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Chapter 67 Chapter 67

Suspicion 林苑中 1220Words 2018-03-22
The fat man opened the door, and the thin man was smoking.The fat man took off his raincoat and hung it on a nail on the wall.Then he waved his hand, as if to drive away the plumes of smoke flying up the tip of his nose. The thin man stubbed out the cigarette butt, and told the fat man that the psychopath had struck again. The fat man didn't come back to his senses for a while, he asked the thin man, which one is crazy?Where did it come from? The thin man laughed and said, look, your brain, and then pointed to his own head. The hair on his head stood on end like needles. The guy who came looking for a friend, this time looking for a friend again.

The thin man's reminder made the fat man come to his senses immediately, and let out a long cry. Oh - it's that guy.Remembered, remembered. The thin man saw his companion sit down, and there were still a little damp spots on his clothes.He stared at the tide spot on the fat man's knee and said, could this guy come to spy on us? The fat man said, "No way, we basically pay more attention to our outfits, no way, we didn't stand up and deal with something that happened that night because we were afraid of being exposed. Besides, our purpose is to find out who guy. The thin man said, it's better to be careful, we are about to catch our mouth, so don't lose Jingzhou because of it.

The fat man said, yes.OK Then they started talking in low voices, and the fat man said he had gone out and walked through it. The thin man choked his throat and asked the fat man how the situation was. The fat man told him that there were no houses around, and it seemed that he had to go farther to look. The weather was the best, and it was raining, and those people were all indoors. It's not easy.God really has eyes, I hope it will last for another two or three days. The thin man slapped his thigh, as if he suddenly remembered something, he stood up and walked to the old wooden cabinet against the north wall, he opened the door, dragged out the bag inside, and dragged out a few black grains along the way. Rat droppings, scattered on the floor.

The thin man cursed angrily, because they had already cleaned up this rat shit several times.Those damn mice also disturbed their good dreams. The fat man saw the thin man pull out a black box from the bag, which turned out to be a radio. The fat man laughed, this guy really has a sweet eye.The radio was turned on, and there was a gurgling sound at first. The thin man tuned the station, hoping that the sound would be clearer.After a round of tuning, there was no clearer sound, so he turned the red horizontal needle to the frequency he often listened to.But still a confused voice.The fat man laughed again and said, it seems that the signal here is not strong, and if it is far away, you don't have to worry about it.

I see, there is still room for heaven.The weather is here.Fatty seems to be very experienced. The thin man said nothing, slowed down the tune, and finally he stopped, and a clearer voice came out from that box... Tomorrow, the rain will gradually stop and the sun will become cloudy.The thin man raised his wrist and turned around, thinking that the voice would be clearer and more pleasant, but he did not expect that the voice would soon be replaced by a group of chaotic noises.No matter how much he spun, he never heard that beautiful voice again.The thin man looked very annoyed and threw him on the quilt viciously.Said, fuck it, no use.

Seeing the angry look of the thin man, the fat man laughed again, what's the rush, after such a long time, do you still care about these few days?The sky is getting better, and it's good to rest here, wait for the opportunity and then start. Besides, when it comes to sunny days, I still don't know which ghost place it is?So it must be here?The fat man said again. The fat man fell down suddenly and fell on the quilt. He felt tired after going out. The thin man had the radio in his hand again.Fatty heard those voices rushing out of the black box again, covering the room, as if the whole room was covered with weeds all of a sudden.

The fat man clenched his fists and beat the soft quilt.The thin man didn't realize it, in fact the fat man was tired of those voices.The fat man slowly put the wrap around his head.
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