Home Categories modern novel Past Events in the Northeast 4 20 Years of the Underworld

Chapter 14 14. Thunder in winter and snow in summer

Xie Laoer appeared that day as a local idol gangster in the early 21st century, wearing a pair of orange, fat and long Korean-style flared pants on his lower body, and an equally fat and big red sweater on his upper body. It's like Nicholas Tse, but more like NRG and HOT.What's more interesting is that he actually wore a pair of clogs barefoot.The highest local temperature in April is 15 degrees, Xie Laoer is really not afraid of the cold.But having said that, Xie's second child is a handsome guy, so it makes sense for him to wear it, and he will turn heads no matter what he wears.

Watching "Shuo Yue" and "Shuo Yue" when I was a child, whenever a general appeared on the stage, "there are poems as evidence".Ergou also followed suit, and Xie Lao Er appeared on the stage, as evidenced by a poem: 〖Small wooden clogs hairstyle like HOT flared pants wear a red sweater The hair is electric The eyes are pretending to be blurred and ask who is coming Handsome guy from the eastern suburbs, Xie Lao Er〗 Thank you for making your second debut!Xie Lao Er, they are the first to arrive.The one who was with the second brother Xie was his elder brother, that is, the boss Xie who stabbed the second dragon into a pneumothorax.Although it was a little reckless for Boss Xie to stab Erlong at the door of his house, everyone discovered after this negotiation that Boss Xie was actually more benevolent and sensible than Elder Xie.

When Cousin, Erlong, and Ma San walked into the hotel lobby, Erhu and others were already "sitting" on the sofa in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.Most of Er Hu's people were confused subordinates, when they saw that the person accompanying Er Long was his cousin, they all raised their hands to say hello, and the cousin also nodded in return, and even raised his hand to say hello to Er Hu. Cousin can be regarded as a person who has been famous for many years. After several years of punishment, his status in the world is not low.Moreover, to be precise, he is not considered Zhao Hongbing's younger brother, but can only be said to be "a group" with Zhao Hongbing.

Erhu also raised his hand and smiled back.After all, Er Hu and the others also came for reconciliation, not for fighting. The atmosphere is harmonious and harmonious.According to the procedure, simply talk about the compensation issue, and apologize if there is an apology, and this matter is basically over.After the end, maybe my cousin and Ma San will go to eat, drink and catch up with Erhu and my cousin's inmates back then. Cousin and Ma San are both middle-aged, with a little hunchback.The years of prison and running life made the eyes of these two people a little erratic, and they both like to look at people with their heads down and squinting.This is in stark contrast to Erlong, a handsome young man who walks ahead in high spirits.Erlong, who was wearing a small black bag, walked with big and hurried steps.Because, he is not only here to negotiate, but also to fight and revenge.

At first glance, Cousin and Ma San look a bit like Erlong's followers. With a gust of wind, Erlong went upstairs first.When I arrived at the coffee shop on the second floor, I saw the Xie brothers leaning on the sofa and smoking a cigarette. According to Erlong's recollection, at that time, he was out of anger. After all, when Erlong crossed the river by feeling the stones to join the underworld in the battle of the virgins, he was pierced with a pneumothorax, and he was very depressed. Cousin, Ma San, and Erlong sat opposite the Xie family brothers. Erlong squinted at the Xie family brothers, Erlong was quite confident today.Xie Lao Er smiled contemptuously at Er Long's provocative eyes, and turned his head away from him.

None of the three protagonists spoke. "You all know each other, right?" Seeing that no one spoke, my cousin spoke. "Mmm." Xie Lao Er said "Mmm" indifferently, without even looking at his cousin. That's right, the second dragon is full of confidence, so why is Xie's second child lacking in confidence?Erlong was followed by his cousin and Ma San, and Xie Er was supported by the group of people downstairs holding various guns. Cousin is an old Jianghu, so naturally he can't have the same knowledge as a child like Xie Lao Er, but Er Long blushed from anger.

"Dahu asked you to come here today, do you know why you are here?" Cousin was not in a hurry or annoyed. "I know, I'll lose money! I'll see a doctor! I'll apologize! Who told us to stab someone?" Xie Laoer was really angry, and he spoke in a long voice.After speaking, he stretched, put his hands on the back of his head, and lay lazily on the sofa. "Don't pretend!" Seeing Xie Laoer's attitude, Erlong, who had been silent all this time, was furious, pointed at Xie Laoer and yelled, spit spit on Xie Laoer's face. Seeing that the situation was about to become rigid, Ma San hurriedly pulled Erlong.

Erlong swallowed his saliva, and continued to stare at Xie Laoer with squinting eyes. Seeing the menacing Erlong, Xie Lao Er didn't speak, but smiled contemptuously again, and wiped the spittle on his face with his hand. "Brother, look, we did stab someone, and it was quite a big mess. My younger brother is young and naive, so don't blame him. When we came, my uncle ( Dahu) also told us to do whatever we want to do with this matter, listen to what you guys think, and talk about it.” The boss Xie was obviously more sensible than the second brother Xie, so he started chatting with his cousin.

"Yes, it's easy to talk about what's going on. What are your plans over there? What are your plans?" said the cousin. Negotiations and legal procedures for compensation in the underworld are diametrically opposed.Usually the injured party does not file a claim and the other party pays for the amount claimed.Instead, the hurting party proposes a plan, and the injured party sees whether the plan is reasonable. If the victim feels reasonable, then the matter is settled.If the victim thinks it is unreasonable, then it will say: "Let's think about it again." At this time, the negotiation will be temporarily over.The party who hurt someone needs to inquire about the attitude of the other party through others, and then propose the amount of compensation.

Some people may ask, will there be people asking for prices and blackmailing people?Ergou said: Absolutely not.There are two reasons: 1. Since the two groups can sit down and negotiate, they both want to settle the matter, not to discuss the matter; 2. The amount of compensation usually has a "reasonable" price. What is a reasonable price?Ergou probably made a simple price list of several common injuries in local underworld fights.These lists are all from real cases: ⒈Big brother-level characters are left with lifelong disabilities.Thigh amputation: 2 million, and also requires the perpetrator to go to jail.

2. The eldest brother was injured by a gunshot wound. Although his life was in danger at the time, he was not disabled for life: 600,000 yuan, and the perpetrator does not need to be imprisoned. ⒊Big brother level figures were chopped off, with scars but no injuries: 280,000, no need for the perpetrators to go to jail. ⒋Little brother-level figures left with lifelong disabilities: 500,000, the perpetrators ran away. (The above four cases are all individual cases) ⒌Little brother-level characters are chopped into serious injuries: 100,000, no need for the perpetrator to go to jail or run away (this kind of thing is common and happens all the time, and the price fluctuates between 50,000 and 150,000). ⒍Little brother-level characters were chopped into minor injuries: 20,000 to 50,000. The above price is probably the agreed price in the local underworld.Although there is no price list or industry standard, people in the mixed society probably have an idea of ​​the price. To sum up, Erlong probably belongs to the younger brother level and was seriously injured, and the compensation of about 100,000 should be reasonable.But the identity of the second dragon is slightly different. The second dragon belongs to Zhao Hongbing, so the price needs to go up a bit.In short, around 150,000 should be more reasonable. "You can pay as much as you should. My brother and I are not rich, so we took out 150,000 yuan to see a doctor for him. If you think you need a little more, it's okay. My uncle said, it's about money. It's easy to discuss. As for him, he had a little misunderstanding with Brother Hongbing, but everyone knows that Brother Hongbing is definitely not short of money. My uncle said that their company has a car, a Honda Accord, which was new last fall, and it is a bit small The fault has never been driven, and it has just been repaired, so it must be considered a new car. If Erlong likes this car, you can go and drive it.” Boss Xie’s words obviously sounded much better. Du Hu and Zhao Hongbing fought secretly several times, and were frightened by Wuming again. They were really a little scared.This kind of compensation really gave Zhao Hongbing enough face. 150,000 yuan and a car in the early 200,000 yuan add up to nearly 400,000 yuan. Duhu is also very good at doing things. He and Zhao Hongbing scolded and beat him, but it is obviously impossible for him, Duhu, to apologize to Zhao Hongbing.Zhao Hongbing didn't need some money, so Zhao Hongbing didn't like anything he gave to others.Now Du Hu chose to send a car to Erlong, which not only gave Zhao Hongbing enough face, but also did not lose his own face.It not only reflects his generosity and generosity, but also shows that he did not lose much in the contest with Zhao Hongbing.Because, the car was given to Erlong. If only everyone was as good at handling conflicts as Du Hu and Zhao Hongbing. "Yeah, yum!" This condition is good enough, my cousin nodded after listening. Cousin turned to look at Erlong: "Erlong, what do you think?" The angry Erlong didn't speak at all, and was still staring at Xie Laoer without blinking. "Erlong!" Cousin was a little upset. "Cousin, can I do without money?" Erlong said something that shocked everyone. Fuck me!You don't want money, what are you talking about? All four of them were overwhelmed by Erlong's "thunder". "Erlong...you want to..." Cousin didn't know what to say. "Sentence him! I'm going to sentence him!" Erlong gritted his teeth and said, pointing at the Xie family brothers, spit on the Xie family brothers' faces again.The Xie family brothers should have sensed the aura of the second dragon from the saliva star. Erlong's words shocked everyone again. What?Negotiations between the underworld and you two dragons want to sentence others? Besides, you were the first to come to the door to violently demolish the house, so it is not certain who will win the lawsuit.Maybe Zhao Hongbing will have to follow suit. Just as Erlong finished his sentence, which was enough to break the audience, the even more brain-dead Xie Laoer spoke. If the second dragon is just "shocking people", then Xie Laoer's words can be called "thunder and lightning, lightning and thunder". "Who do you think you are, that you can sentence me if you say you sentence me? Do you know who my old uncle is?" Xie's second son spit Xingzi also came out. No one spoke to me.Xie Laoer is called a question sentence, obviously he wants to ask and answer himself. "Look at the other side, the procuratorate! My uncle is the head of the arrest department!" Ergou has heard that the procuratorate has an "arrest division", but he has never heard of an "arrest division". "What's so awesome about the arrest department? He has the ability to let him arrest me!" Erlong was a little hysterical. "I don't want you to be arrested!" Xie Laoer smiled contemptuously after finishing speaking. "Buxi" is a Northeast dialect, which probably means "disdain". "Dong Lei shakes, Xia Yuxue." This conversation is a stream of consciousness... Cousin punched Erlong in the ribs hard with his elbow, Erlong grinned in pain. If this kind of dialogue goes on, why don't we start a fight? "Cousin, what do you mean?" Erlong actually got angry with his cousin. "Talk about something, what are you calling?" My cousin was also annoyed, sweating from anxiety. "I don't need that money!" "Be obedient!" My cousin started to roll his eyes. Erlong was a little scared and stopped talking, but it was obvious that he was still full of fire. The cousin also noticed that the second brother Xie is a bit "two" and can't talk to him. If there is something to do, he has to talk to the boss Xie. "I've made a decision on this matter. Didn't Erlong stop talking just now? He's not short of money. Just do what you said. After all, we were all out to play, and you almost stabbed him to death. You are all young people, which young people are not angry? We have met this time, and maybe you will still be friends in the future." The cousin smoothed things over with sweat. The tense scene made by the nonsensical dialogue between Erlong and Xie Laoer just now was temporarily suppressed by his cousin. "Yes, yes, brother, you are right!" Boss Xie was obviously easier to communicate with. "Brother Erlong, I'm sorry about the past." Boss Xie was quite sincere. Erlong didn't answer, and let out a cold "hum". "Right-no-up!" Xie Laoer said lazily. One can feel the disdain of Xie Laoer. "Just say 'I'm sorry'?" Erlong suppressed his anger. "Then what do you want?" "I want to kill you! I'll fuck your mother!" Erlong finally couldn't bear it any longer, and cursed. "Do you have that ability? If it weren't for Zhao Hongbing, what would you be?" "Fuck your mother!" Erlong grabbed the ashtray on the table with his right hand, "Huo" got up and ran, his left hand grabbed Xie Lao Er's hair, and hit the back of Xie Lao Er's head. Xie Lao Er suffered from the fact that his hair was too long, so he stretched out his hands and scratched in a panic, and scratched Erlong's face and neck several times.The second dragon has become like a mad tiger, and he doesn't care about Xie Lao Er scratching him at all, holding the big glass ashtray and smashing the back of Xie Lao Er's head continuously. The space of the coffee and teahouse was relatively small, and Boss Xie saw that his younger brother was at a disadvantage, so he stretched out his hand to pull Erlong.Of course, it is also possible to reach out to fight Erlong.It's just that the situation is rather chaotic, no one can see clearly whether Boss Xie is pulling Erlong or fighting Erlong. Seeing the sudden change in the situation, my cousin and Ma San rushed forward to fight. Five big men fought on the sofa that was less than two meters long. It was unclear whether it was three people fighting and two people fighting or three people fighting and two people fighting, and it was impossible to see who was at a disadvantage and who took advantage of it.Only Xie Laoer's screams, Erlong's scolding, and his cousin shouting "stop beating", of course, Ma San's shrill voice shouting "Stop! Stop!" can be heard from time to time. With a "boom", the sofa flipped over. How can a small sofa stand up to so many people. The scene became more chaotic.These five people all rolled on the ground, grabbing each other's hair, collars, and wrists, and they didn't know who was hitting whom or who was pulling whom.It is said that Xie Laoer's wooden clogs fell off during the scuffle, but lying on the ground, he still scratched the second dragon with his hands and kicked the second dragon with his bare feet.Erlong's woolen sweater had been torn to pieces long ago, and blood marks were all over his face and neck, but he fought more and more bravely, and he was relentless in grabbing Xie Lao Er's hair, but the ashtray was snatched away. It is said that the two stopped punching because it was difficult to punch while lying on the ground. The two rolled on the ground and scratched each other, both scratching their faces, whoever had long nails would win.Erlong said proudly afterwards, "It's a good thing I haven't cut my nails for two weeks!" The people who pulled the frame were also scratched by them. If the fight continued, Erlong and Xie Laoer, who were rolling on the ground, probably opened their mouths to bite. The hands and feet are all used up, so why not use the mouth? "Don't fight, don't even fight!" Erhu and others rushed up.
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