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Chapter 43 Chapter Forty-Three

Suspicion 林苑中 1360Words 2018-03-22
When the news of the death of the sightseers came, it caused us consternation.In fact, if we hadn’t established a close relationship with Painter Cen, our emotional tendency would still be on that couple, because we are all from the city, or the outside world of the non-island, so it’s easier to communicate emotionally, that is, It is said that the kind of mutual help and sympathy when you are away from home makes people get closer and closer.In fact, it is, and the psychological feelings their deaths bring to us illustrate this point.Although they are a pair of indifferent shadows in our minds, we know almost nothing about them.And the scratches on the nails on the neck that are occasionally exposed can't explain the problem at all, even if you sometimes hear a half-cry scream in the night.The news of the death was brought by the professor, and I was at the window, looking at the chaotic people downstairs, and it seemed that something had happened.Sure enough, after a while, the professor entered the room, he closed the door casually and habitually, and then told me the news.He said, you know what?Those two people died.There was no expression on the professor's face, he just spoke very plainly.I didn't realize it for a while, who are these two people?He said, have you forgotten?It was those two people, a man and a woman.The two we only met occasionally at the restaurant despite living next door.I woke up.According to the professor, the people were found on a pile of rubble near the Fenglin Gate. They were lying on the rubble with many injuries on their bodies.It was a child who found their bodies. He was an alert child. His home was in the Nanyan area. It was a juvenile adventure for him to walk to Fenglin Gate.The two white corpses terrified him, and he ran to tell a nearby poppy grower, and word spread.

When people rushed to the corpses, someone had already covered their bodies with withered grass. Under my persuasion, the professor followed me. We saw the two people sleeping peacefully under the withered grass, and the sunlight cast the shadow of the withered grass on their faces. The crippled chef probably came after getting the news from people. He was walking very fast on a grassy path, his body shaking violently.Behind him were two or three people, all from the hotel.They saw that lying on the gravel in front of them was the passenger of their hotel.One of them, the one standing next to the crippled cook, cast a malicious look at the woman's bare pussy.He was the one who helped lift the snake off the woman's foot in the restaurant, and his face still showed a fierce look.

The lame chef and the others lit a cigarette and discussed how to deal with this unexpected incident.Both the professor and I disagreed with their hasty actions at first, and just like that, buried these two people for no apparent reason? At this time, someone had found a rusty shovel from nowhere, and the shovel was full of rust. The lame chef probably wanted to give us some face at first, but then he simply ignored us, saying that this is the way to go, otherwise, what should we do?Here, it is quite normal to die. The guy with the shovel shook his beard and said, where do you think this is?This is a place where nobody depends on anyone.Dead people are nothing special.The guy in his thirties was still staring at the woman's body without saying a word.

Later they lifted the two men up and said they wanted to find a nearby place to bury them. We took part in the next thing out of sheer coercion, and the muscles and eyes of the guy in his thirties compelled us to hold out our hands.I tightly held the woman's legs and neck. I don't know whose hands the other three legs were in. What I got was only one leg of that woman. Her skin was as smooth and cold as marble. Soon the bodies of the men and women were carried to the nearby Fenglin.The cripple was in front, and three or four of us followed behind carrying the heavy corpse, and there were some curious people behind us.The ground was covered with dead leaves in the forest, the sun cast golden spots, and the sound of the feet was like walking on gold coins.

Because the professor was getting old, they almost pushed me down the half-dug hole. They asked me to continue digging. When I was on the rustling dead leaves, I slowly felt the weight of my arms. At the same time, I also felt that the darkness above my head was getting bigger and bigger, and the light was getting smaller and smaller.
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