Home Categories Thriller Forbidden place

Chapter 7 Chapter 6 Curse

Forbidden place 紫金陈 11031Words 2018-03-22
Zhang Chao trotted along the road in the middle, turned around the student activity center, a landmark building with a huge sloping roof, and ran past the teaching building in the West District along the path beside Qizhen Lake. Along the way, he only met a few security guards and A few students who are like crazy and talk about love in the middle of the night. Z University is an open university, and the security guards will not pay attention to such a person walking on the road in the middle of the night. When we arrived at the west area, except for the lights on the road and the shimmering light in Qizhen Lake, the whole area was quietly shrouded in night.

In March, the grass is still yellow, there is not much new grass, and there are no insects and birds in the bushes by the lake. Everything is so quiet, which seems a bit unusual. Zhang Chao couldn't care less, passed Qizhen Lake, ran across a large grassland, came to the road in the south, continued west along the road, and ran a few hundred meters before arriving at the building complex of the Medical College in front of. Looking intently at the empty and deserted buildings, as well as the medical school square paved with thousands of square meters of wooden floors under the building, it seemed that a kind of loneliness and desolation enveloped my heart.

After pausing for a while, he still walked to the westernmost teaching building of the medical school complex. He had been to this building too many times, and each time it gave him a rather impactful impression. This time, shouldn't there be another surprise? There is an old saying: Never open a box from a stranger. This is the same as what the old people in the countryside said. When walking on mountain roads, don't pick up things that you don't know who dropped them. Zhang Chao secretly took a deep breath, picked up his steps, walked to the bottom of the teaching building, glanced at the dark corridor above, and sighed. He was about to go up, but suddenly realized that he did not bring the powerful flashlight.

Although the flashlight is not a weapon and cannot protect people, but the light is always easy to give people courage and confidence. Zhang Chao stood downstairs, facing the stairs, and shouted a few words: "Bai Qiu, Bai Qiu!" "Bai Qiu, Bai Qiu!" He shouted, and was answered by several echoes.After the echoes sounded, the surroundings were once again silent. Is Bai Qiu on top?have no idea. But at this moment, "Dong Dong", "Dong Dong", the knock on the door that only appeared every few seconds, rang again. The sound is not loud, and only by listening intently can you hear the vague sound.

Dog, it doesn't matter if you are a human or a ghost, I will fight this time. Thinking that Bai Qiu got mentally ill here, his anger immediately turned into courage. This time, instead of going up the stairs to the north, he ran directly to the stairs to the south and ran up from there. This time, he didn't deliberately lower his footsteps, but ran directly step by step and three steps. When we reached the third floor, the knocking on the door seemed to stop. Zhang Chao stood where he was and listened for more than ten seconds, but he never heard the knock on the door again. Dog thing, even if you meet directly, I'm not afraid of you!

He quickly took three steps and made two steps, and ran up.When I reached the fifth and a half floors, I glanced at it, but my heart was startled. The pair of rag shoes he threw away a few hours ago, although still there, were placed neatly in the corner, with the toes facing the wall. Dog thing, who are you scaring! He gritted his teeth, snorted, turned his head and continued walking up.When we reached the sixth floor, we turned a corner and it happened to be the door of the last classroom.The iron gate was closed. The corridor was empty, and the moonlight streamed in slowly through the glass in the corridor, making it look a little dim.On the opposite side of the stairs, it was pitch black, and it was hard to see if anyone was standing there.

Zhang Chao stood in front of the door of that house, looking carefully at the door for the first time.This door is larger than the two classrooms next to it. It is closed by the left and right doors. It looks like a very heavy iron door.Not only is the iron door itself locked, but the handle on the outside is also locked with a thick silver chain. What on earth is this house for? The other two are storing corpse specimens, what about this one?Why have no students ever seen this room open? Chen Rong said, the students were joking, would there be a woman singing from this door at night? He stretched out his hand, stopped in front of the door, hesitated, and finally knocked on it.

"Dong dong", "dong dong", heavy knocking on the door, yes, it's really this kind of sound. He knocked on the other two doors, and the sound was a bit crisp, not as thick as this one. This time, I can be 100% sure that the knock on the door heard earlier must have come from this door! At this moment, there was a sound of "Yi Ya...", the sound was vague and intermittent, like the sound of listening to operas when I was a child. This is the so-called woman's singing voice? But this singing seems to come from this room! How could there be anyone in the house?

Zhang Chao's face turned white.But the singing only lasted for three or four seconds, and then stopped. Zhang Chao clenched his teeth, stretched out his head, put his ears on the iron door, and pressed against the iron door tightly. "Bo-boo-boo-boo", it seems to be the sound of bubbles rising from the bottom of the water and bursting slightly after floating to the surface.When I listened again, the sound disappeared again, and there was a piece of silence inside again. Why is there the voice of a woman singing? Why is the sound coming from inside the room? Did I really hear it wrong?

By the way, where is Bai Qiu? Where did Bai Qiu go? It wasn't until this moment that Zhang Chao thought about coming. He came here this time to find Bai Qiu.Since Bai Qiu is not here, where will Bai Qiu be? Zhang Chao thought about it, no matter what happened, he had to find Bai Qiu first tonight.Immediately decided to go downstairs, walked to the fifth and a half floors, glanced involuntarily at the pair of black cloth shoes neatly placed in the corner, couldn't help shivering, turned away from looking at this "old thing", and continued to walk down . Just arrived on the fifth floor, but clearly heard footsteps coming from downstairs.

The dog thing, turned around and greeted him? My mind suddenly fell into anxious thinking, how to deal with it, is it a human or a ghost, what should I do if it is a human, what if it is a ghost? After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief, because he heard shouts from below: "Zhang Chao, Zhang Chao!" "Zhang Chao! Zhang Chao! If you are a bastard, tell me quickly, otherwise I will find you and push you down!" One voice is Chen Rong, and the other voice is Lin Yiang.Hearing Lin Yiang's roar, Zhang Chao felt extra at ease in his heart.He finally felt relieved and laughed. But by the way, how did Chen Rong come here? Hearing the shouts of Chen Rong and Lin Yiang, Zhang Chao replied loudly: "I am here!" Lin Yiang's voice showed extreme impatience: "You grandson, get out of here!" When Zhang Chao reached the third floor, Lin Yiang and Chen Rong also walked up the third floor.As soon as they met, Lin Yiang scolded: "What the hell are you doing, come here in the middle of the night, are you crazy!" Zhang Chao looked at Chen Rong and said, "How did you come here?" Lin Yiang scolded: "It's not that I saw that you were crazy, running out in the middle of the night, and thought you were crazy, so I called your psychological counselor over." Chen Rong smiled, nodded, and said, "I brought you medicine, medicine to soothe the nerves." Zhang Chao took a step back and said, "Take medicine? You really think I'm crazy!" Lin Yiang scolded: "You are not crazy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Chen Rong smiled and said, "No, it's just a tranquilizing medicine. Don't think too much about it. Just take the medicine and sleep well." Zhang Chao said, "Didn't I tell you that I came to look for Bai Qiu?" Lin Yiang continued to curse: "What Bai Qiu, Bai Qiu is sleeping in the dormitory well, what are you doing here!" "What!" Zhang Chao's face turned pale, "Bai Qiu is sleeping in the bedroom?" Chen Rong nodded: "When Lin Yiang and I came out, we met Bai Qiu on the road north of the cafeteria. Bai Qiu said she couldn't sleep and went out for a walk. We know her illness, so we don't have much to say. Let's send Bai Qiu off in person. I went back to Baisha and saw her enter the dormitory, so I came here." Only then did Zhang Chao feel relieved, it turned out that Bai Qiu went to the north side of the cafeteria, no wonder he didn't see it. Chen Rong took out the medicine, there was no packaging on it, it was just packed in a small transparent bag like that used in hospitals, inside were dozens of small white pills, and said: "Talium, take it when you can't sleep, take 1 to 2 pills at a time, You can do it yourself, but you can’t take too much anyway. You can take 2 pills first when you go back. Tomorrow, you can go to the school hospital to get some Anshen Bunao liquid.” Zhang Chao took it gratefully, his face flushed slightly, and said, "It's all my fault, I'm too excited, which made you two get up so late." He looked at Chen Rong especially gratefully, because he interrupted Lin Yiang, he didn't feel any guilt at all, he was very embarrassed to disturb Chen Rong. Chen Rong smiled understandingly and said, "Okay, should we go back?" Lin Yiang's eyes turned white: "Master, get out this time!" Zhang Chao was about to leave, but he stood there and said to the two of them, "Wait a minute, let me tell you something. Just now, I knocked on the door of the room on the sixth floor that is the farthest to this side, and there seemed to be the sound of a woman singing." Lin Yiang scolded on the spot: "Chen Rong, give this kid some diazepam, just use the most powerful psychotropic medicine, it's a big deal, a bundle tomorrow, and send it to the Seventh Hospital." Chen Rong was not like Lin Yiang, but said: "Did you hear clearly?" Zhang Chao said: "It should be." Lin Yiang looked even more contemptuous, and said: "Crazy, go back soon!" Zhang Chao knew that people like Lin Yiang would not believe it, but what about Chen Rong?Does she believe in herself, or is she just listening to other people's descriptions out of the professional ethics of a psychological counselor? But in comparison, Chen Rong seems to be more reliable. Zhang Chao said again: "By the way, Chen Rong, did you tell him about the black shoes?" Lin Yiang said disdainfully: "I told you earlier, isn't it just a pair of worn out shoes, what is there to be afraid of, where are they, take me to have a look!" Zhang Chao said: "It's on the fifth floor and a half stairs, wait for me, I'll go to the bathroom first, just now... Hehe, I was a little nervous." Lin Yiang snorted contemptuously, while Chen Rong smiled in full understanding. In this teaching building, the sixth floor is equivalent to a warehouse, not a classroom, so the three rooms are very large, but there is no toilet on the sixth floor. The fifth floor and below are all classrooms, with four rooms on each floor.On the south side, which is the staircase where they are now, there are toilets next to it. Chen Rong and Lin Yiang were waiting outside, Zhang Chao walked into the toilet, pressed the switch at the door, and the lights in the toilet turned on. There were two people standing guard outside, and he was not afraid at all. He walked to the urinal openly, and after relaxing, he walked to the door of the toilet to wash his hands. This washstand is on the right side of the entrance to the toilet. Like other toilets, it is a washstand with a mirror on the wall, but the mirror here seems a bit small. In the teaching building in the East District, there are two or three faucets with a large mirror attached to them, covering a full two square meters.But there are only two faucets here, and there are two independent mirrors on them. The mirrors are very small, only 30 cm wide. If a fat person wants to take a good look at himself, he has to stand far away. Just as he lowered his head to wash his hands, he felt a flash of light and shadow on the mirror and walked over. Zhang Chao was shocked, and then reacted instantly, shouting: "Lin Yiang, catch her!" There was no response, could it be that Lin Yiang and the others are not outside? Unable to control so much, Zhang Chao rushed out of the toilet and went outside, but Lin Yiang and Chen Rong were not there. Zhang Chao hurried over, turning the corner was the stairs. At this time, the stairs were empty, and the corridor was also empty, and the person who walked by had long since disappeared. Zhang Chao roared: "Lin Yiang, where are you?" Lin Yiang's response was heard on the stairs: "What are you arguing about, sir, I'm looking at that broken shoe!" Zhang Chao ran up quickly, and when he reached the fifth and a half floors, he saw Lin Yiang looking at the worn black shoes on the ground, and Chen Rong circling his hands, standing aside, the two seemed to be studying. Seeing Zhang Chao, Lin Yiang said, "Why did you call me just now?" Zhang Chao sighed resentfully: "If you hadn't left, that figure would have been caught long ago!" Lin Yiang looked puzzled: "What figure?" Zhang Chao recounted what happened in the toilet just now. Impossibility was written all over Lin Yiang's face, and he said, "You must be wrong." Zhang Chao said: "What is impossible, there is absolutely no mistake!" Chen Rong seemed thoughtful on her face, but did not express her opinion. Lin Yiang said: "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about the shoes. After careful deliberation and deduction, I definitely think that this is a deliberate prank. The old Beijing pair you picked up in the toilet There is no doubt that the cloth shoes are newly bought. I don’t know where the grandson picked up these rag shoes. Also, what knocking on the door and the voice of a woman singing in that room, I will prove it to you now Look, it's all right." After speaking, he ran to the sixth floor, came to the iron gate, kicked a few times, and laughed loudly: "You are singing, you are singing a fucking ditty for the uncle!" Bang bang bang, several times in a row, and then nothing. Lin Yiang spread his hands and said with a smile: "How about it, let me say no." Lin Yiang kicked the door a few times, nothing unusual, he laughed triumphantly, but Zhang Chao was unwilling. I'm sure I won't hear wrong, and I won't read wrong. There are women's singing voices. The figure walking by in the toilet mirror is also there. Zhang Chao swallowed his saliva, put his heart on hold, and said, "If you don't believe me, then I'll prove it to you. I don't believe it, but that person can really fly away. Take good care of yourself here, and stare at the square on the first floor." , if you see someone running out from below, quickly call me to chase them." After finishing speaking, he ran to the fifth floor alone, and looked in the corridor, but there was no one there.He turned into the toilet, turned on the light, looked around, and then opened the toilet doors one by one.After cleaning the men's toilet, I ran into the women's toilet, and opened one door after another.It's just that there are only four doors in the men's room, and eight in the women's room. Anyway, it's midnight now, so I won't bump into the lesbians squatting here.If you really hit it, it will be "Gong Xi Fa Cai". He went down to the fourth floor and looked in the corridor, but there was no one there.Then I went into the men's toilet, and opened all four doors, but there was no one there. After entering the women's restroom, turn on the light, and open the four doors on the right first, but there is no one there.When I reached the left hand side, I opened three doors in a row, but there was still no one. The last one was on the east wall, and it seemed to be tightly closed. He didn't care too much, and pulled it up. In the next second, he stopped suddenly. Suddenly, I found that the door was locked. His heart turned cold, how could it be?The door of the toilet can only be locked inward, is it really inside? My heart couldn't help but get entangled. Zhang Chao took a deep breath, walked slowly to a place two meters away from the door, bent down slowly, and looked inside from under the door. Empty, nobody! Then how could the door be locked? Could it be that the door is broken? But this thought lasted less than a second. Because at this moment, his waist was bent even lower, and something familiar came into his eyes. Black cloth shoes! Or those brand new black cloth shoes!Put it against the wall, don't move. The black cloth shoes that were thrown away and disappeared in a blink of an eye, why are they here! He stopped to think for a moment, then bent down even more, and in the next second, he was so scared that he sat back on the ground.Because of what he saw, his teeth couldn't help shaking anymore. This time, it is not an empty cloth shoe, this time there is clearly a pair of feet inside the black cloth shoe! What kind of feet? He was wearing a pair of cloth socks that were covered in mud, and a cloth skirt that was also covered in mud hung down from his ankles. Those feet had been leaning against the wall, motionless. The air seemed stagnant, and in the silence, there was only the faint sound of the energy-saving lamp above the head, and the audible beating of the heart. Do you want to open the door? In the next second, Zhang Chao quickly denied his thoughts. Let's go out first. Zhang Chao didn't make a sound, slowly got up, then took a breath, and ran quickly towards the door of the toilet. When he got outside, he stood at the door and shouted in a trembling voice: "Lin Yiang, come down quickly, the fourth floor, Gu ...girl in ancient costume!" I only heard a very surprised cry from above, followed by the sound of "dong dong dong" running on the stairs, and within a few seconds, Lin Yiang rushed down three steps at a time, ran to Zhang Chao's side, and said, "A woman in ancient costume? real or fake?" Zhang Chao pointed to the women's toilet: "It's inside, the one closest to the wall, let's go in together." Lin Yiang nodded: "Okay, hurry up, don't let her run away!" At this time, Chen Rong also ran over, and said in surprise, "It's really inside?" Zhang Chao said: "Let's go in, stay away, if you don't catch it, run out, you have time to react." The two walked in together slowly, the footsteps were also very low, and when they got inside, the door was still closed.Lin Yiang and Zhang Chao looked at each other and nodded. Lin Yiang rushed forward and grabbed the door. With a bang, the door was pulled open, and there was no one inside. Lin Yiang turned his head angrily, and said, "You fucking play with me!" Zhang Chao was also in a daze, why wasn't he here? In a blink of an eye, he suddenly pointed out: "Look, the window is open, he must have jumped towards the window!" There was a row of windows, one of which was open. He hurried to the window and looked down.This side is the east side of the teaching building, below it is a square, and not far away is a spherical building with a metal roof, reflecting the night light and shining. But the square below is empty, there are no people, and there are no women in ancient costumes. Lin Yiang said loudly: "This is the fourth floor, brother, god, you can jump down. Besides, look at this kind of window, can you jump down?" It is not unreasonable to say.This kind of sliding window is commonly used in modern office buildings. It is pushed outwards and can only be pushed out to a view of about 60 degrees. It is not like the traditional left and right sliding windows in the corridor, which can open a large space.Moreover, the width of each window here is less than a person's shoulder, and the windows are at least half a meter above the ground. It is really quite difficult to jump from here. But I have been guarding the door of the toilet. If the woman in costume didn't go out through the window, where else could she go? He came to his senses immediately, and opened the other seven doors again, but there was no one there. At this moment, Chen Rong walked in, looked at them, and asked doubtfully, "Did you find it?" Lin Yiang said: "I found a fart!" Zhang Chao pointed to the open window and said, "I guess he jumped from the window." Lin Yiang looked disdainful: "Just fool you. Even Jordan can't jump." Chen Rong looked at the window carefully, then looked up again, her face seemed to be a little sad, but she immediately replaced it with a smile, and said: "It's half past two, let's go back early. You have a training session tomorrow morning." Woolen cloth." The training she mentioned refers to the student safety lectures organized by the college after Li Weihao committed suicide, which must be attended. Zhang Chao nodded helplessly, with a frustrated expression, and could only leave the teaching building with the two of them. Back in the dormitory, it was nearly 3 o'clock, but my nerves were still thinking about so many things that happened tonight, how could I sleep. Lying on the bed tossing and turning, there were too many questions in my heart that I couldn't let go of. Where did the voice of talking to him several times in the middle of the night come from? Who knocked on the toilet glass in the middle of the night and hung the small coffin? Who knocked on the toilet glass in the middle of the night and hung Li Weihao's clothes in the toilet? Who put the black cloth shoes in the toilet of the medical school library? After the black cloth shoes were thrown away, why were they picked up in a blink of an eye, leaving behind a pair of horrible old cloth shoes? Who knocked on the door on the sixth floor?Why is there a strange sound coming from the room on the sixth floor?What is hidden in the room? And the figure walking by in the toilet mirror tonight, the person hiding in the toilet? Does the costumed woman really exist, is it a human or a ghost? A series of questions occupied his whole mind.There are some things that people can do.But there are some things, even those who want to punish him, how can they do it? Endless thinking, tormenting sleep, finally, he got up and took the Valium tablets given by Chen Rong. Within ten minutes, he was really drowsy, and finally fell asleep in a daze—— Early the next morning, before 7:00 a.m., class leader Wu Yu knocked on the doors of each dormitory, calling everyone up.Everyone is complaining that on the big Sunday, there must be some safety lectures, and it must be there. Complaints belong to complaints. In the end, everyone got up and went. Zhang Chao took Valium tablets yesterday, and within a few hours, he only felt that the world belonged to others and had nothing to do with him. He cleaned up in a daze, ate something, rode his bicycle mechanically, and followed everyone to Dong 2. a classroom. Half the students in the room were juniors in their colleges, sitting bored, waiting for the lecture to start. At 8 o'clock, several leaders and teachers of the college also arrived, and the lecture began.Zhang Chao was surprised to find that there was Chen Rong sitting on the rostrum. From the looks of it, Chen Rong is considered a very good doctoral student, otherwise this kind of psychological counseling lecture would not have invited a student to come. Chen Rong secretly nodded to him with a smile, then quietly lowered her head and took out her mobile phone. While the college leaders were still talking about the opening remarks and the briefing about Li Weihao, Zhang Chao received a text message from Chen Rong: "After the meeting is over, you stay, let's go together." Zhang Chao scratched his head, and said secretly: "Such an ambiguous text message, Bai Qiu is sick, and I'm with other women all day long, it's not too good." But when he thought about it, it seemed that he and Chen Rong had something to say no to. There is a tacit understanding. After all, Chen Rong can listen to him and understand him, and sometimes they have the same ideas. Although Chen Rong came to give him psychological counseling, what Chen Rong did already exceeded what a psychological counselor should do.She is also not like other psychiatrists or psychological counselors who only ask questions stupidly and "help" you explain everything from a scientific point of view.Well, she talks about science and superstition, and she is also very understanding. I don't know if she has a boyfriend.Suddenly thinking of this, Zhang Chao couldn't help being surprised, why would I care if she has a boyfriend? On second thought, if she really had a boyfriend, I would feel so, so a little sense of loss. Hey, it's impossible and impossible, I already have Bai Qiu, a beautiful woman from heaven, even if she suffers from mental illness, I have decided to never leave her.Besides, Chen Rong was a full three years older than herself. As the saying goes, a freshman girl cannot be a wife. What's more, it is three times as unmarried. How can I be cranky? He corrected his thoughts again, he must have taken Valium yesterday and slept too little in the morning. In a daze, at 10:30, the safety lecture was over. Seeing Chen Rong sitting on the podium, speaking to so many students in a serious manner, talking about various things for two hours, she seemed like a mature teacher.But sometimes it's like a little girl. At the end of the lecture, everyone filed out of the classroom. Zhang Chao walked out of the door, deliberately walking slowly. Lin Yiang from behind rushed up, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "What are you doing, walking so slowly!" Zhang Chao said, "Wait for Chen Rong." Lin Yiang smiled and said: "Haha, if you can meet a female doctor, you boy will be considered lucky." Zhang Chao said: "If I want to really pick up a female doctor, can you still sit still, brother-in-law?" Lin Yiang said: "It's up to you, up to you, it has nothing to do with me." After saying that, he ran out. Zhang Chao walked to a big table between East 1 and East 2, sat down and waited for Chen Rong. After a while, Chen Rong and several teachers from the college came out talking and laughing. After saying hello and farewell, they walked towards Zhang Chao. Chen Rong sat opposite Zhang Chao, looked at his face, and said with a smile, "Why, haven't you woken up yet?" Zhang Chao said with a bitter face, "I took Valium tablets at 3 o'clock last night, and I was woken up at 6 o'clock in the morning. You are my god." Chen Rong giggled and said, "Then can you still eat in the afternoon?" Zhang Chao said, "What can you do?" Chen Rong said: "Let's climb the North Peak together." "Ah, Bei Gaofeng!" Zhang Chao opened his mouth, "West Lake yesterday, today Bei Gaofeng, Goddess, you are a good athlete, and I am a sports disabled." After a while, Chen Rong and several teachers from the college came out talking and laughing. After saying hello and farewell, they walked towards Zhang Chao. Chen Rong sat opposite Zhang Chao, looked at his face, and said with a smile, "Why, haven't you woken up yet?" Zhang Chao said with a bitter face, "I took Valium tablets at 3 o'clock last night, and I was woken up at 6 o'clock in the morning. You are my god." Chen Rong giggled and said, "Then can you still eat in the afternoon?" Zhang Chao said, "What can you do?" Chen Rong said: "Let's climb the North Peak together." "Ah, Bei Gaofeng!" Zhang Chao opened his mouth, "West Lake yesterday, today Bei Gaofeng, Goddess, you are a good athlete, and I am a sports disabled." The North Peak is a famous mountain in Hangzhou. Although it is called "Gaofeng", it is actually not high. It is said to be only 300 meters. However, the way up the mountain is not directly up, but first to Laohe Mountain on the Yuquan Campus of Z University, and then to the North Peak. , so the road is a bit much.There is a God of Wealth Temple on the North Peak, which is said to be very spiritual. Many local, foreign, Hong Kong and Taiwan people will come to burn incense and worship Buddha.Below the North Peak is the famous Lingyin Temple. The incense in Lingyin Temple has always been very prosperous, but the tickets and incense are quite expensive. As for whether the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas with high "handling fees" will be more effective, that is, the benevolent see benevolence, and the wise see wisdom It's over. Chen Rong looked at Zhang Chao's lazy appearance, and said, "Don't be like this, show some strength, you are a man!" Zhang Chao said, "Why do you want to go to the North Peak?" Chen Rong said: "You went through too many things last night, it will be good for you to go to the mountains to breathe some fresh air." Zhang Chao thought for a while, and now he was really depressed. It would be good to go to the mountains to get some fresh air, and it seemed that he was very happy with Chen Rong.So he said, "Okay, then let's go to the North Peak in the afternoon." In the afternoon, the two drove to Yuquan first, from Yuquan to Laohe Mountain, and then walked all the way to the North Peak. The spring is bright and beautiful, and there are many people climbing the mountain. Many students, young people who go to work, and some local old people are all in high spirits, and there are people coming and going along the way.Seeing so many people around talking and laughing, walking on the mountain road, looking at the city below the mountain. Vibrant city, vibrant people.Looking at such a mountain scenery, and looking at the water scenery of the West Lake, there is another kind of style.In this environment, it is indeed a great enjoyment for people to throw away all pressure and burdens and take a walk at will. Chen Rong smiled and asked Zhang Chao to take a picture of her, and Zhang Chao was also happy to accompany her. Although Chen Rong is not considered pretty, she has a sweet smile and is very friendly.Zhang Chao thought that such a person would become a psychiatrist, and those who were not sick would suffer from lovesickness instead. As they walked, Chen Rong asked again: "Zhang Chao, do you still think about what happened yesterday?" Zhang Chao frowned, and shook his head helplessly: "What's the use of thinking, I can't explain it, it's really hard to understand." Chen Rong nodded, not knowing what she was thinking. Zhang Chao smiled, sighed, and said, "Don't talk so much, it's boring to talk about it during the day." Chen Rong smiled and said, "It's good if you can think like this." Zhang Chao smiled and said, "However, can I ask you one last question?" Chen Rong smiled: "I know what you want to ask?" "Oh?" Zhang Chao wondered, "Then you guess?" Chen Rong said: "Don't you just want to ask me, do I believe what you said you saw yesterday?" Zhang Chao smiled in surprise: "You are really amazing! Then do you believe it or not?" Chen Rong said: "Trust. Well, you know the answer. Let's not talk about this now, let's talk about other things." "En, good." Zhang Chao nodded, and the two talked about other irrelevant topics, and continued to move forward. The two walked all the way, and after some time, they came to the Temple of the God of Wealth on the North Peak. Chen Rong said: "I heard people say that the Temple of the God of Wealth is very aura, do you want to go in and bless it?" Zhang Chao shook his head: "I don't make any money, and I have nothing to worship. Besides, I never believe in gods and Buddhas who collect money, ha ha. You have a doctorate in psychology, you don't believe this, do you?" Chen Rong said: "Other great scientists still believe in God. I am a small Ph. D., and there is nothing wrong with being superstitious. Ha ha, but I am the same as you, and I don't believe in gods and Buddhas who collect money. Faith is in the heart. Faith can bring infinite power to people, and it is better to have faith in your heart than to have no faith." Zhang Chao nodded in agreement: "The power of belief is indeed strong enough. Some people believe in money, so they try their best to make money, and as a result, they become very rich. Is it the god of money who blessed him, or did his own belief protect him? " Chen Rong said with a smile: "But there are also people who try their best to make money. In the end, not only did they not make money, but they owed a lot of debt. What you said is pursuit, not belief. Faith is a monument that will never fall in the heart. No matter how the external conditions change, the idea in your heart will never change. For example, if you firmly believe that there are no gods and ghosts in the world, then you will naturally not be afraid." Zhang Chao said: "Aren't you trying to enlighten me again, giving me psychological counseling?" Chen Rong said: "If everyone was like you, it would be really difficult for a psychiatrist to have a job. Hehe!" Zhang Chao also laughed. At this time, the two walked to the place where incense was sold outside the God of Fortune Temple. There were several fortune-telling shops next to the incense shop, and it seemed that the business was very good.The two also regarded it as being interested, and walked outside the fortune-telling shop. There were long queues of people at the fortune-telling shops in front of them. In the past, there was no customer at the remote shop at the back, and the signboard of "Fortune-telling and divination" was not hung in front of the shop like other shops. Put a stick.There was an old man in his fifties and sixties sitting inside. He turned on a computer and played cards online. Zhang Chao smiled secretly: "Look at this business, no one will come. I don't think the owner of this shop looks like a moneymaker at all. The shop is opened next to the Temple of the God of Wealth, and the God of Wealth doesn't come to take care of it. " Chen Rong shook her head and said: "You are wrong. The business of this store is the best. I have been here before, and I heard that this person is a good fortune teller. He only counts ten people every day, and each person is 500 yuan. .Even if the eleventh customer is given one thousand, it will not be counted. It is said that there are people queuing up here at four o'clock every day, waiting for his fortune-telling. When you come down in the morning, the ten customers must have finished the calculation." Zhang Chao looked at the unremarkable old man sitting inside in surprise, and said, "There is also a mass-market version for fortune-telling. If he earns five thousand a day, he will earn more than one million a year!" His voice was a little louder, and the old man playing cards couldn't help but looked up at them. Zhang Chao smiled at him awkwardly, and then walked forward with Chen Rong. Did not wait for them to take a few steps. "Dengyiji (Hangzhou dialect: wait a minute)—" Zhang Chao turned around and saw that it was the old man who called them. Zhang Chao was from Ningbo. His dialect was quite different, so he could only ask in Mandarin, "Master, what's the matter?" The old man stared at Zhang Chao, then walked over quickly, came to him, smacked a few times, and said in substandard Mandarin: "Young man, is there anything comfortable for you?" Zhang Chao said strangely, "No." Chen Rong looked at him with a puzzled expression. The old man said: "I have a few words to say to you (wo: say)." Zhang Chao shook his hands and said, "Uncle, I don't count my fate, and besides, I have no money." The old man shook his head and said, "If you don't want money, I'll just ask you, have you touched anything clean recently, or gone to some clean place?" "Unclean things, unclean places?" Zhang Chao was surprised. Chen Rong frowned slightly, seeming a little worried. The old man said: "Young people, take more exposure to the sun, exercise more, don't go to dirty places, and don't touch dirty things." Zhang Chao suddenly thought of the pair of rag shoes in his mind, he couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly asked: "Master, what do you mean by what you said?" The old man said: "I also guessed by looking at your complexion. Anyway, it doesn't matter now. Even if you touch it, it's nothing. Don't go there in the future. Then, under this kind of sun, you will be more comfortable in the sun." Zhang Chao hurriedly said: "Master, I picked up a pair of broken cloth shoes yesterday, could this be the problem?" The old man asked, "Did you throw it away? Or keep it at home?" Zhang Chao said, "I threw it away a long time ago." The old man said: "Then it doesn't matter. Don't worry, young people. I just said it casually, just kidding. Don't take it to heart. It's okay for young people." Zhang Chao nodded, thanked him a few times, and the old man returned to his room. There seemed to be some cloud on Zhang Chao's face. Unclean things?Dirty place?How did this old man know?Is there really such a god in the world? Could it be that the old man said that whenever he saw people, so that he could cheat some money? Anyway, people always have bad luck. When bad luck, many people will say that something unclean is glued on. Especially when people are seriously ill, more than 90% of fortune tellers will say that they have encountered something that should not be touched.What kind of cancer cells, etc., after being fooled by a fortune teller, the genetic mutation is also caused by the mana of unclean things. How can this be believed? Chen Rong looked at Zhang Chao and smiled: "Don't think too much about it, even if it's really about the shoe yesterday, the old man said it, as long as you throw it away, it doesn't matter." Zhang Chao also pretended to be relaxed and laughed: "I heard that it is unlucky to touch dirty things. I won't fail the make-up exam the night after tomorrow, right?" 陈蓉摇头笑着:“你都自修这么多天了,要是连个补考都过不了,那你还真该沐浴斋戒,顺便早上4点钟来排队,花500块钱,找这老先生好好算一算。” 张超哈哈一笑,道:“我猜,这老头,只要见到面色不好的人,都会跑上去说是碰上脏东西了。一般的小病,往往都是人莫名其妙就生的,大家不知道原因,但听他一忽悠,还真当碰到脏东西了。别人虽说不会当场找他算命,但以后一旦再遇到什么事,自然会想起他来,找他做生意。商业营销里的口碑,他算做到极致了。况且还来个每天只算十场,故作身价。我记得好像哪个古代小说里的算命先生就是这样的。不过每场五百块,也真够黑的。旁边的算命先生,忙活一天,也没他赚得多。” 陈蓉脸上虽是跟着他笑笑,但似乎眉宇神色间,始终有着一层忧色。 无论是朱晓雨那几段的描写,还是下面这段: 都让我觉得张超白秋可能出事故。不然张同学莫名其妙昏一个星期,怎么可能他自己也不好奇发生了什么?人格分裂的人主要是受到过大的刺激或者惊吓,而产生了另一个用来保护受伤的人格的人格。因此张超如果很被动而不去想自己为何莫名其妙昏迷一星期,可能就是潜意识中一个人格对受伤的人格进行了保护,不让其主动地去思考莫名其妙的昏迷。 朱晓雨在电话里的一些用语迟疑可能是出于医生告诉张超的同学不能提起白秋出事的情况,以免刺激到人格已经分裂的张超。 另外,假设白秋已离世。那么陈蓉说“白秋有人格分裂”的事情也是可以理解嘛,在一个人格分裂的人面前,说另一个人人格分裂,确实是能够很好的起到保护作用,让张超觉得白秋行径古怪是人格分裂,是可以理解的,就不会去过多的分析之外的事情。 不过黑鞋子、李伟豪跳楼这些事情还是很难理解的。虽然我觉得张超之所以会有许多幻觉,包括小棺材那些,都是他另一个人格所做的事情。 如果说,张超的某个人格设计了一系列行动来策划古装女,应该是不合理的,因为时间上是不允许的。说不清了,以上全是我胡说八道。
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