Home Categories modern novel Fengyun Chuji

Chapter 10 chapter Ten

Fengyun Chuji 孙犁 2020Words 2018-03-22
Autumn Equinox had never ridden an animal before, and his legs were sore and sweated profusely when he shoveled along the way. The team walked fast and did not stop for a while. come on!" Guess again: "He shouldn't take me away!" Along the way, she just felt that the road was far away, and it was getting dark soon. When she arrived at Gaoyang, a long way from the city gate, a troop of soldiers came out with guns, guns and uniforms, and there were little red stars hanging on their arms. .After asking the reason, Gao Ba's team was blocked outside the city, and he was only asked to enter the city alone.Gao Ba said, "This woman is here to find her husband, so she must be allowed in."

After talking for a long time, the soldiers in the city agreed, and followed them into the city gate.The street is very lively, the merchants are all lighting up the lamps, the restaurants are noisy with knives and ladles, the streets are full of teams, some in military uniforms, some in plain clothes, some in plain clothes, military caps, and box guns with their mouths open. Children, there are anti-Japanese notices, slogans and singing voices everywhere. He went to the headquarters first, brought Gao Bao in, and brought Autumn Equinox to the Political Department.Walking into a very deep house, the autumn equinox keeps stumbling on the stone steps. There are several square tables in the hall of the main room, and the walls are covered with slogans, maps, and guns and ammunition.Several people in gray military uniforms were having a meeting around the table. When they saw her go in and asked her to sit down, a soldier asked with a smile, "Are you from Fukasawa?"

"Yes." Qiufen said, "I'm here to find someone, Gao Qingshan from Wulongtang." "Gao Qingshan?" The man pondered for a moment, "Did he participate in the riots that year? Who is yours? " "We are the head of the family," Qiufen said with his head down, "we participated together that year." "There is a fellow of yours here, also surnamed Gao," the man said with a smile, "ask him to see if it is right. Little devil, go ask Minister Gao of the Ministry of Democratic Movement to come over, bring a basin of washing water, and tell the kitchen to prepare a guest meal!"

After Autumn Equinox washed her face, a large pot of dried millet rice and a large pot of stewed meat with cabbage were brought in. The comrades served them to her. Qiu Equinox was already hungry, but she couldn’t eat any more. Noises in the yard.The comrades asked again: "You have a mass base in your area. Are you fully mobilized now? How about Gao Scar's team?" Autumn Equinox didn't know how to answer, but said: "Bandits will never retreat!" The people all laughed and said: "It doesn't matter. This is called the spring rain, and the grass seedlings grow together. The people's anti-Japanese requirements are very high. Minister Gao will go there tomorrow and tidy up."

There were footsteps in the yard, and people in the house said: Minister Gao is here.Autumn Equinox quickly stood up and looked around. The person who came in was a small man wearing myopia glasses and looked like a student. He asked when he entered the door: Where are the people from Wulongtang?Qiufen was stunned for a moment, took a closer look, and then smiled and said, "This is Gao Xiang. When did you come back?" Gao Xiang walked up to Autumn Equinox, leaned close to recognize her face for a while, jumped up happily and said, "Sister Autumn Equinox! I guessed it was you." Then he said to the comrades: "Come on, let me introduce you, Comrade Gao Qingshan's Lover, female warrior during the peasant uprising."

"How come your daughter-in-law is not allowed to come to see you once you guess it's me?" Qiufen said. "It's the same when you come to her!" Gao Xiang said with a smile, "Don't be disappointed today, seeing me is the same as seeing Brother Qingshan!" "Do you know his quasi-belief?" Qiufen asked. "It must be coming." Gao Xiang said, "I heard that he went north in Yan'an, and when he arrived in Jinchaji, I saw his name on a battle report. I have already left a message for the organization department to call him. Get in touch with me and you'll know where he is shortly!"

At this time, another woman came in, wearing a sea blue cheongsam and a gray cotton military uniform, looking at Gao Xiang, and said softly: "Minister Gao, are you still going? Everyone is here, just waiting for you Talk!" After speaking, he smiled and turned around to leave. Qiufen saw that it was Li Peizhong, the daughter-in-law of the big class. "Okay, I'll come." Gao Xiang said, "Sister-in-law Autumn Equinox should also go and have a look. The women's conference in Gaoyang City is more crowded than the ones we held ten years ago, and it's even more lively!"

When I came back from the conference, it was already midnight, and the autumnal equinox did not close my eyes until dawn. Many past events, past moods and words came alive before my eyes.It seems that many places are the same as ten years ago, and many places are quite different.The one who leads meetings, talks, and shouts slogans is still the little Gao Xiang. He is really like a bird soaring into the sky, always beckoning others to follow him.Ten years in prison hadn't frustrated the young man, who had grown older and more capable.The hardships of the ten-year war will not obliterate the youth and enthusiasm of Gyeongsan, right?

Why is Tian Daxiazi's daughter-in-law Li Peizhong also here?It seems that Gao Xiang is very close to her. Could it be that they will forget home when they are outside, guarding these young women? Early the next morning, she got into a big car with Gao Xiang and Li Peizhong and came back to Shenze.They passed the three counties of Lixian County, Boye, and Anguo and countless villages and towns, and saw that the passionate anti-Japanese and self-defense emotions emanating from the hearts of the peasants were rushing to the towns, villages, and fields on the plain, soaring to one place. , received a warm welcome.

The car bumped non-stop on the road that had been in disrepair for a long time, and Li Peizhong sang songs all the way against the wind.Autumn Equinox feels that today, after sharing the pain of ten years, it has shared the glory of the struggle.She didn't even think that in the future war of resistance against Japan, she would go through cruel tests and endure long-term hardships. At dusk, they arrived at Meridian Town.As soon as Qiufen got out of the car, someone quietly told her: "Qingshan is back, now Wulongtang; you take the car, he drove back a flock of sheep!" The autumn equinox did not stand firm, so it rushed to the mouth of the river.The people on the boat joked with her: "If you don't come back, you will wait and look forward to it all day; if you come back all of a sudden, you don't know where you have gone!"

On the boat, Autumn Equinox saw a group of people around the door of their hut.In the bright and red sun that was about to go down the mountain, there was a tall man in a light blue trousers jacket from the mountains, standing in front of the door, talking and laughing with the villagers. Relying on the unspeakable feeling between husband and wife, she immediately recognized that it was her relative who had been separated for ten years. She jumped off the boat, her legs and feet were all weak, and suddenly she felt sad, and she wanted to sit on the river beach and cry loudly. People often waved and shouted at her, and her husband turned to look at her. Go up the embankment slope. They came back to their hometown when they were suffering and helpless in the plains and the people were in a panic.
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