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Chapter 39 Chapter Thirty-Nine

Suspicion 林苑中 1006Words 2018-03-22
Another night fell.Everyone sat together, no one spoke, their faces darkened in silence, sadness made the whole air seem to freeze, and the moon in the sky radiated a chill.In the occasional wind, there are shouts, guns and footsteps. These provocative voices made them clenched their fists.First Dinghai the snake charmer, then Uncle Cao, and then Miss Chunmei. It was Xiaodao Cai who broke the silence.Xiaodao Cai is a young man, about twenty years old. Everyone's eyes were cast on the tall and straight young man in front of him, his voice was a little hoarse. He seemed a little excited, and I will go with you too.This decision seemed to have been ups and downs in his chest for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, many young people stood up and asked to go with them. In fact, the air at that moment was filled with the smell of gunpowder.The arrow is already on the bow. A thin old man stood up from the crowd, and he made a move in the air with his thin hand. Ok, deal.This is a man who speaks his mind. The next day, the sky was bright, and they walked towards the station on the frosty grass. The sounds of morning exercises, footsteps, and fighting were getting closer.They carried heavy baskets, and the ropes were stretched straight. This is an act of revenge. Those who participated in that operation were: Xiao Da, Tao Xinyuan, Da Lu, Wu Guan, and Xiaodao Cai.They are the chefs that can be counted here.Among this group of people, Xiaodaocai is the youngest.

The soldiers who were practicing in the morning stopped curiously when they saw a group of people passing by them.One of them shot one of the baskets with a gun and asked roughly, what the hell?Is there anything to eat? Xiao Da lifted the cover.Those people quickly snatched up those momos. Later, a man who looked like a small team leader came over and asked them if they had anything else to eat. They were really hungry. Of course, you see, Xiao Daocai said, we are here to honor you. As Xiao Daocai said, he opened another basket, and there were countless snakes curled up inside.Their bodies circle and flow.The shadows of those soldiers gleamed in the rippled light of their bodies.

This is a group of gluttonous soldiers. They were taken into the barracks.In the new light of the morning, the rows of brick houses looked very stiff. They could also hear the sound of the tide in the distance over the indifferent roof ridges. The kitchen was not big, and it was full of steam. The new cooks started to make their specialty dishes, that's what they told them, the feast of dragons and snakes.Yes, it's a specialty dish, and it's the most beautiful dish in the world. Those people couldn't be happier.The meat meal for three consecutive days is really a feast for the taste.

During the three days, not only the legs and feet, but even the spears and sticks that had been wielding seemed to gain prestige. On the fourth night, all the venomous snakes kept in more hidden places were put into the pot, and forty or fifty soldiers were killed on the spot after eating them.That night, each of them carried an average of ten heavy corpses, ran along the path through the jungle to the sea, and threw them all into the sea.After almost a busy night, on the morning of the fifth day, Xiao Da, Tao Xinyuan, Da Lu, Wu Guan, and Xiao Dao Cai left there through the misty morning mist. When they passed the training ground, the training ground was quiet, with the shadow of the jungle looming.

The sound of the morning tide remained the same, but the provocative gunfire was no longer heard.
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