Home Categories Thriller Seal of Heaven

Chapter 31 Chapter Thirty-One

Seal of Heaven 裴魁山 5183Words 2018-03-22
Excessive exhaustion did not let me fall asleep, and I was always struggling between half-dream and half-awake.I had many dreams that night, but I couldn't recall any of them when I woke up.After seven o'clock, I opened my eyes, but I didn't feel refreshed after a sound sleep. Instead, I felt groggy, as if I had stayed up all night.The effect of half-sleep made it impossible for me to get up and continue to sleep. I lay stiff on the bed like a soulless shell, my brain couldn't function at all, and I could only rely on a little breathing to maintain my life.After an unknown amount of time, the cell phone next to my pillow rang suddenly. I pulled myself together as if I had received an electric shock, and turned over to answer the call.

It was Sun Lin who called—of course, he was the only one who could call on this phone. Sun Lin asked me how I slept, and I said it was bad.He told me to lie down a little longer, and he was on his way back with breakfast.I wanted to ask him what the investigation was about, but he hung up quickly and just told me to wait. As soon as I heard that he was coming back, I immediately regained my spirits.But what surprised me was that his tone on the phone was very calm, and he didn't seem to be in the state of investigating important clues at all.Well, maybe people like him will always be like that.

I went to the washroom and walked around the courtyard after washing up.Although the weather is already very cold at this time, the air is not bad. If there are no such troubles, it would be very pleasant to be able to take a walk in such a small courtyard with a flower garden.After I breathed some fresh air in the courtyard, I started going from room to room.Fortunately, unlike Wu Lili, Sun Lin didn't lock any rooms, so I can come and go freely.The rooms on both sides of the courtyard are well-decorated, and there is nothing unusual about it. It only makes people feel that this is a rich family.Except, of course, the embossed room.However, before Sun Lin left, he had already closed the mechanism on the stairs leading to the basement level, so at this moment, the entire basement level had disappeared.

Although there is nothing abnormal in the whole small courtyard, I know in my heart that there must be hidden mechanisms and secrets that people like me can't find at all. Half an hour later, Sun Lin opened the door and walked in, carrying several bags in his hand. "Didn't I let you lie down for a while? How did you get up?" "Can't sleep." "Let's eat first." Sun Lin went straight to one of the rooms.That room is a combined kitchen and dining room, designed for eating.Seeing Sun Lin's calm and relaxed look, I couldn't bear to lose my temper, so I quickly chased after him.

"Please, why are you so calm, hurry up and tell me what you found?" After entering the restaurant, I hurriedly sat down and waited for Sun Lin to start talking. "Take a few bites first, let's chat while eating." "That won't work, you have to tell me first. I didn't sleep well all night, it's because of these things, how can I have a meal now." "Zhou Hao, we must always keep our minds clear and calm. How to stay sober and calm? That is to eat well and sleep well. If the body can't keep up, the brain can't keep up. There will be problems with my judgment, so..." Sun Lin looked at me with a slight smile.

"I... I'm not your professional." I'm not convinced. "I see, you really have to put down your quick temper. If you don't change your temper, you will fall into trouble sooner or later." "Are you finished yet?" I snatched the bag from his hand, took out the buns and rice porridge inside, and started to eat. After eating a basket of buns and a bowl of porridge, my stomach immediately warmed up, and my whole body felt much more comfortable than before. "Say it." Sun Lin looked at me with a cheerful expression of disbelief, took out a piece of paper from his body, and put it in front of me.

"Your memory is really good." Sun Lin said this inexplicably. I was puzzled for a moment, wondering why he made such a sentence for no reason.Then I grabbed the piece of paper and looked at it - part of Lim Jixian's call log! I hurriedly checked the densely packed phone numbers one by one, and just after looking at a few, Sun Lin pointed to one of the phone numbers, and I glanced over. This is my previous phone number! - Lin Jixian called me? ! Immediately, my pupils were filled with blood, and I looked at Sun Lin in a daze.Sun Lin saw my surprise, and then pointed to another number.That number is still my cell phone number, but instead of being in the "Dialed Numbers" column, it's in the "Missed Numbers" column.

I called Lin Jixian? "Look back." Sun Lin looked at me meaningfully. Behind the phone number is the date and time of dialing.I recalled how Lim Gil-hyun and I passed each other.The day after Professor Ding was killed, I was taken to the police station by Team Zhao from the Haidian Sub-bureau.During this time at the police station, I forgot my mobile phone in the dormitory.After returning to the dormitory, I found that there were eleven missed calls on my mobile phone, ten were from Lin Fei, and the other one was from an unfamiliar landline number!After the car accident, in order not to hurt Lin Fei, we made an appointment not to see each other again, but one morning, because I missed Lin Fei, I checked all the calls and messages she had sent to me in my mobile phone. In the process of browsing, I noticed this strange number, and then I dialed it suspiciously, but no one answered.

This strange number turned out to be the landline number of Lin Jixian's family! "If you didn't forget your mobile phone when you went to the police station, what would happen?" Sun Lin broke my astonishment after I don't know how long it took. Yeah, what would happen if I had my cell phone with me?I will meet Lim Gil-hyun, and I will save a lot of trouble and misfortune, instead of being helpless like now.But what can I do?Things in the world are often like this, the biggest failure may come from the smallest negligence, and the embankment of a thousand miles collapses in an ant's nest.

"If I had brought my mobile phone, things might not be like this at all." I sighed helplessly, "I admit that I am too emotional, I can't hold my breath, and I always panic when encountering things. If I had brought my mobile phone with me, how could I have experienced so many twists and turns. Maybe now Lin Jixian and I have solved this eternal secret." "Look at you, are you emotional again?" "Why am I emotional again? I'm telling the truth, and now I regret it so much that my intestines are green." "Hey, you are just not calm. Do you think that if you bring your mobile phone, you can talk to Lin Jixian and see him?"

"Of course..." As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I immediately realized that the appearance of this number really made me lose my composure—how could I see Lin Jixian?He drowned the day before Professor Ding was killed! "It's not Lin Jixian who called me!" "Of course. You received this call on the second day after Professor Ding was killed. At this time, Lin Jixian had been dead for two days. That is to say, someone used Lin Jixian's family phone on the second day after Professor Ding was killed. Called you." As soon as Sun Lin said this, I felt like hanging myself. He clearly saw my breakdown, but instead of reassuring me, he continued the analysis. "Don't despair. The emergence of this clue will allow us to confirm many things, which will be very helpful for our future investigations. I told you yesterday that we have to confirm the 'accident' and the 'possibility' one by one. , this will not only eliminate interference options, but also narrow the scope of our work. First of all, haven’t you been unsure about Lin Jixian’s role in the whole incident before? If his relationship with the whole incident is just your misjudgment or imagination, he and The association of the symbols is also just a coincidence, so all the work we have done on him before will be in vain. But now this clue tells us that at the beginning of the whole thing, someone tried to contact you with Lim Jixian's phone, so his important There is no doubt about sex, right? Secondly, this clue can also confirm: Professor Ding did mention you to Lin Jixian and told him your importance, otherwise, the call after Professor Ding’s death could not have been made from Lin Jixian’s house Here you go. Again, this clue also proves that Professor Ding had anticipated his own death. He must have told Lin Jixian that he must contact you after his death. Otherwise, why did the call happen the day after his death? Did you give it to you? Also, the person who called you didn’t know the news of Professor Ding’s death in the first place, otherwise he could contact you on the night when Professor Ding was killed or early in the morning the next day. He called you on After the news of Professor Ding's murder was announced, of course, this does not rule out another possibility, that is, this person is extremely smart. He knew the news of Professor Ding's death at the first time, and only contacted you after the news of the death was disclosed by the media. He seems to be an outsider in the death incident, and he only learned about Professor Ding's murder through the media. However, this possibility is unlikely. If this person is really the key person in the whole incident, he is eager to contact you. If he Knowing the news of Professor Ding's death at the first time, it is impossible to wait for one night and one morning to contact you. Therefore, this person probably knows that Professor Ding is going to die, but he does not know when he will die, and there is no other way to know in the first place Professor Ding's death." "What do you want to explain by saying so much?" My already muddled mind was made even more confused by Sun Lin's long analysis. "What I want to say is that this person who called you from Lin Jixian's landline wants to help you!" "How can you tell? What if he wants to lure me out and kill me?" "All the organizations that tried to kill you or the people you lured out were carried out through the investigation after you got the symbol. They only participated in the reception through you after they discovered that the symbol disappeared at Professor Ding's house. And went to Professor Ding's house in the middle of the night to find you. If they knew you existed before you got the symbol, why did they bother to find out the whereabouts of the symbol? They can lock you in advance This goal. Besides, if they knew in advance that the symbol would fall into your hands, or knew in advance that Professor Ding had arranged for Lin Jixian to help you, there was no need for them to kill Professor Ding. Wouldn’t it be over if they just killed you? The important point is that all the organizations behind the scenes may not know the existence of Lin Jixian, because if they know the importance of Lin Jixian in advance, then they can kill or kidnap Lin Jixian directly, there is no need to work hard to accompany you Play for half a month—after all, no matter how you search, you will eventually find Lin Jixian. Therefore, through the efforts these people have made on you, I can conclude that they do not know the existence of Lin Jixian." "Then...then why was Lin Jixian killed the day before Professor Ding was killed?" I admit that Sun Lin's analysis makes sense, but if the fatal problem of Lin Jixian's early murder is not resolved, all analysis is empty talk. "Through this discovery, I have to correct one of your words." Sun Lin pretended to be profound. "What wording?" I don't know why. "Lin Jixian was not killed, but disappeared!" Sun Lin's eyes flashed with hope, "Lin Jixian went fishing wearing new clothes and new leather shoes, which is very suspicious in itself. The police found him at the place where he often fished by the Tonghui River fishing gear and clothing, but no body was found, which does not prove his death." "Then, where did he go?" A spark of hope entered my head instantly. "Just now we analyzed that no matter what organization or suspicious person, they didn't know the importance of Lin Jixian in advance, so the possibility of him being killed and kidnapped can be ruled out; he knew his own importance, so the possibility of suicide and accidental death can also be ruled out. was ruled out. Therefore, there is only one possibility for his disappearance, and that is—he went into hiding!" "He deliberately created the illusion of death?" I looked around quickly, for fear of being overheard. "Don't worry, this is my territory, it's absolutely safe." After Sun Lin dispelled my worries, he continued his analysis, "Under what circumstances do you dress up carefully when you go out?" "Date or meet someone important." "That's right. Lin Jixian's neighbor is the man from yesterday. He was very surprised by Lin Jixian's well-dressed clothes. This shows that Lin Jixian is not a person who usually dresses up, so he must be meeting someone important that day. According to common sense, seeing There is nothing wrong with dressing up for an important person, but Lim Jixian is also holding fishing gear and pretending to be fishing, which shows that he is covering up, and he does not want others to know that he is going to meet people. Therefore, this important person is not only important, but also mysterious. See Lim Jixian After killing this person, he created the illusion of an accidental death, which is enough to show that this mysterious and important person told Lin Jixian what was about to happen, and then, whether it was the person's instruction or Lin Jixian's own decision, anyway Lin Jixian 'died' .” "Could it be that he met Professor Ding?" According to the findings and inferences of the past two days, Professor Ding probably told Lin Jixian what might happen after receiving the invitation from the Dagu Foundation, and then asked Lin Jixian to hide before the incident happened. stand up. "It's possible. I had this suspicion when I saw your mobile phone number appear in Lin Jixian's call records. I have sent someone to investigate all of Professor Ding's whereabouts the day before he was killed. If he didn't meet Professor Ding , then I need to know who this person is.” "But why does Lin Jixian create the illusion of death? Anyway, no one else knows his existence." "Before the symbol thing reappears in the world, others don't know his existence; but once the curtain of the symbol is opened, no matter what channel will eventually belong to him! will break." "But if he's 'dead', won't I know that he's 'dead' in the end? How can I find him? How can I get him to help me?" "So, he will definitely leave a clue for you!" "clue?" "That's right, it must be a clue that others can't notice but you can notice!" "You mean, the guy who called me?" "Exactly. After Lin Jixian pretended to be dead, he must have been paying close attention to the progress of the matter. When he learned from the media that Professor Ding was killed, he knew that all this had started, so he immediately tried to contact you. Unfortunately, ,you……" "I didn't bring my mobile phone!" I wish I could slap myself twice. "Haha, don't be too upset. Since Lin Jixian failed to contact you immediately, he will definitely find other ways to contact you." Although Sun Lin suppressed his smile, I knew he must despise me . "I didn't answer the phone at the time, he can call later, and I'm not without the phone forever." I had to deflect my stupidity. "At that time, you had already become the target of the police and various organizations. Wouldn't he have exposed himself if he called you again?" Sun Lin was completely helpless by my stupidity and pride. "Then...then..." I was speechless, "By the way, who is calling me? Could it be Lin Jixian himself?" "Impossible. Since he has pretended to be dead, how could he run home and call you? Who would do such a stupid thing?" "Who would that be?" Although I was stupid, I knew I wouldn't do such a stupid thing. "Such an important matter, Lin Jixian, will definitely be entrusted to someone who is extremely trustworthy." "That's right, but how are we going to investigate this person? Lin Jixian seldom interacts with people, and has almost no friends. Besides, even if he does, this person who is looking for a needle in a haystack..." "Lin Jixian has a wife and a son!" "Impossible! He never had contact with his wife and son in the second half of his life. How could he let them do this kind of thing? Besides, his wife and children leaving home may be related to the secrets Lin Jixian knew. If Lin Jixian did it in order to protect them Sending them abroad, how is it possible to let them intervene in this matter now?" "That makes sense. But regarding Lin Jixian's interpersonal network, we only know Professor Ding, his wife and son. Don't we check them?" All the inferences about the relationship between Lin Jixian and his wife and children are just guesses based on Mr. Dong's experience. As for what happened between them, I have no idea. Since these two people cannot be bypassed, I have to follow Sun Lin's guess manage. "I've already started investigating his wife and son, but it will take some time." Seeing that I agree with him, he no longer dwells on the matter, "Of course, it may be someone else, but it will take more time Go and check." Sun Lin gave me a step down. "Okay, thank you for your hard work." I had to give in, "Then what other clues do you think Lin Jixian will leave for me?" "Can you recall anything?" Sun Lin stared at me. What did he leave me? ——I have been looking for him desperately all this time, how could he have left me anything——I shook my head. "Come with me," Sun Lin stood up, "I'll show you something."
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