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Chapter 71 Chapter 71

Suspicion 林苑中 2180Words 2018-03-22
It was already dark, and the darkness on the window was like splashed ink that quickly entered the room, and I stood in front of the window.In the past few days, my heart has never been at peace, and now there are more and more people.And these strangers who don't know where they came from will suddenly pose a great threat to me.At that time, I expected it, and in fact it was true. We were quickly driven out of the original spacious room, and I don't know what will happen next.It can be said that I almost witnessed the whole process of the murder the night before yesterday, and of course I witnessed many other people.But who is to say it.Besides, what's the use of talking about him.After all, it is a dead person, and we have to live.This is probably what this group of people, including me, thought.Who wants to burn the fire on himself?I certainly wouldn't do that pedantic thing like the professor did.Under such circumstances, if he inquired and inquired, there must be no results, and no one would tell him the truth.His student told him that it was because he was not deeply involved in the world and inexperienced. In fact, he was taking risks.If those people find out, they will definitely color him up.There's nothing these guys can't do.Of course, the matter turned out to be pure nonsense in the end.Let’s not talk about the vigilance of those people in the hotel, just talk about the mixed strangers. To be honest, I often have a faint feeling that there are some eagle-like eyes among the strangers, and I never relax.With my intuition and sensitivity, I can really feel it.

I am a person who sometimes digs into a dead end. I think back then, I committed that incident because of this problem.In order to allow myself to be confused with this group of people, without leaving any clues.I have to be like everyone else, so that I can gain a certain sense of security, otherwise my heart will always be in a state of anxiety.I have already achieved preliminary results. When the professor knocked on the door and walked in in the afternoon, he thought he had entered the wrong room.In other words, there was nothing wrong with my haircut, and the professor almost regarded me as a stranger, which meant that I was no different from those strangers.I am happy.The professor told me about the student, and I was at a loss for words.I want to explain clearly to the professor, but I can't, one is because of my current personal situation that has suddenly become tense due to the appearance of these strangers, and the other is that I have to consider everyone's safety, if I say so, Nature is unfavorable, and disaster will befall almost everyone.Even the professor himself.I just agreed to him.At that time, I had only one choice, and I promised him.I went back with him, and I felt that Xiao Zhang had to be persuaded.Otherwise, if he keeps paying attention, he will naturally attract the attention of others.If others pay attention to us in turn, there will be no good results. This is a natural truth.I think Xiao Zhang should also be stopped.What to do.If you mix it in, you may even mix your own life into it, wouldn't it be wronged.For me, the situation is getting worse after all, so I can only say that if Xiao Zhang doesn't listen, it will be his fate.There is no other way, just watch him touch the rock. Fortunately, Xiao Zhang listened.Persuasion, it is naturally the best, it is convenient for oneself, and it is also convenient for others.The wind outside the window licked the window softly, and the glass was still rattling.

When I escaped alone, it was because I hated crowds and liked to live alone.Fortunately, I came to the island and lived a stable life for several years.Actually, I've been worrying about this too.Although I don't go out very much, I still pay more attention to the changes on the island.People, the more you worry about it, the more it will come to you.First, the professor and his students, who rarely mentioned their purpose, looked like they came to a deserted island to gather folk songs.After they came, I heard that the ferry was broken down, and I was secretly happy.At the beginning, the professors and students were still running around, almost invisible during the day, and only appeared at night, and then gradually went out less and less. The place was originally small, and there was probably no exciting content collected.After that, there was very little contact. Judging from the contact these days, it is not bad. It can be regarded as a good companion here.These two people came, that's all, but now a large group of people came.This group of people must be destructive, just look at the trampled grass in front of the hotel at the beginning, can't it?Anyway, I don't like these people very much.Talk to them occasionally, and they will chat with you one or two sentences perfunctorily, at most three sentences will be a big deal.In fact, I don't want to talk to them yet, I just want to talk to them a little bit.They came together, so they will know something more or less.It seems that these guys are also very sophisticated characters. I understand now that nothing can be said from their mouths.

I haven't slept well these days, and I always have nightmares in the middle of the night.There is always a knock on the door in the dream, but I just can't see what the face outside the door looks like.There is no way, this matter haunts you and makes you restless, these few days seem to have passed for years. Of course, I still need to work on my hair, the small braid has been eradicated, which was a famous braid back then.I was more or less a celebrity at that time, and although my painting was not at its peak, at least it was passable.He also showed his face several times in newspapers and TV.I have never been sloppy with braids, and I treat them like pets, or even like a person. To put it a little deeper, I also treat it as an art.Take good care of it, it's a natural thing.After that incident, that braid was simply a reflection of my life. Before, the braid was smooth and smooth, with red silk wrapped around it, but after that, it looked much more unruly, almost unkempt and disheveled.The contrast is stark.After coming here, I waited for it for a while, and after a long time, I showed it to myself, and gradually became sloppy.Still a decent thing anyway.Think about the night before, after Dameng woke up, he cut off that braid.There is also a little remorse, but there is actually no way.I have to.Otherwise, my image is too conspicuous, and too conspicuous means self-exposing.The more I thought about it in bed, the more afraid I became, and the more afraid I became, the more determined I became.click.I seem to still hear that crisp voice.Later, I threw it away in a panic, and I was relieved a lot.

One matter was dealt with quickly, and my heart was much safer after all.Even so, I still have a chill in my back today, which is obviously not a good thing, and I really hope they don't notice something's wrong.Now I think of the hidden gaze again, it really seems to stare into your heart like a falcon.Hope it's not my allergic reaction.I'll have to trim it a little more, though.I have to be like this, the farther I am from my original self, the closer I am to those strangers.By that time, they couldn't tell the difference.Wish I was hypersensitive.Wish I was hypersensitive.

It was dark outside, and the windowpane was a mirror, and I could see myself wielding the scissors.This time the cultivation was more careful, better, and more normal.
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