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Chapter 27 Chapter Twenty Six

absolute power 戴维·鲍尔达奇 28334Words 2018-03-22
Seth Frank looked at this old man. The old man was not tall. He was wearing a soft felt hat, corduroy pants, a thick sweater on his upper body, and cotton boots on his feet. He looked right when he came to the police station. place, both a little embarrassed and extremely excited.In his hand was a long rectangular object wrapped in brown paper. "I don't quite understand, Mr. Flanders." "You know I was there the day the court was held, the day the man was killed. I just wanted to see what was going on. I've lived here all my life and I've never seen anything like that, absolutely never. seen."

"I see," said Frank dryly. "Fortunately I had a new video camera, a really funky thing, with a viewfinder screen or something. I took it, and I shot through the viewfinder, and the picture quality was absolutely amazing. So my wife let I'm coming here." "Great, Mr. Flanders. Then the purpose of your coming here is..." Frank looked at him inquiringly. Flanders' expression showed that he had just suddenly realized. "Oh, I'm sorry, Inspector. I just stand here and just chat. I have this problem. If you don't believe me, you can ask my wife. I have been retired for a year, and I was a taciturn worker when I was working as an assembly line worker in a processing factory. .Now I like to talk, and I like to listen to others. I often hang out in a small bar behind the bank, drinking good coffee and eating muffins, which is quite comfortable, not the low-fat stuff."

Frank looked displeased. Flanders hastily spoke again. "By the way, I'm here to show you something. You're welcome to give it to you. I have another plate for myself." He handed the package over. Frank opened it and saw a video tape inside. Flanders took off his hat, revealing a bald head, with only a few soft strands of hair clustered around his ears.He continued excitedly: "I took a few very good shots, no exaggeration. For example, the moment when the president and the man was shot, they were all photographed. I can't believe they were all photographed. I followed closely at the time. Looking at the President, how about it, all the wonderful things happened to me."

Frank stared at the man. "It's all in there, Inspector, whether it's real or not." He looked at his watch. "Oh, I should go. It's time for lunch, and my wife doesn't like me not eating on time." He turned to leave.Seth Frank stared down at the tape. "By the way, Inspector, there is one more thing." "Say it." "If there's anything news to come out of the tape, will it quote my name when it's written?" Frank shook his head. "Write it down?" The old man looked very excited. "Yeah. You know, historians do that. They're going to call this tape the Flanders tape, right? Or something like that, maybe the Flanders tape. You know there's precedent for that."

Frank rubbed his temples wearily. "Is there a precedent?" "Yeah, Inspector. You know, like Zapruder in the Kennedy assassination." Frank's face finally fell, admitting it. "I promise to let them know, Mr. Flanders, just in case. It's for posterity." "You're right." Flanders pointed at him happily. "For the sake of future generations, I like to say this. I wish you a son and a daughter, Inspector." "Alan?" Richmond motioned Russell in absently, then looked down at the notebook in front of him again.After reading the closing, he raised his eyes and stared at his chief of staff with a blank gaze.

Russell hesitated, eyes fixed on the carpet, hands clasped across his chest, then hurried over, not sitting down but sinking involuntarily into the chair. "I can't say what I want to say to you, Ellen. I realize that my behavior is unforgivable and completely inappropriate. If I have lost my mind for a while, I will admit it." "So you're saying you're doing it for my own good in a way?" Richmond sat back in his chair, staring at Russell. "No, I'm not here to excuse myself, but to resign." The president smiled: "I did underestimate you, Gloria."

He stood up, walked around the table, and leaned forward to face her. "On the contrary, you're absolutely right. If I were in your shoes, I would do the same." She looked up at him with surprise on her face. "Don't get me wrong. I need people to be loyal to me, Gloria, just like any other leader. That's what I expect from people, and I mean the combination of flaws, Ordinary people with survival instincts, we are animals after all. The reason why I can get what I want in life is because I never ignore the fact that the most important person in the world is myself. No matter what I never lost sight of the simple fact of what was going on in any situation, whatever the obstacle, and what you did that night showed that you believed that too."

"You know what I mean?" "Of course I do, Gloria. I wouldn't accuse you of taking advantage of the situation to get the most out of it. My God, isn't that what a nation is made of?" "But when Burton tells you..." Richmond held up a hand. "I have to admit that I was emotional that night, and betrayal is the easiest thing to breed from. But since then, I have come to a conclusion: there is strength of character in you, not weakness." Russell tried to guess what this meant. "So am I correct in guessing that you don't want me to resign?"

The President leaned over and took one of her hands. "Don't you ever say that in front of me, Gloria. I can't bear to see how much we know each other only when we're dead." Russell got up to leave.The President returned to the table. "By the way, Gloria. I have a few things I want to wrap up with you tonight. My family is out of town and we can work from my private home." Russell looked back at him. "It might be late, Gloria. Better bring a change of clothes." The president didn't smile.His gaze pierced her skin, and he went to work again.

Russell's hands trembled as he closed the door. Jack knocked on the door hard, his knuckles stinging from the thick polished panel. The butler opened the door, and before he could speak, Jack rushed in. Jennifer stormed down the spiral staircase into the marble foyer.She wore another expensive evening gown, and her hair fell down her shoulders, full of charm.There was no smile on her face. "Jack, what are you doing here?" "I want to talk to you." "Jack, I have my plans. This needs to take a while." "No!" He grabbed her hand, looked around, pushed open two carved doors, pulled her into the study, and closed the door casually.

She wrenched her hands away. "Are you crazy, Jack?" He looked around the room, and there was a large bookcase inside, and the bookshelves were full of first edition books in Phnom Penh.These are decorations, they may never have been opened, they are just decorations. "I have a quick question for you to answer, and then I'm leaving." "Jack..." "Just one question, and I'm leaving." She looked at him suspiciously, her arms folded. "what is the problem?" "Did you call my company and ask them to fire Barry Alves for making me work the night we were at the White House?" "Who told you this?" "Answer the questions first, Jen." "Jack, is this all that important to you?" "Then you were the one who got him fired?" "Jack, please stop thinking about it and think about the future of both of us. If we..." "Quickly answer that question." She yelled: "Okay! Yes, I sent this bastard away, so what? He deserves it. He doesn't treat you as a human being, he made a mistake, what is he? He got burned, It was my own fault, and I don't regret it at all." She looked at him without showing the slightest apology. I had expected her to answer like this.Jack sat down in the chair and looked across the room at the large table with the high-backed leather chair facing them in the distance.He saw that the walls had been painted with a new kind of paint, and the great windows were hung with rippling, perfectly sewn draperies at prices beyond his imagination, and carved woodwork, metal and marble carvings everywhere. It can be seen that the ceiling is carved with a group of medieval soldiers marching across the country.All this is the world of the Baldwin family, yes, they can enjoy it to their heart's content.He slowly closed his eyes. Jennifer tossed her hair back and looked at him with more than an anxious look in her eyes.She hesitated for a moment, then came forward, knelt down beside him, and stroked his shoulder.She put perfume on her body, and the fragrance hit her face.She leaned close to his face and whispered softly, and the breath of her words tickled his ears. "I told you, Jack, you don't have to get on with it. Now that this absurd murder is out of the way, let's go on with our lives. Our house is almost finished, and it's beautiful, really. We I haven't finished my wedding plans yet. Everything can go back to normal now, darling." She stroked his face, turning it towards hers.She looked at him with loving eyes, and then she kissed him, long and devoted, and finally slowly moved her lips away from his.Her eyes scanned his, but didn't find what she expected to find. "You're right, Jen, that absurd murder case is over. The man I admired and loved was shot and his brains were blown apart. The case is over, and it's time to get on with life as usual. It’s time to get rich.” "You know what I mean. The point is that you shouldn't be involved in this case. It's none of your business. If you keep your eyes open, you'll see it's not worth it, Jack." "He makes you uncomfortable, doesn't he?" Jack stood up suddenly, feeling exhausted. "Happiness to you, Jen. I'll see you again, but I think we're done." He was leaving. She grabs his sleeve. "Jack, please tell me what I did to annoy you so much?" He couldn't help hesitating for a moment, and then began to point out to her. "You still have the face to ask, my God!" He shook his head wearily. "You ruined a man's life, Jen, and you ruined him before you even knew him. Why did you do that? Because he made you uncomfortable with something he did to me. One phone call and you returned him A ten year job ruined without ever thinking about what it will do to him and his family, he might end up with it, his wife will divorce him for it. You don't care, never even Considered the consequences. At the end of the day, I would never love someone who did something like this, and would never spend my life with someone like you. If you don't understand this, and don't think what you're doing is wrong, That would be all the more reason for us to part at once. We had better show these differences before we are married, so as not to waste too much time and cause too much trouble." He turned the doorknob and said with a smile, "I know everyone's probably going to say I'm crazy for doing this, and they're going to say you're the perfect woman, smart, rich, and beautiful—you put all that together." All in one, Jen. People say we must be happy together. How can we be unhappy? But the truth is, I won't make you happy, because I don't like you for who you are, and don't care how much you're worth. A million dollar lawyer, don't care about a house the size of an apartment, don't care about a fancy car that takes a year's salary to buy. I don't like your lifestyle, and I don't like your friends, I think the bottom line is I don't like you. I'm probably the only person in the world who would say that right now, but I'm a straight guy, Jen. I'm a guy who never lied. We can't get away from it. A few days later than Jack Graham Men who are more suitable for you will knock on your door, and you will not be alone." He looked at her and found that she had a look of complete surprise on her face.He felt a pain, and his facial features were deformed. "Whether it's right or wrong, if someone asks, I'm hurt. Say I'm not worthy to be a Baldwin son-in-law. Say I'm worthless. Goodbye, Jen." After he left, she stood still for a few minutes, the expression on her face alternated between sadness and joy, and she had all kinds of feelings in her heart, but none of them prevailed.Finally, she escaped from the room.She rushed up the carpeted stairs, disappearing with the sound of her high heels on the marble floor. A moment later there was silence in the study, and then the chair at the table was turned, and Ransom Baldwin fixed his eyes on the doorway where his daughter had just stood. Jack checked the peephole, expecting to see Jennifer Baldwin standing there with a gun.When he recognized who it was, his eyebrows raised involuntarily. Seth Frank walked in the door, shrugged off his coat, and looked around the messy little room with envious eyes. "Guys, seeing this litter reminds me of when I was, yes, that's how it was." "Let me guess. It was 1975 and you were working for Delta as vice president of legal affairs." Frank grinned. "I have to admit you're absolutely right. Enjoy it while you can, my friend. A good woman won't let you live like this for the rest of your life, though politically speaking Incorrect, but I didn't mean it politically." "Then I'm lucky." Jack went into the kitchen and brought two glasses of Sam Adams. They each took a seat with a glass of wine. "I'm about to get married happily, and I didn't expect trouble before that, Mr. Lawyer." "It may be troublesome, or it may not be troublesome. The key is how you look at it." "Why do I feel that the girl named Baldwin is not necessarily to blame?" "Why don't you change your detective status?" "I wouldn't change that if I could help it. Want to talk about it?" Jack shook his head. "I'll talk to you another night, but not tonight." Frank shrugged. "Notify me then, I'll bring beer." Jack saw a package on Frank's lap. "A present for me?" Frank took out the videotape. "I think you have a VCR for this stuff." The tape starts playing, and Frank looks at Jack. "Jack, this is definitely not for ordinary people. I have to tell you in advance that there is everything on it, including everything that happened to Luther. See if you can see it." Jack paused for a while and said, "Are you saying that you can see clues that can catch the murderer inside?" "This is the result I expected. You know him better than I do, maybe you can find something that I can't." "I can do that." Even with warning, Jack wasn't fully prepared.Seconds passed, and Frank watched him carefully.The moment the gun rang, Jack shrank back subconsciously, his eyes widened in horror. Frank pauses the video. "Look here carefully, I remind you." Jack slumped in the chair, short of breath, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.He trembled all over immediately, and it took him a long time to recover.He wiped his forehead. "My God!" Flanders casually mentioned the Kennedy assassination example with some truth. "Can we stop here, Jack?" "Need to say?" Jack hit the rewind button again.They watched the videotape eleven or twelve times.No amount of times watching the sight of his friend being beaten with his brains cracked so vividly could lessen his pain.Jack grew angrier every time he looked at it, and it was the only way he could relieve his pain. Frank shook his head. "Unfortunately didn't shoot from another angle. That way I might have seen the flash coming from the direction of the shooter. I guess it's very difficult to do. Hey, is there coffee? I only have the help of caffeine Quick thinking." "There's something freshly brewed in the pot, and you can get me a cup, too. The saucer is on top of the sink." Frank returned with two steaming cups of coffee.Jack rewinds the tape to the part where the president makes an emotional speech from a makeshift lectern outside the courtroom. "That guy has so much energy." Frank looked at the screen. "I met him that day." "Really? I saw him too, back in the days when I was trying to get into Vanity Fair." "What do you think of this guy?" Jack took a sip of his coffee, reached for a packet of peanut butter cookies from the couch, and handed Frank another.Frank took it and put his feet up on the rickety coffee table.The Inspector easily absorbed the lazy bachelor life atmosphere. Jack shrugged. "I don't know about him. I mean he's the president, I always thought he was president, don't you see?" "He is very scheming, and very scheming. Unless you are very confident in your ability, you dare to compete with him. He is so powerful." "I think it's good that he speaks for America." "Yeah." Frank stared at the screen again. "Is there anything in particular that caught your attention?" Jack pressed a button on the remote. "There is a place, watch it again carefully." The video jumps forward quickly, and the characters jump around like in a silent movie. "Pay attention to this place." The screen showed Luthor stepping out of the car, his eyes on the ground, the iron chains clearly making it difficult for him to walk.Suddenly, a group of people swarmed into the frame, headed by the President, and part of Luthor's body was blocked.Jack freezes the frame. "Look!" Frank stared at the screen, absently munching on a buttery peanut cookie and draining his coffee.He shook his head. Jack looked at him. "Look at Luther's face, you can see it in the crowd's suits, look at his face." Frank leaned forward, his face almost touching the screen.He couldn't help pulling back, his eyes popped. "Damn, it looks like he's talking about something." "No, it looks like he's saying something to someone." Frank turned to look at Jack. "You mean he recognized someone, maybe the one who shot him?" "In this case, I don't think he could be making small talk with some stranger." Frank returned his gaze to the screen, examined it carefully, and finally shook his head. "We need experts in this field." He stood up. "Come on, let's go." Jack grabbed his coat. "Where are you going?" Frank smiled, rewound the tape, and put on his hat. "Let's go eat first. I have a family, and I'm bigger and fatter than you, so how can I handle it with a few biscuits. Go to the bureau after dinner, and I'll let you meet someone." Two hours later, Seth Frank and Jack walked into the Middleton police station.They ate a few slices of walnut pie and their stomachs were full.Laura Simon has entered the laboratory, and the equipment is ready. After the introduction, Laura stuffed the videotape into the machine, and the image was suddenly enlarged to life size on a 46-inch screen in the corner.Frank fast-forwards into position. "There." Jack pointed. "It's there." Frank freezes the image. Laura sat by the keyboard, typing commands, and the frozen portrait of Luthor on the screen was framed by a box, and then enlarged continuously, like a balloon being blown up.This process continues until Luthor's face fills the entire 46-inch frame. "I can only go so far." Laura turned the chair around and nodded to Frank.He pressed a button on the remote control, and the picture on the screen moved again. The sound in the image is very incoherent; there are screams, yells, car noises, and hundreds of other voices, making it difficult to understand what Luthor is saying.They saw his lips open and close. "He's complaining, and he doesn't look happy anyway." Frank took out a cigarette, saw Simon's disgusted expression, and put the cigarette back in his pocket. "Who can read his mouth?" Laura looked at them. Jack stared at the screen.What the hell is Luther talking about?Jack had seen that look on his face before, if he could remember when he had seen it, it must have been sometime recently. "What did you find that we couldn't?" Frank asked.Jack saw Frank staring at him. Jack shook his head and wiped his face with his hands. "I don't know. Something must have been said, but I just can't be sure." Frank nodded to Simon and told her to turn off the machine.He stood up and stretched. "Well, leave that for later. Let me know as soon as you come up with something. Thank you for your help, Laura." The two walked out together.Frank glanced at Jack, then reached out and stroked his neck. "My God, you're a stress grenade about to explode." "God, I don't know why it's a hand grenade. I don't want the woman I want, the woman I want keeps me out of her life. I know in my heart that I'm going to lose my job one morning. Ugh , let alone someone killed someone I cared about, and we might never find out who it was. Fuck, my life has never been more perfect, has it?" "You'll be lucky, though." Jack opened the door of his Lexus, "By the way, if anyone wants to buy a car that is 90% new, let me know." Frank winked at Jack. "Sorry, no one I know can afford it." Jack smiled at him. "I can't afford it either." On the way back, Jack looked at the watch in the car. It was almost midnight.He passed the office building of Button-Shaw Company, and looked up at the dark offices above.He drove the car around, then pulled into the garage.He inserted his security access card and waved to the camera outside the garage.A few minutes later, he had entered the elevator in Shanghou. He didn't know what he was doing here.His days at Barton-Shaw were numbered, and without a big client like Baldwin, Kirkson would ride the shit on his neck and kick him away.He felt a little sorry for Lord, he had promised to protect Lord.But he didn't want to marry Jennifer Baldwin just to make sure Lord topped the payroll, and Lord didn't tell him that Barry Alves had long since left the company.Lorde will make a comeback.Jack has always admired this man's ability to bring the dead back to life, and soon he will become the target of competition for some companies. Lord's future is much brighter than Jack's. The elevator door opened, and Jack stepped into the lobby of the company. The wall lights were dimly lit, and the dim light and shadow did not disturb him, because he was already preoccupied.He walked down the hall toward the office, stopping in the kitchen for a soda.Usually even in the middle of the night, there are some people racking their brains to meet impossible deadlines, but tonight there is only dead silence. Jack turned on the light and closed the door.He looked around the world that belonged to him as a partner.As long as some time passes, all of this will become his world, so worth nostalgic.The furniture is expensive and tasteful, the rugs and wallpaper are rich and beautiful.He glanced at the row of certificates on the wall, some painstakingly earned, others owned by every lawyer.He noticed that the stray papers had been picked up by the careful, sometimes overzealous cleaners, accustomed to the slovenliness of lawyers and their occasional tantrums. He sat down and leaned back in the chair.The leather on it is soft and more comfortable than his bed.Before his eyes came the scene of the Baldwin father and daughter talking.Ransom Baldwin would be flushed with anger at the thought of his precious daughter being so humiliated, and he would call the next morning and Jack's job with the company would be over. Jack has never felt so anxious, and the only regret is that he didn't leave the company sooner.Fortunately, the Public Defenders Association can take him in. After all, he is still a member of this group, and no one can stop him from doing that.No, he really started to have trouble when he was trying to achieve something, to make a difference, to make a name for himself.He could never make that mistake again. He thought of Kate again, where would she go?Is she really going to quit her job?Jack remembered her helpless expression at that time.He was sure, yes, she really meant it.He begged her a second time not to, as he had done four years ago, begging her not to go, not to leave him.But there is always something in her heart that he can't help, maybe it's the huge sense of guilt in her heart, maybe she doesn't love him.Had he really considered the possibility?In fact he didn't think about it.He remembered clearly, no.This answer terrified him.But what did it matter now whether she loved him or not? Luther is dead; Kate is going away.Never before has his life changed so drastically, though it has been eventful of late.Whitney's family eventually left him without hesitation. He looked at the mountain of pink notes on the desk, which was the same as usual.So, he pressed a button on the telephone to listen to the telephone message, which he hadn't listened to for several days. Barton-Shaw either used the old method to record the telephone message, or used the more advanced technology to record the message. You can choose one.More discerning customers prefer to use the latter.At least they don't have to wait to yell at you into the microphone. Two calls came from Tull Crimson, who wanted to find another lawyer for Tull.Barton.After all, Shaw's legal fees were too expensive for Tal.There are a few more Baldwin-related matters that just so happen to be waiting for Jennifer Baldwin to find another guy to handle them.The last call couldn't help but surprise him.It was a woman's voice, speaking very softly, very old, and hesitant, obviously a little cautious when facing the phone recording.Jack played it again. "Mr. Graham, you don't know me. My name is Edwina Bloom. I'm a friend of Luther Whitney." Bloom?The name sounds familiar.She continued: "Luthor told me to wait a while before sending this package to you if something happened. He told me not to open it, and I didn't. He said it was like Pandora's box, If you see it, you will suffer. God bless his soul, he is a good man, and Luther is a good man. I didn't answer your call, and I didn't expect you to call me. But it suddenly occurred to me that I still talked to You get in touch to make sure it's in your hands. I've never sent anything like this, it's what they call 'overnight delivery'. I don't think I made a mistake, but I'm not sure. If you don't get it , please call me. Luther said this thing is important, and he never lied." Jack wrote down the phone number and checked the time of the call. It was yesterday morning.He searched the office quickly, but couldn't find the package.He trotted down the corridor to the secretary's desk, and there was no package there either.He went back to his office.My God, where did Luther's package go?Who is Edwina Bloom?He ran his hands through his hair and tapped his scalp, forcing himself to think.Suddenly one name came to mind, the mother of the woman who had killed herself, Frank had told him.Allegedly Luthor's accomplice. Jack picked up the phone, and the other party's phone rang endlessly. "Hello?" The voice sounded sleepy and distant. "Mrs. Bloom? I'm Jack Graham. I'm sorry to call you so late." "Mr. Graham?" There was no sleep in the voice, alert and shrill.Jack could picture her sitting on the bed, clutching her pajamas with one hand, her eyes fixed impatiently on the receiver. "Sorry, just heard your message. I didn't get that package, Mrs. Bloom. When did you send it?" "Let me think for a while." Jack could hear the labored panting; "five days ago, count today." Jack felt angry. "Do you have a voucher with a number on it?" "The man gave me a note, I'll look for it." "I am waiting." He tapped his fingers on the table, trying not to let his mind explode.Hold on, Jack, hold on. "I found it, Mr. Graham." "Just call me Jack. Did you have the FedEx deliver it?" "right." "Okay, so what's the inquiry number?" "What did you say?" "Sorry, I'm talking about the number in the upper right corner of the note, which should be a long string of numbers." "Yes, I found it." She read to him.He copied the string of numbers hastily, read it again to verify it, and asked her to check the address of the lawyer's firm. "Jack, is it that serious? I mean Luther just died for no apparent reason?" "Has anyone ever called you? Especially someone you don't know? Other than me?" "no one." "If anyone calls, call Seth Frank of the Middleton Police Department." "I know him." "He's a good fellow, Mrs Bloom, and you can count on him." "Okay, Jack." He hung up, then called Federal Transit again.He could hear the click of a computer keyboard on the other end of the phone line. The reply from a lady on the other side was very precise, and it seemed that she had received professional training. "Yes, Mr. Graham, this package has been sent to the law firm of Barton Shaw and Lord at 10:02 on Thursday morning, and Ms. Lucinda Alvarez signed for it." "Thank you. I think it might be somewhere." He wondered and was about to hang up. "Is there any particular problem with the delivery of this mail, Mr. Graham?" Jack was a little confused. "Special problem? No, what's the matter?" "That's right, I checked the delivery records of this package, and the records above indicate that someone had checked earlier today." Jack's whole body tensed up. "Earlier today? What time?" "6:30." "Did you leave your name?" "It looks a bit strange. According to my records, that person also claimed to be Jack Graham." Her tone of voice indicated that she did not dare to confirm Jack's true identity. Jack felt chilly all over. He slowly hung up the phone.Someone else was interested in the package, whatever it was, and someone knew it was addressed to him.He hurriedly called Seth: Frank, but unfortunately he has gone home.The person who answered the phone would not give him Frank's home number, so he left his own.Under Jack's repeated pleas, the man hung up on the detective's home, but no one answered.He cursed in a low voice, and hurriedly called the information desk, but it was useless, the private phone number is not disclosed. Jack leaned back in the chair, panting shortly, feeling the heart in his chest about to burst through his shirt.He had always regarded himself as a man of extraordinary courage, and now he doubted himself. He forced himself not to be distracted.The package had been delivered and Lucinda had signed for it.At Barton-Shaw, who is in charge of day-to-day affairs is very finely divided; mail is crucial to the company.All overnight deliveries are generally handed over to the in-house logistics department for distribution with other mail.They handed it out in carts and all knew where Jack's office was.Even if you don't know it, the company has always issued the latest map for you to check.As long as you use the proper map... Jack rushed to the door, flung it open, and ran down the corridor.But at the corner on the other side of the corridor, Sandy Lord's office was lit, and he didn't know it. He flicked on the light in his old office, and the room brightened up.He flipped frantically through the things on the table, then pulled out his chair and sat down, when his eyes fell on a package.Jack picked it up, looked around subconsciously, noticed that the blinds were open, and hurried to draw them. He saw the package read: Sender Edwina Bloom, Recipient Jack Graham.That's right, this is it.The package was boxed, but very light, and it was box-in-box, so she said.He started to unpack it, but stopped.They know the package has been delivered here. "Who are they?He could only address them with this pronoun, what would "they" do if they knew the package had been delivered here?No matter how important what is inside, if it has been opened, they may know what is inside.Now that none of this happened, what would they do? Jack ran quickly down the hallway to the office again, the package tucked tightly under his arm.He hurriedly put on his coat, grabbed the car keys from the table, and almost knocked over his half-filled soda glass.他正要转身出门,却又不寒而栗地站住了。 有声音。他辨不出是从哪里传来的,声音好像沿走廊轻轻回响,像水在隧道里发出的拍打声。不是电梯,他敢肯定曾听到过电梯声。他真的听到了吗?这个地方这么大,每天都能听到这种运输工具发出的背景噪音,他甚至连这个也注意过吗?他当时正在打电话,而且全神贯注,实际上他不敢肯定。另外,还有可能是本公司的律师,来这里工作,或顺便拿点什么东西。所有这些直觉告诉他那个推断是错误的,这幢楼很安全。不过话又要说回来,凡是公共建筑,能有多安全呢?他轻轻地关上门。 那声音又传来了。他竖起耳朵试图确定声音的位置,但没有成功。不论这声音是谁发出的,这些人肯定在神不知鬼不觉地慢慢移动,而这里的工作人员是不会这样的。他慢慢移到墙边,关上灯,等了一会儿,又悄悄地打开门。 他朝外窥探,走廊里没有人。但这种状况能保持多久呢?很明显,他现在遇到的问题是采取什么方法从这里出去。公司办公室的布局使得他一旦沿某个方向走下去,就只能这样走下去。这样,他就无遮无掩,因为走廊里没有家具什物可遮可挡。无论在路上遇见谁,他都躲不了。 他忽然想到一个可行的办法。他环视了一下自己黑洞洞的办公室。他的目光落在一块重重的花岗岩镇纸上,这连同其他一些小玩意儿都是在成为合伙人后别人送的。这块镇纸要是摔得准肯定会伤人,杰克自信自己一摔一个准。他一旦出来就决不是好对付的,这种拼命鬼的想法更加令他下定决心。他又等了一会儿,才壮着胆子出来,走进走廊,随手关上门。无论是谁可能都得挨门挨户地搜查才能找到他的办公室。 他伏身走到拐角处,希望办公室会漆黑一片。他做了个深呼吸,向四周窥视,走廊上没人,至少现在没有。他的脑子急速转动着。要是闯入者超过一人,他们会分头搜寻,这样可以节约一半的时间。他们知不知道他会在楼里呢?有可能他是被人跟踪到这里来的。想到这儿,他感到异常担心,他们会在这时从两边向他包抄过来的。 声音愈来愈近,有脚步声——他听得出至少有一个人。这时,他的听力已被提高到了最灵敏的程度。他几乎能听到这个人的喘息声,或者至少他能想象得出。他可以作出选择,他的目光最终落在墙上的一件东西上,一件朝他闪闪发光的东西:火警报警器。 正当他准备朝报警器跑去时,一只腿伸到走廊另一头的拐角处。没等身体的其余部分跟着腿一起出去,杰克就赶忙把它抽了回来。他朝反向疾步走去,拐了个弯,沿大厅来到楼梯井门口。一把将门推开,尖厉的吱嘎声朝他迎面扑来。 他听到跑步声。 “该死!”杰克随身猛地把门关上,得得得跑下楼梯。 一个人猛然冲过拐角,他用黑色滑雪面罩蒙着脸,右手拿着枪。 一间办公室的门打开了,桑迪·洛德穿着内衣,手里提着裤子,踉踉跄跄地走了出来,正巧跟那人撞了个正着,他们都重重地摔倒在地上。洛德挥动着的双手本能地抓到了面罩,把它扯了下来。 洛德打了一个滚,用双膝把自己支撑起来,舔吮着从撞破的鼻字中流出来的鲜血。 “他妈的这是怎么一回事?你他妈的是谁?”洛德气汹汹地眼对眼地看着那人,随后看见了他手上的枪,就再也不敢动了。 蒂姆·科林朝洛德的身后看了看,半是怀疑半是轻蔑地摇摇头。现在已没有去路了,他举起了枪。 “天哪!请不要开枪!”洛德放声大哭,瘫倒在地。 一声枪响,鲜血从内衣的里面溅出。洛德哼了一声,眼睛一闪,身体倒向门板。他倒下的地方正好留出一处开口,从此处可以看到那位年轻的法律业务联络小姐几乎一丝不挂的胴体。她惊恐地盯着死去的律师。科林上气不接下气地骂着什么,他看见了她。她明白接下去会发生什么;从她充满恐惧的眼神,他看得出她明白这一点。 来错了地方,选错了时间。对不起了,小姐。 他第二次开枪,子弹的冲力把她细长的身体击倒在房间里。她双腿张开,手指紧攥,目无表情地看着天花板,没想到风流之夜却成了她的末日。 比尔·伯顿朝跪着的搭档跑去,看着眼前的惨象,怀疑自己的眼睛是不是看错了,接着二话没说发起火来。 “你他妈的疯了?”他暴跳如雷。 “他们看见了我的脸,他妈的我还能怎么办?恳求他不要声张?去他妈的!” 两个人的神经都快要崩溃了。科林紧紧抓住手枪。 “他在哪里?是不是格雷厄姆?”伯顿问道。 “我看是的,他沿消防梯下去了。” “那么说他溜了。” 科林看看他,站了起来。“还没有。要是让他溜掉了,那我不就是白杀了那两人吗?”他正要赶去,伯顿抓住他。 “把枪给我,蒂姆。” “他妈的,比尔,你疯了?” 科林摇摇头,拿出枪,递给他。伯顿接住科林递过来的枪。 “现在去抓住他。我留在这里处理一下现场。” 科林朝门口冲去,消失在楼道里。 伯顿看着这两具尸体。他认出其中一人是桑迪·洛德,不禁倒吸了一口凉气。“真该死,真该死,”他一连说了两遍。他转身朝杰克的办公室疾走而去。他是刚才紧跟着前面疾跑的搭档时,听到第一声枪响的那一刻找到这问办公室的。他打开门,开灯,在室内很快地搜寻了一番。那家伙把包裹带走了。很显然,里士满对埃德温娜。布鲁姆如何参与此事的判断是正确的。惠特尼把这包裹托付给她,他们真他妈的亲密。谁知道是格雷厄姆还是其他什么人这么晚了还来这里呢? 他的眼睛把屋内的东西扫视了一遍,然后慢慢移到桌子上,不一会儿他计上心头,到头来凡事都各有其道,他朝桌子走来。 杰克来到底层,拉了一下门把手。门纹丝不动,他的心格登一下沉了下来。曾经有人遇到过这种麻烦,那是一次在例行的灭火演习中,门竟然被锁住了,物业管理部门说他们已把这个问题解决了。is not that right?只不过出现的疏忽现在会让他命丧黄泉。楼门关闭,地狱之门却打开了。 他回头朝楼梯看去,他们正疾速跑来,再也不怕发出声音了。杰克又沿楼梯跑回二楼,默默地祷告一番才去抓门把手。当他用汗涔涔的手转动把手时,一股得救时的解脱感席卷全身。他转过弯,来到电梯边上揿动按键。他探视了一下身后,跑到远处的拐角,蹲下身来,没人能看得见。 快上来吧!他可以听见电梯正在上升。但一个可怕的念头掠过他的脑子,跟踪他的人有可能就在电梯里,可能会猜到杰克试图要做什么,并且正在企图对付他。 电梯舱在他这一层戛然而止。就在此刻,门打开了。杰克听见防火门撞击墙壁的声音。他朝电梯舱跳去,在两扇门中间侧身插入,撞到了电梯的后壁。他跳起来,揿了一下开向车库的按钮。 杰克突然感到有人,听见了略微急促的呼吸声。他看见有个黑影一闪,接着看见一把枪。他把镇纸扔去,因用力过猛把自己也摔倒在角落里。 他听见痛苦的呻吟声,门最终关上了。 他跑进黑漆漆的地下停车库,找到了自己的汽车。不一会儿他就通过了自动门,踩动加速器,汽车风驰电掣般地驶上街道。杰克回头看看,但什么都没看见。他的脸上沁满了汗水,他感到浑身就好像打成了一个大结。他的肩膀刚才撞到了电梯的后壁,他伸手揉了揉。Oh my God!真是狭路相逢!狭路相逢! 他开着车,不知应该去哪里。他们了解他,好像对他了如指掌。显然他是不能回家了,那么该到哪里去呢?去报警?不能去,必须先弄清楚谁在追杀他。除了警察,还有谁能杀死卢瑟呢?看起来,凡是警察了解的情况,那人都清楚。今晚他得找个地方呆着,他身上带着信用卡。明天早晨第一件事就是要和弗兰克取得联系,那时一切都会没事的。他看看盒子,但今晚他要好好想想是什么东西使他差点丧命。 拉塞尔躺在被窝里。里士满刚在她身上完事,他一句话没说就从她身上爬下来,离开了房间,她唯一的目的就这样以粗野的方式达到了。她抚摸着手腕,它们刚才还被紧紧地攥着,她能感觉到上面的擦伤,她的乳房被他击打得隐隐作痛。她想起了伯顿对她的提醒,克里斯婷·沙利文不仅挨了两个特工的枪子儿,在这之前还遭到过毒打。 她慢慢地把头前后摆动,竭力不让眼泪流出来。她曾朝思暮想盼着跟总统干这种事,想让艾伦·里士满向她示爱,她曾想象这种事会很浪漫,而且还会富有田园情调。两个人都聪明过人,而且强权在握,精力充沛。多么完美的一对,他俩干这种事会多么的奇妙无比。但是眼前一浮现这男人,她就被一下子拉回到了现实当中。他朝她猛击,脸上毫无表情,就像他在厕所里拿着最近一期的《春阁》手淫一样。他甚至没有吻过她,没有说过一句话。她一进卧室就被他扒掉衣服,把那硬邦邦的玩意儿直接插入她的身体。这时他已离开,总共花了不到10分钟的时间,现在又只剩下她孤零零的一个人。 “什么办公厅主任!还不如说是头牌妓女。” 她想大喊一声:我操过你!你这杂种!那天晚上我在那房间操了你,而你他妈的一点反应都没有!你这狗娘养的! 她的泪水湿透了枕头,她骂自己不该自制力这么差,又哭了起来。她曾对自己的能力确信无疑,自信能够驾驭他。天哪,她竟然看错人了。总统命人杀了沃尔特·沙利文,他对沃尔特·沙利文的被杀、被谋害都了如指掌,而且还都是他一手策划的。里士满告诉她时,她还不相信。他说过要把什么都告诉她,更确切地说,是让她时刻都感到惊恐不安。她不知道他下一步要干什么,她已不再是这一阴谋的骨干人物,她感谢上帝她不是。 她从床上直起身来,身子还在颤抖。她把裹在外面的那件撕破的睡衣扯了下来。瞬息之间,耻辱感袭上心头。很显然,她现在成了专门伺候他的婊子。她这样做是鉴于他那默然的承诺,那就是他不会把她毁掉。难道就这些吗?真的就这些吗? 她把毛毯裹在身上,注视着漆黑一片的房间。她是同谋,但她又不只是个同谋,还是见证人。卢瑟·惠特尼也是位见证人,而现在他已死了,里士满毫不留情地命人把他的一位挚友给杀了。他既然能这么做,那她的生命又值几个钱?这个问题连回答都不用回答。 她咬着自己的手,直到感到疼才止住。她看着门口,他刚刚从那儿消失了。他就躲在那里吗?在黑暗中偷听?在想拿她怎么办?一阵寒颤攫住她,纠缠着她。她已进退维谷,这是她平生第一次不知道该怎么办,她怀疑是否还能把命保住。 杰克把盒子扔在床上,脱掉大衣,朝旅馆房间的窗外望去,然后坐了下来,他肯定没人跟踪他。他那么快就从楼里逃脱掉,在最后一刻还记得把自己的汽车藏匿起来,他确实不清楚是谁在追杀他,但猜想他们肯定非常狡猾,会找到他汽车的下落。 他看看表,乘出租车到这个旅馆才15分钟。这个地方很难描述,只不过是一家旅馆,住在这里的一般都是些比较拮据的游客。他们在城里逛逛,充分了解这个地方的历史,然后就回家。旅馆比较偏僻,而他就喜欢偏僻。 杰克看着那盒子,决定不能再等下去了。他三下五除二就把它打开,眼睛直愣愣地看着塑料袋里的东西。 一把刀子?他又仔细地看看。不对,那是把拆信刀,而且还是把老式的。他提着袋子的两头仔细地查看这件东西。他没有受过专门的法医训练,不会发现刀把和刀刃上的锈迹实际上就是老早留下的干血迹;他也不会看到皮革上的指纹。 他小心翼翼地把袋子放下,靠着椅背坐下。这与那女人被杀有关,对于这一点,他确信无疑。但到底有什么关系呢?他又看了一眼那把拆信刀,这显然是一件重要的物证,但不是用来谋杀的凶器,因为克里斯婷·沙利文是被枪杀的,但卢瑟认为它异常重要。 杰克猛地跳起来:因为它能够指证是谁杀了克里斯婷·沙利文!他一把抓起袋子,迎着灯光把它举起来,用眼睛查看上面的每一处。现在他能够模模糊糊地看得出像黑色线圈的东西。那就是指纹,这上面有一个人的指纹。杰克又仔细地看着刀刃,那上面有血,刀柄上也有,那肯定是血。弗兰克说过什么来着?他努力回忆着,沙利文夫人有可能用刀刺过她的攻击者,用拆信刀刺伤了他的胳膊或腿部。拆信刀就是卧室照片上的那一把,探长给杰克说过许多假设,至少这也是其中的一个。杰克手上拿的这东西似乎就是那一假设的佐证。 他小心翼翼地把袋子放回盒子里,然后塞到床底。 他走到窗前,又向外眺望,外面开始起风了。用廉价玻璃制作的窗户咯吱作响,摇晃个不停。 要是卢瑟告诉他,把这一切毫无保留地告诉他该有多好。他替凯特担心,他们用什么办法让卢瑟相信凯特会有危险呢? 他的思绪又回到了过去,卢瑟被关在监狱时没有收到过任何东西,杰克肯定这一点。还能怎样呢?难道有人朝卢瑟走过来,直截了当地告诉他:只要你敢说,你女儿就没命了?他们怎么知道他还有个女儿?父女俩已有好多年没在一起过了。 杰克躺在床上,闭着眼睛。不过,他这种想法不对。曾有一个时间这种情况有可能会出现,就是卢瑟被捕的那一天,那是唯一一次他们父女俩在一起。很有可能曾有一个人什么都没有说,而用眼神明明白白地告诉了卢瑟。杰克以前接手过一些案子,就是因为证人害怕作证而不了了之的,也没人向他们说什么。这纯粹就是一种无言的恐吓,证人产生一种无声的恐惧,这也不足为奇。 那么当时又是谁在那里干的呢?是谁在暗示卢瑟,使他一言不发、守口如瓶呢?据杰克所知,当时在场的只有警察。除非就是那个杀死卢瑟的人,但他为什么不离卢瑟左右呢?他怎么能溜到那里,朝卢瑟走过来,向他递个眼神,并且还不受到别人怀疑呢? 杰克的眼睛突然睁开。 除非那人是个警察,他猛然间产生的这个念头使他感到胸口受到狠狠的一击。 塞思·弗兰克。 他又很快打消了这个想法。没有动机,连丝毫动机都没有。无论如何,他无法想象探长和克里斯婷·沙利文会在一起苟且偷欢。这不就是必然会得出的结论吗?克里斯婷·沙利文的情人杀了她,而卢瑟把这一切都看在眼里。不可能是塞思。弗兰克,他但愿那人不是塞思·弗兰克,因为他还指望弗兰克把他从这一麻烦中解救出来。但明天早晨要是杰克把这件弗兰克拼命寻找的东西交给他又会怎样呢?设想一下,当时他把这东西落下,离开了房间;而这时卢瑟从藏身处出来,把它拾起来,然后逃掉,这些都是可能的。现场被清理得一干二净,肯定是一位职业者手干的。对,就是一位职业者手,一位久经沙场的专破凶杀案的侦探绝对知道怎样清理犯罪现场。 Jack shook his head.No!他妈的绝对不可能,他对事对人都必须要相信。肯定不是这么一回事,肯定另有人所为,肯定是这样的。他只是感到疲倦,这样推断来推断去真是可笑。塞思·弗兰克决不是凶手。 他又闭上眼睛,现在相信自己没什么危险了。几分钟后,他睡着了。睡梦中他也不会感到轻松。 第二天早晨空气清冷,前天晚上的暴风雪把浑浊的空气一扫而光。 杰克很早就起了床。他昨晚是和衣而睡的,衣服看起来皱巴巴的。他在狭窄的浴室里洗脸,梳理头发,之后关上灯,又回到卧室。他坐在床上,看了看表。弗兰克现在还没上班,不过也快了。他把盒子从床底拽出,放在身旁,像是一枚定时炸弹。 他啪的一声打开房间角落里的电视机,上面正在播放本地的早间新闻。靓丽的金发播音员在这段黄金时间之前肯定喝了不少的咖啡,打扮得漂漂亮亮的,正在播讲要闻。 杰克本想看世界各热点地区的连续报道:中东地区的新闻,每天早晨至少要报道一分钟;南加州地区或许又发生了一次地震;总统与国会的辩论。 但今早只有一条要闻。杰克看见一个他熟悉的地方在屏幕上一闪而过,不由得身体前倾。 巴顿-肖-洛德公司,那是公司的大厅。这主持人在说些什么?有人死了?桑迪·洛德被人谋杀了?是在他的办公室被枪杀的?杰克纵身跳过去,调高音量,他看到两轮床从楼里推出来,这时他愈加吃惊,洛德的照片从屏幕的右上角闪现出来,他的不凡生平被简述了一遍。但他死了,肯定无疑地死了,在洛德的办公室里被人枪杀了。 杰克瘫倒在床上。昨晚桑迪竟然也在那里?另一个人又是谁呢?盖在被单下面的那一个人是谁?他不得而知,也无从知道。但他相信自己知道发生了什么事情。那是追他的那人干的,就是拿枪的那个人。不管怎样,洛德肯定撞上了他。他们本来是在追杰克,却让洛德撞上了。 他关上电视,走回浴室,用水冲了冲脸。他的手在颤抖,喉咙干渴。他不敢相信这一切竟然发生了,而且发生得这么快。这不是他的错,但是杰克还是对他的合伙人的死感到无比愧疚,就像是凯特感到的那种愧疚,是一种令人伤心欲碎的情感。 他抓起电话,开始拨号码。 塞思·弗兰克来到办公室已有一个钟头了。一位华盛顿特区凶杀案小组的熟人向他透露了律师公司的两起谋杀案。弗兰克不知道他们的被杀是否与沙利文有关,但有一个共性,这个共性让他感到脑袋砰然作痛。现在才早上7点。 他的专线电话响了。他拿起话筒,蹙起了眉毛,露出半信半疑的神色。 “杰克,你到底去哪里了?” 杰克没想到探长会用这么强硬的口吻责问他。 “也向你间个早安。” “杰克,你知道发生什么事了吗?” “我在电视新闻上看到了,塞思,我昨晚在那里,有人要追杀我;我并不确切知道是怎么一回事,可能是桑迪撞见了他们,被他们杀了。” “谁?是谁杀了他?” “我不知道!我当时在办公室里,听见有动静,我所知道的就是后来在楼里被人追杀,那人还拿着枪,我侥幸逃命出来,总算保住了性命。警方有线索吗?” 弗兰克深深地吸了一口气。这故事听起来真是奇妙诡谲,他相信杰克,而且信任他,但是当今这个社会有谁又能完全值得信任呢? “塞思?塞思?” 弗兰克咬着指甲,气呼呼地想着什么。两种完全不同的事件中哪一件会发生要看他下一步怎么做。他想了一会儿凯特·惠特尼调还有他为她们父女俩设的圈套。他仍然没有摆脱掉那件事。他算是一个警察,但早在这之前,他一直都是一个有血有肉的人,他相信自己还是有点人性的。 “杰克,警察掌握了一个线索,一个实际上非常可靠的线索。” “那太好了,是什么?” 弗兰克顿了一会儿,接着说道:“是你,杰克,你就是条线索。他们正投入全区的警力在全城搜捕你。” 电话慢慢从杰克的手上滑了下来,他身上的血液好像已停止了流动。 “杰克?杰克,你他妈的讲话呀。”探长的话没起作用。 杰克朝窗外看去。外面有人追杀他,也有人以谋杀罪想要逮捕他。 "Jack!" 最后杰克吃力地说道:“我没杀任何人,塞思。” 这话软弱无力,就好像溅入排水管,即刻就要被冲走似的。 弗兰克听到了他急于想听到的话,但是话本身并不重要——负罪的人常常以谎言遮掩自己的心虚——重要的是说话的口气,而这句话里面集结着绝望、怀疑和恐惧。 “我相信你,杰克,”弗兰克平静地说道。 “到底发生了什么事,塞思?” “据从别人那里得来的消息,警察手里有你午夜时分进入车库的录像带。很显然,洛德和他的情人在你之前就已到了。” “但我从未见过他们。” “不过,我并不认为你非得见过他们不可。”他摇摇头,继续说道,“好像他们被发现时衣冠不整,特别是那女的,简直是一丝不挂。我猜他们是双方达成默契之后刚完事。” “噢,上帝!” “而且他们还从录像上看到,你显然是在他们被杀之后冲出车库的。” “但枪呢?他们发现枪了吗?” “他们找到了,在车库附近的垃圾筒里找到的。” "anything else?" “枪上有你的指纹,杰克,上面只有你的指纹。看到你出现在录像上之后,华盛顿特区的警察把你的指纹从弗吉尼亚州司法档案中调了出来,他们告诉我枪上的指纹十有八九就是你的。” 杰克瘫坐在椅子上。 “我根本没摸过那枪,塞思,有人想杀死我,而我却跑掉了。我用从办公桌上拿来的镇纸砸中了那家伙,我就知道这些。”他停顿了一会儿,接着说道:“我现在该怎么办?” 弗兰克知道他早晚要提这个问题。老实说,他不知道如何回答。严格他讲,和他通话的这个人是凶杀案的通缉犯。作为执法官,他绝对清楚应采取什么样的行动,而他偏偏没有那么做。 “不论你在哪里,你都不要乱动,我会把这事情查清的。但是无论遇到什么情况,你哪里都不要去。三个小时后再给我打电话,好吗?” 杰克挂上电话,思索着这件事情。警方以谋杀两个人的罪名正在通缉他,他的指纹布满了整个杀人凶器,而这把凶器他连摸都没摸过。他是逃脱正义惩罚的逃犯。他苦笑了一下,但脸又微微绷紧了。他是个逃犯,而刚给一个警察打过电话。当时弗兰克并没有问他在哪里,但他们可以查到电话号码,这对他们来说易如反掌,只不过弗兰克不会这么做的。但就在这时,杰克想到了凯特。 警察从来不会透露实情,探长欺骗了凯特。他对此感到愧疚,至少他自己是这么说的。 外面传来一阵刺耳的警笛声,杰克的心一下子停止了跳动。他冲向窗口,向外望去,看见巡逻车继续开着,直到一闪一闪的警灯消失不见。 但他们还会来的,马上过来抓他。他抓起大衣穿上,又低头朝床上看去。 那盒子。 他没有告诉弗兰克这件该死的东西。昨天晚上这还是他生命中最重要的东西,而现在就靠边站吧! “难道你还在你那个鬼地方忙着?” 克雷格·米勒是华盛顿特区凶杀案调查小组的资深警探。这人虎背熊腰,长着一头浓密的波浪形黑发,一看他的脸就知道他嗜好上佳威士忌酒。弗兰克跟他相识已有好多年了,他们的关系亲密友好,都认为杀人犯得受到惩罚。 “如果你对破案有兴趣的话,就抽空过来看看。”弗兰克一边回答道,一边咧嘴狡黠地笑了笑。 米勒也笑了,他们正在杰克的办公室里。犯罪调查小组的工作很快就要结束了。 弗兰克环视了宽敞的房间内部。对杰克来说,这种生活现在是可望而不可及了,他自忖道。 米勒看着他,心里若有所思地说道:“这个名叫格雷厄姆的家伙,是不是背着你在插手沙利文这个案子?” 弗兰克点点头,说道:“他是那个杀人嫌疑犯的辩护律师。” “那就对了!老兄,这是个喜欢独来独往的家伙。本是替被告辩护,可现在快要成为被告了。”米勒笑了笑。 “谁发现的尸首?” “一位楼房管理员,她大约是在凌晨4点进来的。” “你这大脑袋瓜儿想出杀人动机来了吗?” 米勒瞥了他朋友一眼。“得了,现在是早
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