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Chapter 39 Section thirty-eight

storm island 肯·福莱特 525Words 2018-03-22
Hitler stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking out at the mountains outside.He was wearing a light gray military uniform, his face was haggard and depressed, and he had just summoned his doctor during the night.After saluting, Admiral Putkame said: "Good morning, Führer." Hitler turned around and stared at his base camp assistant.Those small eyes have always made Putkame nervous.Hitler said: "Have you returned the 'needle'?" "No. There was some trouble at the junction—the British police were after the smugglers. It appears that the Needle wasn't there, though. He sent a telegram a few minutes ago." He presented a piece of paper.

Hitler took the telegram, put on his glasses, and read: You've decided on an unsafe location for the meeting, it's stupid. I was wounded and sent with my left hand.The First U.S. Army is assembled in East Anglia under Patton's command. The force was as follows: twenty infantry divisions, five armored divisions, about 5,000 aircraft, and the necessary transports at Wash Bay, to attack Calais on June 15th.Hats off to William. Hitler returned the telegram to Putkame and sighed: "In this way, it is still Calais after all." "Can we trust this man?" the assistant asked.

"Absolutely believable." Hitler turned and walked across the room to a chair.His movements were stiff and appeared to be in great pain. "He's a loyal German. I know his family." "But your intuition..." "Hey... I said that I would trust this person's information, of course I will." He made a gesture to make people back off. "Tell Rommel and Rundsteder they won't have armored units. Call the doctor." Putkame saluted again and went out to deliver the order.
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