Home Categories modern novel Floating like a dream 1. The last prince

Chapter 212 Chapter 212

The wife of a Japanese dignitary finished a piece of cross stitch and sent it to a famous mounter in the city to make a frame. The master noticed an old green jadeite ring on the middle finger of the Japanese woman.The stone itself is as big as a mahjong tile, bordered with red gold, and there is a circle about the width of two human hairs where the gold border meets the emerald. The gold edge was replaced later, because it is thinner than the original ring, and the part of the gemstone that was previously covered is exposed. Because it has not been kept in the sun for a long time, the color is not so deep.

The framer was missing an earlobe. Before doing the current job, he was also a capable person who jumped over the wall. One day, he was hunted down by his enemies. A bullet came up from behind and hit his right ear, knocking out the earlobe.Now that he is half-retired, he still has a lot of connections and is well-informed.He knew that this gem was originally stored in the main vault of Fengtian Bank, and disappeared after being stolen by bandits, but how many lives were lost on it, how much conspiracy and wealth are related to it, and who is willing to use it in what way? He knows the price of finding these news.At the moment, he entertained the guests warmly and thoughtfully, and offered several options for mounting, and said that the wife does not need to come in person next time, and he will send his apprentice to send it to the wife when he is ready.Of course, the Japanese woman felt that this was more convenient, so she left her address.Her address was quickly sent to Tan Fang, and it was written: No. 23, Dongshuncheng Road, Xiaolin Mansion.

Tan Fang has been in Fengtian City for several months, looking for clues to avenge her brothers, and finally got this important information, she just felt angry and wanted to clean up her hands and feet, and immediately find the Japanese to deal with him Life.The framer advised him: The matter hasn’t been clarified yet, so I’m not sure if it’s this person, or it’s possible that someone else took your money, killed your brother, and gave him the gemstone he got... Anyway, you first Don't worry, I'll give her a shape for the cross-stitch frame in the past two days, you can go there and find out, how about it?

Tan Fang made up her mind and thought that this was fine, besides, she still had something to explain to Nan Yi, and she hadn't made arrangements for her, so she planned to act according to what the framer said. It was dark that night, so he went to find Nan Yi.Climb to the branches of the big poplar tree outside the yard and throw two stones towards her window.Nan Yi was absent-mindedly holding the face book, when he suddenly heard two bangs, he opened the window and saw Tan Fang standing on the opposite tree waiting for her, put on his clothes and ran out.Mrs. Liu asked her what she was doing so late, but the child left her voice behind.

She rushed out from her yard, Tan Fang jumped down from the tree, her feet touched the ground, her body was as light as a swallow. "I have some news about the person you are looking for." "Hurry up." It was a bit cold at night, her coat was rolled up messily, and she looked at his face eagerly, and she couldn't find the sleeves of the clothes after searching for a long time with her bandaged hands. "not dead." She heard that her whole body relaxed from head to toe. "Working in the Japanese construction site kitchen. A few days ago, I went to the Japanese engineer's office to steal something and was caught..."

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