Home Categories Thriller Mysterious Goldfinger

Chapter 17 Chapter 16 The Shocking Demon

Mysterious Goldfinger 伊恩·弗莱明 7233Words 2018-03-22
The wings of white doves, the holy choir, the singing of angels-is this the legendary paradise?It's exactly the same as I heard in kindergarten: it's a feeling of flying in the dark, with the sound of a harp all around me.He wanted to recall as much as possible about this place, and now he felt like he was walking towards the gates of heaven. Suddenly a kind voice sounded in his ear, "I am the captain of this flight (oh, whose flight? Could it be St. Peter's?) We are about to land soon. Passengers, please fasten your seat belts and turn off your lights." cigarettes, thank you for your cooperation."

There must be a lot of people here.Everyone got together.Was Tilly among them?Bond squirmed with difficulty.How would he introduce her to the others here? How should he introduce her to other people?When you meet an acquaintance, what should you call her?Maybe this place is also very big, including many countries and towns, but it is hard to say whether I will meet my girlfriend who was in the world before.For some, he'd be better off avoiding them until he's settled down.Once you fall in love, nothing else seems so important.Why do men fall in love with a girl when they see one?Cough, I really don't understand love!

With these messy things in his mind, Bond passed out again.The next thing he realized was that someone was shaking him gently.He opened his eyes, but the sun was strong, and closed them again.Then someone above him said, "Look, look at this, the slope is much steeper than we thought." Then there was a violent shaking.A gruff voice in the front said, "Damn it, why don't they put a rubber here or something." Bond wondered angrily, is this the way they talk, because I'm a newcomer and don't need to understand what they're saying. The door slammed open and something slammed into Bond's protruding elbow, and he yelled, "Hi!" and wanted to reach for his elbow and rub it.However, he couldn't move his hands.

"Hey Sam, better go to the doctor, this man is awake." "Really! Well, put him next to that man first." Bond felt himself being put down.More lucid now, he opened his eyes, and a big round Brooklyn face was looking down at him.And smiling.Now that the stretcher's metal supports were lowered to the ground, the man asked, "What do you think, sir?" "Where am I?" There was a hint of panic in Bond's voice.He tried to get up, but he couldn't.He felt sweat all over his body.My God, are you still suffering in that ghost place?Thinking of this, I can't help but feel sore in my heart.Tears welled up in his eyes, streaming down his cheeks.

"Hi, hi sir, relax, you'll be fine. This is New York Idlewild Airport. You're in America now, you're all right, aren't you?" De came from somewhere, "Sam, let's go. This guy is freaking out." "Okay, okay." The voices of the two people faded away, only anxious grunts were heard. Bond found that he could move his head, looked around and found himself lying in a white hospital room.Maybe it's the medical facility at the airport.There is a row of neat beds here, and the sun shines from the upper window, but the room is relatively cool, probably because of the air conditioner.He was lying on a stretcher on the ground with another stretcher beside him.He leaned his head to that side as much as possible. It was Tilly, but she seemed unconscious. Against the background of her black hair, her face was very pale, and she was lying facing the ceiling.

The door on one side of the ward was suddenly opened, and Bond saw a doctor in white standing there, holding the door.Goldfinger walked briskly in, looking relaxed and happy, between the two stretchers.The strange man followed behind him, and Bond closed his eyes tiredly, thinking, my God, is it going to start again. They came to Bond's stretcher, and Goldfinger said lightly, "Oh, they look better, don't they, doctor? That's the good thing about being rich, when a friend or employee is sick, he can use They had the best medical care. They were both out of their minds and within a week, would you believe that to be true? But I blame myself for making them work so hard. Now it's my job to get them Healed and back on their feet. Dr. Fauci is the best doctor in Geneva, his diagnosis is very accurate, he said to me before he came: 'Mr. Goldfinger they need to rest, rest, rest.' He injected them Some sedatives, now, I'll take them to Harkness Hospital, Presbyterian." Goldfinger giggled. "Doctor, you reap what you sow, don't you? When I donated a million dollars worth of X-ray equipment to Harkness Hospital, I certainly never expected anything in return. But , now I have to give them a call, and they will arrange two very good rooms. So, now..." There was a rustling sound of counting money, "Thank you for helping me with the immigration. Fortunately, they Both hold valid visas. I think the Immigration Service will be satisfied with the assurances given in Mr. Orrick Goldfinger's credibility that they will not think that the two of them intend to use force to overthrow the United States government. Wait?"

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Goldfinger, if there is anything I can do for you, just ask... I think your private ambulance is waiting outside." Bond opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the doctor's voice.He saw a cheerful, serious-looking young man with rimless eyes and a crew cut.Bond said calmly and reverently: "Doctor, that girl and I are not sick at all. We were drugged with hallucinogens and brought here by force. We never worked for Goldfinger at all. Let me tell you, We have been kidnapped, and I am now urging to see immigration officials. I have many friends in New York and Washington, and they will testify for me. Please believe me." Bond stared reverently at the doctor, hoping that he would Believe what was just said.

The doctor looked disturbed, and he turned to Goldfinger.Goldfinger shook his head at Bond, signaling him to stop making trouble like this.He spread his hands up, turned his head to the doctor's side, and raised his helpless eyebrows: "doctor, as I said just now, he has been like this for several days. It's completely Insanity, and a little bit of mania. Dr. Fauci said: These two symptoms often appear together. They may need to stay in Harkness Hospital for a few weeks. But no matter what, I must treat them Good. Know that there are always unexpected things happening in this strange environment. Maybe they need some sedatives..."

The doctor looked down to find something in his black leather bag. "Mr. Goldfinger, I think you're right. Harkness Hospital will take good care of them." Then there was the clink of medical instruments. Goldfinger said: "Nothing disturbs me more than to see a man who has been one of my best assistants break down to this extent." He bowed his head and gave Bond a sweet, loving smiled.Immediately afterwards, he said: "James, you will recover. Try to relax and get a good night's sleep. I'm afraid this flight is too tiring for you. Take a good rest and leave everything to me."

Bond felt the cotton swabs on his arm, and resisted, a stream of expletives came out of his mouth.The doctor knelt beside him, calmly and patiently wiping the sweat from his brow.Suddenly, he felt a needle in his arm, he opened his mouth and shouted loudly... It is now in a gray box-like room with no windows and a chandelier in the middle of the ceiling.There were small cracks in the plaster around the lamp.The room had a strange smell and there was a faint hum from the air conditioner every now and then. Bond found he could sit up, so he did.He felt groggy, but all was well.Suddenly, he felt very hungry and very thirsty.When was his last meal?two or three days ago?He put his feet on the floor and found that he was not wearing any clothes. He checked his whole body carefully, just like the original body search of Weird Lang.He found no signs of injury other than a few pinholes in the right forearm.He stood up, tried his best to control the dizziness, and took a few steps in the room.The bed he was lying on was actually a kind of bed in a ship, with some drawers underneath. Apart from that, there was only a simple small table and a straight wooden chair in the room.Everything here looks clean, functional, and solid.Bond knelt down at the drawer of the bed, opened it, and there was everything in his suitcase except his watch and gun.Even the heavy leather shoes he had worn on his scouting trips to the Orrick Company were there untouched.He turned the heel of the shoe, gave it a hard tug, and a broad double knives slipped out of the sheath on the sole of the shoe.He then turned the heel back into place, and it was a neat dagger indeed.Bond changed the other outer shoe, also pulled the knife out of the shoe, and restored the two heels to their original shape.He took out some clothes and put them on.He found cigarettes and a lighter and lit a cigarette.There are two doors in the house, one of which has a handle.He opened the door with the handle, and it turned out that there was a small and well-appointed bathroom and toilet.Bond found that his toiletries were neatly arranged here.There are some girls' items in here though.Bond gently opened the other bathroom door.This is exactly the same as the one he lives in.Tilly Mattson's black hair fell on the pillows of the bed.Bond walked gently on tiptoe.She slept peacefully, with a smile on her beautiful lips.Bond walked back to the bathroom, closed the door softly, and stepped into the mirror over the basin.He looked at himself carefully, judging from the dark beard that he hadn't shaved for at least three days, not two.He's going to clean himself up now.

Half an hour later, Bond was sitting on the corner of the bed, thinking.Suddenly, the handleless door was swung open.Wei Lang stood at the door and looked at Bond coldly, while quickly scanning the room.Bond said loudly, "Geek, I need some food, quick. A bottle of wine, soda and ice. A pack of Chesterfields, large packs, and my watch or whatever Bring me everything. Hurry up! Hurry up! By the way, tell Goldfinger that I want to see him, but after my meal. Hurry up! Don’t do it yet! Don’t stand here in a daze, I’m starving .” Guai Lang looked at Bond with a flushed face, as if thinking about how to hit someone.He opened his mouth wide, let out a roar like a volcanic eruption, then spat fiercely on the floor under his feet, and backed out.Then he slammed the door shut.But when the door was about to slam, he suddenly slowed down deliberately, and closed the door softly with a click. Bond was in a good mood after this brief confrontation.He figured that for some reason, Goldfinger had decided not to kill them yet.He wanted them to live first.Bond will soon know why he needs them alive.But as long as he has a chance, Bond will live on his own terms.These conditions include giving a good lesson to Guai Lang and other Koreans. It is they who suffer, and Bond can't wait to make them worse than animals. A moment later, a Korean servant brought in a hearty meal, along with everything else Bond had asked for, including, of course, a watch.Bond still doesn't know anything about his surroundings, except that the house is probably near a river, and there may be a railway bridge nearby.Assuming he is now in New York, his house is probably between the Hudson and East Rivers.Railways are electrified, a bit like subways.Bond was clearly not familiar with the geography of New York.His watch had stopped, and he wanted others to ask the time, but no one answered him. When the door opened again, Bond had eaten everything on his plate and was smoking, drinking wine and soda.Goldfinger walked in alone, looking relaxed and happy in a business suit.He closed the door, then stood in front with his back to the door.He looked up and down a lot at Bond, who looked at him with mock politeness as he smoked. Goldfinger said: "Good morning, Mr. Bond. It looks like you have recovered. I think you should prefer to stay here rather than choose to die. In order to save you from asking all kinds of troublesome questions, I will tell you in the Where and what exactly happened. Then I ask you to answer my question clearly. You are not as smart as most people, so I will give you a simple warning. Stop playing tricks. Don't try to use a knife or a meal If you really want to, I'll use this to kill you." Bond saw a small-bore pistol in Goldfinger's hand, like a black thumb protruding from his right fist. come out.Then Goldfinger put the gun in his pocket: "I rarely use these things, but when I feel the need to use them, I will not hesitate. Mr. Bond, 2.5mm bullets, I aim with my right eye, Never missed a target." Bond said: "Don't worry, I'm definitely not that accurate with a wine bottle." Then he lifted his trousers up at the knee, crossed one leg over the other, and relaxed Sit, "Go ahead." "Mr. Bond," said Goldfinger kindly, "I am an expert in many other substances than metals. I have a very keen taste for everything exquisite, such as the purest gold. But For that purity and value, humans are really a very low-level substance. However, sometimes this low-level material can be used for lower-level purposes. Kairo is an example of this: simple, rough, strong, but of limited use .Because of your tenacity, I hesitated at the last moment and did not destroy you. I may have made a mistake by being lenient. However, I will take adequate measures to guard against the consequences of my impulsiveness. It was what you said that saved your life. You suggested that you and Miss Mattson work for me. Originally, the two of you were of no use to me, but coincidentally, our company has some marginal businesses, and you can definitely help Little favor. So, I took this gamble. I sedated both of you. Your bill at the hotel was paid, your stuff at Burgers was picked up, and we checked Mattson Ms. Burgers is registered under her real name. I sent a telegram to General Exports in your name saying that you have found a job in Canada and you are flying there to work. Miss Mattson will Be your secretary, and you'll keep your progress up. It's a botched telegram, but it will at least guarantee that you will work for me for the time being." (It's no use, Bond thought, these false excuses, The Boss won't think it's true. Now that the agency knows he's under enemy control, the hunt will go faster.) Goldfinger went on: "Mr Bond, if you think my precautions aren't safe enough , if you are still being followed, then I can tell you that I am not interested in your true identity, your boss' power and resources. You and Miss Mattson have disappeared completely, including me, and With all my staff. The airport will check into Presbyterian Harkness Hospital. But this hospital has never heard of Mr. Goldfinger and his two patients. The FBI and CIA have no record of me at all, I have no criminal history in the United States. Yes, the USCIS will have records of my comings and goings over the years, but those records are useless. As for where we are now, Mr. Bond, we are in the high-speed car In the warehouse of the trucking company. This company has a very good reputation. I obtained it through legal means. After a complete conversion, it will become the secret headquarters of the enterprise I just mentioned. You and Miss Mattson will Locked up here, where you can live, work, and of course fall in love...although I personally have my doubts about Miss Matterson's preferences in this regard, you can flirt." "So what does our job consist of?" "Mr. Bond..." For the first time since Bond saw Goldfinger's fat, impassive, expressionless face, his facial expression came to life.His eyes were almost elated, his lips pursed into a smile as if something bliss had happened, "Mr. I love the texture, I can now estimate the purity of a gold bar to within a carat just by touching it. I love how it seeps in when I melt it into a golden puree But, Mr. Bond, what I love most about gold is the power it can give its owner. It is a magical energy. It can take the fruits of labor by force and fulfill all the desires of a person And whimsy. And, if need be, can help you get body, mind, even soul. Well, Mr. Bond, I've been running for gold all my life, and gold has rewarded me, and the businesses I own I ask you," Goldfinger was staring eagerly at Bond, "is there any other substance in the world that rewards its owner in this way?" "A lot of people don't have an ounce of gold, but they are powerful and very rich. But I see what you mean. How much gold have you collected now? What do you do with it?" Bond asked. "I'm probably worth twenty million pounds in gold now, as rich as a small country. It's all in New York now. I keep it where I need it. My gold is like a heap of wealth. I'm on Earth Move them around superficially, and wherever I choose to use it, that corner will grow and prosper. I will take the harvest and ship it around. Right now, I am planning to use my abundance of gold for a Big deal. So, all the bullion is in New York." "How do you choose these careers? What appeals to you about them?" Bond asked. "As long as I can increase my gold reserves, I will choose. Investment, smuggling, and theft." Goldfinger spread his hands and made a convincing gesture. "We can make an image metaphor. We can compare history to A speeding train through time. When the train passed, the birds and beasts were startled by the sound and commotion of his passing. They scattered in all directions, fled or flinched in fear, desperately thinking of places to hide. And I Wish to be an eagle flying with this train, (you will not doubt their performance, this is the same as the scene described in Greek mythology) ready to pounce on anything that is startled by the passing of the train. "To give a simple example: The progress of history caused a man to invent penicillin. At the same time, history made a world war. Many people are dying or are afraid of dying. Penicillin will save their lives. By bribing certain people on the continent Military establishments, I get a huge stockpile of penicillin. I'll add some harmless powder or liquid and sell it at a high price to those who crave it for a huge profit. Mr. Bond, you know what I mean You have to wait for the prey, watch it carefully, and then, pounce on it. However, as I said, I didn't pursue those causes, I just let the train of history start them in my direction .” "What's the last one? What are Miss Matterson and I going to do?" asked Bond. "The nearest one, Mr. Bond, the nearest one is also the biggest one." Goldfinger's eyes were blank, looking ahead, his voice became low, and he seemed to have great reverence for what he saw. "Man has climbed the highest mountain, explored the deepest ocean, launched rockets into outer space, and carried out atomic fission. Man has invented and created in every field. And in every place, they have Succeeded, broke records, performed miracles. I say every field, but there is only one field they neglected. Mr. Bond, this field neglected by human activities is crime. This field can be called as carried out by individuals The crime-probing activities of the 1990s - and I'm certainly not referring here to the kind of idiotic acts of war, the stupid destruction of each other - it's just pathetic to look at crime in these dimensions: petty bank robberies, petty racketeering , petty counterfeiting. And yet, right in front of me, just a few hundred miles from here, one of the greatest criminal opportunities in history awaits. The stage is set, and there are huge prize money for me Enjoy, but the actors haven't arrived yet. However, the director is here, Mr. Bond." Goldfinger stretched out a finger and pointed to his chest, "I have already selected the cast. The main actors in the play will be available this afternoon. Saw the script. Rehearsals start in a week. The one and only drama is about to begin. There will be applause, a ovation for the greatest feat of crime ever, the whole The world will shake for centuries to this cheer." At this time, in Goldfinger's big gray eyes, there seemed to be balls of flames jumping, and there was a strange color on the auburn cheeks.Still, he appears calm, relaxed, remarkably confident, and in Bond's eyes he doesn't appear to be a lunatic or a fantasist at all.Goldfinger must have a crazy plan in mind. He has calculated the possibility of success or failure, and he is convinced that he will succeed.Bond said, "Well, go on, what is it? What are we going to do?" "It was a robbery, Mr. Bond, a robbery with no resistance at all. Of course it requires detailed execution planning, a lot of paperwork to be done, and a lot of administrative details to oversee. I'll do it myself until you get involved. Now you It is about to join, and Miss Mattson will be your secretary. You have already received a part of the reward from this job, which is your life. Once the plan is fully successful, you will receive a million pounds worth of gold, And Miss Mattson will get half a million pounds." Bond asked eagerly: "So, let's talk now, what are we going to do? Robbing the tail of the rainbow?" "Yes." Goldfinger nodded. "That's exactly what you are going to do. We are going to rob gold bars worth 15 billion dollars. Almost half of the world's gold reserves. Mr. Bond, what we are going to do is rob Fort Knox vault."
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