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Chapter 6 5

Paradise Lost VII 约翰·弥尔顿 1567Words 2018-03-22
Great triumph and rejoycing was in Heavn [ 180 ] When such was heard declare the Almighties will; Glorie they sung to the most High, good will To future men, and in thir dwellings peace: Glorie to him whose just avenging ire Had driven out th ungodly from his sight [ 185 ] And th habits of the just; to him Glorie and praise, whose wisdom had ordained Good out of evil to create, in stead Of Spirits maligne a better Race to bring Into thir vacant room, and then diffuse [ 190 ] His good to Worlds and Ages infinite. So sang the Hierarchies: Mean while the Son On his great Expedition now appeed,

Girt with Omnipotence, with Radiance crown Of Majestie Divine, Sapience and Love [195] Immense, and all his Father in him shon. About his Chariot numberless were poured Cherub and Seraph, Potentates and Thrones, And Vertues, winged Spirits, and Chariots winged, From the Armory of God, where stand of old [ 200 ] Myriads between two brazen Mountains lodgd Against a solemn day, harsh at hand, Celestial Equipage; and now came forth Spontaneous, for within them Spirit livd, Attendant on thir Lord: Heavn opnd wide [ 205 ] Her ever during Gates, Harmonious sound On golden Hinges moving, to let forth

The King of Glorie in his powerful Word And Spirit coming to create new Worlds. On heavily ground they stood, and from the shore [ 210 ] They viewed the vast immeasurable Abyss Outrageous as a Sea, dark, wasteful, wilde, Up from the bottom turn by furious windes And surge waves, as Mountains to assault Heavns highth, and with the Center mix the Pole. [215] Silence, ye troubld waves, and thou Deep, peace, Said then th Omnific Word, your discord end: Nor staid, but on the Wings of Cherubim Uplifted, in Paternal Glorie rode Farr into Chaos, and the World unborn; [ 220 ]

For Chaos heard his voice: him all his Traine Followed in bright process to behold Creation, and the wonders of his might.
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