Home Categories Thriller crazy hospital

Chapter 18 Chapter Eighteen Watanabe

crazy hospital 九方楼兰 6348Words 2018-03-22
Although Watanabe was seriously injured, but after all, he has good physical fitness and was born in the army, so his movements are still faster than me.It was very difficult for me to run with my heavy cloth bag, and I wanted to throw it down but I was unwilling. I was worried that Watanabe would ignore me if he got the documents.Then all my hard work and hard work would be in vain. I ran wildly for more than 20 meters, and saw a metal pulley lying on the side of the corridor. I quickly stretched out my hand and dragged it to the center of the corridor. When I turned around, I saw Watanabe running towards me. he.

When Watanabe saw the metal pulley hitting him, he didn't dodge it. With a roar, he raised his leg and kicked the pulley upright.Watanabe added another kick, and the metal tackle rushed towards me like a door panel. I didn't expect Watanabe to have such a hand, so I had to raise my arms to protect my face.The pulley hit me hard, and I staggered backwards and fell to the ground.Watanabe rushed up, raised the knife high, and slashed at my face, shouting: "Nishi!" It was too late to hide, so I had to pull the pulley that was on the side to block me. Kou Dang—a Japanese knife slashed heavily on the block, and sparks flew everywhere due to the excessive force.He slashed a few more times, and I nervously used both ends of the pulley to resist left and right, and I blocked them all.Watanabe was furious, bent down and grabbed the tackle with his left hand and threw it aside forcefully.

As soon as his left hand left his neck, blood gushed from the wound, and Watanabe quickly pressed it with his hand again.Swipe!Another three cuts came down, and I rolled left and right on the ground, barely dodging the three cuts.Watanabe didn't dare to let go of his left hand, so he stepped forward and kicked my ribs. I screamed "ah" in pain and almost passed out. I don't know if my ribs are broken. After Watanabe kicked this kick, his body suddenly swayed a few times, and his right arm holding the knife was supported on the wall so as not to fall down. Obviously, he had lost too much blood and fainted slightly.I took the opportunity to reach out and grab the cloth bag, get up and run like hell.Watanabe followed closely behind, the blood gushing from his neck continued to flow on the white protective clothing, and the entire coat turned into a red and white pattern.

I stumbled and fled in the corridor. When I passed the pharmacy in the center of the floor, I saw that the three large windows on the outer wall of the pharmacy had already been smashed by the patient. There were several corpses lying on the ground in front of the cashier. There are also patients. There were small and broken sounds coming from the pharmacy. If this was placed before, the most troublesome thing would be to hear the sound, because there will definitely be patients with the disease; but now I actually feel that there is hope, and it is best to take risks at the same time Out of a dozen, let them entangle Watanabe.

Sure enough, as soon as I ran to the counter of the pharmacy, I saw five or six patients in striped hospital gowns kneeling among the piles of large and small medicine boxes scattered all over the floor, frantically putting those bottles and boxes into boxes. Or the capsule is stuffed into the mouth. These sick people have been hungry for a day, and their biological instincts drive them to not only attack all living creatures they can see, but also look for everything that can be eaten or "appears to be edible". Seeing me pass by here, these patients first paused for two seconds, then bounced up from the ground, howled frantically and rushed outside the pharmacy.Some of them thought it was too slow to come out from the door, so they actually climbed onto the glass counter and got out from between the sharp broken glass windows, scratching their faces and bodies all over, but they didn't feel any pain at all.

Several fast-moving patients had already run up to me, stretched out their hands and grabbed my neck.I already knew how to deal with them. I bent my waist and aimed at Watanabe who was catching up with me. I kicked the patient towards Watanabe and shouted, "Watanabe, your father is here!" Watanabe was stunned: "What did you say?" At this time, the sick person had already half-kneeled and threw himself on him. He smelled the bloody smell on the protective clothing, his eyes lit up, and he immediately hugged Watanabe tightly, using his tongue Licking the blood on the protective clothing.

"Look carefully, this man is your biological father!" I said loudly. Hearing my words, Watanabe subconsciously looked down at the patient, who was less than thirty years old, with a fat head and big ears, like a farmer.It was only then that Watanabe realized that I was making fun of him. How do the Japanese know the national curse?Immediately, he was furious and shouted: "Tang Hu, I will cut you into dozens of pieces!" After speaking, he raised his knee and slammed the patient's face. The patient was licking happily, but suddenly the bridge of his nose was broken by the knee, and he fell on his back with an "ow" and covered his face.Seeing that I ran far away, Watanabe was about to try to catch up again, but he didn't want another sick person to rush forward and hug him tightly.Surprisingly, the man didn't open his mouth to bite Watanabe, but greedily licked the blood flowing from the crevice of Watanabe's left finger covering the wound.

Watanabe was furious, and smashed the back of the patient's head with the handle of the knife. The patient was almost unconscious from the beating, but he still didn't let go due to the strong hunger.Seeing the patient's red eyes, wide open mouth, bloody teeth, and throat rolling up and down, Watanabe felt a chill in his heart.He is not a god, no matter how strong his martial arts is, he is afraid of these lunatics. In order to get rid of them as soon as possible, Watanabe must hit the fatal parts of the opponent's body. Snapped!The pure copper-clad steel Japanese knife handle slammed into the cartilage at the back of the patient's brain, one of the five most vulnerable parts of the human body.The patient was in the middle of licking, when suddenly the back of his skull was smashed, his body was stiff, as if he had been immobilized, and his eyes were fixed, and he did not move.Watanabe pushed the patient away, and cut off half of his head with his right hand.

Another patient attacked from behind, hugged Watanabe around his neck, and opened his mouth to bite his neck.Watanabe dodged left and right, and finally he lowered his waist slightly and performed a "one negative throw" in karate, throwing the sick person from behind like a noodle bag in front of him, and then cut the patient's body with another knife. The face was split vertically in the middle, like cutting an unripe watermelon, and all the red and white juice flowed out. Taking advantage of the great opportunity of these sick people entangled Watanabe, I hurried away, but I didn't expect the two sick people who climbed out of the glass counter of the pharmacy to stare at me. They waved their arms and blocked me in the corner .In desperation, I suddenly saw a fire hydrant and a box containing a fire hose hanging on the wall. I quickly stepped forward to take off the fire extinguisher from the red metal tank, pulled out the safety pin, and pressed the handle hard.

puff!Some powder was sprayed from the nozzle, but soon there was no movement, and a sick person rushed towards me screaming.I tried my best to raise the fire extinguisher and smashed it on the man's face, cracking his brow bone.Another patient took the opportunity to hug me tightly from behind, opened his mouth wide and bit me, the stench coming out of his mouth was disgusting.I tried my best not to break free, so I simply lifted the fire extinguisher high and smashed it from the top of my head to the back. Snapped!The patient's skull was almost broken by me, and he bent down in pain.The patient in front of me rushed up again, and I subconsciously pressed the fire extinguisher button, huh—huh!A strong white powder spurted out rapidly, and the patient was caught off guard, eyes and mouth full of powder, choking him so much that he couldn't even cough, and collapsed to the ground due to suffocation.

"Haha, it works!" Only then did I understand.When receiving fire escape training before, the teacher said that the dry powder fire extinguisher should be shaken up and down before use. Seeing the painful appearance of that patient, I had an idea, so I might as well sterilize Watanabe too!I took a few steps forward, aimed the nozzle of the fire extinguisher at Watanabe, who had just gotten rid of the victim, and pressed down the handle hard to spray. call!A large amount of powder spewed out rapidly, Watanabe just turned his head, never thought that I had a new weapon in my hand, his whole body turned white immediately, and a lot of powder was smeared on his face, which mixed with the blood and formed lumps, Watanabe had to loosen Kai covered the wound with his left hand in front of his face, and crouched down.I was having a good time spraying, suddenly Watanabe rolled a few times on the spot, and rolled to me in an instant, I was shocked, seeing Watanabe swinging the knife out, cutting horizontally towards my calf.It was too late to hide, so I quickly threw the fire extinguisher on the ground, only to hear a "Dang", the Japanese knife slashed heavily on the cylinder of the fire extinguisher, and the sharp blade was actually embedded in the cylinder under Watanabe's hand, and I couldn't pull it out for a while. . I turned around and ran, seeing the bag of documents and vaccines in the corner, and hurried to pick them up.Watanabe, who was covered in white powder, stepped on the steel cylinder with his left foot, exerted force from left to right with his wrist, and finally pulled out the broken Japanese sword.Although he couldn't see anything, he could still hear my footsteps, and immediately roared and rushed towards me, slashing and chopping with the Japanese knife in his hand, and two of the knives passed less than half a meter in front of my face. Seeing Watanabe being so crazy, I completely gave up the idea of ​​picking up the white cloth bag, and decided to save my life first.Taking advantage of the chance that Watanabe's eyes were fascinated, he bent down and walked on tiptoe, and fled quickly. "Tang Hu, you can't run away, I'm going to use this pass to take your head off Sun Liu!" Watanabe's roar came from far behind. Don't care about Guan Lao Liu and Guan Lao Qi, just run away first!I fled desperately in the direction of the stairwell. It was the first time that Watanabe and I confronted each other. Although I didn't suffer much, if it wasn't for Watanabe being infected by the virus and suffering from unsteady breathing, serious injuries and entanglement with patients, I wouldn't have been completely And retreat.With Watanabe's skills, ten of me tied together may not necessarily be his opponent. When I turned west from the corridor and ran towards the stairwell at the southwest corner of the floor, I subconsciously glanced back, but Watanabe didn't come after me. I guess he must be checking the white cloth pocket.I was very depressed. Now that the vaccine and the top-secret documents are lost, isn't my effort in vain? Suddenly, another idea popped up in my mind. I immediately kicked open the iron door in the stairwell, shouted loudly, and slammed my body on the iron door a few times, then quickly returned and ran in the opposite direction to the corridor. Sure enough, Watanabe was fooled. The noise I made deliberately made him think that I was being entangled by the patient again, so he came up to kill him.I was just at the entrance of the stairs, when I heard his footsteps running towards this side from a distance, I didn’t go into the stairs, but turned north along the west wall of the floor at the fastest speed, then turned right and ran towards the center of the floor , The pharmacy is located in the center of the "Tian" shape on the floor, so it's like I sneaked behind Watanabe. When I came near the pharmacy again, Watanabe had disappeared, and the white cloth pocket was still in the corner.I was secretly happy, and ran over to pick up the cloth bag. Boom! I was kicked so hard in the back that my spine seemed to be broken.I couldn't help but let out a muffled groan, and my body hit the wall firmly, the bridge of my nose hit the wall hard, and a wave of heat flowed down. The cloth bag fell to the ground, and the documents, photos and vaccines inside were scattered all over the floor.I leaned on the wall and looked back. Watanabe slowly stood up and walked out from the gate of the pharmacy, and said with a sneer, "Mr. Tang Hu, who likes to play tricks, how do you feel now?" I didn't have time to cover my nose with my hand to stop the bleeding, and I was about to run, but my lower back seemed to be broken. I fell down screaming, and my lower back convulsed like an electric shock.Watanabe walked up to me unhurriedly, and said with a smile, "Are you a smart Chinese, or a stupid Chinese—a pig?" When I uttered the last word, Watanabe's foot flew up violently at the same time, kicking me in the ribs. I resisted the great pain to keep myself from screaming. Watanabe was still sneering: "Are you a Chinese with backbone, or an incompetent Chinese pig?" He kicked me hard in the left rib again.There was a clear cracking sound from my ribs, and I couldn't help screaming out loud.Watanabe looked sideways and said with a smile: "Your sixth and seventh ribs are broken. I'm sorry to cause you trouble. It's my fault. I'll make up for it!" He added another foot to the broken bone, and I just screamed halfway, but I felt something hot suddenly rushing out of my body and blocking my throat.I want to vomit but can't, I want to swallow, but more things come up.I opened my mouth wide, and there was a "cracking" sound in my throat, which made my face swell like a pig's liver. I lay on the ground and scratched my throat with both hands. Watanabe raised his foot and stomped on my back, I spat out a big mouthful of blood, and then coughed violently, blood sprayed out of my mouth continuously. "I'm sorry, your seventh rib pierced into your lung, causing the alveoli to rupture, and the blood came out from your left lung through the trachea. I'm sorry, I have caused you trouble again!" Watanabe still had a serious expression on his face. A sneer, compared with his sharp-edged face, looked very strange. I was so painful that I was about to pass out, and my mind was blurred for a while.I know very well what will happen if I fall into the hands of Watanabe. For this kind of militarists, the possibility of spare me is zero, lower than the probability of a comet hitting the earth.Anyway, I can't live, I can't let him watch jokes.I raised half of my face and said viciously: "What do you think will end well for you? You can't get out at all!" Watanabe laughed, walked up slowly and squatted down, and looked at my face closely: "Mr. Tang Hu, how do you feel at this moment?" puff!I spat out a mouthful of blood and sprayed it straight into his face.Watanabe was not angry at all, wiped it with his sleeve, and said: "If I remember correctly, I once said that I would chop you into more than ten pieces, so I won't let you die too quickly. My Guan grandson Six is ​​very sharp. Don’t the Chinese have a story called “Piao Ding Jie Niu”? I think I can also reach that level. When I dismember you into a dozen pieces, I believe you will not suffer too much. Really, please Believe me!" After finishing speaking, he nodded vigorously with a solemn expression, as if I was not in his pocket, but his immediate superior. Before I could answer, Watanabe stood up, and slowly took off the top and pants of the protective clothing. Inside was a suit of black underwear and black high-waisted military leather shoes.Then he bent down again, stretched out his left hand, grabbed my hair and dragged me on the ground.My scalp was in severe pain from being pulled, and I grabbed his wrist with both hands, struggling with my head from side to side, trying to break free.This guy's five fingers are like eagle claws grabbing prey, and he can't break free at all. "Don't worry, Mr. Tang Hu, I'm going to find a spacious place to operate on you. Look out the window." I glanced while I was struggling, and there were searchlights shining in from the glass window at the end of the corridor from time to time, mixed with With some shouting. Watanabe said: "You stupid fellow Chinese pigs are still considering whether to break into the door. I will show them your limbs in front of the window in a while. It's a pity that there is no TV station to broadcast live. Otherwise, it would be so exciting. The show!" He said regretfully while dragging me forward. My body was writhing in vain on the ground, and I could see that the wound on Watanabe's neck had been covered with dry powder from the fire extinguisher, which inadvertently stopped the bleeding.I regretted so much that I wanted to die - I was so fucking full, why did I spray Watanabe with a fire extinguisher?Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to hold on for ten minutes at all when the venous main blood vessel continued to lose blood! The scattered documents and vaccines on the ground also passed before my eyes. I grabbed Watanabe's wrist with my right hand, and grabbed a vaccine from the ground with my left hand. I clamped the plastic cap between my thumb and index finger and pushed it upwards to seal the vaccine. The cap opens to reveal the slender needle. When I was studying at Jilin University, I was very interested in the distribution of acupuncture points in the human body.In the theory class of Chinese medicine, an old Chinese medicine doctor with more than 20 years specially told us that there are 36 large acupoints on the human body. If acupuncture and moxibustion are not done properly, people will be paralyzed, disabled or even dead. I was dragged by Watanabe on the ground, and in front of my eyes were his feet moving alternately. This reminded me that there is a "Kunlun point" between the ankle and the Achilles tendon, which belongs to the thirty-six major points of the human body. One, go through the sun meridians, which are directly connected with the brain nerves.Appropriate acupuncture can make the mind clear, but random pricking of this point will cause numbness or even paralysis of the legs. When Watanabe's right leg landed on the ground and was about to lift his left leg, I immediately hugged his calf with my right hand. Watanabe was expressionless. Just as he was about to turn around and hit me on the head with the handle of a knife, the needle in my left hand stabbed Watanabe's ankle and the depression between the Achilles tendon. "what--" This time it was Watanabe who was screaming! His legs trembled violently like an electric shock, and his left hand relaxed slightly.Watanabe is worthy of being a samurai, and he was about to tighten his fingers immediately, but I had already planned this step in my heart. In just a few tenths of a second, I grabbed his wrist with both hands and twisted it hard, and finally got out of his grasp. Seeing Watanabe lying on the ground with his legs unable to move, I wanted to step forward to attack, but then I remembered that his upper limbs were not affected. If I rushed up, he would cut me in half.So I turned and ran to the pharmacy. Watanabe's lower limbs were convulsed and he was unable to stand up for a while.He stretched out his hand to pull out the vaccine, and cursed: "Tang Hu, you bastard!" He slashed at my background with the Japanese knife in his hand, as if he could cut me in two from the air. I coughed while running, and the alveoli mixed with blood froth spit out from my mouth. Every time I took a step, my ribs hurt like being stabbed by a knife, and my eyes turned black.After finally running to the door of the pharmacy, I knelt on the ground and put the documents and photos into the cloth pocket with great difficulty. Looking back, I saw Watanabe standing up with his left hand on the wall, shaking his body. The needle just now didn't hit Watanabe's Kunlun acupoint accurately. After all, I'm not a martial arts expert, so the needle was a bit crooked, and it could only paralyze Watanabe's body for a few minutes.These few minutes are too precious to me, but I have no time to collect all the vaccines scattered all over the floor. I randomly grabbed a dozen and put them in my pocket, stood up with difficulty, and staggered towards the hospital with the pocket on my back. Escape in the stairwell. Turning right from the corridor, when passing two glass windows, the searchlight outside was shaking back and forth, and someone was shouting through a loudspeaker: "Tang Hu, what are you doing? What's going on inside? Can we break through?" In this situation, I really wanted to tell people outside not to come in, but Watanabe could catch up with me at any time, so I had no choice but to trot all the way in front of the window, coughing and waving my hands vigorously towards the window to signal them don't come in. "Tang Hu, what are you doing? Why don't you answer the question directly? I am the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau of City H. I order you to stop immediately and inform us of the situation in the hospital. Immediately!" I am angry and anxious, how can I have time to report this to you?My heart was anxious, and another mouthful of blood gushed out from my lungs. The people outside had obviously seen me through the binoculars, and shouted again: "Tang Hu, are you injured? Are there any enemies in the hospital? Where is that Japanese Watanabe?" Before I could react, I heard footsteps behind me.I looked back and saw that Watanabe had already limped after me. It seemed that the needle was stuck on the Kunlun point just now, and his choroidal nerves had not yet recovered, otherwise he would have caught up with me long ago.I tightened my feet, and my left lung was like a bellows that had been punctured, and there was a "sizzling" sound with every breath. Just when I was about to run to the stairwell, the iron door suddenly slammed, and two guys in hospital gowns rushed out from nowhere, and they all stumbled. I was frightened for a moment, this would kill me, if I was not afraid of them before, I would run away if I couldn't beat them, anyway, these guys are slow to react.But now I have injuries on my body, and it hurts even from coughing, let alone dealing with them. Afraid of what would happen, the two sick people got up from the ground. After seeing me, they were stunned for a few seconds, then their eyes glowed red, and they opened their mouths wide and rushed towards me. "Fuck you guys!" I cursed, and had no choice but to turn around and turn to the north of the corridor.Passing the elevator room, I saw that the two iron doors of the elevator were half open, as if they were stuck by something, and the elevator car sank, and the inside was dark and empty, only a thick steel wire rope was hanging in the air. When I passed by the elevator door, I took a quick look inside, and found that the wire rope connecting the car was slowly descending, and looking up, a huge square steel plate was also slowly moving down.It turned out that when I pulled the switch, the elevator stopped between the two floors.The elevator door could not be opened, and the patients who were unintentionally trapped in it forced the elevator door open with their hands and climbed out of the elevator. Their violent activities caused the elevator's running wire rope gear to break away, and the car fell downwards. After a few meters, the gear got stuck again, which is what we usually call "the elevator is empty". At this time, a few more mouthfuls of blood gushed out of my throat, making my face flushed with choking, and the two sufferers at the back took the opportunity to come up and twist me tightly.I struggled left and right, but the two of them had great strength, and I struggled for a long time but couldn't get away.In my panic, I saw that Watanabe had appeared from the corner of the corridor. I was so anxious that I threw away the cloth bag on my hand and punched a patient in the face. The bridge of the nose of the patient was broken and his face was covered with blood. But he still didn't let go of me, instead he bit my neck.
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