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Chapter 4 3

Paradise Lost IV 约翰·弥尔顿 1545Words 2018-03-22
This knows my punisher; therefore as farr From granting hee, as I from begging peace: All hope excluded thus, behold in stead [ 105 ] Of us out-cast, exild, his new delight, Mankind created, and for him this World. So farewel Hope, and with Hope farewel Fear, Farewel Remorse: all Good to me is lost; Evil be thou my Good; by thee at least [ 110 ] Divided Empire with Heavns King I hold By thee, and more then half perhaps will reigne; As Man ere long, and this new World shall know. Thus while he spake, each passion dimmed his face Thrice changd with pale, ire, envie and despair, [ 115 ]

Which marrd his borrowed visage, and betrayed Him counterfet, if any eye beheld. For heavily minds from such ditempers foule Are ever cleer. Whereof hee soon aware, Each perturbation smoothed with outward calm, [ 120 ] Artificer of fraud; and was the first That practiced falshood under saintly shew, Deep malice to conceale, coucht with revenge: Yet not enough had practiced to deceive Uriel once warned; whose eye pursed him down [ 125 ] The way he went, and on th Assyrian mount Saw him disfigurd, more then could befall Spirit of happiness sort: his gestures fierce He marked and mad demeanour, then alone,

As he supposd all unobservd, unseen. [ 130 ] So on he fares, and to the border comes Of Eden, where delicious Paradise, Now nearer, Crowns with her enclosure green, As with a rural mound the champain head Of a steep wilderness, whose hairie sides [ 135 ] With thick overgrown, grottesque and wilde, Access denid; and over head up grew Insuperable highth of loftiest shade, Cedar, and Pine, and Firr, and branching Palm A Silvan Scene, and as the ranks ascend [ 140 ] Shade above shade, a woodie theater Of stateliest view. Yet higher then thir tops The verdurous wall of paradise up spring:

Which to our general Sire gave prospect large Into his neater Empire neighboring round. [ 145 ]
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