Home Categories Thriller sin of butterflies

Chapter 53 first quarter

sin of butterflies 冯华 3302Words 2018-03-22
Yu Ruhua's guess was soon confirmed, and she was indeed pregnant again. At the same time as this news came, there was another news.After a series of complicated medical examinations, the doctor specially asked Qiu Yingjie to have a private conversation.The doctor used a lot of medical terms that Qiu Yingjie seemed to understand, but in the end Qiu Yingjie understood.At this moment, what is conceived in Ruohua's womb is not only a fetus, but also a time bomb. With the increase of pregnancy, Yu Ruhua will face more and more serious threats to his life.The safest solution is to terminate the pregnancy, but this will bring another result: Yu Ruhua is likely to lose her fertility, that is, she will never be able to have children.

Qiu Yingjie asked the doctor in an almost desperate tone: "Is there really no other way?" The doctor said nothing, just shook his head.At that moment, Qiu Yingjie had already made a decision in his heart: this child could not be had. After making a decision, Qiu Yingjie heard a soft, cracking sound from the bottom of his heart.He didn't know what it was and didn't want to know.All he knew was that compared to Yu Ruohua's life, nothing else was that important - even a child who could bring him hope. However, Qiu Yingjie didn't say these words to Ruohua, and kept them all in his heart.When he told Yu Ruohua what he thought, he felt relieved.A few months ago, they had a moderate cold war over pregnancy. Qiu Yingjie believed that Yu Ruhua still had the same attitude as last time, and he didn't have to rack his brains to persuade Yu Ruhua to stay. This child, this may be considered... the best of both worlds.Maybe this is God's will, Qiu Yingjie comforted himself like this.

However, things once again exceeded Qiu Yingjie's expectations. Yu Ruohua said, "We have to keep this child." Qiu Yingjie was stunned for a moment, thinking that Yu Ruhua didn't quite understand what he meant.Worried that Yu Ruohua would be frightened, he did not dare to tell the doctor the original text, but only said that out of consideration for Ruohua's own health, the doctor suggested that she undergo an abortion. Seeing Qiu Yingjie in a daze, Yu Ruohua said it again: "Yingjie, I've made up my mind, this time I must keep the child. Don't worry, I'm already mentally prepared."

Qiu Yingjie bit the bullet and said, "Ruohua, maybe I didn't make it very clear just now. Whether it's my personal opinion or the doctor's opinion, this child..." "I have to!" Yu Ruhua interrupted Qiu Yingjie, and said calmly, "You made it very clear. Did the doctor tell you that if I continue to get pregnant, my life may be in danger?" "Being a doctor may be a bit exaggerated... Yes, it may be life-threatening." "Did he also say that if I undergo another abortion, I will never be able to have another child?" "He wasn't so sure, he just said it might be..."

"Don't comfort me, I understand." Yu Ruohua smiled lightly, "Whether it is certain or possible, I have already decided, no matter what happens, I must have this child, I must!" Qiu Yingjie knew Yu Ruhua well, and he immediately understood why Yu Ruhua made such a choice.Of course, she still misses the moon as before, unwilling to "betray" the moon because of the arrival of a new life, but...she has to risk her life to keep this new life for the "what if" they are least willing to accept. life.Yes, after more than a year, the moon has disappeared, and the shadow of "what if" is getting closer and closer to them-if the moon never comes back, shouldn't they have another child?

One can imagine what a cruel decision this would be for Ruohua. The problem is, Yu Ruhua's choice has become a dangerous mountain in front of Qiu Yingji.He may have the courage and physical strength to cross it, but he cannot predict what kind of scenery will be on the other side of it.If, as the doctor said, Yu Ruhua was in danger because of this child, even... Qiu Yingjie didn't dare to think about it anymore, he knew that this was something he couldn't face at all. Qiu Yingji discovered for the first time that Yu Ruhua was so stubborn.No matter how he persuaded him, how he moved him with emotion and reason, after what Che Jilu had said countless times, Yu Ruohua started to keep his left ear in and his right ear out, but then he turned a deaf ear, and after that he simply pretended to be a fool. Dazed, take Qiu Yingjie's words as if they don't exist.

Qiu Yingjie really had no choice but to go to Chen Li. It's like a joke life has played on them.The last time Yu Ruohua was pregnant, it was an abortion operation under Chen Li's persuasion and instigation, which caused Qiu Yingjie to harbor resentment towards Chen Li for a long time.This time Yu Ruhua was pregnant again, but Qiu Yingji had to turn around and asked Chen Li for help, hoping that Chen Li would help him persuade Yu Ruhua to get rid of the child. Qiu Yingjie told Chen Li everything he knew, and then said: "This question, I guess you have more influence on her than me. She listened to you last time. I believe that this time, as long as you If you go out, she will still listen to you."

Chen Li smiled slightly and said, "Judging from your tone, I think you still seem to hate me." Qiu Yingjie was taken aback, and quickly explained: "You misunderstood, I didn't mean that, just... I hope you can help me persuade her, and don't let her take such a risk." Chen Li stared at Qiu Yingjie for a while, then turned to look elsewhere, and said lightly: "Let me try. It's not because you asked me to help you, but because I'm her friend, of course I don't want anything to happen to her." , Second... or that sentence, for the moon."

What Qiu Yingjie wanted to say, but didn't know how to say it, this feeling was really too complicated. To Qiu Yingji's disappointment, even Chen Li's efforts failed this time.At night, Yu Ruhua put the children to sleep calmly, and called Qiu Yingjie to the balcony.On a night in early autumn, the wind is slightly cool.The night sky was a deep blue, with no stars or moon in sight. "Yingjie, do you still remember when I was pregnant with Moon, why did we name him that?" Of course Qiu Yingjie remembered.It was also a night, the difference was that the moonlight was very bright that night.

"It was also a night. But the moon was very bright that night." Yu Ruohua looked at the night sky, as if he could still see the moon that night. "At that time we just knew that we were going to be parents, but we were not mentally prepared at all. I was happy and scared at the same time. I didn't know whether the child in my stomach would be a boy or a girl, what it would look like, and whether it would be healthy after birth. , Are you naughty? Do you listen to us? Can we take care of it... That feeling is really amazing. It is already a part of your body, but you don’t know anything about him. The only thing you know is, No matter what happens, we will all take responsibility in the future and love him well..."

Yu Ruohua said it as if he was talking to himself, but Qiu Yingjie listened nonchalantly.The words he heard quietly overlapped with the content in his memory, turning into an image, presented in front of his eyes with incomparable clarity. Qiu Yingjie remembered that they had been passionately trying to give the child of unknown gender the most beautiful name.The moonlight reflected on Ruohua's face, giving her an intoxicating beauty.Qiu Yingjie's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly thought of naming their child "Moon". "In that case, no matter where we go, no matter when, even if the child grows up, we will be very old. When we miss him, we can see him just by looking up." They all agreed that it could not have been a better name.Although it sounds too artistic, and some genders are unknown, so what?In short, they are their children, the crystallization of their emotions, the continuation of their lives... that's enough! Yu Ruohua turned around and looked at Qiu Yingjie silently.Although there is no moonlight, the intoxicating beauty is still the same as before. Yu Ruhua asked Qiu Yingjie softly: "Yingjie, don't you miss that feeling? You also know that this may be our last chance, are you really willing to give it up?" Qiu Yingjie felt it was difficult to breathe.There was an impulse in his heart that made him want to tell Yu Ruohua loudly how much he missed that feeling and how much he wanted to seize this last chance.But another voice reminded Qiu Yingjie that he could not be so selfish and endanger Yu Ruohua's life for such a wish. Qiu Yingjie finally managed to control his emotions, and said gently but firmly: "I only hope that you can live healthy and healthy, so that we can go down together and wait for the moon to come back together, what do you think?" Yu Ruohua sighed. "Did you ask Chen Li to do my job?" "You should understand Chen Li, that's mainly what she means." "Last time you weren't..." "The last time was the last time, and this time is this time. The situation is different. Besides, even she and I have agreed, which shows that it is wrong for you to go your own way. You should listen to us." "I know you both are doing it for my own good. I can listen to anything else, but not this one." "Ruohua, why are you so stubborn?" "A woman has the right to choose to be a mother." "But you have the moon! Have you forgotten that the moon is also your son?" "You taught me to be objective. If the moon doesn't come back, I can't let us wait like this forever." "What if? You never thought about it, in case the child is not born, you will do it yourself..." "I'm dead, right? Of course I thought about it. If that's the case, I can only say that my life is bad, and I admit it." "You admit it? What should I do? Are you going to leave me alone in this world?" "Fool, you won't be alone. For a good man like you, there will be many good women rushing for..." The two were talking, their voices getting louder and louder.Yu Ruhua felt a sense of indifference, but Qiu Yingji was full of fear and despair.After Yu Ruohua's last words came out, Qiu Yingjie suddenly couldn't bear the pressure and got angry at her. "Don't say such things to me! Do you think I can let go of you just by saying this? Yu Ruohua, you are wrong! If you really think so, you will be ruthless to all those who love you! If you have Three long and two short, I will never forgive you for the rest of my life!" Suddenly there was a soft noise in the room.The two looked back, and Dongdong got up at some point, standing barefoot at the balcony door, looking at them with a little horror. "Teacher Yu, Uncle Qiu, are you arguing?" Yu Ruohua hurriedly stepped forward to hold Dongdong's hand, and said with a smile: "Why are you standing on the ground barefoot? Be careful of catching a cold. We didn't quarrel, we were discussing something, did it wake you up?" Dongdong looked back at Qiu Yingjie anxiously, Qiu Yingjie forced a smile at him, but it was uglier than crying. Yu Ruohua said: "Look, uncle laughed, it's okay, go back to sleep, everyone go back to sleep! Yingjie, you can come to sleep too, it's no big deal, the sky won't fall." With these words, Yu Ruhua closed the door of negotiation between her and Qiu Yingjie.
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