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Chapter 10 Chapter 9: Cat Corpse

split pupil 澹台镜 4272Words 2018-03-22
Wang Xiaozhen's pupils suddenly dilated, and her body convulsed a little. She covered her mouth with her hand, and was so frightened that she was at a loss.Following the two lines of bloodstains, her eyes moved down slowly, and there was a puddle of bloody water in the white washbasin just now. In the bloody water, there was a cat corpse that had been ripped apart, and all internal organs were exposed, floating on the red water surface. superior. "what!" Wang Xiaozhen closed her eyes abruptly, and then cried out loudly.The shrill screams pierced through the entire villa, and everyone was awakened, including those who were sleeping.

Rock was the first to run. He felt a little anxious and just came out to go to the toilet. He heard a shrill cry just as he went out. He was taken aback, and then quickly ran to the bathroom.Pushing the door open, Yan Yan was stunned. He hurriedly hugged the shivering Wang Xiaozhen, trying to pull her up. Next came Dai Shanshan. Her room was close to the toilet. She was in a bad mood and couldn't sleep well, so she came out when she heard the noise.The bathroom door was opened wide, and the figures of the two came into view. The bath towel on Wang Xiaozhen's body fell to the ground, and she was almost naked and half lying in the arms of the rock. Her hair was still wet, and she should have just taken a bath.

Rock was trying to pull her up, and the two of them were close together, Dai Shanshan was stunned, and walked into the bathroom with puzzled eyes. Suddenly, the eyes in the mirror made Dai Shanshan stagger in fright, and then saw something in the sink, she was so frightened that her face paled and she uttered a sharper cry. In a panic, Rock ignored Dai Shanshan, but first wrapped Wang Xiaozhen with the big bath towel. Later, Aunt Xue, Shanshan's mother, Dai Shengcai, and Mu Congyun all came. Everyone was frightened by the situation in the bathroom and stood there for a long time, at a loss for what to do.Especially Shanshan's mother, she rushed over like crazy, muttering: "My baby, my little baby, what's wrong with you?" It turned out that the black cat was stripped in the pool, The two bloody eyes on the mirror were also painted with cat blood.

At this moment, Mu Congyun had brought clothes for Wang Xiaozhen to cover her body, she was still supported by the rock, her eyes were slightly closed, her face was as white as a sheet of white paper.The last one to come was Yi Ling. She was wearing a black dress. When he was standing at the door of the toilet suspiciously, everyone turned their attention to her. Yi Ling's gaze was still silent, and there was a trace of doubt in her eyes. When her eyes fell on the cracked eyes on the mirror, her gaze finally rippled, and her expression was shocked. "Who, who killed my baby!" Shanshan's mother turned her head and shouted angrily.

Silence, unspeakable silence followed by an eruption. Shanshan's mother was almost insane. She pointed out one by one: "When you came, something happened to my baby. Who killed it? Dai Shengcai, is it you?" Is it you bastard!" Shanshan's mother's index finger landed on the tip of Dai Shengcai's nose, but she was knocked off instantly by the other party, cursing: "You crazy woman, what did I kill a cat for, crazy!" As if realizing something was wrong with his tone, Dai Shengcai hurriedly looked at everyone again, with a smile uglier than crying: "It's okay, it's just a cat, everyone, go to sleep, it's okay, it's okay."

Dai Shengcai was trying to smooth things over, but Shanshan's mother didn't appreciate it. She suddenly grabbed Dai Shanshan's wrist and shouted in horror: "Shanshan, someone is going to kill us, someone is going to kill us! Now that person Kill my baby, the next one is me, me, what to do, what to do?" Ever since Dad found the vixen, Mom's nerves have been in high tension.Now that I live in school, my mother seems to have no sustenance, and she shuts herself at home with the black cat all day long. On this point, Dai Shanshan and Dai Shengcai have the same point of view. They don't like the black cat because it is too silent, and sometimes it can surprise you suddenly.Mother likes black cats, but today it died inexplicably, and Dai Shanshan felt a little uncomfortable.

The mother seemed to be frightened, her eyes were full of tears, and her sallow face was full of sorrow, Dai Shanshan's heart was stung instantly, she hugged her mother hurriedly, and murmured: "Mom, don't think too much. It's too much, it's okay, it's okay..." Dai Shengcai's face was so gloomy that it was scary, he motioned for Aunt Xue to come over, and murmured into the pool: "It's all cleaned up." Wipe the mirror with a rag.Everything seems to be restored to its original state, but the eyes on the mirror are lingering, and it has been deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts...

However, just when everyone was about to go out, Mu Congyun exclaimed: "Your skirt!" The one walking in front of her was Yi Ling, and there was a bloodstain on Yi Ling's black skirt at this time, and the blood stains were dark in color. But it is clearly printed on it, lingering. "What?" Shanshan's mother seemed to regain her spirits. She pushed Dai Shanshan away, lifted up the back of Yiling's clothes, and gently kneaded them with her hands. The dark red just now had turned blood red. The stain on Yiling's skirt is blood!When they saw the red color on Shanshan's mother's finger, everyone was stunned, including Yi Ling.

"I..." Yi Ling hesitated, but stopped after only saying one word. Shanshan's mother's eyes shone fiercely, and she grabbed Yiling by the neck, and said viciously: "You killed my baby, it was you, it was you!" Yiling's body was originally weak, Now being shaken by the powerful Shanshan's mother, she almost fell apart, and her face became even paler. "Let her go!" After shouting, a strong hand grabbed Shanshan's mother's arm. When everyone turned their heads, it turned out that it was the rock walking behind. His eyes were unfathomable, but the anger in his eyes was clearly revealed.After a moment of silence, Dai Shanshan suddenly felt wronged. She was not because of her mother's black cat, but because of Rock's attitude. It turned out that he cared so much about Yi Ling...

With tears in her eyes, Dai Shanshan grabbed Yan Yan's arm, tears streaming down her eyes: "You, how could you treat my mother like this?" Yan Yan didn't speak, but stubbornness flashed in his eyes. Shanshan's mother seemed to be even more proud when she saw her daughter stand out for herself, and she held on to Yiling's skirt tightly: "Your skirt is my baby's blood, so you killed it, look at your little girl." Age is very cruel, say, why is this?" Yi Ling didn't speak, nor did she make any excuses. However, after a few minutes of silence, Yi Ling couldn't stand Shanshan's mother's harsh words any longer. She seemed to be frightened, and then seemed to be even more silent. Together, it took a long time to spit out three words: "It's not me."

Shanshan's mother scoffed, who would believe that?How do you explain the blood stains on your clothes?Being caught and not admitting it, the girls nowadays are simply lawless.Oh, I finally understand, seeing you and Rock sitting in the living room for so long, maybe you also like this boy, so you want to destroy it, make everyone unable to stay here, and make Rock feel disgusted with Shanshan , and then you can take the opportunity to enter... At this time, Shanshan's mother has used her super imagination. "Let go of me!" After a cry, Shanshan's mother's hand was forcibly knocked off.Looking up, it was Dai Shengcai who was wide-eyed. Seeing the vicious Dai Shengcai, Shanshan's mother felt even more aggrieved. She looked at the black cat thrown into the trash by Aunt Xue, and her heart ached.But this kind of pain can't be uttered. Her favorite black cat was brutally killed and abandoned like this... Shanshan's mother's eyes had many blurred figures, all of which were black cats. Figures, they ran faster and faster, and finally formed a black halo, Shanshan's mother suddenly felt black in front of her eyes, and fell to the ground. "Quick, get on the bed quickly!" "This way, this way..." After the noisy footsteps, the second floor of the villa returned to calm, and the clock on the wall was ticking.Seeing that her mother had fallen asleep peacefully, Dai Shanshan finally let out a long breath.At this time, Dai Shengcai came to Shanshan's side and pointed out with his fingers. The two looked at Wang Cuilian who was sleeping soundly, and walked out of the bedroom lightly. Dai Shengcai took his daughter to the study with a serious expression on his face.He patted Dai Shanshan on the shoulder, his voice was rough: "Shanshan, I have to tell you some bad news..." Seeing her father evasively speaking, Dai Shanshan was puzzled: "Dad, what's wrong?" Seeing that his daughter is almost as tall as himself...Dai Shengcai is comforted in his heart, this is his pride, no matter what, his daughter has always been his heart, for her, he can give anything on Dai Shengcai... But today, he wants to tell his daughter a cruel fact, that is, her mother is suffering from severe depression. Dai Shanshan was stunned for a moment, she broke free from her father's shackles and shouted: "Impossible!" Looking at his daughter with tears in his eyes, Dai Shengcai couldn't help but feel distressed. He walked forward and hugged his daughter tightly, choked up and said, "It's true. I invited a doctor to visit my house some time ago. According to him Patients with a milder degree feel depressed, unhappy, lack interest in everything, feel "depressed" and "can't be happy"; patients with a severe degree are pessimistic and hopeless, and feel that life is like a year, and life is better than death. Patients often complain 'It's meaningless to live', 'I feel bad', etc. The doctor also said that your mother's depression is already very serious." "It's impossible! You must have come up with such an excuse to divorce your mother." Dai Shanshan broke away from her father's embrace suddenly, and shouted angrily. Dai Shengcai was deeply hurt by his daughter's distrustful look, and he almost growled: "Shanshan, your mother and I have been in a relationship for decades, can I hurt her like this? Didn't you hear about the previous paragraph?" What happened at that time, a 21-year-old youth came to his cousin’s house in Shanghai, and due to depression, he threw his cousin’s child who was less than one year old from the 11th floor, and then jumped off the building himself...” Dai Shanshan didn't struggle anymore, she slumped down on the chair, unable to recover for a long time.Dai Shengcai's expression was serious, and his speech slowed down: "Shanshan, you are going to persuade your mother to let her receive hospital treatment. I hope the sooner the better, otherwise the delay in treatment will make her condition worse. She listens to you the most. If I say anything now, I will harm her, so you should go and talk about it..." It was already midnight, and it was dark outside the window, and Dai Shanshan's eyes dimmed. There was a flash of pain and helplessness. After the incident just now, the person on the bed could no longer fall asleep. Mu Congyun and Wang Xiaozhen lay side by side on the bed, whispering softly.Wang Xiaozhen wondered: "It's really strange, how could there be such a large bloodstain on Yiling's skirt?" Mu Congyun shook his head: "I don't know, it was a conditioned reflex at the time, and I yelled out when I saw it. Sigh, I didn't expect Shanshan's mother to react so violently that she passed out." "Don't mention it, I'm afraid when I think of those bloody eyes painted on the glass. It reminds me of Bai Xue... Her pupils are also split, so scary." Wang Xiaozhen shrinks her body into the bed, closing her eyes in pain. squint. After all, Mu Congyun is also a girl. At this time, she hurriedly grabbed the corner of the quilt and lowered her voice: "Dai Shanshan's house is so weird, her mother and nanny are weird... Tell me, when we leave, There are only the nanny and Shanshan's mother left at home, aren't they afraid of such a big villa?" Wang Xiaozhen shook her head. At this time, she didn't want to say a word anymore. Too many incredible things happened tonight, the death of the black cat, the blood stains on Yiling's skirt, Shanshan's mother's sudden fainting... things are complicated enough It's even beyond everyone's imagination. On the second floor of the villa, a lonely figure slowly descended the stairs. Her body was thin, her face was extremely pale, and she was holding a ball of black clothes. It was Yi Ling.When Shanshan's mother passed out, Yi Ling was ignored by everyone, especially seeing Dai Shanshan's resentful gaze, which made Yi Ling feel a little uncomfortable. Back in the house, she changed out of the black dress that Dai Shanshan bought for her at Chanel. Every time she puts on this dress, Yi Ling regains her confidence and satisfaction.Now it was the clothes that made Yi Ling at a loss. When her eyes fell on the blood stain, Yi Ling could no longer be silent. She carried the clothes and went downstairs to the laundry room on the first floor. The light was on, and the room was a little dim. Her petite body squatted on the ground and rubbed her clothes.Yi Ling's hair was coiled up again, with the strange hairpin pinned to it, and a floral dress on her body, squatting there, looking very rustic.From the crack of the door, an eye peeped in. Her face was covered with wrinkles, she bowed her waist, and stared at Yi Ling for a long time... When Yi Ling raised her head and met those peeping eyes outside unexpectedly, the door was pushed open, and Aunt Xue stood at the door, wearing an apron, with a calm expression on her face. "Washing clothes before dawn?" Aunt Xue didn't feel embarrassed by her behavior at all, but asked naturally. Yi Ling lowered her head, her expression dimmed: "Wash the blood stains on it." The clear water in the basin turned red, and Yi Ling's hands were covered with soap bubbles, but they were also dark red.Aunt Xue took a look, squatted down, and asked in a sullen voice, "What's the matter with this blood?" Yi Ling's body was startled, but the three words were still there: "I don't know." Aunt Xue got up, her eyes became deeper and deeper, her eyes fell on Yiling's bun, and then she muttered to herself: "This hairpin is a bit special, can I have a look?" "No one will show it." After washing the clothes, Yi Ling stood up and picked up the basin. Aunt Xue was stunned. She felt a sense of loss in her heart, but she didn't show it. Instead, she said softly, "Did you finish the laundry? There is a drying rack over there. Let me help you. Go up and rest." This time, Yi Ling Without refusing, she handed the basin to Aunt Xue and went upstairs, leaving only the pair of suspicious eyes behind her.
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