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Chapter 80 Chapter Eightieth

Suspicion 林苑中 1142Words 2018-03-22
Porn tycoon reveals Bush scandal U.S. presidential election rhetorical war escalates This morning's special telegram On October 21, local time in the United States, a piece of news broadcast by the US cable news network CNN stated that Republican candidate George W. Bush was involved in an abortion scandal in the 1970s.According to reports, Larry Green, who runs a pornographic magazine in the United States, told CNN that he discovered that in the early 1970s, Bush Jr. had been involved in an abortion scandal.Larry Green said he would reveal more details.Bush's campaign team responded immediately after hearing this "news": the release of this news only shows that as the general election approaches, some people have become more and more unscrupulous.

There is a hidden danger in the cooling system of the nuclear reactor Britain urgently calls 12 nuclear submarines for repair This morning's special telegram The Royal Navy's 12 nuclear-powered submarines are suspected of leaking in the cooling system of the nuclear reactor. They are suspended from service and returned to the British naval base for inspection.The 12 submarines that need to be inspected belong to the "Trafalgar" and "Stevezell" class. At present, only two are deployed in waters outside the UK and are on their way back to the British base. In May of this year, the British Navy found a problem with a submarine of the same class. It was originally planned to tow the submarine back to Gibraltar for repairs. However, the local residents were worried that the submarine would leak nuclear radiation and opposed the submarine entering the port, which delayed the repair plan. .

News of the week Daily use of cloned bovine sperm to artificially inseminate cows is another success Yeltsin sold his memoirs while ill · Japan and South Korea plan to build a submarine railway Lu Lu, Queen of Guinness Book of Breasts and World Champion of Breast Augmentation, Died Suddenly The deceased Jing, a 29-year-old female, was a native of Luocheng. On the night of the incident, neighbors in the apartment heard shouting and fighting.According to eyewitnesses, there are many mysterious men and women haunting here every night, and nearby residents have reported that they may gather to take drugs.The accident is under further investigation.

(Reporter: Wen Xiao) An old man in India playing computer games Accidentally became a millionaire This newspaper telegraphed this morning on the 19th that Basha, who lives in Delhi, received a certificate from an Internet website freelattry.com in New York, saying that he had won a grand prize of 10 million US dollars in a competition on the website.Basha accidentally became a real "multi-millionaire!" Although Basha is nearly 60 years old, he is no less energetic than young people when playing computer games.After get off work every day, he has to surf the Internet for two hours. On the evening of September 28, he browsed the Internet as usual.When he entered freelattery.com, there was a game competition going on, and he played it for a while.After playing it, I left it behind and didn't think about it again.Unexpectedly, the next day, he received a notification from freelattdry.com, telling him that the game result had been announced, and he had won a grand prize of 10 million US dollars.

daily care shake There is a common saying in the folks: One shake is worse than a hundred movements.Shaking here refers to trembling, which is a long-standing folk fitness method.It is especially suitable for the elderly or those with chronic diseases to practice. The essentials of the trembling fitness method are: stand upright, relax the whole body naturally, droop your arms, and keep your feet slightly wider than your shoulders.Then the legs are slightly bent, and the body shakes up and down rhythmically.When trembling, it should be noted that the shaking of the legs should drive the shaking of the upper body and arms, and the shaking of the upper body should not cause the shaking of the legs. When shaking, the whole body should relax.The speed depends on the individual's situation; the amplitude should be based on the feeling of the chest muscles trembling, but don't use too much force, the exercise effect is not the bigger the better, but the degree of comfort; the heel can touch the ground or leave the ground ; The time can be long or short, preferably about 30 minutes.

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