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Chapter 24 Story Twenty-three hostages

charming house 庄秦 3372Words 2018-03-22
On the twenty-third day, it continued to be a cloudy and rainy day.The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the sky was so dark that it seemed to be falling down, which also made me feel very unhappy. The young doorman who opened the door for me looked a little fatter, and I jokingly asked, "I eat lard bibimbap every day? How did you get so fat?" He replied shyly: "During this time, Mr. Zhao's chef has resigned. Butler Gu cooks the food himself. His skills are really good, and the Sichuan dishes he cooks are very appetizing. I have to eat a little more for every meal."

I couldn't help but feel a little depressed, even the doorman can eat the dishes cooked by Mr. Gu, but I have been here for more than 20 days, and I haven't eaten a single meal.But then again, the Zhao family is my employer after all, and they pay me enough, so why should I worry about a meal? Entering the bedroom on the third floor, housekeeper Gu and the Zhao family were all waiting in the room.The candles were lit and the cigars were ready. I sat on the sofa, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "The story I want to tell today is named." "Bang!" With a gunshot, Long Si rushed out of the stunned crowd. The chairman of Daming Company, Liu Daming, was already lying in a pool of blood. There was a big blood hole in the middle of his forehead, and the blood was gurgling out. flow.

Long Si was very satisfied. The Liu Daming who seduced his wife Xiaoxue finally died under his gun. Thank God, the pistol he bought in Yunnan did not jam at a critical moment, and the bullet flew out of the gun smoothly. Go out, penetrate into Liu Daming's head, and explode inside.Seeing the blood gushing out of Liu Daming's head, Long Si felt so beautiful... "Liu Daming, you can go to the underworld to accompany Xiaoxue, she has been waiting for you for a month!" But now the most important thing for Long Si is how to leave this place safely.Daming Company is located on the top floor of the tallest building in the urban area. At this time, the siren has already sounded, and Long Si is a little panicked.When he rushed out of the gate of Daming Company, he saw that the security guards on the floor had rushed out.

Long Si was in a panic and didn't know where to go. It seemed that he had no time to wait for the elevator, so he could only run to the stairs.When he ran into the stairs, he had already heard the sound of footsteps downstairs, it was unrealistic to run down, he had to run up! Daming Company is on the top floor, and there is only the roof above.When Long Si rushed to the entrance of the rooftop, an iron door was tightly closed, and a large embroidered iron lock locked the door.Long Si didn't think so much, he took out his pistol and shot at the iron lock. "Bang!" There was a gunshot, sparks appeared from the iron lock, the door opened, and Long Si rushed up to the rooftop.

what to do?There are dense footsteps behind, and the pursuers are getting closer.The roof has been locked for so long, there must be no one on it, and the building next to it is not close to this building, and there is no way to jump to other buildings.Long Si's heart tightened. He didn't want to let himself fall into the hands of the police. Instead of letting the police catch him, he might as well kill himself, and it would be easier. When Long Si aimed his cold muzzle at his temple, suddenly, he saw a person!Right on the rooftop!It was a woman, a woman in a white dress.With her back to Long Si, she stood beside the parapet of the mansion sky, motionless.The back is very slender, with long hair flowing in the cold wind high above, so beautiful!The woman seemed lost in thought, paying no attention to what was happening behind her.

Long Si said to himself: "There is no unparalleled road, this is a hostage given to me by the heavens." He lowered his arm holding the pistol, and rushed behind the woman with a stride.He stretched out his hands like steel pliers, grabbed the woman in white by the neck, then turned around, facing the entrance of the rooftop.Long Si pointed his pistol at the woman's temple, but a chill came from his arm, and the woman in white seemed to have no body temperature at all, as cold as a piece of ice.Long Si couldn't help but shuddered, and his whole body trembled unconsciously. While Long Si was a little puzzled, a large group of policemen and security guards had rushed to the rooftop, pointing their guns at Long Si.

Long Si yelled loudly: "Don't come here, don't come here, I have a hostage in my hand! Don't move! If you move again, I will kill her!" Surprised expressions appeared on every policeman's face. They didn't put down their guns, but approached Long Si step by step.Seeing the policeman stooping towards him, Long Si became a little anxious. He waved the pistol in his hand and shouted nervously: "Don't come here! Don't come here! Believe it or not, I shot her to death!" The muzzle of the gun was aimed at the cold temple of the woman in white.Long Si swore that if the police took a step closer, he would shoot and kill the hostage in his hand recklessly.

"Alas..." A faint sigh came from the mouth of the woman in white.Why is she sighing?Could it be that she knew that she was about to die? Long Si hugged the woman's neck tightly, and he felt his sweat slowly oozing from his arms, making them sticky. Suddenly, he heard the woman in white speak slowly, her voice was small but very clear. "You...how did you meet me..." The voice slowly fell, and the woman turned her head. Huh? !Long Si was clearly wrapping his arms around the woman's neck, how could she still turn her head?Long Si was terrified.He discovered that the woman's body remained the same, only her head was turning around, turning 180 degrees!

The woman's head seemed to be separated from her body, which is why she made such a turn. In an instant, Long Si saw the woman's face! ! ! Oh my God!Long Si's cold sweat seeped out from his forehead, where is this a human face?It's clearly a grimace!It was a corroded face, full of scars, and the long hair that looked very flowing from the back was all withered and yellow when viewed from the front, exuding the smell of glue.The woman's face was still covered with withered yellow leaves and wet soil. A gust of evil wind passed by, and the leaves stuck to her face fluttered down with the wind.

Long Si's heart suddenly tightened. Although the woman's face was blurred, it gave him a very strange familiarity. "Who are you?" Long Si asked tremblingly, but the woman shook her head without saying anything. The woman's eye sockets were black, like a bottomless hole, with no eyeballs inside, and her eyeballs hung outside her eye sockets, with only a few fibers sticking to the eyeballs, which did not let it fall to the ground. There is a little yellowish greasy fat.A few yellow-brown ants were desperately trying to crawl out of the woman's eye sockets, one by one.

Long Si felt something under his throat churning, and his stomach began to convulse continuously.Long Si's body trembled involuntarily. Women have no noses, just two bottomless tiny holes where noses should be. "Hey hey..." There was a shallow laughter from the woman's throat. Although the sound was very small, Long Si could hear it clearly.The incomparable indifference and loneliness cannot be concealed behind this voice. "Who are you?" There was the deepest chill in Long Si's heart, he suddenly had the worst premonition, his arms around the woman's neck unnaturally loosened a little.He saw the woman's arm was slowly raised, and he saw the woman's onion-like fingers.On the woman's little finger, there was a beautiful tail ring, with a diamond of just the right size set in a white gold setting.There are still a few words engraved on the platinum base, which is so vague that Long Si can't see clearly. The woman slowly moved her little finger to Long Si's eyes, and Long Si finally saw the four small words engraved on the base: love is stronger than gold! "It's you! It's really you!" Long Si's entire heart was occupied by inexplicable fear, he raised his gun, aimed at the woman's head and shot, "Bang!".With the sound of the gunshot, the woman's head was torn apart, but there was no blood splattered, only a puddle of dark green liquid shot on Long Si's face, and it was greasy, sticking to his cheeks, and slowly Slide down slowly. Long Si was terrified to the extreme, his arms were waving around, and his fingers unconsciously pulled the trigger of the pistol forcefully. "Bang! Bang! Bang!" Bullets shot out of the gun, and the surrounding policemen finally followed suit. Long Si's body was in severe pain, and he saw a spark from the muzzle of the little policeman on the opposite side, and then there was a loud noise, and the bullet had already penetrated his body.In an instant, Long Si felt that the body temperature here was disappearing bit by bit, until it became freezing cold. The next day, the local "City Express" published a press release: Yesterday morning, a murder occurred in a building in the urban area. The chairman of Daming Company Liu was shot to death by his secretary's husband, Long.Later, on the rooftop of the building, Long and the police who came after hearing the news had a fierce gun battle, and Long was shot dead by the police on the spot during the stubborn resistance.According to reliable insiders, Long once lost control of his emotions on the rooftop, talking to himself all the time, and then fired at the police who arrived regardless of the consequences.According to the analysis of professionals, Longmou was caused by being too nervous... On another page of this newspaper, there was also a piece of news that was not easy to attract people's attention: An unnamed female corpse, whose identity is being verified.Its face is decayed beyond recognition, and its only distinguishing feature is a ring on the little finger of its left hand, set in platinum and set with diamonds.Four words are engraved on the platinum base: love is stronger than gold.The police hope that people in the know can provide clues... "Well, this story is about how a ghost made his murderer die at the hands of the police. Yes, very interesting." Zhao Bochu said. "However, I still like the ghost stories that happened on campus." Zhao Qianlian curled her lips. After hearing this, I had no choice but to smile silly. Zhao Bochu suddenly asked me: "Mr. Zhuang, do you like to read Gothic novels?" Before I could answer, I heard Zhao Qianlian ask first: "What is a Gothic novel?" I quickly replied: "Generally speaking, Gothic novels belong to the genre of British novels, and are usually associated with elements such as mystery, supernatural, doom, death, decadence, old houses inhabited by ghosts, madness, family curses, etc. And the main character is usually a lonely girl. What we specifically refer to as a gothic ghost story can simply refer to a girl who is isolated and isolated, and then encounters a series of mysterious and terrifying events. In such a story, the atmosphere of horror will be like a falling ceiling, leaving you breathless..." Before I finished speaking, Zhao Qianlian couldn't help but said loudly: "Okay, there's no need to say so much! You can tell a gothic ghost story tomorrow!" I nodded and said, "No problem, I'll tell you a story about a haunted house tomorrow."
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