Home Categories modern novel Fengyun Chuji

Chapter 12 Chapter Twelve

Fengyun Chuji 孙犁 2369Words 2018-03-22
When Chun'er heard that her brother-in-law was back, she was so happy that she didn't fall asleep most of the night.When I got up early in the morning, I saw Mangzhong carrying water on the well platform, so I asked him to put down the shoots and come to her for a while. At home, she took a basin of hot water to wash her face, sat in front of the window sill, and combed her hair with a broken mirror left by her mother.He found a newly woven flowered quilted jacket and put it on.Mangzhong came in, and she said, "My brother-in-law is back, you and I will go see him!" Mangzhong smiled and said:

"It's often said that Shen'er doesn't see Chen'er, brother-in-law doesn't see auntie, you should hide and go to see him instead?" Chuner said: "My brother-in-law is different from others. He is a Red Army, so he doesn't pay attention to such old principles. Besides, I am for you!" Mango asked: "Why me?" Chun'er smiled and said: "You just carry our guns on your back, and I will take you there, sign up for you, and serve as a soldier under him. With my face, I have to treat you well." Mangzhong grinned and said: "You are beautiful! What kind of official is your brother-in-law? He has been away for more than ten years, and he has a good reputation. In the end, he didn't bring a single guard with him. He just drove back a flock of sheep. You don't feel miserable! Look at him Gao Xiang, sitting in a big car, with a group of special agents, at the main street of Ziwu Town, there are huge crowds of people, surrounded by seven floors and eight floors outside, how exciting? I want to be a soldier, and I have to register with others, has it been half my life? Little Changhuo, are you going to herd sheep with him again?"

Chuner said: "Go! Don't be so thin-skinned, dislike the poor and love the rich! Have you ever watched "Xi Rong Gui", where you won the first prize and pretended to be a beggar? The more grounded the person, the more like this." "I don't know the two of us, who hates the poor and loves the rich?" Mang Zongba said with a smack, "Did you forget what you said that day in the willow field? Just listen to your words and take out the gun Bar!" Chun'er pulled out the gun left by the deserter from the hole in the kang, wiped off the dust on it, put it on the kang, grabbed the awn seed, Chun'er said: "Don't move!" He took out a new gown and said, "I made you a new dress, does it fit you well?"

Mangzhong put it on happily, and Chun'er looked around and said, "Okay, put the gun on your back!" Mangzhong put the gun on his back, faced Chun'er, and straightened up.Chun'er tied a little red cloth to the muzzle of the gun again, locked the door, and the two of them walked out into the street.Mangzhong said: "I'll send the shoot back, go to the head of the family, tell him I'm quitting, I'm going to be a soldier!" Chuner said: "What are you busy with? Leave it for him first. If no one brings water, he won't have to eat! It's not too late to sign up and come back from work!"

The two walked down the street, one behind the other, followed by a group of children, running and jumping, tugging at Mangzhong's coat, and pulling his gun. The farmers said, "Is Mangzhong going to eat in a big pot?" Mangzhong smiled and said: "Go to Japan!" The women asked: "Why is Chun'er dressed so freshly?" Chun'er smiled and said: "I'm going to be a soldier!" "Ha! This is your first!" The women laughed. When we arrived at Wulongtang, Gao Qingshan and Mangzhong met once in the mountains. Autumn Equinox talked about Mangzhong's origin and history, and the relationship with their family. Chun'er talked about the origin of the gun. He was a reliable person, so he asked Mangzhong to be a correspondent for Qingshan, and sent someone to fetch two sets of new military uniforms, and told them to put them on well, saying that in this way they would be able to suppress today's scene, so they were busy participating in the reorganization together. The meeting of Gao Scar's team went.

The meeting to reorganize the motley crew in this area was held on a vast sandy beach of the Hutuo River.In advance, the mobilization meeting in the county sent people down to organize the best shed craftsmen in the vicinity, pulled up the shank pole and reed mat, faced the river, and built a majestic and majestic parade platform with meticulous work. On this day, it has been windy since morning.Bursts of white sand hit people's faces, and the wide banner slogan in front of the stage swelled up, flapping together with the waves in the river.The slogan read: "Consolidate the anti-Japanese national united front, persist in guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines!"

The teams participating in the reorganization included a regiment from Gaoba in Ziwu Town, a regiment from Lisuo in Jiaoqiu Town, and a regiment from Zhang Daqiu in Madian Town.The three regiment leaders were neatly dressed and stood on the stage, mobilizing their teams. These teams were crowded and jostling, and they couldn't move. They became more and more chaotic, and finally quarreled, and some guns went off.The three regimental leaders jumped up and down on the stage, cursing and wanting to shoot the person who escaped, but they couldn't find out.It was almost noon, Gao Xiang, who presided over the meeting, asked Gao Qingshan to help mobilize the team. Gao Qingshan discussed with the three regiment leaders, called the battalion commanders to the front of the stage, and then asked them to take the teams away, and then went to the venue by name. Only then did we gradually stabilize the venue.

The colorful team sat down with their guns in their hands just now, and many small vendors came around the venue.Since the establishment of teams in each village, there has been a thunder on the ground, and many small businesses have increased.What kind of pie pan, steamed stuffed bun room, smoked chicken cabinet, tofu brain shed, these teams are monopolized, and they have made good money for a while.Today, I heard that the three regiments gathered here to set up booths and hold meetings, so they all followed, grabbing the ground, with knives and ladles clattering and shouting.As soon as they smelled the fragrance, the army became turbulent again and went out to buy sesame seed cakes.Gao Qingshan sent mangzhong to persuade for a while, and the small businessmen dispersed.

Gao Xiang was the first to speak. Gao Ba stood on the edge of the stage with his legs crossed and introduced, "Brothers, this is Commander Gao, the representative of Commander Lu. Clap your hands!" The audience applauded wildly, Gao Xiang said: "Comrades! The Japanese imperialists invaded our land and killed our people, and now they come to our house! The Japanese want to destroy our country and ask us to be his slaves. What should we do?" "Beat the dog day!" The audience shouted. Gao Xiang shouted: "Down with Japanese imperialism!" The audience followed him and shouted, the wind was blowing, the river was rushing, Gao Xiang said: "We want to defend our motherland, defend our hometown, and drive Japanese imperialism out of China. Comrades, you are heroes of the Anti-Japanese War. When you see the enemy coming You did not flee, nor surrendered. You took up your guns and resisted the invaders. You are glorious. The motherland and the people respect you! On behalf of the Political Department of the People's Self-Defense Forces Command, I salute you!"

The audience laughed, and the team became quiet. Gao Xiang continued: "Our comrades have different ideas about participating in the Anti-Japanese War: Some used to be oppressed by life, gathered at night and left, and became friends with gangsters; The sons of rich families came out with the guns; , leadership, and disciplined anti-Japanese troops!" Subsequently, Gao Xiang announced the three major disciplines, the eight points of attention, and some important principles for the relationship between officers and soldiers and military-civilian relations.Then he said: "We are fighting a just and honorable war, and we will be victorious.

We are not afraid that Japan's weapons are good, but we are afraid that we are not of the same mind. Regardless of how many cities Japan has occupied, we will carry out guerrilla warfare in its rear and establish anti-Japanese base areas!Those who have guns send out guns, those who have money send out money, and those who have people send out people, men, women, old and young, all mobilized together to disrupt the enemy's traffic and disrupt the enemy's rear.Comrades!The motherland depends on us, and the people rely on us. We must bravely shoulder the task of liberating the motherland. The purpose of our war is to expel Japanese imperialism and establish an independent, prosperous and powerful new China! " Finally, Gao Xiang announced the command of the headquarters to reorganize the three regiments into the seventh detachment of the People's Self-Defense Army, appoint Gao Qingshan as the detachment leader, and Gao Xiang as the political commissar.
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