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Chapter 92 Chapter 92

Suspicion 林苑中 1398Words 2018-03-22
The professor's body was found in the bay in the northwest corner.His body was floating on the surface of the water, and he was buried head and foot in the water, and his dark blue clothes were full of water.Due to the flood in the past few days, the water in the concave bay kept rising and falling, and his body was shaking heavily in the water like a piece of wood.It is not clear who the first person to find him was.Some people say that they are from here, while others say that they are people who came here to collect folk songs.I knew the news was a purely sensitive reaction, and I was in the room dazed, guessing, and thinking wildly.Suddenly a sound of footsteps outside caught my attention, and when I opened the door, I just heard someone chattering about it.I hurried downstairs, and before I had time to close the door, I followed behind those people.

There is still rain in the sky, and it seems that it has no intention of stopping.Although the rain was small, it quickly soaked the hair, the hair was pressed on the head, and the rain was running down the cheeks.I followed closely.Looking around, I found that many people were stepping on the wet grass and heading towards the north, one after another, without speaking, only the sound of the wet grass. There were a lot of people watching, their black figures were getting closer and closer, my heart was getting harder and harder, it was beating against my chest.This hard impact did not soften until I stepped on the return ferry.I always remember how weakly I opened a gap in the black back, and then I almost sat on the ground.It took me a long time before I burst into tears.My crying seemed to frighten everyone on the spot, and they immediately turned their eyes and shot at me.The people next to me thought that I had slipped and fell to the ground, but they didn't expect that I could no longer support myself and fell to the ground.When he heard my cry, he shook his feet in bewilderment, as if my cry frightened him.

Then I heard someone say, this young man has probably never seen such a dead person, has he? Someone on my left said, young man, is that the one you are looking for? A person standing on my left asked me, is this person in the water the one you are looking for? The rain drifted into my crying, and my mouth seemed to be filled with water. I was crying, and I was very sad at the time.Slowly the raindrops in the water became bigger.It was the man standing on my left who spoke, his voice was high. Let's take a look and see if it's someone floating here, or the friend he's looking for?

Several people started to move, they were busy on the grass, and someone found a thick branch. The man on the left said, what did you find a branch for? But the man with the branch in his hand said, turn his face over, and you will know who he is.His words did not arouse everyone's objection, on the contrary, they were unanimously echoed.Yes, look, if it's a floating person, don't care about him, and don't care what he does.In two days, if the water is bigger, he may be on the road again. Those people poked the professor's face with thick branches. The professor's face seemed very stubborn, and they poked it over and over again.To this day I regret not stopping them in time.In fact, I couldn't believe the body soaked in the water at the time. The water soaked the professor's clothes deeply. If he didn't turn his face over and judge only by his back turned upside down, it would be hard to tell.I saw an easy cut here on his neck, and a long streak of blood coming up there.Finally, they turned the body over.At last the face of the corpse was seen.

The man standing on my left spoke again, he said, is that your friend? I couldn't say a word, I just nodded feebly. People started to get the corpses onto the shore in a hurry, and I was slumped on the ground.If it wasn't for the person on the left to pull me up, I don't know if I could stand up from the ground. At that time, my mind was blank, and I didn't know how to move my hands and feet on the grass.I saw the professor lying quietly on the grass, and more rainwater seeped from his body.His face looked fresher than ever.The gloss on the face is like the gloss of a pumpkin in water.The rain was still falling, and there was a rustling sound on the grass.The rain splashed on the professor's face, his lips were slightly parted, and the rain fell in.The algae wrapped right around his neck and hung across his chest like a sash of honor.

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