Home Categories Thriller Silent Night Mysterious File 705 Ghost Money

Chapter 8 Chapter Seven: The Curse of Ghost Money

The flesh felt as if it was about to be peeled off, and there seemed to be a knife cutting inside the bone.I don't know when the bone-eroding pain disappeared, and I don't know how long I was in a coma. I woke up suddenly. He was lying on the bed, his clothes had been taken off. The bookworm Xue Ke's expression was very cloudy. "Are you awake?" She didn't look up at me, she just stared at my back.I feel a little embarrassed seeing it. I sat up: "What are you looking at?" "You fainted just now. I finally carried you onto the bed." The red-haired foreign girl stammered a bit, gritted her teeth, and then continued, "There is something very bad on your back."

"I know." I calmly put on my clothes. Xue Ke stared at me: "You know, but you never told me." "Why should I tell you." I touched my back through the clothes with my backhand, and the bulge on my back became bigger and bigger.As early as after leaving Professor Wald's castle, I found a red dot where the ghost money fell into the back.As time grows, the red dots also change. Your sister, Wald's so-called "all ghosts and money tricks" did not bring me fortune, but a curse that I have no idea what it will turn into.Looking at what happened to the courtyard house and Li Wei, it seems that nothing good will happen as long as they get involved with ghost money.

Xue Ke sighed: "Mr. Ye Buyu, do you feel that this strange formation seems to have a terrifying embrittlement effect on the curse on us?" I also sighed: "What is the curse on you?" "Look for yourself." The foreign girl was open, she took off the thin skirt directly, and her snow-white back was exposed. But I don't have the slightest appreciation for beautiful women.There was a small black spot with a bronze luster on the bottom of the black bra strap.If you don't look carefully, you will mistakenly think that it is a tattoo drawn with copper color.But when my line of sight touched that black spot, I felt a chill that pierced my bones.

It was a grimace about two centimeters in diameter.Ghost money's face!Ghost Qian's eyes, which were originally closed, have been narrowed open, as if trying to open them desperately! Just imagining it is terrifying.When the eyes of the ghost money on the back are really all opened, what terrible things will happen?unimaginable! "How about it, is it the same as yours? Since coming to Ercheng, it has changed like this." Xue Ke put on her clothes quietly.This strong Dutch woman has the tranquility of an intellectual woman. Even if she is obviously frightened, she will still speak in a calm voice, "Curse, it is accelerating."

That's right, except for the size, the ghost money mark on her body is almost exactly the same as the one on my back.Since I arrived in Ercheng, the ghost money on my back has covered the entire skin of my back, which is very frightening.From those half-closed eyes, it seemed that an extremely evil gaze would shoot out at any moment. I can't sleep at the thought of this human head growing on my back. "Mr. Ye Buyu, do you think that when Ghost Qian's eyes are opened, will we become like the little girl Li Wei? The skin is peeling off, the flesh and blood are separated, the stomach is bloated, and the pain is so painful?" Xue Ke used a series of adjectives .

I shook my head lightly, and smiled wryly: "Perhaps, it will be even worse. Especially me. It might be the best result to become like Li Wei by then." After hearing my words, the red-haired girl trembled with fright, and cursed fiercely: "Professor Wald is so vicious, how can he behave like that!" "He was also tricked by someone. Besides, before he died, that bastard gave me enough information." I pouted. Xue Ke's eyelashes flickered: "Didn't he commit suicide without saying anything?" "No, he did give me a lot of information." I took out my tablet and sorted out the information collected today, while explaining, "He was going to say something before he died, but he changed it suddenly. That means The professor knows that there are people of that power staring at him in the castle. He knows very well that even if he wants to speak out, he may be silenced before he speaks."

"That's why he scolded 'you despicable Chinese people.'" My tone paused here, "This means that the one who gave him money was some influential Chinese. Most importantly, He wrote three words on the palm of my hand." "Liu Xiaowei. Those three characters are the name of a Chinese, Liu Xiaowei." I shook my head, "But there are too many people named Liu Xiaowei in this world, and I still can't find out what kind of person he is. But we will Speed ​​up the investigation, maybe, the real ghost money is in Ercheng." "Real ghost money? What do you mean?" Xue Ke was a little puzzled, "Didn't we encounter ghost money all the time? How can we really talk about it?"

"It seems that you haven't understood the real clue hidden in this whole thing. The ghost money charm on the yellow paper is obviously rubbed with ghost money. And the one in Professor Wald's castle is even more Modern craft. Throughout, we have never seen those real ghost money. Most importantly, look at this!" I called up a photo from the tablet, a ghost money from the Spring and Autumn Period in China: "This is the real ghost money. But the ghost money we have encountered all the time looks like this one. The money is different. That means, maybe in some places, we are all wrong."

On the screen, I compared the two ghost coins. It is true that the two coins are very similar, but only similar. "The ghost coin made by Sun Shuao is a deformation of shell coins. The ghost face uses standardized The face is not even human. But this ghost money with curse power is not right at all." Speaking of this, Xue Ke finally understood, she only felt cold hands and feet: "Sure enough, the ghost money engraved on our body like a curse on the right seems more like a human face, an oriental face !" I nod.Not long ago, when I discovered this secret, I was also terrified: "The curse on us is a living human face curse. The face on the ghost money may be the original craftsman, according to a certain real existence. Someone cast it. But who is this person, and why did he cast his face into ghost money? This makes us urgently need to investigate."

Yes, this is also the most critical clue to unlocking the curse.The ancients always had many superstitious taboos, and it was impossible to use their own face as a prototype to cast ghost money for no reason.Moreover, in all dynasties, it is illegal to mint coins without authorization.So even if that person really casts, it is impossible to create too many. An ordinary human face, why would it cause so many terrifying phenomena.Who is the prototype of ghost money?Everything, like a mess, is entangled in my head, making my head hurt constantly. The curse is worsening, and time may be running out.

Who knows when the eyes on the ghost face will open without warning! I looked at the urban neon lights of Ercheng outside the window. This small city is really too small. Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel, the boundary line can be seen clearly.But in such a small and inconspicuous city, there seems to be some kind of evil flowing.Countless people are facing the nightmare of life and death under this evil curse. If the secret of Guitouqian cannot be solved as soon as possible, I am afraid that the whole city will become like a little girl Li Wei under the curse of Guitouqian, with its flesh and blood collapsing and eventually dying tragically. After all, the body of Wald Castle and the ghost money on the charm must be hidden in a corner of the city! Lurk, spread!Then bite the lives of the common people and drag them into hell! At that dawn, I didn't sleep well at all, and I had nightmares again and again.So before dawn, I woke up.After a simple wash, she dragged the red-haired chick Xue Ke, who was sleeping indecently and completely in a dazed state, into the car. Today, there is simply too much to investigate!Time is simply not enough. In Ercheng this morning, there is still nothing unusual.As a small city, people in a small city have their own laziness.Under the bright sky, there are only a few small stalls selling breakfast, which are pulled by tricycles and spread out along the edge of the street.The stalls are all propped up with a parasol, a few tables and chairs are set up, and there is a smoky smell of food outside. My stomach grumbled a few times in disbelief, and I simply dragged Xue Ke, who was in a daze, to eat breakfast, and then got back in the car, ready to move. "What are you trying to do by dragging me out so early?" the red-haired girl complained when she regained consciousness after her stomach was full. I started to snap my fingers: "There are too many mysteries in Ercheng, let's go one by one first. First of all, it's about Li Wei, the store she bought from is very problematic." Xue Ke rubbed her head, deeply convinced: "Based on Li Qiang's description, the owner of the snack shop is indeed suspicious." "So I'm going to take a look first." I looked at the alley not far away with my eyes, "Let's go." I couldn't help saying that it was red, and I dragged her into the alley again.This alley is the only way to go to the only farmer's market in Ercheng. There are many snack shops on both sides of the alley.After all, there are three schools around, and who doesn't know that children's money is the best? According to Li Qiang's words, I quickly found the snack shop that Li Wei had visited.The alleys in the early morning are very cold, and few people come and go on this old street. There are no street lights.The sun hadn't risen yet, and the darkness rendered the whole world as if it were another world.Being blown by the surrounding cold wind, the weird sense of terror became even stronger. "Why do we have to arrive so early? If you want to question the owner of the snack shop, you have to wait for the door to open." Xue Ke muttered. I sneered: "Why do I have to wait for him to open the door? Since we all know that the boss has a problem. If it is true that he stuffed 50,000 yuan into Li Wei's schoolbag, and wrote the letter asking Li Wei's parents to take that A letter of money for Li Wei's funeral. The question arises, why, did he do this?" "Of course I want to curse Li Wei." Xue Ke said naturally. I shook my head: "It's not that simple. He and Li Weisu didn't know each other, why did he curse her? It's impossible for a person to do things without purpose. If Li Wei's strange disease is really related to that money and the owner of the snack shop If you look at it, then there may be some clues hidden in the snack shop." "Ah!" The red-haired nerd finally understood, she pointed at me and opened her mouth wide, "No wonder you have to wait for the early morning when there is no one around, maybe you want to sneak into the snack shop with your fan. This is a crime!" "Hehe, crime? Don't be stupid!" I burst out laughing, this girl is really naive, "It's a crime if it's discovered. It's not a crime if it's not discovered." Saying that, I took out the lock pick and squatted down.The snack shop has old roller shutter doors, and it didn't take me too long to get the locks open. With a soft "squeak", the shutter door was pulled up, revealing a darker and gloomy store space. "Come in." I signaled Xue Ke. The girl was depressed: "It's scary, this place." "It's funny, you also study natural history. There is a typical human psychology in the subject, which tells why human beings are afraid of the dark. It is all brought about by the genes controlled by the dark forest effect when ancient humans were in the jungle." I didn't have the slightest feeling of pity and pity, so I kicked her upturned buttocks and kicked her in. Xue girl glared at me angrily: "There is no mere in natural history, it teaches you what to do when you are cursed." "That just proves that the branch of natural history is not broad enough. If you can get it alive this time, maybe you can create a basic science of 'talking about self-cultivation and correct posture to deal with curses'." I casually talked to her While tugging at what was there and what was not, while closing the shutter door, he took out his cell phone and turned on the flashlight. A beam of cold light pierced the darkness. The canteen is small, only about 30 square meters, and there are many old snacks on display, which makes me suddenly feel that I have entered the 1980s. Most of the Sanwu snacks produced by small factories that have long been extinct in big cities continue to shine in small cities because of their low prices.No wonder Li Wei, who is reluctant to spend money, is willing to spend one yuan to buy two kinds of snacks. Xue Ke's nerves are very sensitive, she suddenly touched her back: "Mr. Ye Buyu, do you feel that the bronze face on the back is hot?" "Hot?" I froze for a moment, but didn't feel much.But what she said made me more cautious.But there must be a reason for any abnormality.Sure enough, there is a problem with the commissary? I didn't dare to delay any longer, I quickly searched the entire canteen, but I couldn't find any clues.Frowning, I groped along the wall.This canteen is the first floor of a two-story building, which belongs to the self-built houses of local residents.The pattern of row houses is destined to have stairs leading to the second floor. No matter what kind of store it is, no matter how many goods it has, it must have space for stocking.The place where the stock is stored is most likely the second floor. Not disappointing myself, I found the ladder leading to the second floor neatly.It's just a simple wooden ladder, press down, and a small hole will appear in the ceiling.Speaking of which, the owner of the snack shop really has a leisurely heart, and actually set up such a hidden mechanism. I don't know if it is to save space for the canteen, or there are other plans! I climbed the ladder, and as soon as my head popped out, my eyes would be able to see what was inside, and I almost froze.I saw the huge second floor, and there were no boxes of snacks that should be in common sense. Nothing at all. There are only charms made of yellow paper all over the walls.On each talisman, there is a face of ghost money.Every face has half-opened eyes, as if trying to open them, revealing a horrifying gaze. I crawled in with cold hands and feet.When Xue Ke came up, she was so frightened that she almost screamed. "Why, why are there so many spells here?" She was trembling all over. Glancing at the face on the spell, she felt that the grimace on her back was getting hotter with all her might, and her clothes were about to burn. The size of the second floor is exactly the same as that of the first floor, about thirty square meters, and the layout seems to have been changed recently.There are no doors and windows, and the square walls seem to be prepared for spells.Except for a small place in the center, even the ceiling and the floor are covered with grimace symbols. The densely packed grimace charms are not stuck together in a mess.The more I look at it, the more I feel that the position of each post is particular. "Xue girl, count how many spells there are in total!" I ordered in a low voice. Xue Ke also felt that the spells in the house were a bit weird, so she hurriedly followed my request.She counted them carefully: "There are a total of one hundred and eight." "Yes, it's the same as I counted. One hundred and eight, in metaphysics, represents the extreme number. It can be extended to 365 million changes." I frowned, and I frowned too many times recently , almost leaving traces on the skin, "Leaving aside the metaphysics, the number of fake ghost money in Wald Castle is exactly one hundred and eight coins in his messy formation. " Xue girl is not stupid, she immediately understood what I meant, and said in surprise: "Mr. Ye Buyu, do you want to say that the power to give Professor Wald the fake ghost money is in Ear City?" "That's right." I nodded emphatically, "Someone must have used bronze and yellow paper to make counterfeit ghost money and ghost face charms in Ercheng." "But I don't understand. Since it's a counterfeit, why would it cause supernatural phenomena?" asked the nerd. I scratched my head: "This is what I try my best to figure out." Having said that, we both fell silent at the same time.Things are getting more and more confusing, making people dizzy.What is the purpose of the hidden organization behind Ear City?Alas, damn it, these super annoying mysterious organizations are so weird one by one, there is no organization or discipline.I even encountered so many organizations in my life, but the purpose of any one of them is still unclear. Strictly speaking, Yang Junfei's detective agency also belongs to a certain kind of deeply hidden mysterious force. Forget it, stop guessing their damn purpose. I hesitated for a moment, thinking that I should first undo the curse on myself, Mr. Ke Fansen, and Xue Ke.Others, regardless of so many, even if those organizations really want to jump out and destroy the world with brainlessness, there will naturally be a tall person to stand up to it. As a youth in the new era, values ​​must be positive.Only by surviving on your own can you be qualified to take the next move. Now that it has been determined that these spells are related to the events in Castle Wald, according to the law, is it possible to find the purpose of these spells? I groped and found a small black box that was hidden deep under the partition on the right side of the floor. Opening the box, a small package wrapped tightly with a grimace charm appeared in front of my eyes.I took it apart three times, five times and two times, and suddenly, a photo jumped into my eyes. The picture shows a girl in her teens who looks vaguely similar to Li Qiang. "It's Li Wei!" The nerd who suffered from oriental prosopagnosia could see who was in the photo. The scene in the photo is a canteen, and Li Wei is concentrating on buying snacks.Her lovely face was photographed very clearly. I froze and looked at the box.There are many weird patterns engraved inside this small black box, as if it is a person's frontal face: "This is actually a yin and yang box!" "Yin-yang box? What is it?" Xue Ke didn't understand. "The so-called yin and yang box first appeared in the Qin Dynasty. At that time, Qin Shihuang was obsessed with immortality and ordered all the Taoist priests in the world to refine the elixir of life. However, it is not so easy to get the elixir of life, so some Taoist priests made a lot of heresy .” I knocked on the yin-yang box in front of me, curled my lips, “The yin-yang box among them was researched at that time.” "As the name suggests, the Yin-Yang Box, where there is a Yang side, there is a Yin side." I kept looking for the mechanism of the Yin side, "The one with Li Wei's photo is the Yang side. It is said that under the action of some evil formation, the Yin-Yang box will make people on the Yang side, Give life to the shadowy guy." "It's so fantasy!" The red-haired chick laughed, "It's like listening to the biography of a typical European evil alchemist." "No, no matter the race of human beings, crazy people are crazy wherever they are. We normal people will never understand the world of crazy people." I commented. Finally, I touched the hidden door on the box.Press it lightly, and there was a "click" sound: "If I guess correctly, the reason why Li Wei became so miserable must have something to do with the life transfer array laid down by the snack shop owner!" The box popped open immediately, and a small object also wrapped in a grimace fell down. I ripped it apart familiarly, and sure enough, there was a photo inside. A shriveled little old man grinned sullenly in the photo, his eyes on his terrifying skull-like face stared at us without blinking. "What a scary little old man. How can a person look so shabby. When he was born, he was not drowned in the water by his parents as a monster. It is a blessing." Unexpectedly, Mensao's nerd has the attribute of poisonous snake . Seeing that I didn't complain, she couldn't help turning her head and looking over. Staring at the photo, I was already stunned.Based on Li Qiang's description, the old man in this photo is definitely the owner of this snack shop.But why, I have seen him. Yes, I actually did meet this guy. Just yesterday morning, when you looked in through a weird little hole, the photo used for the portrait of Mr. Wu who held the funeral in the courtyard was exactly this one! Strange, what happened?Mr. Wu is the owner of the snack shop, he is dead!What about the group queen on Li Wei?Mr. Wu bought Li Wei's life with 50,000 yuan.But why did he die first instead?The most important thing is that since the party of the life delivery formation has died, the curse should have failed! But Li Wei's condition became more and more serious, showing no signs of subsiding. Chinese metaphysics is extensive and profound. Although formation is a feudal superstition, there is some truth in using the power of nature for oneself.The so-called formation at the beginning usually fails if one link is missing. No, there must be something wrong... "Go!" My face turned black, and an ominous omen surged in my heart.Holding Xue Ke's hand desperately is like escaping from this extremely cold and malicious canteen. However, it was too late. Just as we fled to the first floor, before we had time to run out, a sudden change occurred!
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