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Chapter 17 PART 17

Runaway Bride Josann McGibbon 3918Words 2018-03-22
IKE (after sitting) Does it matter? MAGGIE I think so... When I was walking down the aisle? I was walking toward somebody who didn't have any idea who I really was. And it was only half the other persons fault, because i had done everything to convince him that I was exactly what he wanted. So it was good that I didn't go through with it because it would have been a lie, but you -- you knew the real me. IKE Yes, I did. MAGGIE I didnt. And you being the one at the end of the aisle didn't just fix that. Ike takes this in. Shes reaching him -- but then the defenses

go back up. He turns to her. IKE No, I couldn't fix anything... (as he gets up) But I still ended up chasing a truck. Ike moves out to the balcony. After a moment, Maggie follows him. EXT. BALCONY/IKESAPARTMENT - NIGHT The balcony overlooks Central Park. The twinkling lights of the city ​​stretch out across the beautiful night. Ike looks out at the view with his back to Maggie as she speaks. MAGGIE I understand why you bring up the truck. Let me explain something. The fact is, youve seen me at my worst, most embarrassing, deviously plotting, potentially but not certifiably,

psychotic state. And if you liked me then, I mean, now... I cant imagine... (crosses to him) Benedict. Ike has no response. MAGGIE (contd) I love eggs Benedict. I hate all the other kinds. She hesitates. MAGGIE (contd) ... I hate big weddings with everybody staring. I would like to get married on a weekday while everybody is at work. If I ride off into the sunset, I want my own horse. IKE Should I be writing this down? She returns to the balcony and hands him the box. IKE (contd) What's this? MAGGIE These are for you. He opens it. Its her running shoes.

IKE Used? MAGGIE Theyre mine. Im turning in my running shoes to you. IKE This is getting serious. Now she is glowing at him, shining with the full force of her. MAGGIE And one more thing. I know its hard to believe there could be more. Um... Maggie glances around and spots a DECK CHAIR, which she turns so it is facing the city lights. Then she softly says: MAGGIE (contd) If you could have a seat, please. Ike sits. Maggie takes the box from him and puts it aide. And then she gets down on one knee. IKE (laughing) Oh my God. No. Maggie smiles up at him. Ike tips his head back and covers his

eyes with his hand. MAGGIE No, no -- don't hide your face, this only happens once in a lifetime. definitely a first to me, and you're not going to want to miss it. He smiles as he looks at Maggie. MAGGIE (contd) I love you, Homer Eisenhower Graham. Will you marry me? Ike swallows, overwhelmed, overjoyed, and scared shitless. IKE Maggie, I gotta think about this a little bit. Maggie hops cheerfully back to her feet. MAGGIE (cheerful) Good. She gets off her knees and stands. MAGGIE (contd) I was hoping youd say that. IKE (laughing) You were not.

MAGGIE I was, because if you said "yes" right away, I wouldn't get to say this next part. And I've been practicing it. (pulling up a chair and sitting) Ready? IKE Im listening. MAGGIE (tenderly) "I guarantee that well have tough times. I guarantee that at some point One or both oof us will want to get out. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Because I know in my heart -- you're the only one for me". Ike takes her hands affectionately. IKE Pretty good speech, Maggie.

MAGGIE I borrowed it from this guy I know. So? Ike looks into Maggies shining face and pauses. He gets up and motions with his hand for her to stay seated. He goes inside and turns on some music. The cat is sitting by the radio. He returns to the balcony and takes Maggies hand. IKE Dance with me. They start to dance a slow dance. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. LARGE GREEN FIELD - DAY We see a hill and on top of it is a Pastor marrying Maggie and Ike, in beautiful wedding attire. We see Maggie walk down a leaf-lined aisle to a waiting Ike. They kiss as we hear the vows and hear them each say "I do". They kiss a twirling, whirling

kiss, a circular kiss. We hear the applause of about twenty people. Slowly, we see the twenty people come over the crest of the hill. They are all Maggies family and friends, plus the old grooms. They are all paired in twos, like a love Noahs ark. We see others get the news. INT. CHURCH - DAY Priest Brian hears about Maggies wedding. INT. BAKERY - DAY Mrs. Trout hears about Maggies wedding. INT. NEW YORK BAR - DAY George, Groom #3, hears about Maggies wedding. INT. ELLIES OFFICE OR APARTMENT - DAY Ellie and Fisher hear about Maggies wedding. EXT. FIELD - DAY ANOTHER ANGLE:

Maggie and Ike finally break the kiss. Ike takes her hand and walks her to two horses. Ike and Maggie, on the two horses, ride off happily in their wedding clothes. As the group cheers, Maggie throws bouquet. We see it float in the air. FADE TO BLACK. THE END
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