Home Categories modern novel Good night, Beijing

Chapter 2 second quarter

Good night, Beijing 汪峰 1709Words 2018-03-22
The toilet is warm, the marble walls are warm, the light is warm, the air is warm, the street outside is warm, the crowd is warm, time is warm, fantasy is warm, railings, shops, vehicles, newspapers , billboards are warm.Feathers falling from flying birds, dust raised by excavators, cold light from computer chips, imitation Middle Eastern tea sets in supermarkets, frozen meat, fruit juice, pesticides, aluminum floor lamps, roadside stop signs, and the intertwined crowds are all warm of.Blood is warm, breath is warm, sweat is warm, even excrement is warm.Wang Fan sat on the toilet enjoying the warmth of this moment, his whole body was relaxed and refreshed, and he let his consciousness float around happily.He didn't want to stop, he didn't want the feeling of this moment to go away.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise of flushing water from the next compartment. The loud noise washed away the stool and Wang Fan's fantasy.Judging from the sound, the man opened the door, walked to the sink, and turned on the faucet.At this time, the toilet door was pushed open, and several people came in talking and laughing, some urinated, some washed their hands, Wang Fan felt that they had a Cantonese accent, and one of them spoke loudly, as if Cursing.After a while, several people went out one after another, and tranquility was restored in the toilet.Wang Fan felt his stomach was much refreshed, so he stood up, lifted his pants after flushing, opened the door and walked to the sink.At this time, he heard singing from the small speaker on the ceiling. It was an English song he liked very much, and it was sung by a singer named Bob Dylan with a rooster voice.He has always felt that this person's songs express his own feelings. "How does this feel / How does this feel / How does it feel to be alone / No direction of home / Nothing to do / Like a nameless person / Like a rolling stone." Wang Fan stood in front of the mirror, listening to this song, staring at the mirror in myself.

The person in front of him was both familiar and unfamiliar, with a thin beard crawling on his thin cheeks, pale skin, and a tired face.From his eyes, you can see some sadness, some loneliness, some confusion and a little anger.Is this me?Wang Fan looked at himself in the mirror suspiciously and thought, is this really me?This could be me.This person is transparent, invisible, weightless, and fleshless. It can be passed through by any object, and can also be melted at any time.It doesn't matter when it exists or when it disappears, who cares? "Where am I? What am I doing? Why am I here? Where should I go?" Wang Fan thought about it, feeling dizzy and nauseated.Every day he was haunted by these terrible questions, and he felt overwhelmed and unable to stand it.He lowered his head, splashed cold water on his face, and shook his head violently a few times to wake himself up.

He reached out to get the soap, but suddenly found a black wallet lying quietly beside the sink, next to the stainless steel soap box.Wang Fan picked it up, opened the wallet, and saw a stack of 100 yuan RMB, a few tickets to the hotel disco, and two visa cards.No ID, no photo, no passport.Wang Fan instinctively turned around, opened the door and ran to the center of the lobby.At this time, the lobby was very deserted, and several middle-aged men who looked like Arabs were dragging their luggage at the front desk to go through the formalities.The manager on duty was wandering in the lobby in a slow, gentlemanly manner. In the commodity department, there were two women picking out silk. Only a middle-aged man and a young woman were talking at the door of the business center more than ten meters away from him.

Wang Fan walked over and glanced at the woman first. Her body is plump and her mouth is very sexy, giving people a charming feeling.The man looked well-maintained, wearing a well-fitting, surely expensive light blue suit, with a stern expression.Wang Fan said to the man: "Excuse me, excuse me. Did you go to the bathroom just now?" The man looked Wang Fan up and down, and said in a stiff tone, "What's wrong?" Wang Fan felt a little uncomfortable when he heard this. Comfortable.The man answered irrelevant questions, as if someone owed him something, and as if someone else wanted to pry into some secret.Wang Fan said coldly: "Just to ask you, have you ever been to the bathroom? Just five minutes ago." The man pondered for a while and said, "Yes." The woman next to him looked at Wang Fan curiously: " He has been there, what's the matter?" Wang Fan glanced at the woman, then turned his head to the man and said, "I just want to ask if you dropped anything." The man immediately touched the pocket of his suit vigilantly and pants pocket, and then said with a firm expression: "No, I didn't drop anything." Then he thought for a while and said: "But when I went out, a few people went into the toilet, could it be them? What is it? Stuff?" Wang Fan looked at him, then at the woman and said, "It's fine if you didn't lose anything, where did you see those people go?" "They seem to have taken a taxi." "Okay, Thank you." Wang Fan turned around and was about to leave, but before turning around, he glanced at the woman again, and the woman smiled at him, Wang Fan felt that the lips were really beautiful, making people want to kiss.He nodded and walked out of the hotel door.

Standing at the gate, there was no one around except the doorman. Wang Fan glanced back at the front desk of the hotel behind the door, then turned his head and thought about it. He decided not to hand it over to the hotel. Let's go, go home and think about it.
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