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Chapter 6 Chapter 6 The Red and Blue Box

Casino Royale 伊恩·弗莱明 2372Words 2018-03-22
After leaving the bar, Bond walked towards the restaurant a few hundred yards away, deliberately walking on the sidewalk on the boulevard side.He was hungry. The weather was still very clear, and the sun was burning like fire, baking the top of his head.Fortunately, there are sycamore trees every 20 feet on the sidewalk. The shadow of the sycamore trees casts between the grass and the wide asphalt road, and pedestrians can use this shade to shade themselves. There was no one around, and under the shade of a tree opposite the avenue, stood two men, they were silent, and their actions looked a bit sneaky.

Bond noticed them when they were still a hundred yards away.The distance between these two men and the Splendid Hotel was about the same as that between them and Bond. Bond is suspicious and disturbed by their presence.Both were short, and both appeared to be dressed in black.Bond knew that it was fashionable to dress in the tropics.They looked like vaudevillians about to hit the stage, now waiting for the bus to go to the theater.Each of them wore a straw hat with a wide black border on the brim, which looked like a beach vacation.Their faces were obscured by the brims of their hats and the shade of the trees, but a patch on each chest stood out.Looking carefully, there is a square camera hanging on each person's chest, one is bright red and the other is sky blue.

When he saw this, Bond was only fifty yards away from the two men.He mentally scoured the ranges of the various small arms and thought about how to cover himself.Suddenly, a terrifying, shocking scene appeared.The man with the red box on his chest nodded to the man with the blue box on his chest, and the man with the blue box quickly took the blue camera off his shoulder, fiddled with it, and then threw it forward.Since Bond's view was blocked by the thick trunk of a sycamore tree beside him, he didn't see clearly when the box fell to the ground. He only saw a white, blinding flash, followed by a deafening explosion. .Even though Bond was protected by the tree trunk, an intense heat wave knocked him onto the pavement.As quickly as the autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves, heat waves swept across his cheeks and abdomen.He lay on the ground, looking up at the sky.It was as if someone had slammed a sledgehammer into the bass range of the piano, and the air still lingered with the reverberation of the explosion.

Bond dropped one knee to the ground and tried to stand up.Dizzy and dazed, blood-soaked pieces of clothing and a frightening stream of flesh fell all around him, mixed with tree trunks and gravel.Then many small twigs and leaves fell.There was the harsh sound of broken glass from all around.A mushroom-shaped cloud of black smoke filled the air.Dimly, Bond watched them rise up little by little, and then gradually dissipate. Bond could smell a strong dynamite smell from the air, as well as the smell of some burnt branches and a smell similar to grilled lamb.Almost all the trees on the boulevard were burned.Opposite him, there were two big trees that had been cut in half, lying motionless in the middle of the road.Between the two blown-out trees lay a smoking crate.The two men in straw hats were completely gone.There were bloodstains here and there on sidewalks, roads, and tree trunks, with shards of glass still gleaming hanging high from the branches.

Bond suddenly felt sick. The first to run up to him was Mathis.At this time, Bond put his arms around the trunk and tried to stand up.Thanks to the protection of this tree just now, he escaped this disaster. Although he was not injured, his whole body was numb and his mind was dizzy, so he had to let Mathis lead him to the Brilliant Hotel. Guests and waiters swarmed out of the restaurant, all discussing the explosion just now with horror on their faces.The screams of fire engines and ambulances sounded in the distance.The two of them managed to squeeze their way through the crowd, up the low steps, down the corridor, and into Bond's room.

The first thing Mathis did was turn on the radio in front of the fireplace and take off Bond's blood-stained clothes.Bond described to Mathis what had just happened. After listening to Bond's description of the two suspicious-looking people, Mathis immediately picked up the phone next to Bond's bed. "Please tell the police," he said solemnly, "that the bomb knocked the Englishman from Jamaica to the ground, but thankfully he was not hurt. Please rest assured that we will deal with this matter. Half an hour Finally, I will explain it to them myself. Let them explain it to the press like this, say that this is a vendetta between two Balkan peoples. Those two terrorists have died together in the bombing. That The third Balkan escapee, please don't talk about it. But he must be caught at all costs. He must have escaped in the direction of Paris. Immediately set up roadblocks everywhere and conduct surprise inspections. Understand? ? Well, I wish you all the best."

Mathis then turned back to Bond to hear the full details of what had happened. "Lucky for you today, man," Mathis said as soon as Bond had finished speaking. "Obviously this bombing was coming at you. Something must have gone wrong. They were going to throw the bomb at you first and then hide behind a tree. But the whole thing went the other way It happened. It doesn't matter, trust us we'll find out." Mathis paused for a moment. "However, it seems that this matter is very serious. This group is obviously dealing with you seriously." Mathis said, showing a duelist's posture. "But what's the difference between the two red and blue boxes? The fragment of the red box, we must try to find it as soon as possible. As for these damned Balkans, how do they want to escape capture?"

Mathis bit his nails.He looked excited, with a twinkle in his eye.This case is far from as simple as imagined.In any case, he was personally involved in the incident.At the gambling table, while Leaver and Bond are fighting it out, he must be doing more than simply taking a coat and hat for Bond on the sidelines of the gaming table.Thinking of this, Mathis jumped up. "You drink a little wine now, and after lunch, rest for a while," he said to Bond in an orderly tone, "I must arrive at the scene before the police and investigate this case." After Mathis turned off the radio, he waved goodbye to Bond meaningfully.After closing the door, the room fell silent again.Bond sat dumbfounded by the window for a while, enjoying the joy of being a survivor.He was slowly drinking straight whiskey on the rocks, tasting the foie gras and cold lobster, which the waiter had just delivered, when the phone rang in his ear.

"It's me, Miss Linda." The voice on the other end of the phone was low and anxious. "You didn't have an accident, did you?" "I'm very good." "I'm very happy, then please take care of yourself." Linda hung up the phone. Bond shook his head, selected the thickest piece of warm bread, and picked up the knife.He suddenly thought: two of the enemy's people were reimbursed, but there was an extra beautiful female assistant by his side.This is just the beginning of this battle, and better scenes are yet to come. He put the knife into the cup filled with boiling water and began to taste the delicious cold lobster.That's when Bond realizes that in order to thank the waiter for the delicious meal, he should tip the waiter double.

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