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Chapter 11 10

Paradise Lost IV 约翰·弥尔顿 2062Words 2018-03-22
So spake our general Mother, and with eyes Of conjugal attraction unreprovd, And meek surrender, half imbracing lean On our first Father, half her swelling Breast [ 495 ] Naked met his under the flowing Gold Of her loose tresses hid: he in delight Both of her Beauty and Submissive Charms Smiling with superior Love, as Jupiter On Juno smiles, when he impregns the Clouds [ 500 ] That shed May Flowers; and pressed her Matron lip With kisses pure: aside the Devil turn For envie, yet with jealous leer maligne Eyd them askance, and to himself thus plaind. Sight hateful, sight tormenting! thus these two [ 505 ]

Imparadist in one anothers arms The happier Eden, shall enjoy thir fill Of bliss on bliss, while I to Hell am thrust, Where neither joy nor love, but fierce desire, Among our other torments not the least, [ 510 ] Still unfulfilled with pain of long pines; Yet let me not forget what I have gained From thir own mouths; all is not theirs it seems: One fatal Tree there stands of Knowledge calld, Forbidden them to taste: Knowledge forbidden? [515] Suspicious, reasonless. Why should thir Lord Envie them that? can it be sin to know, Can it be death? and do they only stand By Ignorance, is that thir happy state,

The proof of thir obedience and thir faith? [ 520 ] O fair foundation laid whereon to build Thir ruin! Hence I will excite thir minds With more desire to know, and to reject Envious commands, invented with design To keep them low whom knowledge might exalt [ 525 ] Equal with Gods; aspiring to be such, They taste and die: what likelier can ensue? But first with narrow search I must walk round This Garden, and no corner leave unspid; A chance but chance may lead where I may meet [ 530 ] Some wandring Spirit of Heavn, by Fountain side, Or in thick shade retirement, from him to draw

What further would be learned. Live while ye may, Yet happy pair; enjoy, till I return, Short pleasures, for long woes are to succeed. [ 535 ] So saying, his proud step he scornful turn, But with sly circumspection, and began Through wood, through waste, ore hill, ore dale his roam. Mean while in extreme Longitude, where Heavn With Earth and Ocean meets, the setting Sun [ 540 ] Slowly descended, and with right aspect Against the eastern Gate of Paradise Leveld his eevning Rayes: it was a Rock Of Alablaster, pild up to the Clouds, Conspicuous farr, winding with one ascent [ 545 ]

Accessible from Earth, one entrance high; The rest was craggie cliff, that overhung Still as it rose, impossible to climb.
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