Home Categories modern novel Past Events in the Northeast 2 20 Years of the Underworld

Chapter 32 Thirty-two, people block and kill people, Buddha blocks and kills Buddha

Zhang Yue, who has the blood of a pure bandit leader, has never known what to be afraid of in the arena.Zhang Yue has always despised the king's law. He has his own set of codes of conduct: as long as there are people in the world who want to trouble Zhang Yue, then others will block the killing, and the Buddha will block the killing of the Buddha.If someone wants to become famous by fighting Zhang Yue a few times, then don't even think about it.Those who fought with Zhang Yue were either dead or disabled. Zhao Hongbing has always been adhering to the principle of "no one offends me, I will not offend others", and tries not to conflict with people in the rivers and lakes, but once a strong enemy really invades, the courage and energy that Zhao Hongbing burst out always amazes everyone, even Above Zhang Yue.The stronger the opponent, the stronger Zhao Hongbing.Before the birth of Zhao Hongbing and others, Li Laogou was always considered to be an insurmountable peak in the local rivers and lakes, unbeatable, but Zhao Hongbing just didn't believe in evil, and finally made Li Laogou lie on the bed for a long time after several consecutive hard fights half a year.

"No matter how fierce it is, can it be more fierce than the Vietnamese?" Ergou remembered that before the fierce battle with Zhao Shanhe, Zhao Hongbing said this easily with sleepy eyes.How could Zhao Hongbing, who survived the hail of guns and bullets of the Vietnam Army, which is known as the number one in the world, be afraid of Zhao Shanhe, who led dozens of mobs? Many people may not understand why Zhang Yue and Zhao Hongbing fought against Chen Weidong and Zhao Shanhe when they were already famous and successful, but the main victim, Fugui, avoided this battle in fear?Ergou didn't understand back then, but now, Ergou understands.

Ergou believes that different levels and realms of people's needs lead to differences in their social status. The reason why Zhao Hongbing, Zhang Yue and others can become the big brothers in the eyes of the citizens, and the biggest reason why Fugui and others will always live under their light, is in the final analysis, human nature. American Maslow once proposed in "need-hierarchy theory" that human needs are divided into five levels from bottom to top, namely physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, respect needs and self-actualization needs.Among the above five levels, only when the previous level is satisfied, the needs of the next level will be generated, that is to say, the physiological needs are the lowest level needs, while the self-actualization needs are the highest level needs.

Fugui, who has suffered since he was a child, has been struggling between physiological needs and safety needs. The lowest human needs such as food and clothing are what he has been desperately fighting for.All of a sudden, these needs of wealth are met.Moreover, when the main need of wealth rises to social needs, he has love and status again.The wealth at this time is already content with the status quo, with no desires or desires. However, Zhang Yue and Zhao Hongbing are completely different. Their three levels of needs, including physiological needs, safety needs, and social needs, have been met many years ago, and their respect needs have also been met to a considerable extent. is self-actualization.

The self-realization of the big brother in the rivers and lakes is to never compromise or shrink back under the despotic power of a powerful opponent, and to fight the tyrannical provocateur head-on with greater courage and strength. Li Baoku, a famous old Chinese medicine box in modern Northeast China, once said a famous saying: People stand at different heights, and they must look at problems from different angles. Ergou would like to add another sentence: people stand at different heights, they must look at problems from different angles, and the heights they reach in life must be even more different.

It will take many years for Fugui to reach the heights of Zhao Hongbing and Zhang Yue.Even, for a lifetime. Maybe some friends will say: "Fuck with Zhao Shanhe! Ergou, why are you so tired of writing? Why are you talking so much useless? You, Kong Ergou, are writing about the underworld. If you don’t fight or kill, is it still a underworld? Hurry up and start a war!" Ergou wanted to say: Ergou is indeed writing about the underworld, but it is even more about the society.It is true that most of Ergou's writings are people in the underworld, but Ergou wants to write more about human nature in the face of fierce conflicts and temptations of money.If Ergou is not allowed to write these, then Ergou thinks it is meaningless to write this story and has already stopped writing.

The most classic series of fierce local battles in the 1980s was jointly created by Zhao Hongbing, Li Si, Liu Haizhu and others together with Li Laozhu, Huang Laoxie, Lao Wu and others.The most classic battles in the 1990s were completed by Zhao Hongbing, Little Beijing, Zhang Yue, Chen Weidong, and Zhao Shanhe. Zhao Hongbing and Li Laogou fought on and off for two years, with more than ten battles before and after.This time, the fight with Zhao Shanhe only lasted for two weeks, but the scale and level of bloodshed were even worse than the fight with Li Laozhu. After this battle, Zhang Yue became the unshakable number one brother in the local arena.Zhao Hongbing has also become a symbolic totem figure worshiped by the bastards.

In the conversations between Zhao Hongbing and Zhang Yue, two people often remained silent for two or three minutes at the same time.Usually at this point, both are in deep thought. "Zhang Yue, it's not suitable for you to come forward in person." Zhao Hongbing stubbed out his cigarette. "Well, Zhao Shanhe, he is not worthy of letting me do it myself." "Who are you going to let go?" "Jiang Menshen." "No, Jiang Menshen is brave and intrepid, so he may not be able to handle this matter well." "Red Soldier, then who do you think is suitable?"

"cousin." "My cousin is on the run, so it's inconvenient to come back." "I have to come back if it is inconvenient. There is no more suitable person than him. He has already suffered a serious injury on his back, and it is okay to add another serious injury. The most important thing is that my cousin is decisive and assertive. Others under your command People are not as good as him. Let him come back, bring a few nimble brothers, and take care of Zhao Shanhe." "What if my cousin doesn't succeed?" "He didn't succeed, and there are me, Mr. Shen, and Si'er. Hehe." Zhao Hongbing smiled and patted Zhang Yue on the shoulder.

Zhang Yue also laughed.He looked at Zhao Hongbing's face that was still full of vicissitudes and tiredness, and felt that Zhao Hongbing was still the same Zhao Hongbing before, and Zhao Hongbing was not trying to persuade him not to cause trouble every day like Tang Seng who talked about Monkey King endlessly.When he was really in trouble, Zhao Hongbing still stood by his side firmly as before, and was still his most reliable friend and brother. Looking at Zhao Hongbing's firm eyes, Zhang Yue felt very at ease.No matter how powerful a man looks on the surface, he still needs to rely on him.

Two days later, my cousin came back. It is said that after his cousin came back, Zhang Yue and Li Yang had a conversation, which is excerpted by Ergou as follows: "Why are you going tonight?" "Go out and drink." "with who?" "cousin." "What is he doing back? You have something else to do." "Well, there are some things that my cousin needs to do." "Hehe, I'm a woman, I don't understand, and I don't care about your men's affairs. But, I think, if you let your cousin hurt people, isn't it a bit too much? Cousin is very nice, running in It's not easy outside, don't drag him into the water again. Zhang Yue, what do you think?" "Li Yang, let me tell you a story." "I love hearing your stories." "In the early 1930s, the Japanese devils entered the Northeast, Feng Jun withdrew into the pass, and the Northeast fell. At that time, my grandfather had three brothers, and my grandfather was the eldest. He and my third grandfather were both soldiers. My grandfather Stationed in Liaoyang, the official position is equivalent to the current platoon leader. When the Fengjun entered the customs, my grandfather was reluctant to part with the black soil under his feet and the blue sky above his head, and became a deserter, and my third grandfather entered the customs with the Fengjun army .” "Keep talking." "Shortly after my grandfather came back, the Japanese came to arrest the strong men. It is said that when the Japanese first arrested the strong men, they promised high wages, but none of the villagers who went to work for the Japanese could return. The villagers no longer believed what the Japanese said. The Japanese began to arrest people naked. That day, the Japanese came to my grandfather’s house. At that time, my second grandfather heard the dogs barking outside and the crying of the villagers, and said to my grandfather, the Japanese came to arrest the strong men. Our family must You have to give up one person. You have to take good care of your sister-in-law and nephew, and continue the incense of our Zhang family. Our younger brother is now unknown, and the family will depend on you in the future. It is said that my grandfather did not speak at the time and shed two lines of tears. That is also me Grandpa saw my second grandpa for the last time." "Then why haven't I heard of your second grandfather?" "One month before the surrender of the Japanese devils, my grandfather only knew that my second grandfather was arrested and sent to Beipiao to dig coal. My grandfather rode a horse to Beipiao for several days and nights, but he did not find my second grandfather. He only saw a million Human pit." "A mass grave?" "Yes, all the dead are our compatriots. There are tens of thousands of bones, and it is impossible to find any bones that belong to my second grandfather." "..." "It doesn't really matter whether my second grandfather was dead or alive. Anyway, from the day my second grandfather was taken away, my grandfather pulled up a team of more than a dozen people and joined the anti-Japanese and national rescue team in Northeast China at that time. He is a national hatred and family feud against the Japanese. But there was no unified management at that time, so in the eyes of everyone, he was a bandit. So my grandfather simply named himself Zhen Dongyang. In fact, before this, my family has To the landlords, there have never been bandits. After the Japanese surrendered, my grandfather disbanded the team and contacted my third grandfather. But more than a year later, my third grandfather, who was still serving in the national army, came back. In the Northeast, he died on the banks of the Songhua River while fighting the People’s Liberation Army, right next to our Baishan Black River, and his body was still not found. My grandfather once again fought against the People’s Liberation Army. In 1947, he was captured by the People’s Liberation Army.” "In that turbulent era..." "Li Yang, do you understand what I mean by these words?" "Well, tell me and listen." "First, after the fall of Northeast China, all the Chinese in the Northeast will not have any dignity and rights. They will be subjugated slaves. If we lose to Chen Weidong and Zhao Shanhe, it will be as if the Feng army has withdrawn into Shanhaiguan. I won't be able to hang out with us anymore in the future. Therefore, I must fight. Second, why did my second grandfather take the initiative to work as a laborer for the Japanese devils?That is to leave the pillar of my family, that is, my grandfather.In our company, I am the mainstay now, so I can't join unless it is absolutely necessary. Third, why did my grandfather become an enemy of the Japanese devils for half his life after my second grandfather was taken away?That's because, hate.If something happens to my cousin this time and he doesn't succeed, then at least I'm still here, and I will avenge him. " "Zhang Yue, I understand. Drink less at night." Zhang Yue's remarks demonstrated why he wanted to fight, why he asked his cousin to do it, and what to do if something happened to his cousin. He convinced Li Yang. It is said that it was already 12 o'clock in the night when my cousin came back, and everyone drank all night until dawn, and they all drank too much. They drank in the restaurant of Mr. Shen and Zhao Hongbing.That night, Zhang Yue, Ma San, Cousin, Fugui, Jiang Menshen, Zhao Hongbing, and Mr. Shen had seven people drinking together. Seven people drank 12 bottles of white wine and 80 bottles of beer. At 5 o'clock in the morning, Zhao Hongbing fell asleep on the table and couldn't get up again. Only the other six people were still struggling.
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