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Forbidden place

Forbidden place


  • Thriller

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 249222

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Chapter 1 foreword

Forbidden place 紫金陈 1058Words 2018-03-22
The Zijingang Campus of Z University is the headquarters of undergraduates. Since the first phase was completed in 2003, undergraduates have moved in one after another. However, every night when the surrounding construction is under construction, fireworks are always set off first. Why? According to the construction team, this is called "sweeping the floor", which means to drive away the unclean things around.Because Zijingang was a big swamp in the west of Hangzhou before it was built, according to Wuxing Gemyu, places with a lot of water are cloudy, and the school was chosen in such a place. For safety, of course, some renovations must be done.

The student activity center is located on the west side of Qizhen Lake, surrounded by water, and the floors are low and extremely cloudy.The towering lamppost at the center of the circle is the yang within the yin.The steps in front of the theater step into the water, which is the yin within the yin.The Hudong administrative center has the highest floor, which is the yang within the yang, and echoes with the computer center and the library (the yin within the yang).Looking at the east and west teaching areas, the east teaching area is located on the east side, which belongs to yang, and there are many water features (Qizhen Lake), which are yin in yang.The west side is the playground, which is yin and has many open terrains. It is the yang within the yin. Zijingang is extremely yin, so the yang is greater than the yin to suppress the yin.

The seven university parks are also named according to the heaven, earth, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth: Ziyun: sky Lantian: land Bifeng (Front): Gold Cypress: wood Qingxi: water Danyang: Fire Baisha: soil When it was not completed, the five elements were incomplete, so Ziyun was placed on the east side, where heaven and earth are in harmony, and yin and yang intersect. It is also placed in the yang position on the east side to attract oriental yang energy to suppress yin energy.After the completion of the new academy, the five elements returned to their original positions. Why is it that only Danyang has the most special layout among all the student dormitories, unlike other dormitories that are connected in the middle?But leave a garden in the middle?That's because Danyang is just in the middle of the dormitory area, so it was named Danyang to remove Yin Qi, and a garden was built on the west side of it to echo the inner garden, forming a trend of Yin and Yang in the east and west to suppress ghosts.Looking at the layout of the cafeteria again, why should a good cafeteria dig a hole in the middle?In fact, the cafeteria and the small hill on the south side happen to be a gossip.The canteen is located on the north side, which belongs to yin, and the central open area is yang within yin. Yang is greater than Yin to reconcile the Qi of Yin.The other parts have not yet been completed, but it is estimated that there will be fewer water views after the completion of the west area. In addition, there may be buildings that are more open or wider than the administrative center of the east area.Moreover, the west is the yin position, so the construction of Zijingang starts from the east and then the west. During the construction of the west area, the east area will take on most of the functions of suppressing evil. Therefore, the east area should be open and clear, and avoid being dark and gloomy.

It is said that 8 construction workers died when the construction of the campus started, and many of the dead people would have resentment gathered here, which was very unclean.Danqing Square was originally a cemetery, and there is a feng shui of water and fire to suppress demons.According to Feng Shui knowledge, the most shady places in a school are in the southwest and northeast.For Zijingang, it is the school hospital in the northeast and the Nanhua Garden and Medical College in the southwest.Because the school hospital is located at the back door of the school, there is a lot of people coming and going, so it is full of yang energy.However, Nanhua Garden and Medical College are the most cloudy places at night, especially where Nanhua Garden is close to the water (water is cloudy).It is said that there are unclean things buried under the west area, which should be graves or the like.Therefore, the mirrors in the toilets in the West District are smaller than those in the East District, because some things that should not be seen can be seen in the mirror.The administrative building next to the library looks down in the shape of an eye, with the shape of eyeballs and eyelashes, just to calm down the entire Zijingang.

But even though the school has been remodeled, some careless people always...
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