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Chapter 44 Chapter Forty-Four

Suspicion 林苑中 1473Words 2018-03-22
Indeed, as they said, the death of the man and woman did not cause anything, only two people died.To be honest, including ourselves, it seems to be very peaceful, which is a bit strange even to ourselves.The hotel was still the same as usual, lonely and deserted.I stood on the balcony and looked at the moss-covered gravel path and the lush thatch. The people who talked about it had long since disappeared, only the thatch that grew to the bottom of the wall was shaking and making noise. The balcony looked very cramped. There was a light blue underwear dangling on the clothes hook above the head, and a gecko lay quietly on the wall.

The shadow of the professor can be seen in the glass window behind him. The tip of his pen is almost close to the tip of his nose when he is concentrating on his writing. I am often moved by his diligence.Even more so now, there is a small hot current welling up in my heart, it is a mixture of sweetness, fatigue, sadness, sadness, pain, which warms my body and mind.Occasionally, I heard one or two coughs from the professor. These days, every time I hear his cough, my nerves will jump, as if his cough is not coming from his throat, but the thrilling sound of my nerves flicking . The current predicament is a quagmire, which is getting deeper and deeper.I thought so.

The image of me standing on the balcony with my arms folded is still fresh in my memory, and I even remember the pain at that time.I have grown up so much that I have hardly done any heavy work. The weight of the shovel in the morning seems to be still in my arms. The first taste of labor I tasted was not a labor practice class on a university campus, nor was it a voluntary cleaning. A grave was dug for two strangers, and new soil was added spade after spade.The shrinking darkness above my head and the narrowness in the deep pit seemed to still be there. Standing on the balcony, I recalled the scene in the morning. I smelled the smell of dead leaves in the maple forest and the astringent smell of the soil in the deep pit.

Two people buried here with their stories, quietly.Who knows?When you walk through the maple leaf forest, is it the whispering of those golden leaves that make noise under your feet, or the faint sorrow of the couple. Yeah, who knows? The arrival of Painter Cen interrupted my reverie. I saw him waving to me from the window. Because the balcony door was closed, his voice was very weak, and I couldn't hear what he was saying.I went back to the house, where the professor was still writing, like no one else.He didn't seem to hear anything about my conversation with Painter Cen.Looking at the figure of the professor, Painter Cen and I lowered our glottis and moved to the corridor.The lights in the inner corridor were always on, but the light seemed blurred and dim.There were people in and out of the adjoining room, busily counting the belongings of the couple.They kept the valuable things and buried or burned all the worthless things.Painter Cen said.

It was Painter Cen's instigation that I came to this room. There is a smell in the room that is different from other rooms. It is a scent of women's life, fragrant and warm, while other rooms are only dry and bitter.Although there were very few things left in the room, the aura was still swaying in the room, and as the space got bigger and bigger, its aura also became bigger. A few people were busy in the corner, and there were messy clothes scattered all over the ground, as if robbers had just come to rob.I don't know whether it is due to the pursuit of aesthetics or other factors, both Painter Cen and I have gained something. Painter Cen got a bra, while the other pink one fell into the hands of another person.The brassiere in Painter Cen’s hands is exquisitely embroidered, and the patterns are very colorful. Judging from Painter Cen’s expression, it is something he has not seen for many years. I am a little jealous of his cherished appearance. I am jealous that he can have that kind of love An attitude of aesthetic substance, not for pornography and more obscene content.After searching for a long time, I got a leather shoe, the red one with a pointed beak.The other one was in someone's hand. I held that shoe in my hand and saw the light on the red upper. Even though it was one shoe, I felt satisfied.Others in the room also benefit greatly.They almost left the room with a lot of things in their arms, with happy smiles on their faces.This is an unexpected surprise that life gives them, and they seem to be unable to refuse.

Looking at the shoes in my hand, Painter Cen's eyes were obviously full of envy. We even complimented each other on each other's knowledge and vision.In fact, we know that this is just a kind of cherish.At least I am like this, because I think that if one day we also expose our bodies somewhere, maybe my tie, trousers and a valuable watch will be taken away by someone, and there is no way to do it.Even wild zhi will come to carve up my body.That must be a magnificent carve-up army, mighty and unstoppable.
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