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Chapter 18 Chapter 17 Sound

sleepwalker 赛巴斯蒂安·菲茨克 1062Words 2018-03-22
Leon shouted loudly, but was startled by his own voice.As if someone was trying to grab him, he punched himself hard in the thigh, right where he felt pulled.At the same time, like an idiot, he tightly grasped the mobile phone he thought he had lost, and gently stroked it with his fingers. Leon turned on the phone screen for the hundredth time, the phone beeped once, and the battery was less than 20% charged.He secretly expected in his heart that a weird face with blood-red eyes would be illuminated. The mouth full of sharp teeth was less than a few centimeters away from his face, and he was about to bite him, chew his flesh, and swallow belly go.

But what appeared in front of him was an open door. get out! Leon regained his energy and staggered out of the small room.Without thinking twice, he ran in the wrong direction, away from the fork in the road, and thus away from the steps that would take him back to the bedroom. After running a few meters, a protruding rock tripped him.He stopped and looked around, but saw only impenetrable darkness.At this time, his thoughts were rushing like a rapid beating pulse, thinking about what to do to get back to his bedroom as quickly as possible, without having to go through that shabby little room again.Only now did Leon notice that he had brought out the blood-stained shirt.He gripped the top tightly, stuffed it into the breast pocket of his overalls, and talked himself back.The risk of getting lost is too high, and if there is really an unknown monster hiding here, it may launch a surprise attack at any time, and there is no need to wait until Leon comes out of the small room.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound, right beside Leon. It was just an animal, maybe a mouse, or Murphy.Leon tried to calm himself down, but in vain.For him at this moment, the instinct to escape far outweighed reason. Leon took a step back, turned around and rushed forward, but bumped into a wall, and now he completely lost his original sense of direction.The only sound he could make out was a rustling sound behind him, which slowly turned into a deafening rattle of metal rasps.Leon decided that no matter what the cost, he would escape from the entanglement of this noise.Relying on the weak light of his mobile phone, he could only vaguely recognize the condition of the passage, and he stumbled all the way. After walking for a long distance, he didn't expect the noise to become louder and louder.

A sudden sharp pain in his shoulder forced him to stop temporarily.He glanced at the obstacle he accidentally bumped into in his haste, only to realize that it was a piece of metal protruding from the wall.Just when Leon reached out to grab this protruding metal, it vibrated like a tuning fork being struck.At this time, the rustling sound behind him came again, getting louder and closer.It wasn't until this moment that Leon suddenly realized that what was chasing him were actually two different noises.Just as the rustling gradually approached him, the harsh sound of rasps scraping metal also rumbled from far above his head.However, the latter seemed to be some distance away from him, so it was not so threatening to Leon.

On the wall close to the height of his head, Leon felt the second protrusion.He has nothing to hesitate any more. Leon alternately grasped the protruding crossbar on the wall with both hands, and kept climbing up, but he didn't know that this climbing road was about to lead him into another unknown world.
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