Home Categories Thriller Mysterious Goldfinger

Chapter 23 Chapter 22 The Last Move

Mysterious Goldfinger 伊恩·弗莱明 7596Words 2018-03-22
Two days later, Felix Leiter was driving a black Stadilac limousine across the Terry Paul Bridge, dodging and passing slower traffic ahead.Bond will fly to London in the evening on the British Overseas Airways "Monarch" passenger plane.Looks like there's still plenty of time to catch Bond's plane.However, Leiter seems to want to change Bond's disdain for American cars.In order to increase the speed of the car, he changed the gear, and the car rushed forward, just in a very small space, and was sandwiched between a large refrigerated truck and a dilapidated old-fashioned car, which could be clearly seen from the car. The rearview mirror of a broken car is very blurry.

Due to the sudden acceleration of the car, Bond's body was thrown back violently, and he gritted his teeth tightly. When the whole overtaking action was completed, the mutual complaints between them naturally disappeared.Bond said gently: "You look like you just graduated from a kid's driving class and know how to drive fast. Do you want the car to fall apart? Look at this pedal is about to reach the end of its life, probably not long, this broken car If you can't drive it, when you can't drive it, you're done for." Rhett laughed loudly and said, "See the green light ahead? I can rush through it before it turns red. Suddenly the car jumped forward suddenly, as if someone kicked it. Bond felt a momentary A sense of detachment, like a fighter jet rushing forward with afterburner, or a steel plate of the car was thrown off. Rhett honked three times, and the car rushed through the signal lights at a speed of ninety miles per hour, and moved smoothly along the middle of the road. drive forward.

Bond said calmly: "If you encounter a bad-tempered traffic policeman, your Pinkerton detective certificate will probably be confiscated. You didn't drive too slowly, just blocking the car behind, maybe you also need to A beautiful old Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost, so you can drive and enjoy the scenery at the same time—" Bond casually pointed to a pile of old cars on their right, and said: "The top speed does not exceed 50 Mile, it can stop or reverse at any time, the bulb horn is just right for your calm style. In fact, Goldfinger has a car like this. By the way, how is Goldfinger now? Have you caught him yet?"

Leiter checked his watch and drove the car to the outer lane of the highway.He slowed down to forty mph.Then seriously: "Frankly, we're all a bit worried right now. The papers are making fun of us, or Edgar Hoover's stupid decisions. They're first accusing us of being too concerned about your safety, but that's not us It's our fault that we couldn't tell them the truth - it was a man in London who wouldn't let us do it, an Englishman named Mr M who insisted on keeping your life safe. Plus they were upset that we were moving so slowly, saying we were in the way own hands and feet." Rhett's voice seemed depressed, "To tell you the truth, James, we have no clue now, they found the locomotive, but Goldfinger controlled the train to thirty miles an hour and let It's moving forward automatically along the line. I guess Goldfinger and those Koreans jumped off the train long ago, and maybe that Miss Pushy and the four gang leaders jumped off the train. Because they all disappeared. We also found out The route of their truck, and waiting for them on the road east of Elizabeth, but in the end no driver was found, maybe they fled in all directions. But I think Goldfinger and his gang are hiding somewhere at this time, they are not Went to Norfolk to board a Russian cruiser. We had a lot of plainclothes agents on the docks and they reported that no strangers were on board when the warship sailed; we didn't even have a cat near our warehouses on the East River in New York at the same time no one showed up at Idlewild or at the Mexican-Canada border. I reckon Jed Minette is trying to find a way to get to Cuba. If they pick two or three cars from the convoy and some driver, they probably arrived early the next morning in Daytona Beach, Florida, where Minette's criminal network was operating very well. The Coast Guard and the Air Force tried everything to search, but found nothing. Maybe they were in Hiding during the day and then smuggling to Cuba at night. This situation made everyone very anxious, but there was nothing to do, and the president was furious."

Bond had received a warm reception in Washington the previous day.He walked down the thick red carpet, gave a speech at the General Mint, attended a lavish lunch at the Pentagon, and the president took fifteen minutes out of his busy schedule to receive him.The rest of the time he had to work hard with Chief Hoover's stenographers.When this was done, he spoke briefly for fifteen minutes with his superiors in London over the British embassy's private line.The chief briefed him on the progress of the case in Europe.As Bond expected, the telegram sent by Goldfinger to General Exports just revealed his flaws.They searched Goldfinger's factories in Recouville, England, and Coppet, Switzerland, and found evidence of his gold smuggling.The Indian government has been informed that they are closely watching the Mecca Airlines flight to Mumbai and will take steps to deal with it after it lands.The Swiss police also quickly found Bond's car and learned that Bond and the girl were being escorted to the United States together. However, at New York's Idlewild Airport, the FBI lost clues.The head was pleased with the way Bond had handled the "killer blow" operation, but said the Bank of England was concerned about Goldfinger's twenty million worth of gold.Goldfinger had stored the gold at Paragan Safe Storage in New York, but the day before the operation, he and his men pulled the gold away in a covered truck.The Bank of England is ready to submit a report to Parliament, requesting that the gold be seized immediately when it appears, but now it needs evidence to prove that the gold was smuggled out of the UK, or at least it should be proved that through various illegal means, the smuggled gold The value of gold has greatly appreciated.

But now this matter is handled by the U.S. Treasury Department and the FBI, and the head has no authority in the United States.Bond better get back to England right away to help get the whole thing straightened out.Towards the end of the conversation, the head's voice suddenly became a little serious.It turned out that the United States made a friendly request to the British Prime Minister, hoping that the British side would allow Bond to accept the American medal.Of course, the head had already explained it to the Prime Minister, because no matter how enthusiastic the other party was, British intelligence agencies never accepted such honors, especially given by foreign governments.The boss knew that this was unfair to Bond, and knew that Bond actually wanted this honor very much, but since it was a rule, he had to abide by it.Bond agreed, thanked the head, and said he would take the next flight home.

Now, as they drove quietly on the Van Vijk Freeway, Bond felt a vague unease.He didn't like to take a case and end it in a hurry.None of this gang of gangsters fell into the law.And the two missions he was responsible for-catching Goldfinger and recovering Goldfinger's gold were not completed either.It can be said that nothing was achieved, except that Operation "Fatal Strike" was smashed, but this can only be regarded as a miracle.The plane they were on was used again two days later.The janitor found the paper bag and took it to the Pinkerton Detective Agency.However, it was only half an hour before Leiter was leaving for the coast to deal with a big competition scandal.But then, Leiter was almost crazy about this matter-contacting the supervisor immediately, then the FBI and the Pentagon.While verifying Bond's records, the FBI contacted Bond's immediate boss in the UK through the CIA, and the whole incident was reported to the President within an hour.Then they mobilized all the residents of Fort Knox to create a huge illusion.The two Japanese were easily caught.Three pints of GB chemical weapons hidden in purses proved to be enough to kill everyone in Fort Knox if dropped into the tap water.The two men were then subjected to severe interrogation, and they contrived the means of telegraphic communication with Goldfinger.Afterwards, the telegram was sent out.The army entered a state of emergency.All road, rail, and air traffic to Fort Knox was cut off, leaving the gang alone.The whole performance was very successful, those pink saliva, the crying of the baby, added to the realism of the performance.

Yes, from Washington's point of view, this is all quite satisfactory.But what about the British side?Who in America cares about the Bank of England's gold?Who cared that two English girls were murdered in this case?Now that America's coffers are safe again, who cares if Goldfinger gets away with it? They drove slowly across the khaki tarmac of Idlewild Airport, passing a $10 million steel and concrete frame that would be the perfect airport of the future.It is estimated to replace the current temporary old airport. At this time, they heard a very polite broadcast from the airport: "Pan American Airlines announced that the President's flight PA100 is about to take off. Trans World Airlines is looking for Captain Murphy. Murphy Airport, please."

Immediately afterwards, a series of letters "BOAC" appeared on the airport display screen, and the broadcast began to broadcast: "British Overseas Airways Bermuda Flight BA491 has arrived, and passengers will disembark through Gate No. 9." Bond picked up his bag and said goodbye to Rhett.He said, "Thank you very much, Felix, for writing from time to time." Rhett held his hand tightly and said, "It will, bro. Take it easy and tell your boss to send you back as soon as possible. Next time you come, we have to find something fun to do , to my hometown, I will show you my oil well. Goodbye."

Rhett got back in his car and sped off the tarmac.Bond held up his hand in farewell, and Rhett drove away in his Studillac. Bond sighed, picked up his bag, and walked into the departure hall to the BOAC gate. Bond never cared if the airport was good or bad when he was flying alone.He still had to wait half an hour, so he simply wandered around among the chaotic airport crowd.Then I went to a restaurant to order some wine and soda, and spent some time at a bookstore to choose something I liked to read.He bought a copy of The Fundamentals of Modern Golf by Ben Haugan and a copy of Raymond Chandler's latest detective novel.Then he went to a souvenir shop to see if he could find some interesting trinkets to take back to his secretary.

At this time, a man's voice suddenly came from the broadcasting system of British Overseas Airways. He was reading a long list of names of passengers on the "Emperor" passenger plane, asking them to go to the ticket gate immediately.Ten minutes later, when Bond was paying for the latest and most expensive ballpoint pen, he heard the radio calling his name: "Mr. James Bond of London, please proceed to the ticket gate immediately." Apparently, he's going to file that damned tax form to prove how much money he's made during his stay in the US.In principle, Bond could skip going to the tax office in New York to complete the tax formalities, but it seems that this time he has to reason about it at Idlewild Airport.He walked out of the shop and headed straight for the BOAC ticket gate.A member of staff said politely: "May I see your medical certificate, Mr. Bond?" Bond took the form from his passport and handed it to him. The staff watched carefully.He said: "Sir, I'm sorry, there is a type of typhoid fever in the Ganda area. They require that all transit passengers who have not had a vaccination within half a year must make up for it. This is really annoying, sir. However, Ganda was very strict about it. To make matters worse, we couldn't fly direct to London because of the strong counterdraft." Bond hated injections.He said angrily: "Look at this, I've been getting needles and needles. Twenty years of this damn thing or that!" He looked around and was surprised to find that the BOAC There was no one near the boarding gate. He asked, "Where are the other passengers? Where are they? Why is there no one?" "Sir, they all agree and are being injected. It won't take much time, sir. If you agree, please go this way." "Okay." Bond shrugged impatiently.He followed the officer to the back of the ticket gate and through a door into the BOAC airport manager's office.Here's a doctor in white with a mask on his face and a needle at the ready. "The last one?" he asked the worker. "Yes, doctor." "Okay, please take off your shirt and roll up your left sleeve. There is no way, Ganda is very sensitive about this." "Damn it," Bond said. "What are they afraid of? Afraid of the spread of the Black Death?" At this moment, Bond suddenly smelled a pungent smell of alcohol, and at the same time felt that the needle had been pierced. "Thank you," Bond said angrily.He tugged back the sleeve of his left arm, and at the same time trying to pick up the clothes from behind the chair, he reached down, failed, and reached down toward the floor.At this time, his body fell down bit by bit with his hands... All the lights in the plane were on and it appeared that many seats were empty.But why did a passenger squeeze him?The passenger's arm is bent over the center armrest. Bond tried to get up and change seats.But I felt very uncomfortable all over.He closes his eyes.waiting.Why is it so strange!He never gets airsick, but why did he do this time?He felt cold sweat on his face and tried to wipe it off with a handkerchief. , but I can't move my hands.He opened his eyes again, looked down at his arm, and saw that his wrist was bound to the armrest of the seat.What happened?He got the shot and passed out or something.Had he been attacked?What the hell is going on here?He glanced to the right, suddenly flabbergasted.Wei Lang actually sat there.How could it be a strange man, he was actually wearing the uniform of British Overseas Airways! Guai Lang gave him a cold look, reached out and pressed the calling bell.Bond heard a ding-dong in the pantry at the back of the plane, and then a rustle of skirts around him.He looked up, and it turned out to be Pussy Jaloy!She was wearing a neat, blue stewardess uniform.She said: "Hi, handsome boy." She looked at Bond with a serious and deep look. When did he seem to see this expression?Hundreds of years ago. Bond said desperately: "For God's sake, what the hell happened? Where did you pop out of here?" The girl smiled happily: "When you get up, you find yourself eating caviar and drinking champagne at an altitude of 20,000 feet. You British people must like this way of life. But there is no Brussels sprouts, but there is tea, but I didn't brew. Well, take it easy now, an uncle wants to talk to you." Then, twisting her hips, she walked slowly across the aisle and disappeared behind the cockpit door. Now, nothing surprised Bond more than that.Goldfinger stepped out of the cockpit, closed the hatch behind him, and walked down the aisle.He turned out to be wearing the uniform of a BOAC captain, although the suit was a bit small for him and the hat didn't quite fit. Standing in the aisle, he looked down at Bond icily and said, "Well, Mr. Bond. Looks like fate wants us to gamble again. But this time, Mr. Bond, you can't have cards up your sleeve." Come on, ha! This is a howl mixed with anger, pride and awe. You really turned into a snake in my pasture." Goldfinger's fat head shook slowly, "Why should I stay? Your life? Why didn't I squash you like a beetle? I just thought you and that girl would be useful to me. Yeah, that's true, but I was too hasty to take the risk, yeah , Too sloppy." Then he asked in a lighter tone: "Now tell me, Mr. Bond. How do you do it? How do you communicate with the outside world?" Bond also said calmly: "Mr. Goldfinger, we can talk, and I will tell you something. But you have to untie these straps for me, and bring me a glass of wine, ice cubes, soda water and a glass of wine." Pack of cigarettes. Then, when you ask me what you want to know, I decide what to tell you. As you say, I'm not in the right place, but I have nothing to lose, if you want to learn from If I get something here, do as I say." Goldfinger looked down at Bond seriously and said, "I have no objection to your conditions. Out of respect for your ability as an opponent, I will let you spend your last journey comfortably. Weird man," Jin Finger snapped, "Ring for Miss Jaroy, and undo these straps. You take the front seat. He's no harm in the back of the plane, but keep him out of the cockpit door. If necessary , kill him immediately. But I'd rather he be alive when we reach our destination, understand?" "clear." Five minutes later, Bond got what he wanted.A large plate was placed in front of him.Inside was whiskey and cigarettes.He poured himself a strong whiskey.Goldfinger was now sitting in the chair across the aisle, waiting.Bond took a taste from his glass.Just as he was about to take a big gulp, he suddenly saw something at the bottom of the cup.So he put the glass down carefully, avoiding the little round piece of paper.The little piece of paper was stuck to the bottom of his cup at this moment.Bond lit a cigarette, picked up the glass again, removed the floating ice cubes with his hands and put them back in the ice bucket, and then he almost finished the whiskey in one gulp.Through the glass at the bottom of the cup, he could read the writing on it.He carefully put the glass down again.The message on the slip reads: "I'm on your side, XXX.P." Bond turned his head, pretending to look comfortable.He said, "Okay, Goldfinger, tell me first what the hell is going on? How did you get this plane and where are we going?" Goldfinger put one leg up, and he glanced at Bond, looked at the aisle in the distance, and said in a relaxed conversation: "I bought three or two trucks, drove through the village, and came to the Sea of ​​Hatteras. Near the corner. One of the three or two wagons contained my personal gold bars, and the other two contained my chauffeur, other officers, and these robbers. But I don't need any of these, except Miss Jaroy. I could only keep as many core members as I needed. I gave a lot of money to the others and sent them off along the way. Then I had a meeting with four gang leaders in a remote location by the sea, And used an excuse to leave Miss Jaloy in the truck. Then I shot and killed four of them in my usual way-one at a time. Then I went back to the truck and said that these four people chose to ask for money. Acted. All I had left with me at this point were six guys, a girl, and gold bars. I chartered a plane, flew to Newark, NJ, and lied about crates of gold as x-rays I went through security. I then traveled alone from Newark to somewhere in New York, where I radioed Moscow and explained to them why Operation Deadly Strike had failed. During our conversation, I mentioned your name to them, my friend, and I'm sure you know them too." Goldfinger looked at Bond closely, "The Smalley Group searched the list, they found Bond's name, and Told me who you are. I immediately understood what you were hiding from me earlier. Smokey said they would love to meet you. I thought about it and finally came up with this plan that is now in operation. I pretended to be A friend of yours found out about the flight you booked with ease. Three of my staff were former Luftwaffe pilots and they assured me that there was nothing wrong with flying the plane, and the rest was just a matter of detail. By calm Boldly disguised and deceitful, and a bit of violence used, all BOAC staff at Idlewild Airport, the flight attendants and passengers on this plane were injected with drugs, and it is estimated that they may now be sober .We changed into the uniforms of the unconscious flight attendants, loaded the plane with gold, then dealt with you and carried you on a stretcher.In the allotted time, a batch of new BOAC The staff boarded the plane with their stewardess and flew away." Goldfinger paused, raised one hand up and said. "Of course, there was a little hiccup, we were asked to drive down taxiway Alpha to runway 4. We didn't know where it was, so we had to follow a KLM plane and luckily we It worked. The rules at Idlewild Airport are not easy to grasp, and we are a bit clumsy and unskilled. But, Mr. Bond, all it takes is confidence, guts, a bit of brusqueness, and some intimidation to subdue those Civil aviation service personnel are not difficult. They are small staff after all. I heard from the radio operator that they are looking for the aircraft. On Nantucket they questioned us on VHF and then on HF Query us with long-range early warning systems, but these do not bother us. We have enough fuel. Now, we can fly all the way from Moscow to East Berlin, Kyiv or Murmansk without any problems. Of course, depending on the weather conditions, we will also adjust flight path. It won't be trouble though. If there is trouble, I'll talk them over the radio. No one is going to shoot down a BOAC flight. Mystery and confusion will protect us until we fly in one piece into Soviet airspace. Then we will disappear without leaving a trace." For Bond, since he heard the detailed plan of "Fatal Blow" from Goldfinger, he thought that there was nothing whimsical about what Goldfinger said, and nothing was impossible.Stealing a stratospheric plane sounds ridiculous (as Goldfinger just introduced himself), but it pales in comparison to his methods of smuggling gold and buying atomic bombs.When a person has magic, even talent, coupled with rigorous and careful thinking, all of these are effectively dominated and controlled by him.They were unusual only in their size, and even a small operation to deceive Mr. Dupont was well planned.There is no doubt that Goldfinger is an artist-scientist in crime, just as Cellini and Einstein were equally as good in their respective fields. "Now, Mr. Bond of the British Intelligence Agency, let's make a deal. What are you going to tell me? Who sent you to follow me? What do they suspect of me? How did you manage to interfere with my plans?" Goldfinger looked back. Fuck, fold your hands over your stomach and look at the ceiling. Bond tells Goldfinger an abbreviated version of a fact.He didn't say a word about Smokey, about the location of the mailbox, nor about the secret of the tracker, which might be new to the Russians.Finally, he said: "You've seen it, Goldfinger, you just got away with it. If Tilly Matt was born in Geneva to interfere with me, you would have been pocketed, maybe you are in Switzerland at this moment." Picking your teeth in prison, waiting to be sent to the UK. You underestimated the UK, they may be slow, but they got there. Do you think you'll be safe in Russia? I can't guarantee that. We went there Many Secret Service agents. Goldfinger, I give your book the final motto 'Never mess with England'."
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