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Chapter 20 Chapter 20 Resignation Dispute

Casino Royale 伊恩·弗莱明 4534Words 2018-03-22
Bond's health improved day by day.Three days later, when Mathis visited him again, he was able to sit up on the bed on his arms.The lower part of his body is still wrapped in a rectangular white sheet, yet he looks very happy, only occasionally when the wound hurts, he can be seen squinting his eyes.Mathis, on the other hand, looked a little downcast. "Here's your check," he said to Bond. "I wish I could have a check for forty million francs in my pocket, and I'd walk around with pomp. You'd better sign yours on it." I'll go and deposit the money into your account for you. We haven't seen any sign of that 'stealer gang' friend. No trace at all. He must have arrived at the villa by bicycle or on foot , because you didn't hear him arrive, and apparently neither did Leaver's two bodyguards. It's a strange thing. We know very little about this 'preacher' group, and London doesn't know either. Washington says they know, but what they're providing is bits and pieces from interrogations of asylum seekers, which makes no sense at all. It's like asking ordinary French people about the French Defense Ministry's intelligence service, or asking the French people what to do on the streets of London. It's the same as grabbing a random passerby to inquire about the situation of the British intelligence agency."

"The masked man probably traveled from Leningrad to Berlin via Warsaw," Bond said. "From there, there are many routes to other parts of Europe. He must have returned to his country by now." , and has reported to his superiors that he did not kill me. I guess, they must have learned a lot about me through the few cases I have handled since World War II. He must have thought that the engraving on my hand means Spy marking is a smart move." "What exactly is that mark?" Mathis asked. "The doctor said the nicks were like a square M with a tail, but what it meant was not known."

"At the time, I passed out just by glancing at it. However, when the nurse was bandaging the wound, I looked carefully at the nick several times. I was pretty sure it was the Russian letter SH. It looked like It looks like an upside-down M with a tail. It's an acronym for the Rapture Squad, and he thinks I should have that stamped on my hand to show I'm a spy. This shit is really annoying , After I return to London, Director M will definitely want me to be hospitalized again, and a piece of new skin will be transplanted on the entire back of my right hand. However, it is not a big deal to keep this mark. I have decided to resign."

Mathis stared at him with his mouth open. "Resign?" He couldn't believe his ears. "Why on earth are you doing this?" Bond looked away from Mathis and looked down at his bandaged hands. "At that time, when I was tortured by Leaver, I couldn't die," he said, "I suddenly wished I could live. Before beating me, Leaver said something that is still in my head. He said that he and I had been gambling. Now, it suddenly occurred to me that, maybe, he was right." "You must also know," he said, still looking at the bandages, "that when we are young, we tend to divide people into good people and bad people. As we grow older, it becomes more and more difficult to distinguish between good and evil. At that time, the students easily identified the heroes and villains in their minds, and everyone wanted to grow up to become a hero who eliminates evil and promotes good, and kills all enemies."

Bond's eyes were fixed on Mathis reverently, and his tone of voice was calm and smooth. "In the past few years, I have personally eliminated two villains. The first villain was a Japanese expert who broke our code in New York. He worked in the RCA building in Rockefeller Center. He was on the first floor of that building. The thirty-sixth floor is where the Japanese consulate is located. I rented a room on the fortieth floor in a skyscraper next to that building, and I could see him clearly from his room across the street. .Every window in the Rockefeller Center building is double-glazed, which is very strong, so that it can play a role in sound insulation. So I selected a colleague from our New York branch office, and brought two guns with mufflers and telescopic 'Remington' guns with sights. The paraphernalia were smuggled into my room. After sitting and waiting for a few days, we finally got our chance. We both agreed that he shoot the man first, and a second later I shot again. His mission was to shoot a hole through the glass window of the man's room so that I could shoot the Japanese through that hole. Our plan was very successful. As I expected, my colleague's bullet Hit the glass window and bounced back, flying to nowhere. I fired right away, and the bullet went right through the hole he shot. Just when the Japanese turned his face to see the broken window As he was opening the window, my bullet hit him right in the neck."

Bond lit a cigarette and smoked. "That was a very neat operation. The two sides were separated by three hundred yards instead of fighting face to face. The second time in Stockholm was different. I had to kill a Norwegian double agent who was working for the Germans against us. Due to his mutiny, two of our agents fell into the enemy's trap, and as far as I know, those two agents were probably killed. For various reasons, this operation must be carried out without anyone knowing. I put The place of operation was chosen in the bedroom of the Norwegian's apartment, and he was killed with a knife."

"Because of these two successful operations, I was awarded the honorary title of Double 0 by the Intelligence Bureau. This title means that I can have the power to kill first and act later when performing a certain cruel task." "So far," he looked up at Mathis again, "everything has gone very well, my hero has killed two bad guys. But when the other hero, Leaver, wants to kill the bad guy Bond, and the bad guy Bond Then it gets complicated when you think you've never done anything bad. It's almost impossible to tell the difference between a hero and a villain."

"Of course," Bond added, when Mathis tried to persuade him, "it's the patriotism that justifies my actions. But the idea that the national interest is paramount has become somewhat outdated. In recent years, History moves very fast, and the definition of villain and hero is constantly changing." Mathis looked at Bond in astonishment, then patted himself on the head, put his hands on Bond's arms, and asked puzzledly: "You mean, the man who tried his best to make you lose your dignity as a man?" Can't Leaver be called a villain?" He asked, "From your stupid and absurd remarks, I thought he hit your head, not your..." He pointed to the bed Bond's body. "You must have been dazed by his whip. Perhaps you'll only be able to come to your senses when Chief M sends you to deal with another Leaver. I'm sure you'll still go on happily.' What the heck is a gangster group? I can tell you that I don't like these guys running rampant in France, purging people who they think are traitors to their own political system. Listen, you said it all Something like a complete anarchist."

His arms waved in the air, then let them fall to his sides. Seeing Mathis' anxious look, Bond couldn't help laughing, and then he said unhurriedly: "I have my own reasons for saying that. Let's take our enemy Leaver as an example, say It is no exaggeration to say that he is a hateful villain. At least for me, this conclusion is certain, because he has tortured me to death. If he appeared in front of me now, I would kill him without hesitation. To kill him is not for the benefit of the so-called country, but for my personal revenge." He looked up at Mathis and found that he did not agree with these brilliant reflections of his own.From Mathis's perspective, it's simply a question of accountability.He looked at Bond, smiled lightly, and said: "Go on, my dear Bond. I am very funny that the famous 007 should make such a high-level statement. You Brits are like that." Strangely, dealing with people is like the brocade boxes made by the Chinese. The big one is in the middle, and the middle is in the small one. After peeling off layer after layer until the end, you will find that there is nothing amazing inside. However, the whole process is very interesting and can develop people's intelligence. Go on. You can also develop your theory layer by layer. If the next time I encounter a chore that I don't want to do, maybe I can use You use theories like this to deal with your boss." He smiled teasingly.

Bond didn't pay attention to his words, but continued to say seriously: "In this way, in order to explain the difference between good and evil, we can use two images to distinguish the things that represent two extremes, just like Use snow white and deep black to represent 'God' and 'Devil' respectively. 'God' is white and flawless, you can even see every beard on his portrait. But what about 'Devil'? What is it? appearance?" Bond looked at Mathis triumphantly. Mathis laughed sarcastically. "It's a woman." "Call it what you want," Bond said, "but I've been thinking about these things lately, and I don't know which side I'm supposed to be on. I'm for the 'devil' and his protégés, like people like Leaver. I am deeply sorry. The devil always loses the battle, but I always like to sympathize with the loser. There is a "Bible" in this world that talks about virtue, in which it advises people how to do good, but there is no "Bad Bible" To teach people how to be violent. No one like Moses wrote a Ten Commandments for the devil, nor set up a biography for the devil like the Twelve Apostles. Therefore, people have no way to judge evil people. We do not Understand what the devil is like. What we hear from school teachers and parents are all kinds of legends and stories about Jesus doing good deeds, but we have not read any books left by the devil that describe all kinds of violence and evil, and there is nothing about moralizing fables and folklore of the wicked."

"So," Bond continued with interest, "Livell's various evil deeds are the best interpretation of 'evil'. Perhaps he is using the evil that exists today to try to create a standard of evil." But I foolishly tried my best to destroy his evil, so that the standard of goodness opposed to his evil could exist, so I was punished by him. We still stay on the superficial level of understanding of him, and we only enjoy A privilege to reckon and see his evil." "It's wonderful," Mathis was still teasing Bond, "I admire your brilliant theory so much. According to you, you should suffer a little bit every day, and I should do something bad, and The sooner the better. Too bad I haven't done anything bad yet, I really don't know where to start. Arson, rape, murder? No, these are small crimes that don't count too much. What the hell should I do? ? I really have to ask you for advice." After speaking, his face became a little ugly. "Oh, my dear Bond, but we have a conscience. Where is our conscience when we do commit crimes? Conscience is a wonderful thing, and one cannot hide from it. The above We must seriously consider the problem, otherwise our conscience will be condemned even when we enjoy ourselves. Perhaps, before we do bad things, we should first get rid of our conscience, but then we may become Worse than Leaver." "My dear Bond, it may be an easy thing for you to do. You can quit this job and start something else. And it's so easy to do, the revolver of resignation is in the pocket of each of us." Both, if you don't want to do it, just pull the trigger of the revolver. But at the same time, this bullet is on your conscience and your country. This bullet is as harmful as it is Country! How wonderful. What a great business! Looks like I'll have to jump right into it." He raised his wrist and looked at his watch. "Oh, I must go. I'm half an hour late for my appointment with the Chief of Police." He laughed and stood up. "My dear Bond, you should really go to the academies and give courses and spread the word about your theories, and talk about this big problem that's bothering you, and talk about how you differentiate the villain from the hero, from the good guy. And bad people, etc. Of course, these questions are difficult to answer, and everyone's outlook on life and experience are different, so the answers you get will be very different." Mathis stopped at the door. "You just admitted that Leaver was abusive to you personally, and that if he were to show up to you now, you'd kill him immediately, didn't you?" "Then I can tell you that when you return to London, you will find that one after another Liefer is trying to kill you and your friends and destroy your country. Director M will be responsible for all their evil deeds." Talking to you. Now that you've seen firsthand how bad guys work, it's easy to imagine how bad they can be. Then you should step up to protect yourself and the people you love And destroy them. You will not have any objection or wait for this, because you now know what they are like, and the danger they are to the people. Maybe then, you will Treat your work more correctly. Maybe you insist on destroying only purely black targets; but in the end you may find that there are countless black targets around you, enough for you to deal with for a lifetime. And when you fall in love, there are When you have a wife or a mistress, and children to take care of, you work harder." Mathis pulled the door open and stood on the threshold. "My dear Bond, there are many good people around you, and it is far more pleasant and truer to be friends with these people than to spend your days thinking about these dogmas and principles." He laughed. "But don't forget about me, we have always cooperated well." He waved to Bond and closed the door. "Hi!" Bond wanted to call him back. However, the sound of footsteps had quickly reached the end of the corridor.
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