Home Categories Thriller Silent Night Mysterious File 703 Ghost Bus

Chapter 4 Chapter Three

According to Murphy's Law, as long as everything has the possibility of going bad, it will definitely go bad. Although Murphy's Law is just a hypothesis, it often becomes a rule in life.For example, if I happened to forget to bring my lunch box when I was going out, and I had to ride a bicycle home from work to eat my lunch box during my lunch break. , When I was sweating profusely and hungry, I found my girlfriend Wangcai having sex with my best buddy Er Gouzi in the bedroom. Faced with this situation, it is very likely that I would pick up a knife and kill the adulterer and adulteress and bury them in the soil of the back garden.After that, I will be caught by the witty policeman Sanwa in all likelihood, and I will eventually be sentenced to life imprisonment for betrayal.

You see, this is Murphy's Law. I was sitting on this weird and dilapidated No. 18 bus, listening to Feng Ya and Zhou Cheng tell stories from more than 20 years ago, while thinking about the principles of Murphy's Law in my head.I always feel that things are really going to be more and more extreme, horrible and bad. Although I lost my memory, many messy and unimaginably large knowledge systems in my brain can still be used as needed.This made me even more curious about my pre-amnesia self. Who was I back then?What on earth have I experienced that forced a young man in his twenties to learn so much miscellaneous knowledge?

But what he cares most about is the story told by Feng Ya and Zhou Cheng.For some reason, these two stories became more familiar to me the more I heard them. After thinking about it, I have no idea, and the things in my head are tangled together like a mess.I shook my head vigorously, turned my face, and looked at the white mist outside the window again. The sky was completely dark, and the bus moved forward steadily like a boat in the dark sea.There are no tall buildings in sight, not even any buildings. The car may have left the range of Yuanxi Town, but in which direction is it heading?Where is the end?I'm completely clueless.I'm afraid the other four people sitting in the car are also very confused.

No, not right! If there is really one person who knows, that person may be the boss of Map Education, Shen Si.This young man in his thirties started from scratch and founded Tupu Education, which is as famous as the education company of the Shi family sisters.In recent years, even Shi Yueying's company has been under pressure. This man can have such a great achievement, naturally he has his means.But since he got in the car and struck up a conversation with me, he hasn't said a single word.From his constant silence, I saw a trace of unnaturalness on his face.Moreover, Feng Ya and Zhou Cheng once mentioned a person when they were chatting with us.

good.It was Zhang Xu, the key character mentioned in the stories of both of them.Whenever he was mentioned, his pensive face would suddenly change drastically, as if thinking of something terrible. So when he couldn't bear it and opened his mouth, I immediately looked over. "About this story, I also know a version, which is different from the two of you." Shen Si hesitated before deciding to say it, "I didn't want to tell it at first. Because this version is incredible. But now I don't know at all What happened to Yuanxi Town, and everyone has turned into grasshoppers on a rope, whoever jumps off, jumps on the rope."

As he spoke, he suddenly glanced at me: "I know that there may be people here who have opinions on me. Although I don't know him very well, I don't know where these prejudices come from. But now I must unite, Tell us all the information you know. Otherwise, the moment this ghost car reaches the terminal will be the moment when all of us will die!" As soon as his words came out, Zhou Cheng and Feng Ya were frightened. And I was a little surprised.It seems that my guess is right, this guy really knows the inside story.As the CEO of an education company and a young successful person, I have to say that his words are also very provocative.The first sentence is an emphasis, and the second sentence is an active reconciliation against me.

The third sentence is a warning to everyone in the car. "When we get to the terminal, we will die? Well, how is this possible?" The girl Feng Ya shivered. Zhou Cheng recognized Shen Si: "Are you Shen Si of Tupu Education? I know you. You often appear on local TV stations. You are a celebrity. I mean big celebrity, what do you know?" "What celebrity is not famous? Now we are all on the same boat. If the boat capsizes, we both die." Shen Si shook his head with a wry smile, "I won't talk about that. I'll tell you what I know. You know, I Started a small education company."

"Your education company is very good in Yuanxi Town, how small is it?" Zhou Cheng obviously admired and pondered. Shen Si was a little proud, but this person had a strong self-control ability, so he quickly changed the subject: "I'm afraid, everyone wants to know what happened to this No. 18 bus, right? Also, why do I know the bus Will we die when we get to the terminal? It’s actually very simple, some of our Tupu Education students got on this car by accident. But only one came back.” "Her name is Zhao Liyun." Shen Si moved her mouth a few times, trying to say what she knew.At this moment, with his back to the driver and the conductor, Zhou Cheng, who put his palm on the back of the seat, suddenly pointed at the rear of the car dumbfounded.He was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he couldn't breathe for a long time.

"What's wrong with you?" Feng Ya pushed her boyfriend. Zhou Cheng stammered, and finally choked out a sentence: "Look, there seems to be something in the fog?" "Aren't there things like red nematodes in the fog? What else? In this car, at least we are safe." Feng Ya turned to look back disapprovingly.After that, he was swallowed by fear, and his whole body was petrified. Li Mengyue and I, who smelled something unusual, frowned and looked behind the car.After just one glance, I was stunned.This, how is this possible! The thick fog just now has begun to thin out. I don't know when, the No. 18 bus has fallen from the sky and is driving on the road.A real road!The trees beside the road swayed in the wind, but the mist was not blown away by the wind, and it was still rolling.But at least, you can see the surrounding tens of meters clearly.

The countless red lines in the mist also disappeared. This is obviously a township road, two-way two-lane, not too wide.The bus is driving on the road, but I still don't feel the friction of the wheels touching the ground, it still seems to be floating in the air. None of this shocked me, though. The most frightening thing is that far away, more than ten meters away from the rear of the No. 18 bus, there is a mass of black shadows.According to the laws of physics, if there is such an object that cannot be used as a reference around the moving object, it will always maintain the same size.Then, it must be moving with the moving object at a relative speed.Thinking of this, a drop of cold sweat rolled down my forehead.

If the fast-receding tree on the side of the road is used as a reference, the No. 18 ghost bus is at least moving forward at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, but the black shadow can always follow behind the car.In other words, it is also moving. Moreover, it is faster than the bus.Within a few seconds of my observation, the black shadow had already approached, and I was gradually able to see the outline clearly. It turned out to be a shadow.The shadow of a woman with disheveled hair.The woman seemed to be holding a pot-like object in her hand. In the dark night, it was obviously dark, but we could clearly observe her every move. what happened? !Why did I encounter some ghost things that violate the laws of physics today. Damn it, there is no woman in this world who can run faster than 100 kilometers per hour.Even women in love! Everyone in the car turned pale, and we couldn't help moving closer together, staring nervously at the terrifying woman running fast without blinking. It's getting closer and closer. The woman's feet were not moving very fast, but she was able to catch up with the sports bus.She was holding a wine jar in her hand, and the more I looked at that wine jar, the more familiar it became.The woman was wearing an old red jacket, her hair swayed in the wind, flying around in the air, like snakes scurrying about in countless torrents. This woman is absolutely impossible to be human! Flying in my head, I calculated the time it would take for her to catch the bus, and in desperation came to five minutes. "Shen Si, you just said that when the bus reaches the terminal, all of us will die." I squinted my eyes and suddenly asked Shen Si, "But where is the terminal of this bus?" Shen Si shook his head: "I don't know. But I do know the exact arrival time of this No. 18 bus." His answer surprised me.Since a person does not know where the terminal station is, how can he know the exact time of arrival?In an article in the Boshi Education Company founded by Shi Yueying's family, Sissy, the director of Yujie, once told me that Shen Si had always liked Shi Yueying, and tried hard to get her. (For details, please refer to "Ye Silent Mysterious File 702 Red Line") But this time when Yue Ying returned to Yuanxi Town, Shen Si unexpectedly did not show up, and even disappeared for a week.I guessed at the beginning that maybe something else happened to him that was too bad to take care of.Thinking about it now, maybe what happened to him may be related to this No. 18 bus. Well, not likely, but very likely. Otherwise, his answer to the question I just asked would not have been so outlandish and certain. "When will this car arrive at the terminal?" I swallowed. "11:15 midnight." Shen Sisi didn't even think about it, and immediately answered. This guy has definitely investigated the situation of this ghost car, and even knows a lot of inside information that we don't know!I took out my phone with difficulty and looked down at the screen. The cold screen exudes a harsh light that is not soft, and a series of numbers are displayed on the screen. 11:10 midnight. If there is nothing wrong with the meditation, then in five minutes, the No. 18 bus will stop.And after five minutes, that ghostly woman running at high speed will catch up with the bus. The two times overlapped. My scalp went numb for a while, and a terrible thought came to my mind.After a while, he smiled bitterly: "Everyone, I'm afraid that the so-called time to reach the terminal is not the real time for the car to arrive at the terminal." "What do you mean?" Zhou Cheng and the others couldn't turn their heads. "Perhaps 11:15 in the middle of the night is the time when this No. 18 bus mysteriously disappeared with everyone more than 20 years ago..." As soon as the words fell, everyone was stunned. Feng Ya was stimulated and grabbed the pensive collar: "Great celebrity, what do you know? Could it be that we will all die in five minutes?" "Maybe." Shen Si looked terrified, but I always felt that he was hiding something. "It's too late to say anything now, and it won't help. We don't have time to listen to Shen Si talk about what he knows." My brows furrowed more and more, and I turned my eyes away from the woman who was approaching us from the back of the car, and used my hands to get used to it. He knocked on the armrest desperately, "There must be something that I overlooked." "Why did this No. 18 bus, which disappeared more than 20 years ago, appear in Yuanxi Town when the white mist enveloped the whole city? What is the red line? Is there any connection between the three of them?" Speaking of this, I shook my head violently: "Why did only five of us get on the bus? I don't believe that there are hundreds of thousands of people in Yuanxi Town, and only five of us escaped. Besides, the buildings taller than Baiwu There are many, but this ghost bus only stops at three buildings to pick you up..." "In this way, the reason why we got on the car may have a certain pattern, or a kind of necessity. There is even a certain connection and similarity between the five of us!" My eyes slowly moved on everyone. walked around. The terrified crowd also thought about my words.But after much deliberation, only deeper doubts remained. "How can there be any connection between us?" Zhou Cheng pointed to his face, "Fengya and I are indeed locals from Yuanxi Town, very ordinary locals. The two of us had no intersection a year ago, so the reason why we met , also met through the Internet. And Shen Si, a big celebrity, a rich man. He can't know us, and we can't afford it. And you and that cold beauty, all of us, don't even know each other. " I pointed to Li Mengyue, and then to myself: "This Sanwu girl and I have one thing in common. They have lost their memory! As for the three of you, I never knew each other. Even if I knew each other before, I don't know them now Impossible to recognize. Because, after all, I was hit by the amnesia skill." In the five-minute death countdown, three minutes passed quickly amidst the five people's chatter, but no one could figure it out.Suddenly, my eyes lit up: "No, no! If there is any problem, the biggest problem should be in the car." After finishing speaking, I stood up abruptly, and walked towards the bus driver and dwarf conductor who had been sitting silently on the bus as if they were dead. Even if the female ghost behind the car kept approaching, these two people didn't move, as if they couldn't see anything at all.In the story of Feng Ya and Zhou Cheng, these two people disappeared with all the passengers in the car twenty years ago.But why were they the only ones who crossed time and space and appeared together with the No. 18 bus in the dense fog of Yuanxi Town again? To solve the puzzle, you can only start with them.Although I have been confused for a long time, I don't know whether they are people or ghosts! I walked towards the front of the bus step by step, walking carefully.Those two people didn't respond to my approach at all, and they were still sitting there.The dwarf conductor's legs dangled with the driving of the car, looking like two floating pieces of paper. Finally getting close, I stretched out my hand and waved it in front of the conductor's open eyes.She doesn't respond.This guy, it seems that only someone who gets on the bus will trigger a certain mechanism to stand up and collect money. Heartbroken, I stretched out my hand again and shook the conductor's body vigorously.The moment my skin touched the dwarf middle-aged woman, it was like being bitten by a snake. I quickly withdrew my hand and took a few steps back. The body of the conductor was surprisingly cold, as if it had been frozen for thousands of years.The clothes on her body are not made of cloth, but more like rough paper. Could it be that she is not human? At this moment, Feng Ya who was not far behind screamed in alarm: "Hey, look at that person!" Following her shout, I looked at the conductor and the driver again, and suddenly a chill rushed from the soles of my feet to the back of my head.I saw that my light push just now caused a chain reaction, the color of the two people in the car who shouldn't have appeared turned pale. Like old photos that have been weathered and faded for decades, the drivers and conductors spread out, degrading at an alarming rate. It turned out that in the blink of an eye, the bodies of the two of them were covered with a layer of blackness, unfathomable blackness. Terrifying! "This, what is this?" I choked out such a sentence in a daze, completely dumbfounded by the scene in front of me. Suddenly, Li Mengyue, the beautiful three-none girl, instinctively raged: "Dangerous!" She rushed over with incredible speed and pulled my clothes back.The conductor and driver, who were still still just now, actually floated up from their positions.The balloon filled with hydrogen was floating swayingly on the car traveling at more than 100 kilometers per hour. The car is only two meters high.The two humanoids soon hit their heads on the roof of the car.As the car drove, the human balloons rubbed against the roof of the car and scurried in all directions. Wherever the two human balloons came into contact with, whether it was the roof of the car, chairs or armrests, they all began to mutate and rot together. If Li Mengyue hadn't pulled me away in time, I'm afraid I would have collided with the dwarf conductor.The unknown is the most terrifying thing for human beings. Who knows what terrible changes will happen to the human body in terms of the human body, which is absolutely supernatural and beyond common sense. To be sure, no one in the car wanted to experiment. "Get down, get down!" I yelled. Two human balloons are on the roof, and the dwarf conductor said fortunately that it is very short.But the driver, even though he still kept sitting after turning into a balloon, even so, he was still 1.56 meters high.If a living person doesn't get down on the ground, it is very likely to be hit by it. Everything in the car has already exceeded my cognitive limit.I even felt like I was dreaming.Maybe I was sleeping on a comfortable bed, what white mist, what red line, what weird No. 18 bus that disappeared more than 20 years ago, what human balloons... all of them are fake. However, everything in front of me is too real. If it wasn't a dream, then what would happen to Shi Yueying, who was still trapped in the thick fog and the scurrying red thread?No, I must escape from this damn car as soon as possible, and return to Yuanxi Town to see if she is in danger! Everyone is not stupid, although they were terrified by the scene in front of them, but when they all shouted out, they suddenly fell down. Two human balloons floated in the car like a patrol, and the ghostly woman behind the car was still chasing endlessly. It would take less than a minute to catch up with the bus. The status quo is so bad that there is no way to solve it.At least I can't imagine how else I can save myself! When the woman holding the dirty black wine can catches up to the car, it will be the moment of our death. According to Murphy's Law, nine times out of ten it will. what should I do? How to do? As the messy head got closer, it became less entangled and completely blank. Time passed by, and the woman behind the car had already grabbed the car door with her claw-like hands.The car door was ripped open, it, walked in... Just as I was closing my eyes and waiting to die, a snow-white and cold little hand suddenly touched mine. After that, as if never wanting to let go, I held it tightly. At this second, the entire universe shook violently like the sky cracked.
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