Home Categories modern novel Past Events in the Northeast 2 20 Years of the Underworld

Chapter 43 Forty-three, the carp is upright

Holding pink lantern riddle papers in their hands, Zhao Hongbing and Fei Si stopped a car and rushed to the gate of the Hongqi community where the incident happened, and found that several police cars had already arrived, surrounded by onlookers.When Zhao Hongbing saw Fan Jin lying on the ground for the first time, he couldn't help being shocked.To be able to see Zhao Hongbing who has seen countless dead people tremble, it can be seen how miserable Fan Jin died.Later, Zhao Hongbing said more than once after drinking: "I have seen people die miserably, but I have never seen such a miserable death like Fan Jin. Fan Jin was a little nervous during that time, but in fact he is still a good person." , loyal to me. After he died, I didn’t eat for several days, and I felt very uncomfortable.” Ergou believed that Zhao Hongbing was not only uncomfortable in the heart, but also in the stomach.

Fan Jin had only one injury all over his body, and it was on the back of his head. There are many ways for a person to die, and there are many possible places to die, such as dying in a hospital bed, dying in one's own home... But Ergou thinks that the most unacceptable thing is lying dead on the street.None of the dead is beautiful, but after lying on the street, it will be exhibited for at least half an hour, and passers-by are allowed to watch, visit, and comment. Fan Jin just lay on his stomach, lifeless, his face pressed tightly against the cold concrete floor at the gate of the community, and his broken glasses fell less than one meter away from him.Just yesterday, he was still alive and well, drinking with Zhao Hongbing, Fei Si and others, getting very drunk, and riding a scooter everywhere.Today, he died.

This is fate, no one can do anything about it. "Zhao Hongbing, come here." Yan Chunqiu, the urban criminal police detachment leader who was very low in rank but happened to be in charge of this area, saw Zhao Hongbing. "Well, how did he die?" Zhao Hongbing said calmly. "Do you know him?" "Yes, his name is Fan Jin. How did he die?" "He was hacked to death." "Who?" "Zhigang, I've caught it." "Hacked to death?" "Well, those who were hacked to death, just one knife." Zhao Hongbing was speechless.Fan Jin was hacked to death!The local bastards fought and greeted each other with machetes and kitchen knives every day, but I really never heard of anyone who was hacked to death after being hacked once.Fan Jin is no ordinary back.

When Zhao Hongbing turned his head, Fei Si burst into tears.Fei Si knew that the place where Fan Jin died was at the gate of the community where his underground casino was located, and Fan Jin must have done it for his casino. That night, Zhao Hongbing knew the whole process of Fan Jin's death. Since Fei Si and his wife went to drink at Zhao Hongbing's restaurant on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, only Fan Jin and his two little brothers were left in the underground casino to watch.There are quite a few people from the world who come to Fei Si to gamble.That day, Li Laozhi's general Zhigang also gambled here.That day Zhigang straightened his back and played cheating Jinhua. In one afternoon, he lost 85,000.

"Fan Jin, give me 10,000 yuan." Zhigang said to Fan Jin.Zhigang often came here to gamble, so he knew Fan Jin, his eldest brother Li Laogou and Fan Jin's eldest brother Zhao Hongbing also knew each other, they were both from the Jianghu.Confused, Zhigang wanted to borrow 10,000 yuan from Fan Jin to make up for it. "Zhigang, it's not like you don't know that we don't raise money here." To raise money means borrowing usury. "I don't want to borrow money from you, I just borrow some money from my fourth brother. I will pay it back tomorrow. This small amount of money is nothing."

"Then I can't make up my mind. Fourth Brother went to drink with Brother Red Soldier and the others. Let's wait for him to come back." Fan Jin said politely. "When will the fourth brother come back?" "Then maybe." "Fan Jin, can I borrow 10,000 yuan from you personally? Today you pumped at least 30,000 to 40,000 yuan, so you should have 10,000 yuan in cash, right?" "Zhigang, look at you, there is only one eye left, and the eyesight is not working well. Don't bet on the dick, go home quickly." The words of Fan Jin, who has been too arrogant recently, are not right again.In fact, he didn't want to lend money to Zhigang, but he was talking about Zhigang's eyes being blinded by a lunatic.Isn't Fan Jin outrageous?Is Zhigang easy to provoke?

"If you don't borrow it, don't borrow it. What are you doing so much? Fuck!" Zhigang was unhappy. "Don't worry about it here, do you know where this is?" Fan Jin said in awe. "Isn't it just Fei Sikai's scene? Who are you scaring? You try to trick me?" Zhigang, who had just lost money, was ridiculed by Fan Jin for his disabled eyes, and became angry, and walked towards Fan Jin with a burst of anger.The two are getting closer and closer. "Cut him!" Fan Jin took out a gun and said to the two brothers behind him.In those years, there were always some fugitives who liked to use guns to rob gambling games, so all the spectators in the local underground casinos carried guns.The brother behind Fan Jin rushed forward and slapped him twice. "Don't pretend to be aggressive with us, love to play or not. If you pretend to be broken again!" Fan Jin was very proud.Ever since he joined Zhao Hongbing's gang, Fan Jin has risen to heaven.Zhigang didn't speak, turned around and went out the door.Who is Zhigang?Dare to kill on the street when you are a teenager!People like Li Si or Zhang Yue may be able to deal with him, but he, Fan Jin, is definitely not Zhigang's opponent.

Zhigang went back to find Mr. Li. "Brother, do you care about this matter?" "Forget it, we are all friends, these are all misunderstandings. I have a good relationship with the Red Soldier now. I will call the Red Soldier tomorrow and ask the spectator to apologize to you and set up a few tables of wine. The Red Soldier will still give it to me. In my opinion, let’s leave it alone.” Li Laozhu didn’t want to have any more conflicts with Zhao Hongbing because of the small frictions of his subordinates. "Brother, you can lend me a gun." "I don't want to borrow it." Old Li's stick is just right for Zhizhi.

"Then I will solve it myself." Zhigang said and walked out. "Come back!" Li Laozhu yelled, but Zhigang didn't listen and left. Zhigang went home, took a machete, and went to the Hongqi Community.He didn't rush into the casino to settle accounts with Fan Jin, but stood guard at the gate of Hongqi Community, hiding in the shadow behind the gatehouse.This is the only way for Fan Jin to come out, and he is waiting here for Fan Jin to come out.Zhigang's vicious and patient spirit is somewhat like Li Si's. Unfortunately for Fan Jin, it was said that within five minutes after Zhi arrived, Fan Jin came out, alone.He came downstairs to buy cigarettes. Not only did he not bring a gun, he didn't even bring a knife.

Fan Jin, who was walking with his big brother in his hand, walked to the gate of the community, but he didn't even notice that there was a one-eyed dragon staring at him in the shadow of the gatehouse of the community. When Fan Jin just walked out of the gate of the community, Zhigang swung the knife with all his strength from behind him. This knife hit Fan Jin in the back of the head. The knife is too fast, and Zhigang's strength is too strong, just one stroke. Fan Jin fell to the ground on the spot. It is said that Fan Jin survived after falling to the ground.He turned over, and a carp stood up straight, still holding the big brother in his hand.

After Fan Jin Liyu straightened up, he didn't turn around to see who attacked him, but made two phone calls. The first call was to his mother: "Mom, I'm dead, I'm sorry for you." After speaking, he hung up the phone. The second call was to Zhao Hongbing: "Red Soldier..." Halfway through speaking, he fell to the ground and died. After swiping the knife, Zhigang looked at Fan Jin's back on the phone, dumbfounded. The back of the head was slashed, and he was supposed to be dead, but he was able to stand up like a carp, and even made two phone calls in a row.This way of dying is a bit tragic.If there were no parents, no Zhao Hongbing, perhaps Fan Jin would have fallen to the ground and died.But he still has his parents and brother Hong Soldier in his heart. Before he leaves, he wants to say hello. Fan Jin is a bit terrified, but he is worthy of the title of a man in the world. He is filial to his mother and loyal to his elder brother. When he is dying, he still remembers and supports him, protects him, and makes him earn money. Eldest brother Zhao Hongbing said otherwise.Unfortunately, the words did not finish. Did Zhao Hongbing help Fan Jin or harm him?No one can tell. The dumbfounded Zhigang ran wildly along the road. Before he ran very far, he was held down on the spot by an oncoming patrol car. In the early 1990s, festivals such as lantern festivals and local hooligans' fights would happen every year. A few people died.So at this time, almost all the police cars will be dispatched, patrolling the streets and standing by at any time.Zhigang chose a good day, otherwise he wouldn't have been caught so soon. Fan Jin avenged himself.If he hadn't stood up like a carp and made two phone calls, Zhigang wouldn't have been so frightened that he ran wildly along the road, maybe he would have found a place to hide. That night, Fei Si was detained. "Fei Si was thrown in this time, and he won't be able to get out for a while." Li Si said. "The matter is so serious that Fei Si will be convicted if he can't handle it. He organized a gambling game and killed people. Si'er, find a way to find someone to get Fei Si out." Sun Dawei said. "We'll talk about Fei Si's matter later. He didn't have any major crimes. It was nothing more than organizing gambling. At most, he will be sentenced to a few years. We will talk about Fei Si's matter in a few days. It is useless to find someone now." Zhang Yue is worthy of being the eldest brother. , don't panic when things happen, and can distinguish between primary and secondary. "The people we are looking for now are the parents of Mr. Li and Fan Jin." said Zhao Hongbing, who had been silent all this time. "Let's go!" Li Si said.Many of his ideas are exactly the same as Zhao Hongbing's. "Let's go together!" Sun Dawei said. "No need, the three of us, Si'er and Zhang Yue, are going to fight. Why are there so many people there?" After speaking, Zhao Hongbing got up and left.Zhang Yue and Li Si followed out. Zhao Hongbing has this charm. When encountering important events, although his words are not in a commanding tone, there are no brothers to refute, and everyone habitually listens to his words. In the middle of the night, Zhao Hongbing, Zhang Yue, and Li Si went to Mr. Li's villa.Mr. Li arranged for the three of them to sit down and make tea and water, very politely. "Old Li, Zhigang hacked Fan Jin to death." After a moment of silence, Zhao Hongbing said. "I didn't stop him, and I didn't expect it to be such a big deal." Old Li sticks to excuse himself. "Well, I know this matter has nothing to do with you. But Fan Jin is my brother. He was hacked to death by your brother. In the future, his parents will come with me to ask for a son. What should I do?" Zhao Hongbing said. "... Otherwise, I'll take some money out." This matter had nothing to do with Li Laogou. The reason why Li Laogou gave out money was because he was afraid of Zhao Hongbing.Back then, Zhao Hongbing stabbed him five or six times and jumped off the building in fright. He still remembers it vividly. "That's what I mean too. The money is for Fan Jin's parents. Old Li, how much do you want?" "Red Soldier, 50,000 will do?" Li Laozhu asked Zhao Hongbing. "No. Old Li, I made up my mind before I came here. You get 150,000, and our brothers get 250,000, and we make up 400,000 to support Fan Jin's parents." Old Li took a few puffs of cigarettes and said nothing. "Tomorrow morning, I will ask my son to send the money to you." Old Stick Li said after being silent for a while. "Old Li, thank you." "Red Soldier, please do something." "Speak. Now is the time, so don't beg." "I heard that Zhigang hacked Fan Jin to death with a knife, but he didn't necessarily want Fan Jin's life. I have studied law, and I know that in such a situation, the death penalty may be imposed, or the death penalty may be imposed. A suspended death sentence... Red Soldier, do you understand what I mean?" "I understand. But Zhigang must collapse. I have to give Fan Jin an explanation, and I must also give an explanation to all brothers." "If Zhigang doesn't die, I'll give another 100,000 to Fan Jin's parents, okay?" "No, this matter has nothing to do with money, you can just pay 150,000 yuan." After Zhao Hongbing finished speaking, he stood up. Old stick Li didn't speak. "Lao Li, let's go, what time will my nephew bring the money tomorrow morning?" "...it's nine o'clock." Li Lao Chou lay on the sofa and sighed. This may be the only time Zhao Hongbing bullied others, and it may also be the only time Li Laozhu was bullied in his life.Zhao Hongbing's going to Li Laogou's house to ask for money this time is completely false. Li Laogou is a veteran of the Jianghu. When he saw Zhao Hongbing brought Zhang Yue and Li Si to him, he understood.Old stick Li has dominated the world for more than twenty years. If he is really afraid of one person, then he is afraid of Zhao Hongbing; if there is no Hongbing Zhao, all the gangsters in the city will be gathered by old stick Li.Zhao Hongbing was not alone. Behind him stood Zhang Yue, Li Si, and Fei Si who was temporarily in prison.These people, if you take any one out, have the strength to fight with Old Li.No matter how good Mr. Li is, he can't kill all these people.Old stick Li came out to seek money, not to fight desperately with Zhang Yue, a well-known desperado in the city. Old Stick Li knew that Zhao Hongbing had red eyes this time.The consequences of Zhao Hongbing's red eyes, Mr. Li is very clear, he has tasted it. Zhao Hongbing's extortion of money this time can be said to have to be extorted, must be extorted.There are two purposes: first, to give an explanation to the dead Fan Jin, to get some retirement money for Fan Jin’s parents, if the murderous Zhigang went in and couldn’t find him, then it would be bad luck for Mr. Li, so we had to go to him; Second, if he doesn't get the money from Mr. Li, maybe people in the society will say: "The Red Soldiers are actually not as powerful as Mr. Li. Zhigang under Mr. Li hacked Fan Jin to death, and the Red Soldiers I dare not say anything." This public opinion was enough to make Zhao Hongbing, who always cares about face, couldn't stand it. Early the next morning, Mr. Li's son delivered the money, plus the money Mr. Shen took out from the bank, a total of 400,000.At 10 o'clock in the morning, Zhao Hongbing and Li Si went to Fan Jin's house.The reason Zhao Hongbing took Li Si there was because Li Si was Fei Si's brother-in-law.The door of Fan Jin's house was open, and Zhao Hongbing and Li Si went straight in.Fan Jin's home is dilapidated.In 1994, local people with a little money lived in high-rise buildings, but Fan Jin's house was still two large tile-roofed houses with pointed ridges.It is said that Fan Jin, who has just made money, has ordered a building of more than 100 square meters for his parents, but the house has not yet been handed over.During the Spring Festival, Fan Jin's parents happily contacted the decoration company every day. When Zhao Hongbing entered, Fan Jin's parents were sitting on the dilapidated sofa with two worn armrests. "Dad, Mom, I will be your son from now on." Zhao Hongbing knelt on the ground as soon as he entered the door, and kowtowed.Li Si knelt down and kowtowed too.Fan Jin's father looked at Zhao Hongbing and Li Si blankly, his eyes were dull, he didn't speak or move, like a wood carving.Tears should have been shed last night. Fan Jin's mother, with gray hair, looked at Zhao Hongbing and Li Si who were kneeling on the ground, crying dryly, only shed tears, but did not cry out.Tears flowed down the old cheeks and down the neck, and there was a "hissing" sound in his throat.It seems that his throat was already broken from crying last night. "Dad, Mom, my brothers and sisters pooled 400,000 yuan for you, you take it first." Zhao Hongbing knelt and moved forward, holding up a big bag wrapped in newspaper with both hands.Fan Jin's father still sat there expressionless like a wooden sculpture.Fan Jin's mother didn't accept the money either, so Zhao Hongbing held it up with both hands.After a while, Fan Jin's mother cried "...".It was a voice from the throat, hoarse: "My son is dead, what do we need money for?" Zhao Hongbing and Li Si knelt on the ground, not knowing what to say. "My son is dead, what do we need money for?" "My son is dead, what do we need money for?" "My son is dead, what do we need money for?!"... Fan Jin's mother was only repeating these words hoarsely, each sentence becoming more and more mournful. Li Si, who has always been known for his cruelty, shed tears and sobbed. After kneeling for more than ten minutes, Zhao Hongbing put down the money. "Dad, Mom, let's go. Don't worry, Fan Jin's revenge must be avenged. No matter how much money we spend, Zhigang must be destroyed." After finishing speaking, he got up and pulled Li Si up, and the two walked out silently. Walking to the gate of Fan Jin's house, Zhao Hongbing, an incomparably strong man, also shed tears.He probably thought of his own dad.Fortunately, Zhao Hongbing was lucky to be alive. Three days later, Fan Jin's father died of cerebral thrombosis. Ten months later, Zhigang was shot. Half a year later, outside the gate of Fan Jin’s house, there was an old lady with white hair, who was almost blind from crying, and she sat on a big rock in front of the house every day, telling pedestrians and neighbors on the roadside his story. son. "My son's academic performance has always been very good, and he was only one point short of the college entrance examination in the first year." "If my son hadn't had convulsions during the exam, he would have graduated from university and would be going to work soon." "Although my son didn't go to college, he made more money than anyone else and even bought us a house." "My son is filial, he even called me before he died..." No one heard this without crying. The building that Fan Jin bought for his parents is still empty and no one lives in it. Whenever there are New Years and holidays, there are always three people who come to visit the old lady with big bags and small bags.Of the three, one was missing several fingers, one was crippled, and the third was a heavy smoker who always seemed to be awake.These three people always lose one or two people inexplicably every once in a while.In the past two years, only the man with the few fingers and the lame man remained. The man who looked like a big smoker also died. "Did you see, those three people are the godsons of the old lady. They are not good people, gangsters." Neighbors always comment like this. "The old lady's son is a gangster and died. This is what happens to the gangsters, you know?" Neighbors always use Fan Jin as a negative example to educate those seven or eight-year-old children who don't know Fan Jin. Relatives or Yu Bei, others have also sung. On the second day after Fei Si entered, Zhao Hongbing, who was close to Fan Jin and Fei Si, was also summoned.It is said that the criminal police headed by Yan Chunqiu in the urban criminal police team were quite polite to Zhao Hongbing.But before leaving, the police also said to Zhao Hongbing: "We know you have a lot of things to do, so take it easy. If you commit crimes and come in, we will not be so polite. We all know that you are living a good life now Let’s weigh it yourself.” Zhao Hongbing smiled sincerely and didn’t speak.Zhao Hongbing also didn't want to always add trouble to the Public Security Bureau.The people's police are sometimes very earnest, and it is not easy. After Fan Jin's death, Zhao Hongbing was in a particularly bad mood, very depressed.Mr. Shen is in love, so we can't hang out with him every day.Fei Si, who had a drinking rivalry with Zhao Hongbing, also went in, but he hasn't been convicted yet.Although there are occasional trysts with Gao Huan, it is an underground relationship after all, and they cannot be together every day.
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