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Chapter 13 Chapter 12 The Sound of the Piano

sleepwalker 赛巴斯蒂安·菲茨克 1566Words 2018-03-22
"Second secret door?" In the first few minutes of the call, Mr. Bauer on the other end sounded only cold and impatient, but now he was clearly irritated. "How do you think that, Mr. Nuder?" Before Leon called the administrator, he had already thought up a white lie: "We wanted to redecorate the bedroom, but, under the wallpaper behind the closet, we found an incomprehensible hole." Taleski, who lived upstairs, began his daily practice time at this time.The pharmacist, who didn't discover his passion for music until he was a teenager, spends at least an hour a day playing scales.

"I don't want to drill a hole or put a nail in the wrong place." Leon continued his lie, "Is there something hidden behind the wallpaper?" "I don't know what you're talking about. When you moved in, I already gave you all the floor plans, water and electricity configuration diagrams, and space configuration diagrams." "That's right, I know that." Leon said.In fact, he is sitting at the desk right now, with folders spread out in front of him, which contain all kinds of architectural drawings that were originally attached to the house lease contract.He did everything possible to get it. Mr. Bauer was originally unwilling to provide these drawings, perhaps because he did not want him to check the area of ​​the house used to calculate the rent in the rental contract.

"However, judging from the drawings you gave me, there are no other hidden doors marked..." "That's right! Isn't this the end?" "But maybe the pictures don't..." "You mean, incomplete? You're trying to imply that we're not professional?" "No, of course I didn't mean that..." "what does that mean?" Leon closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath. I mean, there's a damn door behind my wardrobe in my bedroom, and I don't know what that door is for. At this time, the sound of the clumsy piano upstairs became louder and louder.Leon turned his head to look at the ceiling of the room.

"I really don't want to start an argument, Mr. Power..." "Well, I suggest we end the call here, or I'll miss the train." "Okay, sure. I just have one last question: Is it possible that the previous tenants have remodeled the house without telling you?" "The previous tenant, Rebecca Starr?" laughed the housekeeper viciously. "I don't believe in that possibility at all." "Why are you so sure this cannot happen?" "The female resident before you was blind. She couldn't even operate the elevator well, let alone build a second hidden door in your bedroom."

"Okay, I understand." Leon replied weakly, just as he felt powerless at the moment.He was so weak that he had to sit on a chair.If he wasn't already sitting on a chair, he would definitely find a chair to sit on. Mr. Bauer asked him point-blank if there was anything uncomfortable, and he really wanted to end the call. "So sorry to bother you." "Mr. Nader, your behavior seems to be getting more and more weird. To be honest, there are many people who want to live in this house. I really don't need to work hard to deal with weird tenants." "What do you mean queer?"

"You've been giving us trouble since you moved in. You insisted on getting those floor plans first." "I'm an architect, so of course I'm interested in these things!" "And then you bombarded me with emails asking to speak directly with the owner." "It's for the same reason. Since college, I have admired Professor Poitern's works, but unfortunately he died young, so I want to talk to his son about this genius father..." "But he doesn't want to talk to you. Sigfeld Poitern has never had any contact with his tenants." Bauer deliberately dragged out his voice so that the second half of the sentence that he didn't say "let alone I'm with you" echoed in the earpiece like a lingering sound.

Leon seemed to hear the voice of the station announcement coming from the other end of the phone. "If you don't change your behavior, Mr. Nader, then I don't know when I will have to terminate our contract." "My behavior? What does it mean? Can't I call my housekeeper?" "That's not what I meant, but you were running around naked in the building and scaring other residents." "What did you say?" Leon asked blankly.Then he realized what Bauer was referring to. "So that's it, I understand..." He didn't know what to say next.That's because I was chasing after my beaten wife, trying to keep her from leaving me.

"You can save your excuses. Before the day after tomorrow, you'd better clear all the bicycles, shoes and other things in your hallway." Before hanging up the phone, Bauer growled into the receiver. "why?" "Renovation work on the stairwell will start the day after tomorrow. Mr. Nader, perhaps you should read our announcement carefully instead of those building plans." Paul hung up the phone.The sound of the piano upstairs also stopped abruptly at this moment.
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