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Chapter 74 Chapter Seventy-Four

Suspicion 林苑中 1017Words 2018-03-22
A person came out of another room. I looked familiar, but I couldn't remember where I had seen him before.It wasn't until I opened the door of the room that I realized that it was the red-lipped woman we had met in Nanyan.Her face was still heavily painted, like a mask, and when I met with her, her eyelashes flickered, and her lips were terribly red, as if she had just bitten bloody raw meat.Obviously she doesn't recognize me anymore, but I do recognize her.She walked far down the hallway with her hips twisted, and then went down the eastern landing.Here is some distance from Nanyan, and the appearance of this woman aroused my interest.I found myself striding away from the door.

I basically haven't walked through the eastern stairway, but its structure is not unfamiliar at all, just like the image of the west stairway in the mirror.The top is also mottled, and the wall looks like a cloudy cloud resting there, and it will fly out into the sky when there is a draft.I watched for a long time, but the shadow of the Nanyan girl disappeared.I stood there as if the wind had captivated my eyes, the corridor was empty and there was no one.The corridor lights illuminated the entire corridor red.A door on the east wall caught my attention. It was ajar, and I had to hold my feet.According to my analysis, this must be the door where she disappeared, otherwise, according to the calculation of the speed, she should appear in the shadow of the corridor lights. Even if I enter another room in the corridor, I should be able to see her traces: for example She just opened the door, or she just stepped in and got halfway in, or she just went in and could still see her hind legs, or she went in and I heard the door close.There is only one possibility now, and that is that she entered the nearest room.After going down the stairs, I went in. In this way, I didn't see any movement of her entering the door. The concealed door was just a judgment of mine.And, I don't think it can be wrong.

Unless she's a phantom, a gust of wind, I said to myself.At this time, I heard a sound coming from behind the crack of the door.Then came the voices of two people talking.I'm sure she's in there.Their speech was vague, as if it came from a water tank.I couldn't hear it clearly, but through the crack in the door I could see four legs folded together.It makes me unable to imagine how these four legs are stacked together.Then a sound woke me up, the creaking of the bed.I am very familiar with this sound. When it is overwhelmed, it just squeaks.The first time I got into a hostel bed, I felt like a woman screaming.Judging from that voice, they are sitting on the bed now, the room doesn't seem to be big, and the door will be closed as soon as a person sitting on the head of the bed stretches out his hand.The four legs disappeared, and only a section of white concrete floor was seen in the crack of the door.

Just as I thought, suddenly the door was closed from the inside.Not a sound from inside could be heard. I finally understood, my face turned red, it turned out that I didn't think about her anymore.Then I went back to the room.I felt like I had done a stupid thing, and I didn't feel any secret pleasure from that hushed breath. On the contrary, what echoed in my chest was pain and shame.
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