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Chapter 88 Chapter 88

Suspicion 林苑中 1165Words 2018-03-22
The fat man and the thin man stood on the balcony, watching the drizzle. The rain occasionally floated on their faces. The mountains in the distance seem to be moving in a trance in the sound of rain. There was a fluttering sound on the thatched grass, and the raindrops bounced on it. Suddenly, in their field of vision, there was a person walking towards the distance in the rain. The fat man pushed the thin man's arm, and the thin man pulled his gaze back from the east, and he saw it too. The thin man said, isn't that the person who was with that psychopath? Didn't he meet him during dinner?

The fat man seemed to remember it too, he looked very similar to that one from the back. The figure walked farther and farther away, and finally turned around the fork in the mountain road and disappeared. The fat man wiped his face, it was very damp.He then turned and entered the house. There was an unpleasant smell mixed with the warmth in the room, so he reached out and opened the kiln window. The thin man started to light a cigarette, which he almost forgot about. It was from taking out a cigarette when he was wiping his face with a handkerchief just now. This is almost the last cigarette.

At first he thought he had run out of cigarettes.This amazing one. As he watched, the cigarette was already crumpled with the handkerchief in his pocket. He turned it slowly, and the cigarette slowly straightened on his finger. Soon he could smell the nice smell of loose tobacco. He took a puff, then rolled up the paper cigarette box, and then threw it out again. The flower paper drew an arc in the air and landed on the grass. At this moment, he heard a scream from the fat man in the room. The thin man went into the house immediately and saw the fat man's fingers began to bleed. The fat man was almost squatting on the ground, holding a finger with all the strength of the other hand.

It was a ring finger.The thin man looked at it, and there was a wound, and blood came out from it. The blood then pooled on the finger and dripped down. The thin man rummaged through his bag for a long time but couldn't find a piece of cloth. In the end, he tore off a piece of the tattered pillow cover with great effort. The fat man was very grateful for this, but the thin man felt nothing. We should take care of each other, regardless of each other. In fact, the fat man acted like a child, which surprised the thin man a little. But he bandaged him while smiling and said, you. You are probably a person who is more sensitive to pain.

After bandaging, they sat on the edge of the bed and began to discuss how to proceed to the next step. There can be no more mistakes.The thin man agrees with the fat man. He nodded, yes. They finally came to an agreement. What began as divisions was softened and united by the bloodshed just before the eyes. They high-fived that victory. Judging from their faces, it was obvious that the happiness was also prepaid early. Then the fat man stood up from his seat, and went to further open the door that was ajar. It was the young man standing in front of him who knocked on the door just now.

He stared at him blankly, he didn't speak, his eyes looked inward. He seemed to think of something at this time, and said with a smile, crazy, there is no one you are looking for here. The young man's face was still covered with a layer of morning frost, the fat man turned his head and said to the thin man inside that he lost his man again. It's about the same as us.He turned around and added. The thin man started to tune his radio again.The radio creaked like a mentally handicapped person. He yelled at the door, let's go.Fatty seemed to have heard the order, and slammed the door shut.

The young man was obviously about to say something. The moment the fat man closed the door, he saw the mouth move. He also didn't know why he didn't tell the young man the truth.His friend hit the road in the rain. Why didn't he say it.He thought he might have been fooled by a common pleasure. Besides, if that guy likes to find people, maybe he doesn't know who is being fooled. He seemed to hear distinctly a knock on the next door.
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