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Chapter 31 Thirty Night Cry

charming house 庄秦 6166Words 2018-03-22
On the thirtieth day, for this feast, I changed into formal attire.A set of genuine Armani suits bought for more than 9,000 yuan was given to me by my wife when I got married. When I was going out, I specially bought some gifts - the best Cuban cigars and Hennessy xo for Zhao Puzhe; a set of Thai ceramic dolls I made by myself for Zhao Qianlian.As for Mr. Zhao Bochu, I bought a set of air mattresses.He has been bedridden for a long time, and he is prone to bed sores. The air mattress can adjust the angle of body contact at will, effectively preventing the occurrence of bed sores. I guess they will like my gift.

To be honest, compared to the remuneration they promised, the money for buying gifts is only a fraction. When I drove into the manor, I saw that there was no one in the concierge, and the young guard had disappeared.I thought, maybe there was something urgent in his family, so he left alone. It doesn't matter, I have already seen Butler Gu standing outside the gate of the villa waiting for me.I remembered, I forgot to prepare a gift for Butler Gu.Although these twenty-nine days, I saw him every day.But in my mind, he was like an invisible man, and he didn't leave much impression on me.

I hastily split the gift for Zhao Puzhe into two parts, and divided the cigars as a gift for Butler Gu. At the dining table, when the four people saw the gift I gave, they all had weird expressions in their eyes. I shrugged my shoulders exaggeratedly and said, "Why, haven't you seen the workers you hired give you gifts?" Zhao Qianlian chuckled and said, "Mr. Zhuang, you are really a gentleman." I smiled sheepishly. The dishes on the table are very fragrant.Golden abalone, black pepper steak, table-style oyster omelet, oyster choy sum, millet thick soup... especially the black pepper steak, which was fried just right, overflowing with a tangy aroma.

Butler Gu walked up to me with a bottle of fine brandy in hand.He poured brandy on the steak, then lit the fragrant steak, and a light blue flame rose into the air. I couldn't wait to fork a piece of steak with my knife and stuff it into my mouth.It was really fragrant, the steak almost melted in my mouth, and I even heard the gurgling sound of gastric juice eagerly anticipating it. Zhao Bochu laughed softly.He said to me slowly: "Mr. Zhuang, the reason why your ghost story attracts people is that you didn't tell the scariest part at the beginning of the story like others did, but hid the truth of the story , slowly dissecting from the periphery, gradually approaching, like peeling an onion. It seems to be tiptoeing, but as long as you peel it off, it will definitely make the people next to you cry."

I swallowed a piece of steak, immediately took up the conversation, and said: "Mr. Zhao, you are right, this is my writing style. The famous American writer Hemingway once said that the writing skills-writing in What is on paper is just the tip of the iceberg, and most of the connotation is hidden under the water." Zhao Bochu stretched out his thumb and praised: "That's a very good statement! Mr. Zhuang, this is the thirtieth time you have been to my house. Maybe what you have seen in my house is just the tip of the iceberg. Below The story I'm going to tell may let you know more about us."

He added: "—the name of this story is "Night Cry." The weather is slowly turning cooler a bit, and I've added an outfit for myself as well.As the temperature drops, the final exam is getting closer and closer.There is no way, I have to play up my energy to review.Although the exam is the last thing I want to face, what can I do? In the classroom, I feel that I am getting more and more impetuous, and I can't read books all the time. I need a place where I can read quietly without being disturbed by others.So I took the textbook, walked out of the classroom, and wandered around the campus aimlessly, hoping to find a quiet place.

When I walked downstairs to the lab, I saw a narrow stone staircase by the side of the building. Why didn't I notice it before?This stone staircase seems to lead to a pine tree forest behind the laboratory building, which I have never been to.It must be very quiet in there, right?I think. I slowly walked down the stone steps with my textbooks in my hand. The stone steps were covered with a layer of leaves of the Jujube tree that had just fallen, and it was soft to step on, giving people a very comfortable feeling.I walked along the stone steps to the corner, and stretched out my head to look at the pine tree forest behind, ha ha!What a big forest!Although it has entered autumn, the woods are still lush and full of fragrance of leaves.A gust of wind passed by suddenly, and there was a rustling sound in the woods, followed by countless leaves falling, and a few leaves fell on my head.

I walked to the depths of the woods with the book in my hand, trying to find a place to sit and review the book.When I walked into the woods, I suddenly saw a white building sitting deep in the woods.Hehe, there must be a place to sit and read a book.I walked towards this white building. This white building is weird, the outer wall is covered with white tiles, it looks so abrupt in the woods.When I approached, I found that the ground in front of the building was covered with fallen leaves. These lazy cleaners hadn't come to do the cleaning for a long time.Even the white tiles are covered with a thick layer of dust, giving people an uncomfortable feeling.I suddenly had a bad idea about this building, I think. . .Could this building be a haunted house?

When I walked along the wall and walked to the front of the house, I was so angry that I was more depressed than seeing a haunted house!This white building turned out to be a ---toilet!No wonder it must be the outer wall pasted with white tiles.unlucky!However, there is actually a toilet here, and it seems that it has been abandoned for a long time. Hehe, it can be a new place to smoke secretly, which is not bad! I didn’t stay in the woods for long before returning to the classroom, because there were too many mosquitoes in the woods. Although it was autumn, the vitality of the mosquitoes inside was amazing. Maybe it was because I was hungry for too long. I saw a person coming in. Just bite around me, I have to run away.

In the evening, when I arrived at the dormitory, I told my brothers what I had found in the Jujube forest, and they were all stunned. The gambling king said to me: "You are really brave, do you know the story about that toilet? See if I don't scare you to death!" The gambling king slowly told me the story of the toilet.In the semester before I entered Chengnan High School, a big incident happened in the school. A girl in the third year of high school was pregnant.But she hid it very carefully, wearing tight clothes every day and tying her waist, and no one found out when she was in labor.When she was in labor, it was the mock exam for the college entrance examination, and she took the exam in the laboratory building.When she couldn't take it anymore, she took a leave of absence to go to the toilet, and gave birth to the baby in the white toilet in the yellow jue forest.The child fell into the toilet and drowned instantly.This girl is also ruthless enough. She cut off her navel with a blade and continued to take the exam.If her lower body started bleeding during the exam and she was sent to the hospital, this matter would not have been discovered.When the child was picked up, the child was already dead and was still a baby girl.But since then, many girls have said that when they go to the toilet at night, they will hear the sound of babies crying from the pit under the toilet, which is terrifying.

After I heard it, goosebumps all over my body.Is it true?dizzy.I quickly forgot about it though. Then came the weekend, I went home for a while, and when I got home, I helped an old classmate of mine next door write a brilliant love letter. When he was happy, he took a pack of cigarettes from his dad’s drawer and gave it to him. I.I saw it, hehe!It's Yuxi!More than twenty packs.Developed! Back at school on Monday, I have this bag of Yuxi in my bag.Although it is said that good things should be shared with others, I am reluctant to share this hard-won Yuxi bag with others. I have to find a place that no one else can find, and enjoy it alone.I immediately thought of the white building in the Jue forest.Although what they say is full of people, I am not afraid, where is the ghost in this world? After the evening self-study, I deliberately waited until my brothers had left, and then I went to the yellow jue forest under the laboratory building alone.It was dark in the woods, and the shadows of the trees were uneven like ghosts.I can't help but feel a chill, and I feel a little tingling in my scalp.A gust of wind blew, the leaves shook, and the woods were full of rustling sounds. I was bold enough to step heavily on the ground, trying my best to make enough noise to be brave enough for myself. Finally, I walked into the toilet with white tiles.Under the reflection of the moonlight, the white exterior wall of the toilet looks extraordinarily lonely and abrupt. Trembling, I took out Yuxi and put one in my mouth.I took out my lighter and lit it with a snap.I took a deep breath.From my mouth to my lungs, the aroma of pure tobacco is full. I closed my eyes and slowly enjoyed the pleasure the tobacco brought me. At this moment, suddenly, I heard a strange sound. "Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." What is the sound?I had a bad premonition, the sound was like the cry of a child.not good!Is it true what they say? "Pa-ta! Pa-ta! Pa-ta!" Another strange sound came from outside the toilet, as if it was the sound of footsteps.who is it?Who would visit such an abandoned and often haunted toilet in the middle of the night?I dare not think about it.OMG!Why would I smoke in such a horrible toilet?If I had known earlier, I might as well share this package of Yuxi with my brothers. "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo----" child in the toilet, I am almost sure that it came from under the toilet pit.The hairs on the back of my neck stood up one by one, and the skin all over my body became tense. "Pa-ta! Pa-ta! Pa-ta!" The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer to me. Who was it?Could it be the baby spirit of that child?What is she coming for? I felt my lower abdomen tighten, then swell, and I felt a need to poop.I tried my best to hold back, my back was pressed against the inner wall of the toilet, and I swallowed Yuxi in big mouthfuls.My lungs were filled with smoke, hoping to assuage my inner fear a little. But it didn't seem to work, the footsteps were getting closer and closer, almost to my side, and I closed my eyes in fear.When I closed my eyes and saw darkness in front of me, I only heard the cry of a whimpering child, and the sound of terrifying footsteps approaching. The feeling of rising and falling in my lower abdomen became stronger and stronger, and my heart could no longer bear such fear and torture.At this moment, I suddenly felt my shoulders sink, and I knew that a palm had touched my shoulder.who is it?I can feel the fluffy palm of this hand, not like a human hand. I bravely opened my eyes... oh my god, a horrible face appeared in front of my eyelids.His face was as old as tree bark, covered with grooves, and what was even more frightening was that there was only a blood hole in his left eye socket, and no eyeball.There is an eyeball in the right eye, but it is so cloudy that there is only a little yellow, spherical thing like liquid. His mouth was open and he was smiling at me.His teeth are jagged, yellow and black, and through his teeth, I can even see the blackened throat. "Who are you?" I asked tremblingly. His teeth are leaking, but I can still hear his voice mumble, "Stop!" Killed?Is he the impermanence of the underworld?My palpitations were unbearable to my heart.My eyes went dark, and I didn't know anything.In this white-tiled, often haunted toilet, surrounded by whining and whimpering children, in the presence of this horrific old impermanence, I fainted.Don't say I'm timid, if you were me, I'd faint too. When I woke up, I was lying in a white room.I looked around, the white walls, the white ceiling, even the quilt I covered was white.What is this place?Is it the underworld?But I heard that the underworld should be black, what kind of place is this?I looked at my wrist, the needle of an infusion set was inserted into my vein, and a stream of medicine was slowly being injected into my body, which made me feel hot all over. Even a fool can see that I am not in the underworld, I am in the hospital.But what is going on? A nurse came in, saw that I was awake, and hurriedly called the doctor. After a while, the doctor came in, and there were two people who came in with him, one was Mr. Li, my head teacher, and the other was an old man, the one-eyed "impermanent man" I saw in the toilet. ". As soon as the old man saw me, he said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I scared you. It's my fault." Mr. Li said to the old man angrily: "You old man, how many times have I told you that it's not your fault for being ugly, but it's your fault for running out to scare people." I understood a bit, but what followed was anger: "Old Wang, you can scare me if you scare me. Why do you say that you are here to take your life?" The old Wangtou said quickly: "I didn't mean that I came to take my life. I didn't wear dentures that day, and my words leaked out. I mean that I was a sweeper." Sweeping?Killed?I'm dizzy! ! ! I asked again: "But what's the matter with the whining baby crying in the toilet?" Old Wang paused, and said: "I have given the school countless opinions. Although no one visits this toilet, the water pipes are too bad. There is a lot of pressure in the teacher's dormitory over there. The water pipe under the pit of the toilet squeaks. Hey...the school just doesn't listen to my opinion. I don't know which construction team I went to when the toilet was repaired, and what fake and inferior materials I bought..." It is undeniable that this is a wonderful story.And it's a story of fictional and real, real ghosts and fake ghosts. After listening to the story, I suddenly remembered that Zhao Bochu once said that I can learn more about him and his family from this story.What does it mean?My hand holding the knife froze suddenly. What does he mean by these words?Is he saying that what I see of him as a sick man is not actually true?Was he not a patient at all?Even, he is not a person at all - but a ghost? Haha, this is too nonsensical.I grinned, then lowered my head and prepared to continue to tackle the delicious black pepper steak on the plate.At this time, I suddenly saw that there seemed to be something on the steak.When I saw clearly what it was, I screamed suddenly, then raised my hand, threw the steak to the ground, and then vomited profusely with a "wow". ——On the steak, there is a piece of almost transparent skin.There seemed to be some faint patterns on the leather.I've identified it, it's a pattern of a guardian angel! That's the tattoo on the back of the young guard! Could it be that the delicacy we have been enjoying is the human flesh of the young guard? I knelt on the ground and scratched my throat so hard that I almost vomited out the gall. At this time, I heard Zhao Qianlian's voice: "Yes, you guessed it right, our family is all ghosts! And our favorite food is human flesh! I still remember when you came one day and saw that Steward Gu was still alive. Now, let us tell you, he went to check the food. In fact, that day he went to give the villa workers a medical checkup—our Zhao family has very high requirements for food!" Zhao Puzhe added: "Dr. Li Dan in the hospital is also of the same kind as us. My father didn't suffer from any serious illness. How could ghosts get sick? The reason why we invite people to tell ghost stories is to deceive more ghost stories. People come, we eat their meat—I heard that the meat will be more tender for educated people.” "Oh——" Butler Gu sighed, and said, "We should have eaten you on the first day you came here. Who knew that your ghost story was so good that day, so we let you go. We originally planned to eat you." , as long as the ghost stories you tell don’t sound good one day, we will eat you. Who knows, your stories are so good every day that we can’t eat you.” As I said, in fact, I have always been a timid person.At this moment, I sat on the ground tremblingly, and murmured with trembling voice: "Then what do you want to do with me now? I don't want to die!" "Hehe..." It was Zhao Bochu who sneered. He stood up, walked lightly to my side, and said: "The plan we made today was to eat you. But now we have changed our minds and decided to let you go, and we will pay you for this month I will still pay you!" "Why?" I'm such a strange person. When I heard the news of Yusheng after the catastrophe, instead of cheering, I asked the other party why they let me go.I'm such an idiot! Zhao Bochu said very seriously: "Mr. Zhuang, the reason why we want to eat people is because we always think that people are more terrifying than ghosts! Look at this dirty world of yours, where you cheat and deceive each other. People eat people and people kill people. , Some people even committed suicide! The nuclear bombs manufactured by you humans are enough to destroy the earth thousands of times, but you continue to manufacture. On the entire earth, wherever oil is rich, there will definitely be wars. Countless children have been shot to death, countless Women are being ruined, but you are saying in the newspapers that this is an act of justice and safeguarding world peace! Such a thing, even us ghosts can't do it!" He paused, looked at me, and continued: "Originally, we were indeed planning to eat you today. However, one of your actions made us change our minds." "What did I do?" I asked curiously.I hate my damn curiosity! "It's a gift you gave us!" Zhao Bochu replied word by word, "We are just the relationship between the employer and the employee. When we are about to end our relationship, maybe we will not meet again in the future, but you still care for me. We sent gifts. It touched us - you are a gentleman and a good person. It would be cruel and illogical to eat you. It is true for you, and it is true for us!" As soon as his words fell, Butler Gu walked up to me, handed me a thick envelope, and said, "Mr. Zhuang, this is your reward for your hard work this month." I took the envelope with trembling fingers.At this moment, I suddenly heard a messy "click" sound. "Get out of here quickly! Once you get out of the villa, you can drive away." Zhao Bochu said slowly. Only then did I realize that the "click" sound was coming from the top of my head.I looked up and found that all the lights on the ceiling were shaking, and stone fragments were falling down—the villa was about to collapse! "Mr. Zhuang, hurry up! If you don't leave, it will be too late!" It was Zhao Qianlian who spoke, and her big talking eyes were filled with tears at this moment. Yes, it's too late if you don't go! I struggled to stand up, squeezed the envelope, and ran out of the villa quickly.I jumped into the car as fast as I could, started the accelerator, and drove out of the manor.As soon as he drove out of the iron gate, he heard a loud bang behind him. I glanced back.I saw that the whole villa was buried in a cloud of dust—the Zhao family villa really collapsed! Dust swirled in the air like a tornado. I drove the car down the winding mountain road to the foot of the mountain.When I got down to the foot of the mountain, I looked back again.At this moment, I was surprised to see that there are only dense forests behind me, where is there any winding mountain road? I held the steering wheel with my hands, my heart was beating violently, and the whole heart seemed to pop out of my throat. My chest seemed to be stuffed with a ball of cotton, and I couldn't say a word.
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