Home Categories Thriller Criminal Minds - Season 3

Chapter 11 Chapter 10 The Ultimate Goal

Criminal Minds - Season 3 刚雪印 7756Words 2018-03-22
When Han and India learned of the news, the sting operation had been deployed. According to the settings in the Hanyin proactive plan relayed by Du Yingxiong, Team Liu deliberately selected a female policeman in her forties with a gentle face and no obvious police temperament from a police station in a certain jurisdiction to pretend to be the poster, and sent her to a police station in Fuping District. Rent a two-bedroom house in a unit building in the open community; a large number of plainclothes are arranged inside and outside the building, as well as several main entrances and exits of the community, and they are guarded 24 hours a day to prevent mistakes; Team Liu is still in the unit building Surveillance probes are concealedly installed on the street lamp stands and in the corridors.Liu Dui believes that if the murderer intends to retaliate against the poster, he may repeatedly step on the site and observe the surrounding environment of the crime scene in advance.In order to avoid arousing his suspicion, Liu team will arrange female policemen to come out to buy vegetables, go for a walk and so on at an appropriate time. Of course, at this time, there will be a plainclothes relay to protect her.

Ai Xiaomei's "fanning the flames" in the online posts also went relatively smoothly, and successfully provoked the anger of many deceived netizens, presumably there is a murderer among them.She first used a "vest" to claim that she had an acquaintance in the police station. She said that she had learned from the acquaintance that the online post had attracted the attention of the police. It is inconvenient to reveal the real identity of this netizen, so I call on everyone to search for her human flesh; then, she logged into several "vests" one after another to stir up this topic, and then saw that the heat was almost ready, and then revealed the designed poster information in detail , including age, family situation, photo, address, etc.

For this reason, Gu Feifei and Han Yin were quite annoyed, but the situation was irreversible, and they could only wait and see the progress of the action, praying that the result would develop in the ideal direction.But the fact is just as what Han Yin worried about before, the murderer has not appeared in the police's monitoring sight for many days, but this does not mean that he is not provoked! This morning, just after dawn, people who like morning exercises in a residential area in Chaoyang District have gone out one after another.There is a fountain in the community, and an open space around it is specially used for morning exercise by the residents of the community; next to the pool is a promenade covered with vines, with a few stone benches inside, for the residents to take a rest.It can be said that this area has always made them feel peaceful and soothing in the past, full of leisure and leisure.But this morning, what they saw in front of the corridor was an eye-popping scene!

A naked middle-aged woman, with her hands and feet tied to the concrete pillars on both sides, hangs in the shape of a "big" at the entrance of the corridor.The breasts and lower body are exposed, and the upper body is almost covered with stab wounds.The fatal injury was still the slashing at the neck, the incision was very deep, almost the entire head was cut off, only a layer of skin was attached, hanging on the back.The most tragic thing was her face, which was bloody and bloody from the knife. The murderer might feel that he was still wanting to peel off her face, but perhaps due to lack of experience, only part of the flesh on both cheeks was torn off. Two patches of red were painted on the cheeks; more than half of the two eyeballs were gouged out. Judging from the rough edges of the scars, it should have been pulled out by hand... This is the 12th victim in the entire series of cases. If Said that her appearance did not exceed Han Yin's expectations, then what everyone never expected was that she was actually Shan Yingchun, the daughter of Shan Xiongye who was the key suspect in the previous investigation!

"How could it be her?" Han Yin walked around the corpse, put his hands in his pockets, fixed his eyes on Shan Yingchun's face hanging on his back, and muttered to himself, "Why is the murderer this time?" Doing so many movements on the victim's face? By the way, why isn't there a red cloth around the neck?" Shan Yingchun, in her early 40s, is a full-time housewife, her daughter is in a boarding middle school, her husband is a business manager of a trading company, and she lives in a high-end residential area on Tianhe Road, Xiangyang District. There is only a small amount of blood near the promenade. Shan Yingchun's body was obviously moved after her death. She lived in a unit building about 20 meters west of the morning exercise site in the community. After investigation, it was confirmed that her residence was the first crime scene. .According to the forensic autopsy, the time of his death was between 9 o'clock and 10 o'clock last night. Compared with the knife wound on the corpse, it was from the same type of murder weapon as in the previous case.In addition, no physical evidence related to the murderer was collected at the scene, but a black ballpoint pen was found in the stairwell on the floor where the scene was located, and multiple fingerprints were extracted from it...

In fact, just looking at Shan Yingchun's personal background information, it is in line with the target standard that the murderer has always pursued, but other than that, the characteristics of the case are still quite different from the previous case. First of all, the crime area was transferred from Fuping District to Chaoyang District, the crime scene was changed from a low-end open residential area to a high-end residential area with relatively tight security, and the crime time was also changed from daytime to midnight.Of course, this last point may be limited by the environment of the crime scene - if a crime is committed in such a community with security guard boxes at the entrance and exit and camera surveillance, if you don't want to leave traces and not be photographed by surveillance, you may have to take The method of climbing over the fence to enter the community at night, in fact, the investigators did not find any suspicious figure on the surveillance video of the entrance and exit of the community.Then, digging deeper, the changes in the environment and time of the crime scene also seem to indicate that the murderer has a certain degree of understanding of the victim.Last night, the victim's husband was on a business trip, and the daughter boarded at school, so she was left alone at home, and the murderer chose to commit the crime on this night. Is it just luck or a coincidence?

Secondly, the perpetrator extended the range of corpse abuse to the victim's face, which has never happened in recent cases.In the previous case, the blow to the victim's head was due to an accident during the homicide, which had nothing to do with the criminal marks.From the perspective of criminal behavior analysis, it is generally believed that consciously targeting the frontal aggression on the face means that the aggressor and the victim are acquaintances, because the face more specifically represents her.This also shows that in this non-empathy crime, the victim Shan Yingchun himself was the one the murderer wanted to take revenge and destroy.

Furthermore, the perpetrator moved the body and exposed the body to the public.Such a humiliating method undoubtedly shows that the murderer has more resentment towards Shan Yingchun than all the previous victims. Also, don't forget that the murderer committed the crime this time after he found out that he had been severely fooled by the online posts.As analyzed earlier, that online post was essentially the motive force and faith guidance for the murderer to commit the crime, and once he found out that all of this was just an illusion, the self-confidence built up through serial killings would completely collapse.He was beaten back to his original form, and he even felt more embarrassed and inferior, and the anger that arose at the historic moment would be unprecedented, so under such a time and psychological background, Han Yin believed that he would definitely vent his anger on his On the person who most wants to punish.

Based on the above analysis, Han Yin believes that Shan Yingchun may be the ultimate goal of the latter killer. The previous cases this year may be just a foreshadowing. The murderer and Shan Yingchun must have overlapping interests in reality, and their relationship is even quite close! But there is one thing that Han Yin still can't figure out: why is it Shan Yingchun?Is there any connection that she was killed just after the police ruled out her father's involvement in the earlier case?Is it just another coincidence? According to Han Yin's analysis, the next action to handle the case will revolve around Shan Yingchun's social relations.

Shan Yingchun has not worked since she got married, and her life circle is relatively narrow. She usually focuses on taking care of her children and serving her husband. In addition, it was introduced earlier that her mother died early and her father died of illness half a year ago, so it is more obvious that , and her closest relationship is only her husband, daughter and younger brother.Needless to say, the daughter is just a junior high school student, so it is impossible for her to commit the crime; so would her husband and younger brother have a motive for committing the crime?Regarding this line, Han Yin and Gu Feifei decided to follow up personally. With the assistance of Team Liu, they visited many friends, neighbors and colleagues who had been in contact with the two, and found that the relationship between the family was not very harmonious.

Shan Yingchun's husband is Yu Ning, who is 10 years older than her. They met in 2000 through someone's introduction.At that time, Yu Ning had already experienced a marriage, but fortunately, there were no children in that marriage, and his career and financial conditions were relatively good; at that time, Shan Yingchun was an older woman, so the two got married after dating for half a year.A year after marriage, they had a daughter, and then the family of three lived a stable and happy life.Until two years ago, Yu Ning met a young and beautiful saleswoman during his business dealings, and since then, things have changed.He bought a house for the saleswoman and paid high monthly living expenses. In essence, he was a treasure in the golden house and took care of the girl.According to Yu Ning's friends, the relationship between Yu Ning and the girl is basically semi-public in his circle of friends. He is particularly obsessed with the girl. For this reason, he has proposed divorce with Shan Yingchun many times, but Shan Yingchun always disagrees. Judging from the information learned from the surroundings, it seemed that there was a motive, so Han Yin and the others turned to make positive contact with Yu Ning.However, Yu Ning said that when the incident happened, he was on a business trip in a neighboring city, and many people in his company could confirm his statement.However, this does not completely rule out his suspicion. As long as you have money these days, you don't need to do many things yourself.Subsequently, the police conducted a comprehensive review of the phone calls, emails and other communication records of Ning and his lover, as well as company accounts, personal deposits, bank card expenditures, etc., and screened their social interactions again. Found signs of hiring a murderer to kill his wife... Shan Yingchun's younger brother, Shan Huaming, is a master who can't eat enough and can't do anything.He dropped out of junior high school and mixed in the society. He was lazy, got into fights, and often lingered in low-end bars, karaoke halls and other entertainment venues. A lot of money; I had two girlfriends, one ran away with someone, and the other broke up with him because he thought he was poor. The age difference between him and his sister is too big, and the generation gap is obvious. In addition, his father likes boys and is too partial, so the relationship between siblings has always been bad.Of course, the biggest grievance is still on the house issue.Shan Xiongye left a will after his death, and the two siblings who moved back to the new house were half of each other, which made it difficult for Shan Huaming to accept.Because my sister now lives in a large house of hundreds of square meters and lives affluently, but she still greedily occupies half of his new house; moreover, his father has always spoiled him, so how could he give half of the house to his sister?So he thought that his sister must have made trouble about the house, so he quarreled with his sister over and over again.Regarding the activities on the night of the incident, Shan Huaming said that he stayed in the rented house all night (due to the demolition of the old house, he and his father temporarily rented a house in Chaoyang District) and did not go out, but at the same time he also admitted that he lacked witnesses. Apart from his lack of conclusive alibi, there is another identity that makes Shan Huaming look suspicious—he is currently working as a courier for a courier company, and he is in charge of Fuping District, where cases frequently occur this year. .Mentioning this point, Gu Feifei's eyes lit up, because she thought that the murderer might have such a disguise before, which made the victim relax his vigilance when he was in close contact.It’s just that the POS machine has been ruled out as the murder weapon corresponding to the identity of the courier, so what else is there?Shan Huaming delivered the parcels by electric bike. He was worried about the goods being stolen. Most of the more expensive goods were put in his backpack when delivering the parcels.Could it be that in the third case this year, because of the victim's resistance, the goods in the backpack were scattered, and then he picked it up as the murder weapon?It is not difficult to prove this point. Go to the courier company he works to check the loss of goods, and it should be clear. There is another key issue, which is very troublesome to sort out: if Shan Huaming killed his sister, it means that he is the last serial killer in Han Yin's mouth, so how is he related to the previous serial killer? related?How did he gain insight into all the secret information and get the murder weapon and pubic hair?By the way, there is another physical evidence that can be compared - in the stairwell on the floor of Shan Yingchun's house, investigators found a black ballpoint pen, and multiple fingerprints collected on it all came from the same person. After comparison, the fingerprints did not match those left by the murderer at the scene a few years ago, and they did not belong to Shan Huaming. However, after searching in the fingerprint system, it was found that there was a match, and it was also from a person who had appeared in the sight of the police. People - Zhao Liang! Zhao Liang, the name that had flashed across the list of suspects, now came into the sight of the case handling team again because of a ballpoint pen left near the crime scene, but what still puzzled everyone was that he had a motive for committing the crime ? If the former suspect, Shan Xiongye, is confirmed as the murderer of Zhao Liang's sister, then Zhao Liang's killing of Shan Yingchun can be regarded as an act of revenge, but the problem is that Shan Xiongye has been ruled out as the suspect; contact Han Yin again According to the behavioral analysis, Shan Yingchun was a very clear target of infringement, that is to say, even if Shan Yingchun was indeed killed by Zhao Liang, it may be because of the grievances between the two of them and has nothing to do with Shan Xiongye.With regard to the current physical evidence, after discussions between the case handling team and the support team, it was decided to summon Zhao Liang according to the law, and sent multiple groups of people to search his residence and work unit. Clarify the motive of committing the crime as soon as possible to lay a solid foundation for the next step to comprehensively solve the case. In the interrogation room, Zhao Liang, who is not tall, looks upright, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, sat on the interrogation chair with a face of inexplicability. Behind the long table opposite sat Liu Dui and an assistant, and Han Yin and Du Yingxiong stayed next door to observe. The room concerned the interrogation. After a series of regular interrogation sessions including name, age, unit, etc., Team Liu turned the question to the main topic: "Do you know Shan Yingchun?" "I know!" Zhao Liang replied without thinking, and then asked, "Could it be that I was brought here because of her?" "You answered very quickly, you seem to be quite familiar with each other." Team Liu ignored Zhao Liang's question, stared at him meaningfully and asked again. "It's not just familiar, it's really impressive." Zhao Liang chuckled and said, "Because of her and her younger brother's unreasonable troubles, I almost couldn't be a doctor!" "What's the situation, let's talk about it carefully." Team Liu cheered up, thinking to himself, "Could it be that Zhao Liang revealed the motive of the crime inadvertently?" "Actually, it's nothing. As doctors, we see people like them a lot!" Zhao Liang explained with disdain, "Her father suffered from testicular cancer, and it was found to be in the terminal stage, and the cancer cells had spread quite aggressively. As the attending physician, I told them that resection was not recommended, and that radiotherapy and chemotherapy combined with traditional Chinese medicine combined with traditional Chinese medicine would have a better effect. But the siblings did not know which tendon was wrong, and surgery was necessary. After removing both testicles of Shan Xiongye, he passed away within a few months! The siblings may not be able to accept it emotionally for a while, and insisted that there was something wrong with my operation, and they went to the hospital and the department to make troubles all day long. I couldn't control it so I beat her brother..." "I remember you were a high school student back then. You were gentle, polite, and spoke in a very soft voice." Before Zhao Liang finished speaking, Team Liu interrupted him with emotion, and then changed his tone, "We are I found you largely because your fingerprint records were found in the fingerprint system. I was surprised that you had a criminal record after being detained for domestic violence. How could you become so violent when the patient's family members made a move?" "How did I become like this, don't you know? You, you, who has ever seen his sister naked, surrounded by blood, stabbed like a hornet's nest by a knife?!" Zhao Liang frowned and stared angrily. But there was a hint of choking in his tone, "You know? Until now, I often wake up from my dream because of that scene. After waking up, I feel that every organ in my body is being torn apart, as if I have been pierced by countless needles." Pain, a kind of inexplicable anger will gather in my body from all directions, and you have never given me and my sister an explanation!" Afterwards, Zhao Liang's sobs turned into sobs, tears overflowed, and the atmosphere was a bit sentimental, so Team Liu had to pause the questioning and signaled his assistants to get some tissues for Zhao Liang. "Well, I won't go around in circles anymore. Shan Yingchun died and was murdered. The time is..." After a while, seeing that Zhao Liang's mood gradually calmed down, Team Liu continued to ask, "Where were you that night? What were you doing?" what?" "Oh, that day..." Zhao Liang raised his head and recalled a little bit, and said, "I should be resting that day. So I slept until after nine o'clock in the evening, got up to get something to eat, read a book for a while, and then went back to sleep. Why, do you doubt me?" "Haven't been out all night?" "No!" "Have you ever been to Shan Yingchun's house?" "Why should I go to her house? Besides, I don't know her house at all!" "Do you have any witnesses?" "I'm divorced and the child was awarded to my wife. Now I'm a widow. Who can I ask to prove it in the middle of the night?" After asking a few more questions, Team Liu took out an evidence bag from the evidence box beside him and handed it to his assistant.The assistant stood up and walked to Zhao Liang, holding the evidence bag in front of his eyes.Liu team followed up and said: "We found the pen inside at the gate of Shan Yingchun's house. There are several fingerprints on it. We have compared them with your records in the fingerprint system. The results are completely consistent. This is your how to explain?" "I admit that this is the pen I use to write prescriptions at work, but I often lose it. I bought a lot of these pens, and I don't know how many of them have been lost." Zhao Liang paused for a while, and then said a little angrily, "My temper is quite irritable, but I won't kill people, right? What are you guys doing? You can't solve the case, and you want to blame me, don't you? Obviously, my sister and I are the victims, so why am I now a murderer?" "What are you excited about? The pen you used was left behind at the murder scene. What's wrong with us interrogating you according to the procedure?" Team Liu seemed to have been poked into a sore spot, squinting his eyes and said angrily. ... The atmosphere in the interrogation room became more and more tense, and at this time, Du Yingxiong, who was on the other side of the one-way glass, was scratching his head and peeping at Han Yin beside him from time to time—since he planned and implemented the trapping plan with Team Liu on his own initiative. , Han Yin never looked at him directly, and the plan finally achieved the worst result Han Yin expected, which made him feel ashamed in front of Han Yin, so he followed Han Yin's ass obediently these days, Those who don't talk too much, even if they have new ideas in their hearts, don't dare to speak out rashly. In fact, Han Yin can understand the hero's eagerness to solve the case. After weighing the pros and cons, he is very likely to make the same choice as the hero, so he has long since stopped being angry with the hero. He just feels that it is necessary to learn a lesson from this matter. he.For the police to solve a case, the result is important, and the process is equally important. You can't go beyond the boundaries of laws and regulations in pursuit of the ultimate solution to the case, and you can't ignore the potential harm that the people may suffer... At this time, seeing Du Yingxiong's aggrieved expression of hesitating to speak, Han Yin couldn't help laughing in his heart, but he was still very serious on the surface, and said in a cold tone: "Speak up if you have something to say!" "Uh, that's it, I have some ideas." Seeing Han Yin stepping down the steps for himself, Du Yingxiong said in a hurry, "I reviewed the file of the first case last night, and it showed that the victim Zhao Lin's parents She died unfortunately in a car accident in her early years, leaving her and her younger brother to depend on each other. It can be said that Zhao Liang was raised by her alone. The relationship between the siblings must be quite deep. At the time of the incident, Zhao Liang was just a sophomore in high school. He found his sister after returning home from school Dead body. I think such a life experience, for Zhao Liang, who is in adolescence and whose outlook on life and values ​​is not mature enough, will make him feel that God is not fair to him from the bottom of his heart, and gradually develop anti-social emotions ; especially the sensory stimulation when he saw his sister's dead body may cause damage to his heart and lead him to violent tendencies; If his career suffers a setback, it is likely to stimulate him to focus his anger on Shan Yingchun." "This kind of personality transformation is not impossible, but why did he kill the other three female victims?" Han Yin said doubtfully. "Oh, it's not easy to explain! From the information we have so far, apart from the fact that Zhao Liang lives in Fuping District and has something in common with the three victims, we haven't found any other places where they overlap." Du The hero paused, thought for a moment and said, "Could it be like this: his ultimate goal is Shan Yingchun, but killing her alone will easily expose the motive of committing the crime. If he achieves the goal of revenge by imitating the serial killers in the early years, it will be very useful. It may make us ignore his relationship with Shan Yingchun, thus drawing our attention away." "This kind of analysis makes sense in theory." Han Yin nodded slightly, but then changed the topic, "But this brings us back to the question that we were least able to guess before: how did he connect with the serial killers in his early years?" The one on the top? Where did the pubic hair come from?" "This..." Hero was asked all of a sudden, and he couldn't help shaking his head in frustration. After a long time, he suddenly shouted excitedly, "Could the serial killer in the early years be Zhao Liang's former patient? Maybe he is now Already dead, Zhao Liang knows his past crimes, so he borrowed his killer identity?" Han Yin and Du Yingxiong are discussing to the critical point, and the situation in the interrogation room has also undergone a turning point.Just now a police officer knocked on the door and went in, and handed Team Liu a blue folder. Dui Liu, who had a stern face earlier, opened it and only glanced at it, then couldn't help grinning slightly, with a faint trace of come with a smile. "Well, if it was accidental that your ballpoint pen was left at the murder scene," Team Liu intentionally stopped halfway through his words, and then asked coldly, "Then explain why it was found in your locker." What about the jackknife that matches the murder weapon? And it passed the reagent test, and there are still traces of human blood on it." "Ah, how could it be? The murder weapon is in my locker? How could this be? How could this be..." Zhao Liang was so surprised that he jumped up from his chair. Getting smaller and smaller, it doesn't look like asking a question, but seems to be trying to think of a way to deal with it.After being dazed for a while, he sat back on the chair silently, bit his lips, and with an obstinate appearance, he argued bluntly: "Someone must be trying to frame me! As I said just now, I am usually careless in life, so Sometimes I left the key on the lock of the locker and forgot to take it out, if someone really wanted to make me a scapegoat, they must have stolen the key while taking advantage of that opportunity." "You don't have to act any more." Team Liu snorted and said, "In addition to Shan Yingchun, we believe you also killed three other women on January 20, March 4 and March this year. ——Our people have just investigated in the hospital and found that the three cases also happened on your day off from night shift." "Since the divorce, my life has basically been tossed between work and home. I admit that when the other three cases you mentioned happened, I didn't have an alibi, but I can still explain it." Maybe I feel guilty There is no escape, although Zhao Liang tried his best to defend himself, but he could hear a sense of powerlessness in his tone, "We have a shift schedule every month, which is pasted on the door of the nurse's office. ;Also, in fact, our night shift is very regular. Again, if someone wants to frame me, it is easy to figure it out." "Don't you think this kind of reason is far-fetched?" Team Liu twitched the corner of his mouth and said sarcastically, "Even if that's what you said, then who do you think would want to frame you?" "I, how would I know!" Zhao Liang yelled, and then he shook his head in his hands and looked helpless. Finally, he raised his head and said in despair, "You all think I'm the murderer, right?" "It's not us who identified you, it's the evidence who identified you!" Team Liu said solemnly.In fact, he didn't have much joy in his heart at this time. Just like Du Yingxiong thought, he felt that Zhao Liang's transformation into what he is today is not unrelated to his sister's killing. Everything was caused by that demon.Team Liu couldn't help asking, who is he? "How did you come up with the idea of ​​imitating the murderer who killed your sister?" "What nonsense? I can't understand what you're talking about. You know how much I hate him, how can I imitate him to kill people? If I really become a murderer, then he must be the one who dies!" Zhao Liang seemed After being insulted, the emotion rebounded again. "No if, you already are! Didn't many people say that as time goes by, people will become the kind of person they once hated and hated the most!" Team Liu replied sadly.
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