Home Categories Thriller Forbidden place

Chapter 3 Chapter 2 School Girls in Costumes

Forbidden place 紫金陈 7310Words 2018-03-22
When I woke up the next day, the weather was clear. Although the temperature was still low in March, the rare clear sky still opened my heart instantly. Zijingang, in particular, covers an area of ​​more than 6,000 mu, which is larger than ordinary towns. Except for the campus buildings, there are grasslands, trees, and lakes.Every morning, tens of thousands of students rush to classrooms, libraries, or ride bicycles or walk in groups, which is really spectacular.Most of the students admitted to Z University are hard-working students. Facing the bookish spirit of tens of thousands of students every morning, everyone will feel a state of mind that cannot be expressed in words.

Zhang Chao woke up after 9 o'clock. He had no class in the morning, and he was not a diligent student, so he ate some snacks as usual, turned on the computer and prepared to surf the Internet. He first looked at the information on the school forum, looked around, but didn't see anything related to last night's incident, he probably deleted it. He went to another forum board, flipped through a few pages, and suddenly, a post title came into his sight.The name of the post was "Who saw a woman in ancient costume in the West District?" ", opened the post, which read: "Tonight, after 10 o'clock, I rode a bicycle to visit the school. I went to the most southwest corner, on a small road behind the medical school, and saw a woman in the woods about 30 meters away. It was white, like ancient clothes, with disheveled hair, standing there motionless. I thought it was some kind of sculpture, but I didn’t expect the woman to move when she saw me, and walked slowly into the woods. Ah, It really scared me to death!"

As soon as Zhang Chao saw this post, it was posted a few days ago, so he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, TV drama crews often came to Zijingang to film in the past, and it was not uncommon to shoot period films. When he read on, he found that there were many follow-up posts.A post said: "So the original poster saw it too, I thought I was the only one who saw it. Is the forest in an undeveloped swamp field? How did that woman in costume get in? I saw it two weeks ago, Tell others, and they still don’t believe you.” Someone behind said: "I've seen it too, it must be a mental illness, it's kind of scary to say it."

After flipping through a few pages of replies, most people responded with a fun and lively attitude, but there were more than a dozen people who said they had seen this woman in costume before and after. Turning to the back, there is another post: "Did you see it in the swamp field? I was walking with my girlfriend at night, passing by the teaching building of the medical school, and saw it standing upstairs. With disheveled hair and ancient costumes, I couldn't see it. face, we were taken aback. The psychopath immediately turned around and left when he saw someone. Hey, we were so flustered at the time."

Zhang Chao suddenly felt excited, the teaching building of the medical school, a woman in ancient costume! I saw another follow-up post: "Is it a woman in white clothes and a pair of black shoes? I have seen it too, it must be a crazy person who is scary." After turning it all over, there was nothing else to say.Zhang Chao suddenly remembered that those feet in the surveillance video yesterday must be the ones who are insane, right?By the way, there are surveillance videos on other floors, I don't know if they have been photographed. Thinking of this, he panicked for no reason.

Just as he was immersed in the post, the door knocked a few times, he was startled, and opened the door, it turned out to be Lin Yiang, who was in the same class.Lin Yiang and Zhang Chao can be regarded as the kind of iron buddies, it's not just because of the two of them talking speculatively, speaking of it, Bai Qiu is Lin Yiang's cousin, Bai Qiu can get together with Zhang Chao, Lin Yiang's introducer is indispensable credit. Seeing that Zhang Chao's face turned pale, Lin Yiang asked concerned: "Zhang Chao, are you alright?" Zhang Chao shook his head and said, "It's not that you knocked on the door just now and frightened me! Tell me, what's the matter!"

Lin Yiang glanced at Li Weihao's empty bed, and said, "I'm here to express my condolences to you, after all...so many things have happened." To be honest, Li Weihao committed suicide by jumping off a building. Although Lin Yiang and him were classmates, Li Weihao had always been an introvert. .So knowing that Li Weihao committed suicide by jumping off the building, although Lin Yiang was a little depressed, he was not really sad.Just like when you are on the Internet, if you see someone die somewhere, you will be indifferent. Although Zhang Chao and Li Weihao share the same dormitory, they usually don't talk much to each other and don't know each other very well.But after all, he was the one who saw Li Weihao die. Although he was not so sad that he cried, but recently he couldn't laugh if he wanted to laugh.

Lin Yiang said again: "Seeing that you are fine, I am also relieved. By the way, the big class asked me to inform that Lao Liu will come over for a meeting at noon, and we will go to dormitory 125 after dinner." Zhang Chao nodded and said, "By the way, what did the police say?" Lin Yiang said: "I heard from the squad leader that the police preliminarily determined that the case was suicide." Zhang Chao shook his head and said, "Impossible." Lin Yiang said: "Yeah, it's impossible. Although I'm not familiar with Weihao, he hasn't seen anything unusual recently. But it's said that the whole process is shown on the surveillance video."

Zhang Chao said: "That's because I only saw part of the video." "Ah, partial video?" Lin Yiang lowered his voice, "What do you mean?" Zhang Chao said: "Go to the meeting at noon first, and listen to what is said. I will talk to you after the meeting. Let's go to dinner first." Lin Yiang stopped him: "Wait a minute, brother, don't fuck me up, finish talking!" Zhang Chao closed the dormitory door, lowered his voice, and said, "Yesterday, Weihao and I went to self-study together. There was nothing unusual about him, and he was very serious about the questions. He didn't look like he would commit suicide at all."

Lin Yiang said: "And then?" Zhang Chaodao: "Let me tell you, don't tell it. Yesterday we were studying in the library of the medical school. Weihao found out that he heard someone singing several times. After the self-study, we went to get the car, and he said he heard someone singing. Then he ran up, and that happened. Tell me, is it mysterious or not?" Lin Yiang wrinkled his mouth and said: "Don't mess with that thing, you are still in a mood to flicker now." Zhang Chao said seriously: "I swear I didn't tell a lie! From the beginning to the end, I didn't hear anyone singing. Moreover, I watched the surveillance video at the police station yesterday."

Lin Yiang looked serious. Zhang Chao continued: "On the video, after Weihao jumped, 3 minutes later, a pair of feet appeared in the farthest part of the screen, stood there for a few seconds, and left again." Lin Yiang didn't believe it at all: "You fucking fool me!" Zhang Chao said seriously: "I'm telling you seriously, how could I be joking when this happened just now?" Lin Yiang was still skeptical: "Really?" Chao Zhang nodded: "This matter is too mysterious, I will investigate again. If I don't investigate clearly, I will not be able to sleep well." Lin Yiang pondered for a moment, then said: "Could there really be women in ancient costumes?" "Ah?" Zhang Chao was surprised, "You also know women in costumes?" Lin Yiang said: "I also watched that post. But to be honest, I haven't watched the video, so I really can't believe what you said." Zhang Chao shook his head in disappointment: "Then it's up to you, let's go eat first, and when we finish eating, I still have something to ask Lao Liu." After eating, Zhang Chao and Lin Yiang went to dormitory 125. Most of the students in the class came, men and women, crowded the whole room. When everyone saw Zhang Chao, there was something strange on their faces, and some male and female students who were close to each other asked with concern: "Zhang Chao, are you okay?" Zhang Chao shook his head. Teacher Liu was sitting on a bed, saw Zhang Chao, and asked, "Did you sleep well yesterday?" Zhang Chao naturally wouldn't tell the public about the voice talking to him in the middle of the night, so he just smiled and said, "It's okay." Teacher Liu nodded reassuringly. When everyone is here, Teacher Liu holds a meeting. First, he will inform everyone about yesterday's situation. Generally speaking, the police have basically confirmed that Li Weihao died of suicide after the surveillance video and on-site investigation. I hope that the students will not be overshadowed by this matter, and get out of grief as soon as possible.Naturally, he didn't mention what was behind the surveillance video.He also said that this matter should not be publicized to the outside world, as it will have a bad impact on the class and the college. If others ask, it is best to say that they are not very clear.At the end, I also said that this Sunday, the college will organize students to carry out psychological and safety preventive education and training, let the monitor organize it, and everyone must participate. Anyway, every time there is an accident, there will always be corresponding training and education, and everyone is used to it. After the meeting, Teacher Liu went to other dormitories to check on the life and study of the students. Everyone made a few jokes to break up the oppressive atmosphere.Finally, he purposely went to Room 123 of Zhang Chao, closed the door, sat down, and said to him, "How do you feel now?" Zhang Chao said: "Teacher, I'm really fine. I'm a more open-minded person. These things won't affect me too much." Teacher Liu nodded, pondered for a while, and said, "Now you live alone in your dormitory, do you want to move to another dormitory and live with others?" Zhang Chao shook his head and said, "It's okay, I'm a man, I don't think so much." Teacher Liu said: "That's good. By the way, Li Weihao's parents will be here this afternoon. You'd better avoid it, after all, they are emotional." Chao Zhang nodded: "I understand. I'm going to study with my girlfriend and come back later." "Your girlfriend?" Teacher Liu was a little surprised, "Is your girlfriend's name Bai Qiu?" Zhang Chao smiled and said, "Why, the teacher also knows her name?" Teacher Liu smiled awkwardly: "I heard that she is a beautiful woman, hehe, I also heard from other students." Zhang Chao didn't take it seriously, and then lowered his voice: "Teacher, how about the surveillance video on the lower floors? Those feet..." Teacher Liu laughed and said, "I asked the police, and the police said that they had carefully checked the surveillance videos on the lower floors, and no one else was found. According to the police technician, the light in the picture was originally blurred. I can't tell if it's a foot, it should be the result of light reflection. Don't think too much about it." Zhang Chao was puzzled, "How is it possible that the light reflects?" Teacher Liu said: "I said the same thing. The police said that a car passing by in the distance or other lights may illuminate objects in other places. They said that they have found such images many times before. They have experience , it can be confirmed that it is another image. Don’t doubt this, after all, they are professional.” "Oh." Zhang Chao was still skeptical. Teacher Liu said: "By the way, don't tell other students about the surveillance video. According to the regulations, it must be kept secret." Zhang Chao nodded. Teacher Liu casually said some other things, and at the end, he stood up and told Zhang Chao not to think too much, it will be fine after a while.He said some more comforting words and left. After Teacher Liu left, Zhang Chao knew that Li Weihao's parents would come over in the afternoon, so he planned to ask Bai Qiu to study by himself until evening.After calling Bai Qiu, the phone was turned off, and only then did he realize that Bai Qiu said yesterday that the phone was stolen. So he dialed Zhu Xiaoyu's phone number in Bai Qiu's dormitory, and after connecting, he said, "Xiao Yu, is Bai Qiu there?" "Bai Qiu?" Zhu Xiaoyu's voice on the other end of the phone seemed a little unnatural. Zhang Chao didn't pay attention, but said: "Yeah, Bai Qiu said yesterday that her mobile phone was stolen, so I can only call you." Zhu Xiaoyu didn't speak at all. Zhang Chao asked strangely: "Xiao Yu, what's wrong with you?" After a while, Zhu Xiaoyu said, "By the way, Zhang Chao, we've all heard about that. Are you okay?" Zhang Chao smiled: "It's okay, I've heard this dozens of times a day, hehe, thank you Miss Zhu for your concern, I'm a man, of course it's fine." "Oh, that's good." Zhu Xiaoyu said again, "Bai Qiu is not here, I don't know where he went." Zhang Chao responded with a little disappointment, said a few words casually, hung up the phone, and checked the computer again. The post of the school girl in ancient costume in the morning had been deleted, and all relevant content could not be found.Zhang Chao had no choice but to turn off the computer, tidy up his schoolbag, and go to study by himself. He still went to the library of the medical school. It was still noon and the sun was shining brightly. Although what happened yesterday, the students and teachers on the road were still the same, and life had never changed.Classes in class, self-study in self-study, the rhythm remains the same. After an afternoon, he went to have a meal, and he went to self-study until 11 o'clock in the evening. When the security guards began to chase people to close the door, he packed his schoolbag and walked out. When he got outside, he looked up at the teaching building of the medical school behind the library, and recalled the scene of yesterday in his mind.Everything was fine, why did he suddenly commit suicide by jumping off a building? Shaking his head, he walked towards the garage downstairs of the teaching building.The teaching building is still the same as usual, the lights have long been turned off, only the lights on the road are still silently on. Before entering the garage, Zhang Chao raised his head, originally wanting to take a look at the window from which Li Weihao jumped.He just looked up, suddenly, he found a person standing by the window. Because it is a window, only the upper body can be seen, with long hair hanging down the shawl, with his back facing the window, and wearing a white cloth shirt. Costume girl!The first impression in Zhang Chao's mind was the school girl in ancient costume mentioned in that post. At this time, the strange woman suddenly walked away from the window, and he stood below, out of sight. Does this woman have anything to do with the feet in the surveillance yesterday? Zhang Chao is a courageous man. He usually watches too many horror movies, so he doesn't believe in such mysterious things.Although I am only a little over 1.7 meters tall and have a thin build, I am confident that even if I meet a crazy woman, I will always be able to run in time.He was determined to find out about those feet, and seeing the woman leave the window at this moment, without thinking about it, he hurried up the stairs to the north of the teaching building. He ran fast, but deliberately kept his footsteps low, not wanting the woman to know.But because there is still some fear in his heart, every time he runs up and turns, he always slows down, looks back and forth, and then walks. In horror movies, the worst thing is to run head-on and bump into each other.Zhang Chao wanted to check out women in costumes, but he never wanted to have intimate contact with women in costumes. Along the way, I didn't see any women in ancient costumes. When I reached the sixth floor, I cautiously poked my head out to take a look. The corridor was empty and there was no one there.He carefully looked around all around, no one was there. He panted a little, not only because he ran to the sixth floor with his schoolbag on his back, but also because of the unavoidable fear in his heart, and his heart was pounding.The moonlight was shining outside, and the surrounding was quiet, only the sound of his heartbeat.This feeling, this atmosphere, is like a person stepping into a barren wilderness in the middle of the night, a kind of loneliness and helplessness arises spontaneously. Zhang Chao thought for a while, then took a step, lowered his voice, and walked towards the empty corridor.There are windows on one side of the corridor, and three large classrooms on the other.The doors of these three classrooms are all iron anti-theft doors, and the door locks are tightly closed.Even the windows are anti-theft windows, with heavy curtains drawn inside, so you can't see anything. Just as he was about to walk to the classroom at the end, suddenly, there was a faint singing voice, like a female voice, singing vaguely and not clearly audible. Could this be the song that Li Weihao said yesterday? He couldn't help feeling tense. But the singing seemed to have sounded for three to five seconds, and then disappeared.After that, there was still silence, and no singing could be heard again. He was curious, when suddenly, at the other end of the corridor about 20 meters ahead, a white figure walked over, quietly, like the wind, quickly turned and went downstairs. Zhang Chao instantly felt the cold from his back to his spine. Costume girl! Zhang Chao ran up to the sixth floor to see what the costumed woman looked like. At this moment, he turned 20 meters in front of him and went down the stairs, but he stopped where he was, so he didn't dare to catch up. Although he was a man, but standing here in the middle of the night, seeing the back of the woman in ancient costume flash by, he didn't dare to make a sound at all. Now that the woman in costume went downstairs, he was so scared that he didn't dare to move, let alone go downstairs. He was afraid that if he went down and took a photo with the woman in costume, it would be a bright spring. Zhang Chao's heart was pounding, but he didn't dare to make a sound. He leaned his back against the wall, looked around vigilantly, took out his mobile phone, and called Lin Yiang. On the other end of the phone, Lin Yiang seemed to be playing a game, and said: "Zhang Chao, what are you doing, Li Weihao's parents packed up and left, so you are back." Zhang Chao’s eyes were still fixed on both sides, and he said in a low voice, “Quickly, you go to the teaching building of the medical school. Quickly, I’m on the sixth floor, and I dare not come down. It’s my brother, come quickly, if you don’t come, you won’t be able to see me again!” "Oh, your uncle, what kind of game is this!" Lin Yiang complained with a half-smile. Zhang Chao said urgently: "Don't talk nonsense, come here quickly." "You tell me clearly, what's going on?" Lin Yiang's voice became a little more serious. Zhang Chao didn't want to say more: "Come on, save my life, man, I beg you! The sixth floor." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly, not daring to vent his anger. The tension lasted for five or six minutes, and the woman in costume was never seen again.Zhang Chao breathed a sigh of relief, but still did not dare to relax his vigilance.Looking at the window in front of me, the road is empty, only a few dim street lights.To the west is the undeveloped swamp field of the school, with small lakes, puddles, shrubs, weeds, and chaotic trees.Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and there was a white figure standing in the marsh field in the distance.The figure was in the bushes, only a part of it was exposed, so I couldn't see clearly.A few seconds later, the figure walked into the marsh again and disappeared. Different emotions intertwined in Zhang Chao's heart.Was that figure just now a woman in ancient costume?Is that person in the swampy field a woman in ancient costume?Which one is the costume girl?How did the woman in costume end up in the swamp field? A series of question marks, and a series of panic. After another ten minutes, a bicycle rode over quickly on the road outside. Zhang Chao saw that it was Lin Yiang.Seeing Lin Yiang, his fear just now dissipated completely, and he leaned to the window and shouted: "Old Lin, I'm here!" Lin Yi raised his head, and cursed loudly: "Fuck, you are so fucking sick. You called me out so late to accuse me of being on top? You fucking fairy, I want me to accompany you!" Zhang Chao couldn't help blushing, and shouted, "It's all right now." Lin Yiang continued to curse: "I won't come upstairs to find you, are you fucking going to come down by yourself, or are you going to jump--" When he said "jump down", he quickly shut up, yesterday Li Weihao I just jumped down from here, so I can't talk nonsense in the recent stage. Zhang Chao smiled, he was not afraid at all at this moment, he quickly ran down, took the car, and went back with Lin Yiang. On the way back, Lin Yiang couldn't help cursing again: "What the hell did you say to me on the phone, do you want me to save you? Are you not well? Besides, it's okay, you ran to six in the middle of the night. What are you doing, you want to learn too..." He quickly took it back. Zhang Chao smiled embarrassedly, and then said sternly, "Let me tell you, I wouldn't run up there at first, but this time, I saw a woman in ancient costume with my own eyes!" "Squeak—" Lin Yiang slammed on the brakes, almost flew out, stopped the car, and said, "A woman in ancient costume?" Zhang Chao still had lingering fears in his heart, nodded and said: "I was going to go to the garage to pick up the car. When I looked up, I saw a woman in white clothes with her hair hanging down. That woman might have spotted me, so she left immediately. I hurried I ran up to the corridor on the sixth floor, and looked back and forth for a long time, but I didn’t find the woman in ancient costume. Then, just when I thought there was no one there, the woman in ancient costume suddenly went down the stairs. Hey, you don’t know, I was so scared at the time I--" Lin Yiang half-believingly said: "Really? I heard that the woman in ancient costume is a mentally ill woman." Zhang Chao said: "It's true, when did you see me so scared? I even called you to come, I was really scared at that time!" Although men are good at face, but in the face of iron buddies, it doesn't matter if you say that you are afraid, anyway, he knows that Lin Yiang will not say it. Lin Yiang said: "By the way, those feet in the surveillance video you mentioned this morning, shouldn't they be women in ancient costumes?" Zhang Chao said: "It's very possible, but I heard from Lao Liu, and the police technicians said that it can be confirmed that it is due to the reflection of light. The picture is already blurred, so it cannot be said to be a pair of feet." Lin Yiang said: "Forget it, I don't bother to care if it's true or not. From now on, you should pay more attention to yourself. You just passed out for a week last week. Your health is not very good. Don't scare yourself." Zhang Chao said, "I need your help with something." Lin Yiang said: "Why are you so polite, boy, tell me!" Zhang Chao said: "Before you came just now, I saw a white figure in the swamp field to the west. It might be a woman in ancient costume. I can't figure out how she got in." "Impossible." Lin Yiang denied, "It hasn't been developed there, and it's surrounded by paddy fields, so you can't get in at all. Didn't you see the many slogans in the swamp field, the swamp is dangerous, and it is strictly forbidden to step in? This must be what you saw. Wrong, at such a distance, plastic bags and the like also look white." Regarding this, Zhang Chao did not deny it. It is indeed far away. If a plastic bag is hung on the other side of the tree, it will look like a human figure. It's not out of the question that the bag was blown away. Most people have this experience.For example, at the seaside, if you look at the round buoys farther away, you might think it's a person's head floating. But for the white figure that just passed by on the sixth floor, he saw it so clearly that science students don't think they will have hallucinations. Lin Yiang said again: "What do you want me to help you haven't said yet." Zhang Chaodao: "Recently, I went to the medical school library with me to study for myself. I wanted to see what kind of thing this woman in costume is." Lin Yiang rebuffed straight away: "Fuck you, I don't have the time to study with you! You want to make up the exam, but I don't need to make up the exam, and it's not time for the exam now. Besides, you're not the only one who saw that woman in ancient costume , I think, it is 100% that some crazy person picked up a piece of broken clothes and walked around at night, so others would say what a fucking woman in costume. I think you are so timid, so don't investigate this kind of shit. What happened yesterday It's over, it's over. Also, let me tell you, looking at your ugly face, I suggest that you don't come to the library of this medical school to study by yourself in the future. Feng Shui is not good. " Zhang Chao wondered, "How do you say that?" Lin Yiang said: "I also heard people jokingly say that this Zijingang used to be a big swamp field, and there were a few old graveyards. In addition, some people died here in Wudou, Hangzhou in the 1960s, so it is a dark place. The air is heavy. I heard that the northeast corner and the southwest corner are the most cloudy. Now the northeast corner is the school hospital, and the back door street is outside. There are so many people selling snacks on the road every day. Naturally, there is no cloudy air. Only the southwest corner, There is still an undeveloped swamp field next to it, and besides, it is a medical school, and there are many dead people in it. Hehe, I think that, you can save it, anyway, you are just holding a buddha's feet temporarily, not for self-study." Zhang Chao smiled and didn't take it seriously, and said, "It's fine if you don't come, I will bring a flashlight next time, and if I see that woman in ancient costume—" Lin Yiang interrupted him: "See again, don't call me for help, the rest is up to you." The two talked and laughed, and returned to the Baisha dormitory.After putting down their bicycles, the two of them walked out together. From a distance, they saw a girl in a red down jacket standing in the small Baisha Square. It was Bai Qiu. Zhang Chao smiled: "Brother, you go up first, I will chat with your cousin for a while. By the way, brother-in-law, thank you for saving your life today." After speaking, Zhang Chao ran towards Bai Qiu.Lin Yiang walked slowly, deliberately staying away from Zhang Chao and the others, and walked back to the dormitory, with a disturbed look on his face.
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