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Chapter 96 Chapter Ninety-Six

Suspicion 林苑中 1469Words 2018-03-22
On December 18, 199×, it was cloudy and rainy The rain in the sky seems to be endless, it keeps falling, and I am tired of the rain.In my impression, here seems to be a long rainy season.Endless rain.My work is going well, it's coming to an end.When I woke up this morning, I thought of the young snake dancer, the little golden snake dancing on the table.I have that scene in my memory, and I think it's an important one.Due to the long-term desk work, my eyes seem to be much worse than before. It can be said that the desk work has greatly damaged my eyesight.But there was nothing I could do about it, there was nothing I could do.Work must go on, life must go on, just as the rain goes on.For the past two days, my mind has been haunted by a restless afternoon, and I know I'm paying the price.I know this better than anyone else. Only I can taste the bitter fruit I have swallowed.I'm sitting at the table now, and I'm thinking about that afternoon when the stranger walked in the door.The strange snake dancer played the weird flute, and the little golden snake danced lightly.This is indeed something I will never forget.However, it is always that difficult afternoon time that makes me look up from the gap in the writing.I seemed to see a silvery white carcass with a green face again.We hadn't moved here before, and the space was so small that it didn't need to be cleaned at all.What a sin.It should be said that all these fatal mistakes started from hallucinations.I mistook the girl who came in to clean the door as Cheng Qing, and I don't know what happened at that time.All I know is that she actually sat on top of me, swaying wildly like a tree in the wind.

I was extremely surprised by my hardness at the time. If I didn’t treat her as Chengqing, I don’t know what effect it would have. I haven’t tried it. From the beginning, I was in a daze, like a seductive breath in the air.This breath and the gloomy weather outside reminded me of the first time I had sex with Suo Huan.Then I saw Cheng Qing approaching me, which was so surprising.The following things, unbuttoning, belts, and undressing were all so natural, but I couldn't wait.Today it is hard for me to tell whether I or the other party started first. To be honest, at my age, this cannot be regarded as a small miracle.Besides, I haven't been with her for a long time.It's just that on the eve of leaving Luocheng, I still had an impulse, but it didn't come true.She is not motivated at all.In fact, she has always been like this.This is bad.Maybe all men have this need, and they need a positive one.Or maybe I guess she's active around that guy, as I've occasionally heard.The thought of her positive madness dedicated to another person made me even worse at the time.Perhaps it was because of her that the person I regarded as young was active. Her active and careful caress gave me new vitality, like nectar pouring on a dead tree and spring on a dead tree.But who would have thought that in that afternoon, I would start to pay the price for it.A few days later, I started to feel unwell and had chickenpox on my body. Looking at the white transparent things that came out of nowhere, I began to realize that her erosion began to continue in my body.I started her erosion.This cruel fact made me stunned for a while, and I felt limp all over, as if a stem had been pulled out of my body.I had to sit at the table to cover up.It is also impossible for me to tell Xiao Zhang that this is a bitter fruit I swallowed myself.Can't blame anyone.The only thing that makes me happy is that when I am doing my academic writing, I feel that terrible reality is so far away from me.I think, I forget.But every time I raised my head from the table, a thick black smoke seemed to emerge from the thin air, and that black smoke was the evil result I had to face.

I think of it this way, once my book is finished, other things are no longer extravagant, and at that time I probably only owe one death. I looked up, and the night came again, not as a lovely reality but as a veritable catastrophe.At the moment, as I write these words, I feel much more at peace.Is my heart dead?I have no idea.As the saying goes, there is nothing more to be sad than to die.In fact, I have not yet fully felt the great sadness.I just had an uncanny peace of mind.I'm going to annihilate the scenes of that afternoon that seeped through the thin air, the mist.That way, my heart will be at ease.I had to put that bad afternoon aside.Really, sometimes, it's a little distracting.I understand now that the best thing I can do is work and work and work.Because of this, I will be free.

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