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Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Bond Reborn

Thunder Valley 伊恩·弗莱明 4596Words 2018-03-22
M sat in his office, facing the curved window of St. James's Street, looking at ease.He had already arranged how he would spend his month's vacation.I plan to go fishing in Luster for the first two weeks, and plan to travel in the next two weeks.Apart from entertaining distinguished guests, he is very reluctant to go to the club, because there are too many people he knows, and they can't leave their words. What are you doing. "I organized a global trading company with a few friends to do a little business." I have told these lies hundreds of times, and I feel extremely boring when I say them.Not everyone who listened would believe it, but no one asked any further questions.

While M was dreaming, Sir James Monley came to visit, and he entertained the distinguished guest with cigars.Jazz picked up a cigar from the table and used the pliers to pinch the head, and precisely punched a small hole in the butt of the cigar. M lit the cigar, shook the flame on his head, and smoked lightly until the butt was well burned, then took a sip of coffee and sat back in his seat.Jazz looked at his master's furrowed brows with kind eyes, observing that M had something on his mind. "Well, my dear friend, tell me now, what is the problem?" M was absent-minded, as if he didn't even have the strength to smoke his pipe. He puffed out a puff of smoke and replied in confusion, "What's the question?"

Sir James Munley was Britain's most famous psychiatrist.A few years ago, he won the highest honor, the Nobel Prize in Medicine, for his famous research on "Inferiority Emotion: Psychological and Physiological Mutual Influence".He was also a neuropsychiatric consultant for the British Intelligence Service.Although the intelligence agency rarely troubled him, it would only come to him when there was an extremely urgent problem that was difficult to solve.Every time I find him, he will come happily, study carefully, and solve those difficult problems very well. M looked up in bewilderment again to watch the bustling scene of St. James's Street, with the continuous flow of vehicles and the bustling crowd.Sir James Munley, looking at the profile of M, said: "My man, you behave like everyone, one of which is that you take me to lunch every once in a while and stuff me like a Strasbourg roast Goose, then tell me some amazing secrets and end up asking me for help nine times out of ten. Last time you asked me to torture some information from a foreign diplomat without prior notice In his case, deep hypnosis was performed on him. Two weeks later, I read in the newspaper that this diplomat jumped from a ten-story window in order to test the force of gravity, and died on the spot. After the autopsy, the coroner identified as 'Falled to his death'. What's the program for having me to dinner today?" Mr. James Monley softened.He said sympathetically, "Come on, M, speak up."

M looked at him coldly: "It's about 007, he's bothering me more and more recently!" "For 007, I have written two reports on his situation. Have you read them all? Are there other situations?" "No, it's still the same. He often arrives late and leaves early, and is perfunctory about his work. He drinks and gambles all day long, and the things he handles are full of mistakes. He has always been our most capable and outstanding intelligence officer. Right-hand man, and now he's on the brink of failure. It's hard to believe he's going to be where he is now, considering what he's done in the past."

Jazz shook his head disapprovingly and said: "What you said is unbelievable. I don't think you have read my report at all, at least not carefully. I said in detail in the report that he was over-stimulated. " Having said that, he took a deep puff on his cigar: "He is a tough guy, strong and brave, serious and responsible. He is also a bachelor. Everyone knows that he is a good hunter, but in the arms of a woman, he is A prodigal son who plays games in the world. Once he really falls in love and falls out of love, one can imagine how great the stimulation he will be. A person who has never been in love, suddenly fell in love with him one day, and I really married that woman. But just a few hours after the wedding, the bride was shot dead by a criminal who committed all kinds of crimes. The setbacks he suffered psychologically and spiritually are irreparable. What is his name? coming?"

"Blophy," M replied, "Ernest Stie Woblophy." "The gangster's target was 007, but he survived the catastrophe, only suffered a slight injury on his forehead, but unfortunately his bride died instead of him. From then on, everything 007 did began to go out of shape, we The doctor thought he had a brain injury, but when he came to see me, I didn't see anything wrong. However, he confessed to me that he had lost interest and enthusiasm for his work, that he had no emotion and spirit to work, and he could not even live. The will is gone. I have heard too much of his words from other patients before. This is the so-called psychological breakdown, and this disease can worsen gradually or suddenly.

"He had been hit by a bolt from the blue: in the heart of a man who had had a good time-at least not before--losing the love of his life, and hurt by his dangerous situation. The life of his loved ones, and painfully thought 'Although I didn't kill Boren, Boren died because of me'. Neither you nor I have this kind of experience. If we are hit by the same blow, the degree of pain can be imagined , and how will we react? So, I can tell you that this kind of mental burden is very heavy. The current 007 is living under this kind of burden, and I have explained it in my report. At the same time, I suggest The tasks he will perform in the future should be some dangerous and urgent tasks, which may help him escape from the current state and remove the shadow of his psychological pain. Only in this way can he experience Realizing that life requires struggle, the changes in life and the coming and going of misfortunes and blessings cannot be stopped by human beings. As long as there is still life left, one should go all out to overcome difficulties. Being a human is a difficult thing, and any difficulty is just a kind of Trials, it can make people stronger to live! Can't you let him try some tricky tasks in the last few months?"

"I've given him two assignments," M said deadpan, "and he's screwed up both. On one assignment, he nearly died; People bring danger. These things worry me a lot, and he, who never made a mistake before, is suddenly accident-prone and a black sheep." "It's a common phenomenon among psychopaths, so how are you going to deal with it?" "Fire him," M said cruelly, "or let him be shot indiscriminately during a mission, or announce that he has an incurable disease and let him retire. No matter what you psychologists and psychiatrists say , we can't appoint a person who has a degenerate mind and makes mistakes everywhere! Of course, I also have to take into account his past achievements and give him a good arrangement so that he can retire honorably and get a handsome pension, and then he can Wouldn't it be nice to arrange for him to work in the safe room of a big bank?"

"Do you intend to transfer him to another unit to try?" Sir James Monley still did not give up his idea. "Monley, there are too many people in the bureau, especially field personnel. I don't want to transfer 007 to another unit to endanger others!" M said to the psychologist's penetrating eyes. "Then you will lose one of your most capable assistants." "A competent assistant was a long time ago, and he is not now." Sir James Monley leaned back, smoking his cigar in silence.He has seen Bond dozens of times, knows his condition very well, and is very impressed with him.He is well aware that 007 still has endless energy lurking psychologically, but mentally he loses his mind due to overstimulation. If he can concentrate on some very difficult tasks in work, he can be awakened his nerves, and brought him back to his former normal state of mind.In this way, not only his illness is cured, but also his potential can be brought out to the maximum, and he can take on jobs that ordinary people cannot do.

Thinking of this, Sir James Monley said: "As long as you give him a life-and-death situation, he will naturally strive to survive. This is the so-called death and survival. When the Second World War broke out, a large number of mental patients Hurry and heal. Small fears can drive away the greatest anxiety, and the greater the fear, the smaller the anxiety. The director should give him another chance, I am confident that he will be fine! I will be responsible for everything.” "What kind of opportunity? Tell me!" "Director, I don't know much about your affairs, but is there something that bothers you at present, making you in a dilemma about who to choose, and this matter is difficult to achieve? Can you give him a task as difficult as the sky? Do it! For example: assassination, stealing Russian passwords, etc. This kind of task seems impossible to complete, but it must be very important. When it is given to him, he must clearly understand the importance of the task and force him to do his best Only then can progress be made. This kind of errand can make him throw his difficulties and distress into the sky. His patriotism is very strong, and he must tell him that the mission is about the survival of the country. If it fails, another world war may start. Destiny is in his own hands. There is nothing that cheers up a man so much as the combination of honor and life and death. Can you find such an urgent task? This is what I give him for you If you can give him the prescribed prescription, I can guarantee that it will be effective once you take it. In short, give him another chance!"

The red phone rang rapidly. It had been silent for weeks.Mary, sitting in her chair by the printer, yelled as if fired from a cartridge barrel.She rushed into an adjoining room, waited a moment, took a deep breath, and picked up the phone as if she had seen a rattlesnake. "Yes, sir." "No, sir. I'm his secretary." She glanced at her watch and knew something was wrong. "Normally, sir. I don't think he'll be back anytime soon. Would you like him to call you back, sir?" "Okay, sir." As she put the receiver back on the phone, she noticed her hands were shaking.Damn man, go to hell!She yelled, "Oh, James, please hurry up!" She came back sadly and sat down by the empty printer.She stared at the gray button and said with a strong telepathy, "James, James, M wants to see you, M wants to see you." Her heart was beating violently, locator, maybe he didn't forget this time.She hurried back to his room and opened the drawer on the right.No, it's there, a plastic receiver that sends the signal.This little accessory, which all heads of department are required to carry with them when they leave the building, has been forgotten for weeks.Worse, he didn't care about any of that.She took it out and threw it vigorously onto her notebook. "Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell!" She yelled loudly and returned to her room very slowly. Bond felt like he was in hell, not wanting to talk to anyone for months.Walking alone in Halle and Wigham Streets, looking for various doctors who could make him feel better.He sought help from experts, quacks, and even hypnotists.He always told the doctor, "I feel like hell, I can't sleep, I hardly want to eat anything. I'm drinking too much, and my job is a mess, please make me comfortable." Every doctor will take his blood pressure , Take a urine sample, listen to whether his heart and lungs are normal, ask him some questions, and he will answer them truthfully.The result of the diagnosis is: there is no problem at all.Then he had to pay a small fee for the diagnosis and to prescribe some medicines—tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and stimulants. He checked his watch.It's been three hours and he has to be back in the office at 2:30.What a hell life!It's so hot!He wiped his forehead with his hand, then slipped it into his trouser pocket.He had never sweated so much before. Bond walked straight into a gray building.It is already 3:30. The elevator lady said to Bond: "Your secretary is looking for you all over the world, sir." "Thank you, Sergeant." He got the same message when walking out of the fifth floor.After showing his pass to the security guard at the security checkpoint, he walked unhurriedly through the quiet corridor to a row of numbered rooms at the end.He pushed open the door marked "007", walked in, and closed the door behind him.Mary looked up and saw him, and said calmly: "M wants to see you, he called half an hour ago." "Who is M?" Mary jumped up, blinking her eyes. "God, James, cheer up, your tie is crooked." After she came to him, he obediently asked her to help straighten the tie. "Your hair is messy, comb it for you." Bond picked up the comb and combed it absently."You're such a nice girl, Mary," he said, running his hand over his chin. "Please, James," her eyes were so bright, "go see him. He hasn't spoken to you in weeks, and there may be something important, something exciting." She desperately Trying to get Bond to accept her proposal. "This is the beginning of an exciting life. Anyway, who's afraid of the big bad M! Dear Mr. Bond, would you like to help me on my chicken farm?" She turned and put her face in her hands.He casually patted Mary on the shoulder, then walked into his room, turned around and picked up the red phone: "I'm 007, sir." "Sorry, sir, I have to go to the dentist." "I know, I'm waiting for you in the office." "Okay, sir." He slowly put down the receiver, looked around the office, as if saying goodbye here, then walked out, walked along the corridor, and got on the elevator, holding his resignation letter in his hand, as if he was a person waiting for a sentence, and came to M's office doorway. M's secretary, Ms. Manipari, looked at him unabashedly with unfriendly eyes, and then said to him, "You can go in." Bond straightened his shoulders and looked at the door where he had often heard his fate pronounced.As if about to suffer an electric shock, he tentatively grabbed the door handle, walked in, and closed the door.
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