Home Categories Thriller Silent Night Mystery File 704 Terrorist ID

Chapter 9 Chapter 8 Terror Protocol

Life is never about compromise, and the more you withdraw, the less room you have to breathe.Life is not for making ends meet, the humbler you are, the farther away some happy things will be from you.Going to a high place is the pursuit of life, and walking to a low place is the pursuit of life. The happiness in life is to do what you want to do, love the people you should love, and look forward to the future.This is a so-called pseudo-famous quote that has been popular on major social media since I don't know when it started.This kind of pseudo-philosophy is specious.But just because of this speciousness, it can make more people forward it, and even believe it.

Undoubtedly, Zhou Zizhi, a third-year student at Zhoucheng No. 3 High School, is one who absolutely believes in this list of false philosophies.There are a lot of chicken soup for the soul forwarded in her circle of friends, in contrast to her strong determination to blindly pursue material things. Why does a high school student have such a strong material need?From her online traces, Niuniu and I didn't see the reason either.I just know that recently, this money-worshiping high school girl has jumped from the business of social assistance to the business of online friend tester. She has extensive experience in helping and communicating with her.Even in the circle of online friend testers, she is well-known.

In this online world, anything is possible.What kind of industry is the so-called online friend tester?In fact, to put it bluntly, it is not mysterious at all. In it, Avalokitesvara and Manjusri used the method of incarnation as beauties to test the determination of Tang monks and apprentices to learn scriptures from the west. In the end, Bajie, who moved his heart, was bound by a "pearl shirt" and hung from the ceiling. This kind of fairy incarnation "testing" mortals is too numerous to mention in novels, dramas and folk tales.Now, online social tools have popularized such "magic power".

You can buy a boyfriend or girlfriend loyalty test online for the price of a hamburger.The "Forty Thieves" network is the most powerful purchasing platform for this kind of loyalty test. Zhou Zizhi has not been working for a long time, and often takes orders with her mobile phone.Niuniu hacked into her information in "The Forty Thieves" and obtained a lot of information and chat records, so she was able to clearly restore this unimaginable strange thing. This senior high school student joined an Internet company called "Wan Jian pierces the heart and kills the scum".The name of the company is very artistic, as soon as you hear it, you know that the boss is a woman, and her feelings must have been seriously hurt.In the end, she turned grief into strength, and transformed pain into entrepreneurial inspiration.

"Thousand arrows piercing the heart and destroying dregs" The employees of the Internet company are also very distinctive.Zhou Zizhi's employee number is 13, which is not an auspicious number.The company only has female employees, and it only accepts orders aimed at men and helping women. The company's office building used to be located at B17 on the third floor of the Seagate Building, but it moved out a month and a half ago. According to the company data of "Thousand Arrows Piercing the Scumbag", the company is mainly engaged in the testing of scumbags.Of course, due to her high emotional intelligence and rich experience, Zhou Zizhi also took some virtual girlfriend business without telling the company.

After each customer places an order, the proprietress of "Thousand Arrows Piercing the Scum Man" will post the order to the work group of the online store. The order content includes the basic information of the test subject, the problems to be tested, and the testers the customer needs. condition. And the employees who are active in the work group are also divided into grades.However, the so-called grades are used in a joking way, using the titles of the harem concubines in the popular Qing palace dramas, and ranking them in order of the number of tasks received and the number of successes—Zhengchaopin: Empress; Zhengyipin: Imperial Concubine; from First rank: Noble Concubine; Common First Rank: Madam; worst performer: Concubine.

Zhou Zizhi joined the company not long ago. She is a rookie and the youngest in the company.But I can't stand this guy's fineness, his face is quite pretty, and his rank has already reached the level of "Imperial Concubine". After the order is released in the group, each employee will "grab the order" according to their own situation.Once the "order snatching" is successful, the employee becomes the customer's temporary "best friend", and will nakedly "seduce" the test object through all network social tools according to the information provided by the customer.

Facts have proved that it is reasonable to use "phishing" to verify that it is favored and even repeatedly banned by government departments of various countries.After all, this method has the lowest cost and the best effect. The loyalty of the other party in the relationship between the sexes is actually not as beautiful and moving as the faithful love story portrays.All you need is a beautiful photo that isn't even your own, and a few words of temptation to fish out the naked truth. Temporary "girlfriends" can provide services including text, voice, video, etc., and the prices of different packages range from a few yuan to tens of yuan.

The company culture of "Thousands of Arrows Pierce the Heart and Smash the Scum" adopts the employee self-responsibility system.Concubines from all walks of life don't need to obey the client's arrangements and instructions, and they can even do whatever they want, as long as they achieve their goals. That day, while attending class, Zhou Zizhi hid her mobile phone under the desk and chatted with a few sisters at work.In the work group, the proprietress suddenly dropped a list. It's a big order.The list directly bought the highest level, the amount of 88,888.It was this list that caused an uproar in the work group.You must know that usually an order is only a few tens of dollars at most, and it will reach the top when it reaches five hundred.

But there are many eights in this list.Calculated based on the 70% commission of the employees after receiving the order, they can earn more than 60,000 beautiful banknotes after completing this order. Suddenly, everyone was excited. Naturally, Zhou Zizhi was also one of the most excited people.She quickly opened the task requirements column, and couldn't help sighing, who knows which rich woman wants to test her scumbag, but she is so generous. The rich woman didn't disclose too much information, and didn't even have contact information, only leaving the QQ number of the scumbag who needed to be tested.In the column of requirements, the rich woman filled in: Because the scumbag believes in horoscopes, fate and Feng Shui, the girls who take orders need to provide medical examination forms.

A very odd request indeed.But in this line of work, you can meet all kinds of eccentric and weird people, so the first thing Zhou Zizhi did after returning home was to take a photo of her physical examination report and send it to the proprietress of the online shop.With such a large order, everyone wanted to get it. Not only was it a matter of money, but even the company's internal level could be greatly improved with this order. Naturally, all the employees of the "Thousand Arrows Piercing the Heart and Destroying Scum Man" company cordially participated. The rich woman who placed the order quickly reviewed the employee's medical report, and finally, lucky Zhou Zizhi successfully accepted the order. The moment she successfully received the order, Zhou Zizhi was so dazzled by happiness that she was almost so excited that she couldn't tell the difference between east, west, and north.She immediately added the scumbag's QQ account, hoping to get rid of him as soon as possible, and took the money to buy a new dress. The weird thing, when I think about it, started to happen after I added that QQ account! The scumbag's network ID is called Yin Yang Ren, which is a weird name.The age column is not filled in, and neither is the profile.Zhou Zizhi casually filled in some chicken soup for the soul in the friend application request, and after clicking send, a system information window popped up inexplicably like lightning. The above seems to be some kind of protocol stuff.Zhou Zizhi muttered why even adding friends had to come up with an agreement, which was unheard of. The text was too long, and the girl was too lazy to read it, so she clicked agree. After confirming the agreement, this scumbag named hermaphrodite accepted her friend invitation. "You look like my girlfriend." The scumbag sent this sentence the moment he passed her verification. Zhou Zizhi shouted "Yeah" in her heart.A scumbag is a scumbag, and such an old-fashioned way of striking up a conversation can be described.Play hard to get, play hard to get! "99 boys who have seen my picture have said the same thing to me. 33 of them said I look like his ex-girlfriend, 33 said I look like his next girlfriend, and 33 It's the same as you said, saying that I look like his current girlfriend. Do you guys like to strike up a conversation like this?" Zhou Zizhi added a coquettish expression at the end. That scumbag named Yin Yang paused for a while, and then sent a message: "If you don't believe me, go to my homepage and have a look. You really look like my girlfriend." Zhou Zizhi shrugged his shoulders, and clicked on the scumbag's Moments homepage.But after just a few glances, she froze.As a scumbag tester with professionalism and high quality, she usually collects all the information that can be collected from scumbags before starting work. The photos posted in the circle of friends are the things that best reflect a person's personality and preferences, how could Zhou Zizhi let it go.The scumbag's homepage has never been locked, and everyone can see it.Zhou Zizhi obviously went to open it not long ago, but it was completely blank, with nothing in it. But now it's only been a few minutes, and the homepage, which should have been blank, is actually full of photos proving the trajectory of life.Every photo is a reproduction of an experience.The photos are accompanied by words like chicken soup for the soul. In each of the photos on the words, there are two people cuddling closely. On the left is a man in his twenties, with an average build and an average height. His face is mosaiced, so he can't see clearly.And the girl on the right, with delicate features and delicate skin, looks quite tall, belonging to the standard oriental beauty. Zhou Zizhi, who looked at the girl in the photo, became more and more frightened. This, isn't this me?How is it possible, why don't I remember taking this kind of photo?Moreover, the background in the photo is a variety of tourist attractions, and the time is also a recent photo.As a third party in high school, and taking orders online to test scumbags, she, Zhou Zizhi, has no free time to travel.Especially, I don't know the boy next to me at all, even though his face is mosaic. - An anger surged up from the bottom of my heart.At the first moment, Zhou Zizhi could only think that her identity had been exposed.The guy on the other side, a hermaphrodite, is a computer expert. He photoshopped his own photo and put it on the homepage to pretend to be a ghost. "This is your girlfriend?" Zhou Zizhi was furious, "How is it possible? Then it's me, how can you add a random netizen and find someone exactly like your girlfriend?" The girl's professionalism is still there, and her mental endurance is quite strong.She didn't directly say that she was tricked, but made indirect remarks. It took several minutes for that scumbag over there called Yin Yang to send a sentence: "That's my girlfriend." "Exactly the same as me?" Zhou Zizhi snorted coldly. Yin Yang said: "That's why I said, you look like her." "Then where is your girlfriend now? I'm going to meet her. Maybe she's my long-lost twin sister." The girl snorted again. The intersex person sent a "shaking head" emoji: "You can't find her, we will never be separated for the rest of our lives!" It was this sentence that made Zhou Zizhi feel cold all over for some reason. "What do you mean? Do you know who I am?" The girl typed such a string of texts. "You are a senior in Zhoucheng No. 3 High School, right? Zhou Zizhi." The yin and yang sent such an unexpected sentence.Although he answered some irrelevant questions, he revealed Zhou Zizhi's true identity.This made Zhou Zizhi feel chilly all over again.Except for some photos, all the information she used on the Internet were fake. How could this guy know his real information? Zhou Zizhi was really scared. She didn't care about the business of testing scumbags, so she quickly closed QQ.But QQ seems to be lingering, even if it is turned off, a window still pops up on the girl's phone screen. "Do you know what the bardo is? Don't worry, soon, we will be together forever!" Zhou Zizhi threw the phone on the ground in fear, and the classroom was also disrupted by her screams. What exactly is the "bardo body"?To be honest, Zhou Zizhi was very, very concerned.She pretended to be unwell and went to the infirmary to rest.Lying on the bed, his mind is full of chat records with that scumbag and hermaphrodite not long ago. As the saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than destroy one family.To be honest, the job of a scumbag male tester is to make money and ruin other people's happiness.Human beings were originally creatures that changed from polyandry to polygamy. With the development of modern society civilization and understanding of etiquette, justice and shame, they finally became monogamous. However, due to biological instincts, many men cannot withstand the temptation, especially the temptation of a limp 18-year-old girl with a pretty oval face and a tall figure.Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many scumbag celebrities dragging their girlfriends who are also celebrities not to get married. After ten or twenty years, the relationship broke down. Then after breaking up, Speed ​​had a flash marriage with a girl who was ten or twenty years younger than him. Therefore, human males actually have the attributes of a scumbag, the difference is only whether they dare to be a scumbag or not.By analogy, the profession of "scumbag tester" is very, very wicked and can offend people.When Zhou Zizhi was working in this industry, she heard from a senior that an employee of the company next door who also worked in this industry was retaliated against. The female employee was only twenty-two years old and had just graduated from college.The order he received was not too big, only more than 80 yuan, and the employer asked to test the boyfriend he was about to marry.It turned out that the boyfriend was indeed a scumbag, and he wanted to have sex with her without saying a few words. The female employee sent the chat records to the employer and easily earned more than 60 yuan in commission.The marriage between the employer and her scumbag boyfriend naturally fell through. But it wasn't over at all.That scumbag seemed to be very extreme in his thinking. He tried his best to find out the true identity of the female employee, bought a fruit knife, and stabbed her dozens of times on the way home.The female employee died, a terrible death, her internal organs were riddled with holes. Just because of that criminal case, the job of being a scumbag male tester has become a high-risk occupation.Employees are more protective of their real information and will never disclose it.Because it was revealed, it is really possible to die. But that guy called Yin Yang actually knew Zhou Zizhi's true identity.How is this going?That guy has investigated himself a long time ago, is he trying to take revenge on her? On the bed in the infirmary, Zhou Zizhi tossed and turned, always feeling uneasy.Biting coldness kept coming from the soles of her feet to the back of her head, as if something terrible was about to happen to her. Finally, Zhou Zizhi opened the search page and looked up the explanation of the three words "bardo body". Due to the existence of the Internet in modern society, as long as you turn on your mobile phone, you can find anything at any time.In Wikipedia, there is indeed a clear explanation for the entry of "bardo body". The so-called "bardo body" refers to the process from the death of the deceased, when the eighth consciousness leaves the body, to reincarnation. There is a saying that the front yin has faded, the back yin has not yet arrived, and the bardo is present.The former yin has expired means that the life span of this period has been exhausted, and the hind yin has not yet arrived means that reincarnation has not yet occurred.Generally speaking, after death, all people have a bardo body, but those who are great good and evil do not.It is said that the lifespan of the bardo body is a cycle every seven days, that is to say, the bardo body may be reincarnated once every seven days. If you haven't been reincarnated after seventy-nine days, if you don't use the power of any good roots, you will become a ghost.There is a folk custom of "pulling the soul of the dead". If you have been dead for three to five years, you can still pull out the soul of the dead, which means that the person has fallen into the ghost realm. Because the lifespan of the bardo is at most forty-nine days, during this period, if you do not reincarnate, you will turn into a ghost, and it is extremely difficult to be reborn.Because it belongs to another way, it has already formed a fixed life form, and wants to convert this mode into another mode. After Zhou Zizhi carefully read all the relevant entries, her heart became even more confused. Only dead people have the term "bardo body".Could it be that the QQ number I added, that scumbag called a hermaphrodite, is a ghost? No, it's not that simple.He might not necessarily be a ghost, but the last sentence he sent to himself was very likely to make her, Zhou Zizhi, into a ghost! This guy is definitely ready to retaliate against her.After all, Zhou Zizhi, a high school girl, also admits that she has offended many people, and the possibility of retaliation is very high.Maybe this list is a trap, there are no rich women, and there are no scumbags called hermaphrodites. The whole thing is a conspiracy.A conspiracy against her, Zhou Zizhi! People with high IQs always think in the same way.Senior high school student Zhou Zizhi's IQ is obviously not low. Once she felt that she had fallen into a conspiracy, she tried her best to calm down. The hermaphrodite seemed to be trying to kill her.Then, delete his QQ number from the friend group first, so that the guy who wants to revenge her can be prevented from further understanding his information. Thinking of this, Zhou Zizhi did what he said.Turn on the mobile phone QQ, and pull the QQ number of the intersex person into the blacklist. But with such a simple action, the girl was surprised to find that she couldn't do it.No matter how she deleted the intersex person's QQ number, as soon as she refreshed it, that number would appear strangely in the QQ friend list again. Is there something wrong with the phone? Zhou Zizhi tried to blacklist other unimportant QQ friends.Strange thing, it succeeded once.The girl kept trying, and finally she discovered to her horror that anyone can delete her QQ account, except for the QQ account called Yin Yang Ren, which is like mulberry dirt on the white skirt, which cannot be removed no matter what. The girl panicked even more.She was at a loss, and after school, she quickly found a friend who knew computers to help. "You have met a master." My friend was very righteous. After hearing her description, he turned on his mobile phone to check and told her. However, when a friend checked Zhou Zizhi's chat history, he found nothing, even the QQ number called Yin Yang Ren disappeared. "There's nothing." The friend checked her phone thoroughly and shook her head. Zhou Zizhi hurriedly asked: "Could it be that guy remotely deleted the chat history?" "It's possible. It is said that high-end hackers can do anything through the Internet." My friend deeply agreed. Zhou Zizhi's memory is excellent, and she uttered a series of URLs: "This is the address of that scumbag's homepage, open it and have a look." The friend entered it according to the address, but it showed 404 page not found. "How is it possible?" Zhou Zizhi felt chills all over his body, "In such a short period of time, he not only deleted me, but also deleted his own webpage? What kind of grudge does that guy have against me? It's so terrible." She took the phone back, but the moment her hand touched the phone, the webpage that originally displayed "404 not found" was refreshed suddenly, and the homepage of the intersex was refreshed. —The photos flowed on the screen like plain water, and the originally beautiful travel photos turned yellowish, like ghostly photos. Zhou Zizhi was shocked: "Hey, look, look at my phone!" The friend turned his head and glanced at her mobile phone screen strangely: "It's nothing." "Didn't you see this webpage?" Zhou Zizhi lowered her head.She was horrified to find that the page seemed to be conscious.When the friend looked at the screen, the 404 page error message appeared.But as soon as a friend looks away, the intersex home page pops up. The yellowed webpage became more and more terrifying, as if mocking her powerlessness with the biting cold reality.Zhou Zizhi wanted to turn off the phone, but suddenly, the QQ account of the hermaphrodite, which had disappeared, reappeared.He was ranked first on the friend list, and a window popped up: "You signed an agreement with me, your life is already mine." "Agreement, what agreement?" Zhou Zizhi was too frightened. The hermaphrodite sarcastically said, "Do you never read the network protocol?" Who has such a strong obsessive-compulsive disorder to really read all the network protocols?Most people just click "OK".Zhou Zizhi was afraid and angry: "What exactly do you want to do? Why do you have to haunt me like a ghost?" The girl glanced around.Since you can only see the webpage and chat with this weirdo with your mobile phone, and no one else can realize his existence, then that scumbag freak called a hermaphrodite must be spying on me secretly by some means . Zhou Zizhi realized for the first time that this ubiquitous online world is so dark, damp and dirty.No one can truly remain invisible online and maintain their privacy. How do intersex people monitor themselves?With ubiquitous cameras?Or your phone's camera? The girl's eyes fell on her mobile phone. A camera the size of a grain of rice was emitting a biting chill, like an eye with a vicious gaze. She couldn't take it anymore, and immediately took out a Band-Aid from her bag to stick the two cameras on the front and back. Another message popped up on QQ: "It's useless, you can't escape my surveillance. Your face is shaking with twitching legs. There are thirty-six hairs on your left side, which are blown to the front of your shoulder by the wind. . Quack, you can't escape." Zhou Zizhi trembled all over.Two seconds ago, some hair was indeed blown to the ears by the wind.She counted carefully, and it was really no more, no less, exactly thirty-six. That guy is still monitoring himself, and the monitoring is extremely clear.What kind of monitoring method is used, so fine that it can identify the number of hairs? "What on earth do you want?" Zhou Zizhi roared angrily. "When you added me as a friend, you agreed to my agreement. I have your medical check-up sheet, and I have everything about you. Now, I want you to listen to me..." The QQ of intersex people sent messages to her The mobile phone keeps popping up windows.Each pop-up window has a photo or some screenshots of chat records. These are actually the unbearable photos of Zhou Zizhi when she was doing social aid.Once her parents, classmates and friends find out, she will be despised for the rest of her life unless she is beaten to death by her serious father, and life would be worse than death! Zhou Zizhi suddenly felt that he was accepting his fate: "Tell me, why do you want me? To kill me? Well, kill or cut, it's up to you." "For the time being, I don't want your life yet." The yin and yang man said slowly, "Now, you send a message in all your Moments first. Let's say something weird happened at Changhai Restaurant..." After Niuniu used the method of decompilation to sort out all the strange things that happened to Zhou Zizhi, after sorting out the clues, I took a look at the last time when the information was cut off. March 11. It was the day before the three kinds of unpleasant fart smells appeared in Changhai Restaurant. After the three of us finished watching, we immediately looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to say a word for a long while. Zhou Zizhi finally got in touch with what happened at Changhai Restaurant.But what is that guy with the QQ account called Yin Yang Ren?Why did he mention such a remote folk term as "bardo body"? Also, could he be hiding in the shadow of Zhou Cheng, secretly manipulating all the bizarre criminal cases in the past month and a half?
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