Home Categories modern novel Floating like a dream 1. The last prince

Chapter 66 Chapter 066

She didn't get up to say hello, but asked slowly, "Is there any news?" "..." She closed her eyes again, and buried her face in the quilt, her weeping was weak and suppressed at first, but finally she was trembling all over and burst into tears. Xian Xuan reached out and patted her on the shoulder: "I know who it is, don't worry, I can find it, I can find it." With her face covered, Caizhu begged Xianyu intermittently and humbly: "My lord, help me get the child back, and everything will be up to you in the future. I don't want this title anymore. I will give it to the person in your heart. Both of you live a happy life." Yes. As long as the prince helps me find the child..."

She didn't hear Xianyuan sighed softly. She also didn't know that the little prince of the old dynasty was exhausted from looking for the child and rescuing Mingyue. Xianyu used all his connections and strength to find Bingbing everywhere.There was news that they saw a little girl with a red mole on the back of her neck in a circus in Dalian, and the two of them went there immediately, but it turned out to be nothing.Some people also said that they saw a young one-eyed blind man in a coal mine in Fuxin. Xianyu took the foreman who knew Wu Lanquan to identify him, but of course it was not.Hope is gradually obliterated in such repeated searches and repeated attempts.Caizhu finally begins to understand that this is reality and not a nightmare.

The Daoist Master Zhenren came to Fengtian to revisit his old friends that winter, and Fujin asked everyone in the family to gather and listen to him sitting on the jade futon to preach.Caizhu, who has always been indifferent to this, was very fascinated by listening to it that day, and gradually felt that some confusion was solved, and some things became clearer. In the end, it was because the relationship between me and Bingbing in the past was not enough, not enough for their lifetime. As a mother and daughter, there are only three years to live, one year in the womb and two years in the world.Caizhu's tears rolled down, let's just think of her as a friend who was on the boat, although she didn't live to see anyone, but she didn't see the dead body either, I hope she is still alive and on another boat.

Not everyone can be persuaded.Xianyuan yawned, stood up from her seat, and went out. Since then, there have been new topics of conversation in Huilanting bathhouse: How much does the little princess charge for going in and out once she goes to the mahjong table; the jewelry she bought from the exiled royal family of Belarus is real or fake, making a lot of jokes; She stays in Beidaihe for six months a year, and before Lao Fujin died, she never came back to see her for the last time... But she is a mother who lost her child, and there is an understandable reason for all the decadence and absurdity.

But the other person is contemptible and even hateful.The little prince used to play with cigarettes, but now it is even worse. Every day when he opens his eyes, he has to pick out the best quality drug and smoke a few sips to refresh himself, like winding a clock, and then he gets up to change his clothes.When he got up, he was just having fun everywhere, drinking tea, playing bird games, playing big-time opera singers, and having countless debts.Only then did the old gentlemen realize that it was only a person who called him unworthy in the past, but now this is the evil one. We go back to 1925.Wang Mingyue, who had been away from her hometown for three and a half years, returned to Fengtian.

At this moment, she was lying beside him, smelling the familiar breath, and all the past events came to her eyes.During these years in Japan, she missed him all the time, and every time she picked up a pen and wanted to write a letter to him, she felt like a heavy stone in her chest, oppressing all her cleverness, and she just felt confused and clueless.A letter, don't know how to greet, whether to be sorry or how to be grateful.As a result, articles and sentences became some scattered words, which were further dismantled into chaotic strokes. Those strokes were connected, with radians and outlines, and became a person, with his hair, eyebrows, eyes, nose, and Thin lovely lips.She didn't write a word to him, but she drew countless faces of him in the quiet classroom, in the lively tavern, and on the desk of her own apartment.But it's not like, not at all, not in every picture.The more you recall him carefully, the more you describe him seriously, the farther away you will be from him.Now that she is finally by his side, looking at this longing face, she wanted to reach out to touch it, to touch it, but in the end she didn't have the courage, so she gave up the idea.

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