Home Categories modern novel deep night

Chapter 40 Chapter Eighteen

deep night 张恨水 3575Words 2018-03-22
Because the visit was quick, Mrs. Ding naturally didn't notice it, and Er and Mrs. Tong Tian talked face to face, so naturally she didn't mind, and continued to follow the words.Yin said: "Whether you like me or not, I always treat people with this kind of heart. If you misunderstand what I mean, you will look down on your old sister-in-law." , covered the mouth of the cup with his hands, looked at Erhe, and handed over the cup with a smile.Erhe caught it with both hands, bent down and said, "Excuse me."Mrs. Tian didn't say a word, she poured another cup of tea, held it in both hands, brought it to Granny Ding, and said with a smile: "Old lady, drink this cup of tea, it's freshly made good tea." Sister-in-law, you are too polite." Then she stood up and took the cup of tea.Mrs. Tian took her clothes, let her sit down, and said with a smile: "You are an elder at all, of course I have to respect you. Besides, your eyes are not very convenient, I will serve you, what is that?"

Before finishing a word, someone outside shouted: "Sister-in-law go home, brother has something to do at home!" Sister-in-law Tian stuck out her tongue and said, "He's back." After only explaining these four words, she hurriedly left the house. Erhe still didn't mind this move, and made dinner at home.After dinner, I helped my mother into the house, and sat on the edge of the Kang, chatting with my mother.Because Mrs. Ding didn't look tired at all, she had no choice but to find something to talk about, and she always sat and talked with her like this.Then I heard Wang Dafool ​​shouting at the gate of Kuayuan: "Second brother, let's go out and take a bath?" Erhe said: "No, I will chat with our old lady." Old lady Ding said: "You Go, I'll sleep after sitting for a while." Da fool Wang said: "That's okay, I'll talk to you later and ask Mrs. Tian to come and sit for a while. Come on, I have something important to say to you. "These words touched Erhe's mind very much, so he took some small change with him and walked out in response.

Less than ten minutes after Erhe left the house, Mrs. Tian came in with a smile.Seeing that the kerosene lamp was placed on the small coffee table next to it, he moved the lamp to the small table next to the kang, twisted the wick to make it bigger, took the wool rope in his hand, and started to wrap his gloves with the light.She said in her mouth: "Old lady, we are finally destined. I sat at home for a while, thinking about you, and here I come again." Old lady Ding said: "Erhe went out to take a bath, and I plan to sleep too." Tian The sister-in-law said: "I also heard that he went out, and I came here to be your company." Mrs. Ding said: "Is Brother Tian not at home?" Mrs. Tian said: "He came back, took a sip of water and went out again " Mrs. Ding said: "Wouldn't you lose your second girl at home alone?" Mrs. Tian said with a smile: "No, she also chats with the second girl of Zhang's family at home. Originally, I wanted to go with her too. I came here, but I have a few words to talk to you, and I don’t want her to hear. Old lady, guess what’s going on?” Old lady Ding smiled slightly and said, “Sister-in-law Tian, ​​don’t you Play charades with me, I'm very stupid." Mrs. Tian laughed and said, "You are a Guanyin Bodhisattva, you know what I mean when we cough, can't you guess one of them? Look, two and one are going out I will leave you alone at home. If you have someone who is always with you, it would be great to stay with you at home." Granny Ding smiled and nodded a few times.Mrs. Tian said: "Madam, what do you think of what I said during the day?" Mrs. Ding said with a smile: "Is there anything I don't want to do? Idea. This kid, Erhe, has been in a daze for the past two days. This day..." Aunt Tian stopped her and said, "Leave Erhe to me, I must have a way to talk him Convinced." Old Madam Ding said with a smile: "My sister-in-law is really a kind person."

Mrs. Tian thought that she must have some explanation for her being below this point, but she only said one sentence, and there was no further explanation.I made more than a dozen stitches on the wool rope, and after turning a few turns in my heart, I said, "You knew that I was an honest person, right? I'm not wrong. It's just for this, and it's often for other people's beans. , fried your own pot, if your family is happy with this matter, we have to talk to him about it." Old lady Ding laughed: "This is for other people's beans , I blew up my own pot. But I hope you don’t blow up your own pot.” Auntie Tian paused, and said with a smile: “I’m just joking, we are really close to each other. Why is Kouzi unwilling?" Mrs. Ding felt that she couldn't turn the corner in her words, and she kept chasing her down, which was also embarrassing for her.This is pulling other things, talking for a while, and putting this aside.

After a while, there was a man's voice, shouting outside the gate of Kuayuan: "If you don't accept it at night, shouldn't you go home?" Mrs. Tian said: "Whatever you don't accept at night! It's still early Lah. The old lady is at home alone, and I will be with her." Mrs. Ding said: "Brother Tian is talking, right? You should go back too." Mrs. Tian stood up and said with a smile: "We are both old couples. I'm a helper, and he still manages me like this." She said so, but she had already taken the work in hand and walked to the door.Looking back at Mrs. Ding, she said, "Grandma, you can go to sleep too. I'll show you the door across the yard." Mrs. Ding thanked her, but she turned her head and listened attentively to what the couple said.Sure enough, they were chattering, they were quite tongue-in-cheek, but they walked away slowly, only to hear Mrs. Tian say loudly: "You belong to Cao Cao? Such a big suspicion."

Mrs. Ding listened to the words in her heart, so she didn't dare to sleep.When Erhe returned home after taking a shower, it was only after twelve o'clock. Seeing his mother leaning on the bed with her clothes still on, she said, "Why haven't you slept yet?" Mrs. Ding frowned and said, "We have caused trouble." " Erhe was stunned for a long time, and said after a long time: "What a disaster?" Mrs. Ding said: "No! Just because of this journey, you are always away from home, and Mrs. Tian is always at our house. Brother Tian is very concerned about this matter I’m so unhappy about it. You left, Mrs. Tian came and talked with me for an hour, but Brother Tian came to the courtyard door and brought her back. It seems that the two of you might have a quarrel.” Two He said: "No wonder, I passed by the big courtyard just now, and the lights were still on in the Tian's house, and there were people talking in it, maybe it was a husband and wife who were at odds. I'll listen." He spoke quietly. He sneaked out of the Kuayuan gate, leaned against the eaves of other people's houses, and walked to the window of Tian's house.When I came, I heard Brother Tian say: "No matter what intentions you have, I don't like it when you stay in his house all day and night like this. I have two paths now. I will find Ding Erhe and talk to him about this. Menzili! How can he like my daughter-in-law? If he can’t come back, we’re going in and out! Otherwise, I’m afraid of that kid and I’m looking for a house to move.” Sister-in-law Tian said: “My enemy , don’t yell, who can’t hear you talking in such a loud voice in the middle of the night? You don’t care about face, and I care about face. That’s okay, go out tomorrow and find a room.” Brother Tian said: “Hey, I was expecting you, and I had no choice but to take this path. I told you, if you take a step across the gate tomorrow, I will kill you!"

Hearing these words, Erhe stood under the eaves of his house, took a deep breath, and thought: I don't need to follow up with these words. In this big courtyard, if you want to meet other neighbors, it is the boss. the inconvenience.Still following the eaves of others, slowly slipping back.At that time, I didn't tell my mother the words. I was bored in my heart and went to bed.Of course, Erhe slept on the bed at night, very sad. But he was not the only one who was sad, the second girl from the Tian family was sleeping on the bed, and he was twice as sad as he was.When Auntie Tian was arguing with her husband, she was sleeping on the bed and couldn't help but toss and turn in her thoughts, only complaining that her elder brother was not reasonable.Ding Erhe is such an honest person, he will tease my sister-in-law? His own woman, who doesn’t care, likes to joke with people, so let’s not mention it? Finally, when the eldest brother said that he was moving, he thought to himself: "Forget it, Sister-in-law can’t come here in the future, come here by herself, there are some old neighbors, and my brother can’t interfere.” Thinking this way in my heart, I felt calm, and then I fell asleep peacefully.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt that the sky was still dark and refused to dawn. I leaned on the window sill on the kang and looked out through the paper hole. The yard was dripping with mud and water. Then, the end of the rain cigarette was rolled up, and it rushed towards the eaves outside the window. Although there were only a few small holes in the window paper, the cold wind blew in, making people feel chilly.Hearing the continuous sound of bowls, knives and anvils in the next room, he asked across the wall: "Sister-in-law, have you cooked yet?" Sister-in-law Tian said, "Should you get up? It's already past ten o'clock "The second girl opened the door in her cloak, and saw that the elder sister-in-law had changed, her hair was unkempt, her face was yellow, her sleeves were rolled up, and she was cutting vegetables on the small table. chop vegetables.The second girl said: "Where is the eldest brother?" Mrs. Tian rolled her mouth and said, "He, hum!" The knife in her hand cut the vegetables and went down, touching the chopping board, making noises. The second girl smiled and said: "Brother's Temper, don’t you know? He’s a man with words but no heart.” Mrs. Tian said: “A man with words but no heart? But he has a heart disease. He has gone out to find a house.” The second girl took the washbasin by herself and put it on the stove. He poured water into the kettle and washed his face, and smiled nonchalantly: "Are you still angry?" Mrs. Tian just snorted, and the second girl put the washbasin on the square stool, bent over to wash her face, and still didn't care. Said: "When did you two fight last night?" Mrs. Tian said: "It's all because of him talking nonsense, I ignored him." The second girl said: "I don't want to persuade you, but he is really an honest person." Mrs. Tian couldn't help but burst out laughing, and asked, "Who is this guy? Who is this guy?" The second girl blushed, not daring to continue the conversation, and retreated into the room after washing her face.

The weather on this day was getting more and more gloomy, and in the afternoon, it was like pulling cotton threads, with bursts of rain falling on the house and the ground, making a lot of noise.The second girl was sitting on the kang, comparing her two gloves with each other, she was smiling, and she was in a trance, but she heard someone shouting in the yard: "What's the matter? Didn't hear anything, the second brother moved?" Startled by these words, the girl looked outside and saw Erhe's carriage harnessed to the horses and parked in the big yard. Apart from the old lady sitting in the carriage, there were boxes and bedrolls piled up. There were a lot of things, and two large oilcloths were covered on them, and the rain was pouring, and I couldn't help but let out an "ah yo".Auntie Tian was taking a nap in the opposite room, and was awakened by her "Ah yo", and asked, "What did the second sister beat up?" The second girl had already walked into the middle room, crossed the door with both hands, Looking outside the yard, Yin said: "Look, isn't this Mrs. Ding moving?" Mrs. Tian was in her room, and she saw it from across the room, and she yelled, "What's the matter, in this big courtyard?" Are there robbers? How do you move in the rain?" The second girl said: "This is quite novel." Her aunt and sister-in-law were discussing here across the room, and Erhe was wearing an oilskin raincoat and a worn straw hat. He walked out through the courtyard gate, got into the rainforest, took the whip and jumped into the front seat of the car.

The second girl didn't care about the embarrassment anymore, and braved the rain to chase them out of the yard. This time, a kind of relationship between each other was planted.
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