They found direct evidence that 'Freedom' had something to do with the attack on C-team. I reminded him that he didn't intend to Invited us to a party. Probably thought we would lose our minds and shoot people indiscriminately." "You know," Romano said, "it really offended my professional dignity." "Hey, tell your professional dignity, let's go, we don't have much time." "Hey, why didn't you say it sooner?" He grabbed Web by the arm. "We can't open your pile of scrap metal if we have to hurry."

"what are you talking about?" Five minutes later, the Corvette, equipped with a huge engine, was loaded with weapons and equipment, roaring and shooting out of the Dongfeng Gate, and galloped onto the highway. The drive to Quantico was mostly country road, and Romano was driving the Corvette at seventy miles an hour almost the entire time, making the turns so fast that Web clung to the side of the seat and hoped Romano wasn't paying attention. On Interstate 95, Romano quickly shifted gears and picked up speed, and Webb watched the speedometer jump to three digits.At this moment, Romano actually inserted a tape and turned up the volume.

He looked at Romano, who was smiling, singing "What Should Be Done" with the band, his head was still a little bit, and his posture was like going back to high school, at the spring youth concert It's like beating a drum kit. "The way you prepare for battle is really strange, Paulie." "Oh, as weird as rubbing your pistols for luck?" Web looked at him in surprise. "Reiner told me he thought it was hilarious what you did." "I guess nothing is sacrosanct these days," Web muttered. They pulled into Quantico in record time.The guards standing guard at the east entrance of the investigation driveway knew both of them, and Romano didn't even bother to slow down.

"Three eights, Jibo." He yelled as he roared past the sentry post, pointing to the emergency paging of 888, ordering the rescue team to rush back to Quantico immediately. "Bump 'em, man!" Jibbo yelled back at the top of his voice. Romano stopped the car, and the two took off their equipment and dragged them towards the team headquarters.Romano unlocked the gate with a security identification card, and they walked to the main entrance, which was constantly watched by cameras.Six more trees have been planted at the gate to commemorate the fallen C-team members.After entering they walked past Ann Lyle's office, she came to the door, exchanged a look with Web, but said nothing else.According to the manual, Ann was not supposed to call Webb to inform him of the attack, and Webb would never do anything to get her in trouble.But both of them knew that what she did was right, let the disciplinary manual go to hell.

Webb bumps into Captain Jack Pritchard in the hallway.He was startled to see Webb and Romano in full armor. "Reporting to you, ready for duty, sir," Webb said. "You actually know, what's going on?" Pritchard asked. "I'm still a rescuer and you can smell these things a mile away." Pritchard didn't press, but he glanced in the direction of Ann Lyle's office anyway. "I want to go," Webb said. "Impossible," Pritchard replied, "you're still on official suspension and he," he pointed at Romano, "has been put on a special mission that I don't even know what. Let me go now." open."

The captain turned his heels and walked towards the equipment room.Webb and Romano followed behind the captain.Commandos and snipers who hadn't been deployed all gathered in this room for final preparations.The snipers were checking to make sure everyone was replenished and had enough ammo of all sizes.When Pritchard, Webb, and Romano broke into the territory one after another, everyone stopped. "Come on, Jack," Webb said. "The whole team has gone to other damn places, and even with Pauly, you're one less man in Team H. You'll need some more." Pritchard turned sharply. "How on earth do you know that we are missing one person?" The leader of the rescue team had obviously had enough of leaking the news. Web glanced around the room. "I can count. I only counted five assaulters in the H team. Adding me and the Pauli team will be enough." "You haven't been briefed, you haven't practiced in a mock target, and you haven't trained in a while. You can't go." Web pushed in front of him, blocking his way.Jack Pritchard was about five foot ten, and Web was at least thirty pounds heavier and about five years younger, but Web knew he wouldn't shy away from a fight.But he didn't want to fight, he didn't want to fight with his own people. "The briefing can be heard on the road, and it is enough to point out the strike point for us. We have all the equipment, we only need to add Kevlar body armor, a tight combat suit and a helmet. How many times have I had this kind of thing with Pauly Now, Jack? Don't treat us like black-eyed little bastards, you shouldn't do that to us." Pritchard stepped back and stared at Web for a good minute.The more time passed, the more Webb felt that Pritchard would simply throw him out.Like other paramilitary units, the Rescue Squad was harsh on subordinates who disobeyed their superiors. "That's all right, Webb, I'll leave this matter to them to decide." He pointed to the commandos. Webb hadn't expected this decision, but he took a step forward anyway, eyeing each member of Team H and Team G one by one.Most of them fought side by side, and he became one of them, first as a sniper and later as a commando.His gaze was fixed on Romano for the last time.They'll take Romano, no problem.But Webb was in trouble, the man who froze at the most critical moment.Everyone in the room wondered if it would happen to him again and cost them their lives. Webb saved Romano's life during a raid on a Montana militia encampment.Romano returned the favor a year later.Despite these experiences, and the fact that the two have been very close recently, Webb still can't see through this man.He looked at the people in the room, and the people looked at Romano, as if leaving the matter to him.Although he was the one who drove Webb to participate in the operation, Webb still had no idea what he would say now. He watched Romano put a hand out and put it on Web's shoulder.Romano looked at his teammates and said, "No matter when or where, Webb will cover me, I am assured." In a macho group like the Rescue Squad, when a guy like Romano—whom some of his teammates feared—talked, everything was fine.After everyone was dressed, Pritchard called all the staff into a small meeting room.He stood forward, watching the crowd, and they watched him.Webb felt like he was staring at himself longer than anyone else. Pritchard's stern expression softened. "Okay, let's cut down on serious nonsense, the ones we plan to attack tonight may be those who killed the C team. We hope to have a surprise attack, and we can succeed in the blink of an eye without firing a single shot." He paused , Staring at everyone again, "You all know the combat rules. We have fought against the Freedom Society before, in Richmond, and it was also the C team. Some people think that what happened in that yard is 'Freedom''s revenge on them. "This time there are no known hostages. The terrain is a bit tricky, but we have dealt with worse situations. We flew over, the transport vehicles waited there, and then we did it." Pritchard paced back and forth, then stopped. "If you have to shoot tonight, shoot. If they shoot back, I don't need to tell you, you all know what to do. But don't get carried away, the last thing we want is the media yelling tomorrow morning, saying The rescue team wiped out a bunch of people who didn't need to be wiped out. If they have anything to do with the annihilation of C-team, we'll catch them all and deal with them according to legal procedures. Don't think they killed the six of us, so we started Guns fired. I repeat, no. You are better than someone who just wants to get revenge, and you should be better than that. I believe you will overcome this emotion and successfully complete the mission." He stopped again, looked at everyone's faces again, and looked at Web longer again. Pritchard concluded with: "Do it." People swarmed out of the room, and Web walked over to Pritchard. "Jack, I understand the meaning of your words, but if you are worried that someone has made a fuss, why do you have to have a rescue team attack? You said that there are no hostages in that place, so the FBI ranger and the local police support can take care of them." .Why didn't you send us out?" "We are part of the FBI. I will do what others tell me to do. Still want to participate? Are you planning to quit?" "Let's see you at the decisive battle." A few minutes later, they were on the road to Andrews Air Force Base, ready to embark on the journey. Webb learned from a colleague of the rescue team that the Bureau originally planned to carry out a search in the "Freedom" camp, but later decided to let the rescue team occupy that place first and then conduct a search.The last thing the bureau wants is to see an agent killed during a search.Plus, the tape showing the machine gun that killed the federal agent being unloaded from the truck that Silas "Liberty" rented is enough evidence. Military jet transport planes kept bumping in the turbulence.The journey time was very short, and Webb went through the five-part operation order on the plane, and learned the specific details with Romano. The intelligence gathered by the Washington Field Office over the past few months indicated that the "Freedom" were concentrated in a camp they built ten years ago, located forty miles west of Danville, Virginia, in a very remote place, surrounded by woods on three sides. Snipers from W and Team X plus agents from the Washington Field Office had been watching them twenty-four hours earlier, sending back valuable intel.In fact, the attack plan for that place has been stored in the rescue team's database for a long time, and the team's exterior construction site has also built the internal simulation building of that organization, and the training is more resolute and violent than usual.Of course, no rescue team member will shoot intentionally unless he, other teammates, or innocent people are in danger, but at the same time, no team member does not secretly hope that the "freedom" will fight back and shoot back, at least in their hearts. .Webb wondered, and maybe Captain Jack Pritchard thought so too, despite all his talk about no retaliation. They landed, climbed into a transport vehicle freshly unloaded from a special delivery vehicle, and drove to the first assembly point, where they made contact with local police and Washington Field Office agents at the front stop. Percy Bates got out of a car and spoke to Pritchard.When Web saw him, he turned sideways to fiddle with his equipment.He doesn't want to face Bates now. There are many reasons. The main reason is that he can't trust himself, and he is afraid that he won't be able to control himself. He punched this person unconscious because of the fact that he was hiding the attack from him.Bates probably wanted to protect Webb, maybe he didn't want him to harm himself, but Webb was willing to choose his own path. They sailed to the final rally point for a final series of orders.When the time came to hit the road and hit the target, they moved quickly along the country road in Heiba. Team H approached the "Freedom" camp from the rear in a Suburban, and Team G approached from the left.The terrain conditions meant that the assault team had to go through dark, dense woods, and they were equipped with night vision goggles, so there was no problem.The doors of the suburbanites opened and they swarmed into the bushes, then stopped, crouched, and scanned the terrain ahead. Listening to the snipers briefing them on the situation ahead through the earbuds, Webb could make out the voice of X-Team Ken McCarthy.McCarthy's call code was Sierra One, meaning his observation post was the highest among snipers.The camp was surrounded by large oak trees, and Webb figured he was probably sitting on the thick branches of one of them.From that position the whole area could be observed, and the shooting area was wide open and well concealed.It was clear that the Freedoms were in the camp, most of them even lived here, the snipers counted at least ten of them.The building is surrounded by fences, and there are four houses inside.Three were living quarters, and the last one was a large warehouse-like house where those people met and worked.Most of the weapons found were pistols and shotguns, but McCarthy reported that a young man of about seventeen was carrying an MP-5. There are two sentries outside, one at the front of the camp and one at the back.Armed with a pistol and bored, McCarthy commented sarcastically.According to the practice of the rescue team, the sentinels were identified by the first person who found them.The sentry in front is called "Shark" O'Neal because he looks a bit like the big basketball center. Of course, he is white, and the "freedom" will never have members of other skin colors.The back one was named Game Boy, after McCarthy found a handheld game console protruding from his front pocket.The snipers also noticed that both sentries carried cell phones with intercom functions, which could quickly alert the accomplices inside.This is a bit troublesome. H-Squad spread out, advancing cautiously through the woods.They wear green infrared camouflage camouflage clothing outside their tight battle suits. The camouflage on them can make people appear more blurred in the dark night.In this way, even if "Freedom" is equipped with night vision goggles, it cannot distinguish clear images.Romano will be the spearhead when the attack begins, with Web in the rear. Although Romano did not participate in training for the attack with his teammates, he was still the best assaulter on the team. "We're invulnerable now, big man," Romano said.The guy might still have Overdrive on his head, Webb thought. They moved on again, approaching the edge of the woods.From the night vision goggles, Webb could clearly distinguish the Freedom camp.In order to ensure short calls and uniform names, the vocabulary of the rescue team defines the first floor of the target as A, the second floor as B, the front of the building is white, the right side is red, the left side is green, and the back is black.All doors, windows and other openings are represented by consecutive numbers, counting from the far left.Therefore, the general orientation of the game boy standing outside the fence is Black 3 from the left on the A floor, and "Big Shark" O'Neill is 4 from the white on the A floor.Webb studied Game Boy through his night-vision goggles and quickly determined that the man was both untrained and terribly insensitive.The correctness of this conclusion was quickly confirmed: the guy took the game console out of his pocket and started playing games. There were lights in the main house, no wires overhead, they must have had a portable generator.If they were powered by wires, the rescue team would find the transformer first and cut off the power just before the assault began.The sudden change from bright lights to pitch blackness will make people unable to distinguish the north, south, south, east, and west, and the rescue team will gain an advantage.They need that edge to make sure they get there without hurting anyone. They only had two assault teams, so the snipers got ready, quickly changed into black Nomex tight combat suits, and coordinated the assault. In addition to the sniper rifle, each sniper is equipped with a CAR-16 fully automatic assault rifle equipped with a Litton triple night scope.The battle plan was to launch a lightning assault from the front and the side, and capture "Freedom" in the main building.After success, ordinary agents came in, read out the rights of the arrested, and carried out the search.For "freedom," the next stop is the courts, and then prisons. After the C-team fiasco, the rescue team learned a few things.This time they brought two thermal imagers, bulky but powerful.Romano opened one and scanned the camp buildings on their side one by one.In front of the camp, G-team is doing the same.The thermal imagers can see through blacked-out glass and even brick walls, pinning down thermal images of people lurking behind with slingshots or small machine guns.Romano completed the reconnaissance and sent out a signal that everything was normal.This time there is no automated firepower.Except for the main building, all the houses are empty.Maybe this time it will go well. Web looked around through his night-vision goggles, and he saw dots of light flickering in the jungle.Those flashing dots are snipers, and they're using fireflies, devices that emit dots of infrared light that are about the size of cigarette lighters.Fireflies light up every two seconds, a spectrum of infrared light that can only be spotted with night vision goggles.In this way, snipers can maintain contact with each other without revealing their positions.If it is suspected that the target is also using night vision equipment, the Firefly cannot be used, for obvious reasons.Commandos never use this equipment.Each flickering light spot represents a flesh-and-blood comrade in arms, holding a .308 rifle that can suppress the opponent's firepower, and supporting himself. With a movement of his fingers, Webb turned the MP-5's firepower selector switch to the double burst firing position, and then continued to ease the pulse.The surrounding area is filled with the chirping and chirping sounds of wild birds and small animals. The plan at this point is somewhat risky: the snipers will not shoot at the sentries.Callously shooting people who haven't been convicted is something law enforcement doesn't do very often, and Webb never did.Now they could only flank the sentries and pounce on them, making sure they had no time or opportunity to alert their comrades inside of the impending attack.The Rangers could have distracted them with a demolition, or they could have figured out a way to lure the Sentinels into the woods, to be dealt with by the Rangers lurking under their camouflage cloaks, waiting to swoop on them.However, based on the information collected by the "freedom" people before, the rescue team made a plan to outflank them.Judging from the casual attitude of the sentinel, the intelligence was correct. Webb tensed up—Romano called the center, asked for approval to move, and the center quickly agreed.Web took one last deep breath, clearing himself of the stale air.As a commando on the most elite law enforcement force ever assembled, he had his hands full.His pulse was sixty-four, and he knew what was going on inside his body without measuring Webb. Romano raised his hand aloft as a signal.He and Web came up on the left, the other two slid past the right, and a minute later they were deployed on either side of the Game Boy.The man was staring intently at the screen of the game console, obviously beating the computer to pieces.When he raised his head, he saw a .45 pistol on each ear. Before he could make a sound, he was on the ground, with beautiful shackles on his hands and feet, several pairs of shackles were taped together, and he couldn't move at all, like a calf tied tightly in a cowboy lasso competition , and a piece of tape was placed over his mouth.They confiscated his pistol, mobile phone and a knife found in a scabbard around his ankle.Instead Webb left him his prized console. They crossed the residential area of ​​the complex, came to the key point - the back door outside the main building, and squatted down.Romano fumbled cautiously for the door, then grabbed the handle and tried it.Through the mask, Web saw him grimace, and locked it.Romano called the Demoman.The blaster stepped forward quickly, set up four hundred grains of linear folding explosives, bypassed the wires in circles, and prepared the detonator.Others took cover, watching the Demoman's back. At this time, Romano reported to the center that they were ready to attack the green zone, and Webb listened to the headset to confirm that the center had received the message.Thirty seconds later, the members of Team G reported the same, and Webb knew that they had successfully captured the "big shark" ahead and had reached the side of the building, ready to launch a special attack.The center declares that it is under their control.After hearing this line, Webb was more irritable than ever.Yeah, you said the same thing to Team C, didn't you? Three snipers join Team G in the flank attack.Ken McCarthy dismounted from his Shiraz post one and joined Webb's H-team as temporary commandos along with two other W-team snipers.Ken saw Webb, Webb couldn't see the expression on his face, but I'm sure the expression must be very surprised.Everyone took off their night-vision goggles, and anyway, with the explosion and the muzzle flash, they weren't going to be needed anymore. The countdown begins... The dynamite explodes, sending the door flying inward.Webb and his comrades rushed in roaring. Romano yanked off the bang, yelled "bang," pulled out the safety pin and threw it.Three seconds later, a sharp explosion of one hundred and eighty decibels echoed through the corridor, accompanied by a bright light of one million candlepower. Webb was on Romano's right, searching for possible threats.He cast his gaze to the far corner of the room first, and then looked back.There is a small room inside, with a passage leading to the left.Intelligence told them that the Freedoms were all concentrated in the main room on the left rear side of the building, which was also confirmed by thermal imager scans. So far they haven't found anyone, but there are shouts ahead.Webb and H-team sprinted down the hallway and turned a corner until they reached the double doors of the target room. "Fried," Webb yelled.He pulled out the safety pin and tossed the bang over the last corner.If anyone was hiding there trying to ambush them, they would have to shoot blind and deaf. They rushed to the door, and no one bothered to check that it was locked.Seconds later, the sticky dynamite exploded and the double doors collapsed inward. At the same time, the side wall of the main room also collapsed inward, and Team G rushed in through the blast hole.A "Liberty" had fallen to the ground, holding his bloody head and screaming. Team H rushed in through the doorway, lightning-speeding across the danger zone, that is, any area where someone with a weapon could control and kill the rescuers. "Explosion." Romano roared and rushed to the right side of the room.A few seconds later there was the explosion of a flash bomb, smoke billowing in the room, dazzling flashes, and deafening roars. The "freedom" stumbled, rolled and crawled, and scrambled into a ball.But anyway, no shots were fired, and Webb began to think that the operation might have ended peacefully, at least by the rescue team's standards.Web followed Romano, scanning the area, searching for threats in the far corners before bringing his gaze closer.He saw the "freedom" people, old and young, hiding behind the overturned chairs, lying on the ground, or leaning against the corner of the wall, all covering their eyes and ears, being dizzy by the cleverly arranged assault.The overhead lights had been extinguished as soon as the rescuers entered the room, and now everyone was operating in the dark, save for the occasional flashes of thunderbolt. "FBI, lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head, fingers crossed, quick! Quick! Or I'll kill you bastards!" Romano yelled intermittently in a Brooklyn accent. The accent even caught Webb's attention. Webb saw that most of the "liberal" elements were beginning to do as they were ordered, albeit in a semi-paralyzed state.Just then, he heard the first shots.Then came a second shot, hitting the wall next to Webb's head.Out of the corner of his eye, Web saw a Liberty getting up from the ground, an MP-5 in his hand, pointing in his direction.Romano must have seen it too, the two fired at the same time, both MP-5s set in double burst positions.A total of eight bullets hit the head or the body, and he fell to the ground with the gun and was motionless. The other Liberals were dazed and blind, but the death of an accomplice filled them with hatred.From behind the improvised rampart they drew their guns and fired.Rescue crews also started shooting. The "freedom" shot wildly and without discipline, and the bullets flew far away from the target.The rescue team aimed precisely and hit the targets one after another.The team members were also hit twice. It is not so much the opponent's good marksmanship, it is better to say that they have hit good luck.What's more, the bullet hit the torso. A normal pistol bullet hit the latest Kevlar bulletproof material. Although the impact was excruciatingly painful, the result was nothing more than a bruise on the body.The rescue team aimed at the head and chest, and one "freedom" was killed for every bullet hit. "Freedom" is clearly broken, and Webb has had enough of this massacre.He turned the MP-5 to the fully automatic firing state, and swept across the cheap tables and chairs with a single shuttle. The rate of fire was nearly 900 rounds per minute. opposite wall.The rescue team never fired warning shots, but neither the manual nor Webb's training said that they should kill all enemies worse than themselves for no reason.The remaining "liberal" elements can no longer pose a threat to anyone, and they will formally surrender with a little persuasion.Romano also fired with a submachine gun.The furniture and objects were shattered, falling to the ground like a blizzard, while the opponent lay dead on the ground with his hands raised above his head. They fired again, again only on the heads of the huddled enemies, and the bullets rained down until the last of the surviving "freedom" elements also made the only reasonable choice. Romano and another commando handcuffed the first two Freedoms who surrendered, while the rest of the team quickly searched the room to see if the dead were really dead.It's just corpses lying on the ground now, Webb can assure you.Man's physique is not built to take a bullet in the head, let alone half a dozen. Finally Webb lowered his gun and took a deep breath.He scanned the battlefield, looking at the corpses lying on the ground.Web counted eight dead bodies, and the floor was covered in a thick layer of blood that quickly drenched the cheap carpet.Although "freedom" people will refute, but no matter what race or race, as long as it is blood, it will be bright red.From this point of view, human beings are no different from human beings. He leaned against the wall, sirens whistling in his ears.It wasn't a fair fight, and neither was the last time.There should have been some contentment in his heart, but Web London just felt sick.Killing was never easy for him, and perhaps that was what set him apart from the likes of Ernest B. "Liberty." Romano came to him. "Where did those bullets come from?" Webb just shook his head. "Oh shit," Romano said, "this time it's going to be different than I thought it would be." Webb saw a large bullet hole in Romano's camouflage camouflage suit, revealing the Kevlar body armor underneath.The bullet hole was in the lower abdomen.Romano followed Webb's gaze and just shrugged, as if he had just been bitten by a mosquito. "The next inch, Angie had to find someone else to collect the body," Romano said. Web struggled to recall what he had just seen, heard, and the exact time of the event.He was sure of one thing only: they had many questions to face, none of which had easy answers.He suddenly remembered Pritchard's warning.They had just wiped out a large number of "freedom" elements, that is, this group is suspected of killing a small team of rescue teams.What Webb and the others actually did was shoot, because bullets were flying from nowhere, because Webb spotted a Liberty with a weapon pointed at him. Web heard footsteps coming toward them.Ordinary agents would arrive shortly, none other than Bates' staff.They'll take over the task of finding out what happened.As Romano said, the rescue team's errands were just to blow them out and hang them.Hmph, this time, it might be themselves who were hanged high.Web felt something he'd never felt when the bullets flew: fear. A thousand yards behind the camp, outside the circle the rescue team had made, there was movement in the woods.The ground seemed to be lifted, and a man crouched there, holding a sniper rifle in his right hand with a scope attached to it.It was the same rifle he used to shoot and kill Chris Miller outside Randall Cove's home in Fredericksburg. The FBI probably thought Webb London was the real target, but they were wrong.The idea was that Miller's death would make life harder for Webb.This man had just started a firefight between the hapless Liberty and the rescue team, adding to Web's growing troubles.He had long ago come to the conclusion that only the methods of the best should be copied.At least for now, the rescue team is the best, and everyone thinks that Webb London is the best of this elite team.Then Webb appeared in his field of vision.This is a contest between individuals, completely between individuals.Clyde Macy folded his camouflage cloak and stuffed it into his rucksack, and quietly evacuated.
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