Home Categories detective reasoning prison gate island

Chapter 17 Chapter 16 Red Dixie Flower

prison gate island 横沟正史 5446Words 2018-03-22
The night was getting darker, and the chill in the spacious room after the crowd had cleared was getting stronger. As soon as the ghost guard of the ghost family was over, the people who separated from the family went back. Village head Araki rushed to find out about the situation in Soushan, and found out that the monk had also returned to the temple due to rheumatism. In the big house, only the alcoholic was left. Dr. Cunlan and Dianzao Liozawa are two people. Liao Ze felt like a chicken whose feathers had been plucked, and there were bursts of chills all over his body. "Doctor, if you drink like this again, the injured arm will become inflamed."

"Once drunk, you will be relieved of all your worries. There will be no sorrow, no pain, and no pain, haha!" "I'm not reluctant to let you drink, but I'm afraid that if you drink too much, it will be bad for your injury; besides, tonight is not an ordinary day." Liao Ze persuaded him politely. "Isn't it a normal day? You don't need to tell me, I know that tonight is the day to watch for Xue Zhi and Hua Zi. Because of this, I have to get drunk. Ah! Get drunk to relieve a thousand worries! " The doctor said with a drunken eye and a lisp. "No! That's not what I meant."

Liao Ze hastily denied it. "That's not what it means? What does that mean?" The doctor asked bluntly. "Doctor, have you forgotten? When the police officer and Mr. Kindaichi were going out just now, didn't they tell us to pay attention to Tsukiyo's safety?" Liao Ze reminded him. "I thought it was some great event! You don't have to worry about it, I won't miss it." The doctor waved his hand impatiently, stopping Ze from continuing. "But, you drink so much..." "Okay, okay! Whether I drink or not, I will stay sober. Liao Ze, please go and tell Ah Sheng to have another bottle, I promise this is the last bottle. Anyway, this is the last One bottle, oh, half a bottle is fine, as long as half a bottle is enough, please! Liao Ze."

The doctor is a drinker, as long as he sees alcohol, he will drink endlessly, and he will not stop until he is drunk. "Doctor, stop messing around, you are so drunk, you still drink!" Liao Ze kindly dissuaded him. "I want to drink more, Liao Ze, don't be so wordy, help me run to the kitchen and talk to Ah Sheng! Please give me another bottle, she will definitely listen to you, and I have a goatee Murase Koan will be grateful to you for the rest of my life, hurry up! Ze, don't put on that face, okay? Are you going to join hands with Asheng to starve me to death? Forget it, forget it, look at you , It’s better to ask for others than to ask for yourself, I will go to the kitchen and hold the wine jar to drink my fill!”

The doctor struggled to get up from the tatami, but because he was too drunk, he couldn't stand still, and accidentally fell heavily on the tatami. "Ah! It hurts, it hurts!" The doctor yelled a little sarcastically. Liozawa sighed and said: "Doctor, you are so annoying, a big drinker! You are a good person when you are not drunk, and there is nothing you can do when you are drunk. This is the last bottle! After drinking, there will be no more." Liao Ze even coaxed and persuaded. Crying children and drunk people are the most difficult to deal with, Liao Ze sighed, and reluctantly carried the flagon to the kitchen.

I saw a lot of dishes to be washed in the kitchen, and Ah Sheng was wandering around looking for things by himself. "Auntie, what are you looking for?" Liao Ze asked with concern. "Ah! Ze, have you seen Mimi?" Ah Sheng looked anxious and irritable, and he didn't even lift his head when he saw Ze. Mimi is the cat raised by Ah Sheng. She has no children, so she loves that cat as her own. "Mimi? I didn't see it. Could it be that I went somewhere to play? Ah Sheng, I'm sorry, please give me another bottle of wine. This old alcoholic Xing'an drinks non-stop, which is really nerve-wracking. "

Liao Ze handed over the jug, with a look of "really troublesome" on his face. "The doctor must be drunk again. He's drunk like that. It's useless to send him to stay behind!" Asheng grumbled and complained. "I think the same way. He is like a child. There is really nothing to do with him. But after drinking this bottle, I won't let him drink it. Oh, it's so annoying!" Liao Ze also said helplessly. "That big wine bug, really bad!" Ah Sheng muttered to himself while pouring wine, while Liao Ze looked into the slightly dark kitchen.

"Auntie, where's Sanae?" "Sanae? Isn't she with you?" Asheng asked back slightly angrily. "No." Liozawa answered very simply. "I thought she was with you guys! Hmph! She must have gone to sleep inside, and she didn't come to help even though she knew I was so busy." While complaining, Ah Sheng washed the dishes and deliberately made a loud noise. Sanae was not a girl who didn't know what to do, and it was impossible for her to go to sleep without making a sound.Thinking of this, Liao Ze couldn't help feeling an ominous feeling in his heart.

"Auntie, when did Sanae disappear?" "When? I sent the monk to the door just now, but I haven't seen her since. I thought she was with you!" Ash said impatiently. Sanae disappeared, and Asheng didn't care at all. She was more worried about the cat than Sanae, and kept scolding her cat. "It must be the smell of a male cat, that's why I ran around in the middle of the night. Alas! People are as troubled as cats. Liao Ze, here, here is the wine." Ah Sheng was only thinking about the cat, so he talked to Liao Ze absent-mindedly. When Liao Ze came back with the wine, the doctor was already lying on the tatami, too drunk to wake up.

"Hey! Doctor, here comes the wine. Doctor! I'm asleep, so I can save you trouble." Liao Ze breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the doctor, and said to himself. He put down the flagon and sat on the cushion, feeling a bit of cold air seeping into the spacious room again, so he rolled up his sleeves and fiddled with the brazier, but accidentally pushed the coals outside, so he fiddled with the fire in a panic put out. Then, as if he had done something bad, Liozawa looked around in fear. The doctor's high and low snoring was mixed with the sound of Yuedai praying in the prayer hall.

The sound of the bell made Ze feel the loneliness of the night, and he seemed to feel something cold fell on his neck. He couldn't help shivering for a while, and tightened his neckline. "Hey! Doctor, wake up! How can you sleep so deeply? Hey, Doctor, wake up!" Liao Ze felt more and more afraid, and gradually became restless. The doctor didn't answer no matter how he called, the frustrating bell came intermittently from the backyard, and finally, Liao Ze stood up hastily, as if he was cornered by the bell, and ran out of the porch. "Liao Ze, your face is not very good-looking! Did something happen inside?" Kindaichi Kosuke asked to stay and guard the Onitoumoto family. Several young people were warming up, drinking and eating vegetables inside the Nagaya gate. Seeing them, Ryozawa walked towards them as if he had encountered a Buddha in hell. "It's okay. By the way! Have you seen Sanae?" "Sanae? No! What happened to Sanae?" "It's nothing, I just asked because I didn't see her just now." "Ze, where's the doctor?" "He was drunk and sleeping." "Hahaha, I knew that was the case. By the way, you care about her so much... Have you expressed it to Sanae recently?" Liao Ze bowed his head and did not answer. "Ah, there must be! Did you get rejected?" "Don't talk nonsense." Liao Ze Zhengse reprimanded. "Haha, Liao Ze, you are blushing. You and her are childhood sweethearts, what does chasing her have to do with you? I still remember that you were a crybaby when you were young. " "Yes, don't look at that Sanae. Although she is a girl, she is very strong. As soon as we bully you, she will come running immediately, and she always protects you. We are really jealous. Sanae once fought with me for you. There was a fight once, and I was scratched in the face by her!" "That's right! Sanae had a nickname called Lynx back then. I think she has been interested in you since then." These young people are still talking to each other, using Sanae as a topic to find Ze Kaixin. "Stop talking nonsense!" Compared with this group of young people, Liao Ze's rebuttal was obviously much weaker in momentum. "What nonsense, at that time the names of the two of you were often written together. Liao Ze, don't be so useless, okay? You are not close to women, that was eight hundred years ago! Today's monks drink and eat It doesn't matter if you don't know how to make meat or raise a woman! Like you, if you hear a woman and run away with your tail between your legs, it's really useless." A young man persuaded Ze with a self-righteous tone. "It's true, for those women who say no, don't want, you just need to hold her tightly, hold her tightly, and be a bully. Life, what is life? A life like this is colorful Ah! Kinpiro like Sanzaki is my woman..." Another young man also booed, and passed on the experience of dealing with women to Ze. "You're talking nonsense again." Liao Ze said in a low voice. "Aren't you here just to talk nonsense with us?" The young people on the island don't talk about anything except wine and women.The content of their topics is bold and explicit, even more than sensational novels, not only the people who talk about them are in high spirits, but the people who listen to them are even more interested. But Liao Ze ignored their conversation, he only felt a strange peace in his heart.It's not that he doesn't yearn for worldly love, but that he has somewhat forgotten this feeling.Now, hearing them talk about all kinds of things in the past suddenly aroused his nostalgia for the past, and he felt as if he had come into contact with something warm in the world again, and his whole body and mind warmed up. "Liao Ze, you should have a drink too!" "No, I can't drink." Liao Ze refused with a serious expression. "Don't be prudish! Although meat and wine are not allowed to enter the mountain gate, any monastery is not impenetrable! Of course, our monk Mingran is an exception." In addition to persuading Ze, the young man also criticized the monk. "Of course it's too strict, at least you should think about it for young people! Liao Ze, anyway, your master is not here, so it's okay to have a drink! It's much better to go to the village once in a while than to stay in the monastery and chant scriptures all day long. You can listen to how we pick up girls, it will give you a lot of knowledge!" The persuasion person cited the reason that "Master is not here", thinking that Ze would take advantage of the opportunity to have a drink. Liao Ze was very firm, no matter how much they provoked him, he would never drink alcohol.However, although he didn't drink, he was a little bit drunk, because the conversations of those young people made his whole heart warm and drunk. Although he felt a sense of guilt for neglecting his duties, he still didn't want to leave half a step away. . If Liao Ze could know that because of his negligence for a few minutes, he would regret for a lifetime, maybe he would correct his behavior at this time! Just as Liao Ze was fascinated by these young men's sexually explicit gossip, an unusual scream from a woman suddenly came from inside, and he couldn't help standing up abruptly. It wasn't just Liao Ze who heard the screams, but even the young people who were eating supper and chatting, put down their bowls and chopsticks and stood up together. The screams were mixed with cries, and there were also chattering voices. I only heard a series of wah wah wah, and I couldn't figure out what the man was talking about. "Isn't that the voice of Ah Sheng?" Liao Ze stammered and asked. "Yeah! It's her. I don't know what happened?" Ah Sheng is a person who is panicked and has no opinion when encountering a situation. Even the slightest thing will make him speechless.At this moment, the only thing Ah Sheng could do was cry loudly. Hearing Ah Sheng's cry, Liao Ze couldn't help turning blue, and said in a trembling voice: "Let's, let's go and see together!" Several young people followed behind Ze and rushed in from the entrance.Following Ah Sheng's voice, I went to the room where I was guarding the spirit just now, and saw that the doctor seemed to be possessed by a wild ghost, and suddenly sat up on the tatami, and Ah Sheng sat paralyzed in front of him, crying loudly. , while still nagging. "Auntie, what's the matter with you? Doctor, what's the matter?" Liao Ze was very anxious, so he hurriedly asked the two people in the room. "I, I don't know! Ah Sheng shook me. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw her talking. I don't know what she was talking about." The doctor looked at Ah Sheng with a very unbearable surprise, his goatee was dirty with saliva. "Asheng, please be clear, what cat? What's wrong with the cat? Asheng, please calm down, now is not the time to take care of the cat! What are you talking about? The lunatic in the confinement room is gone!" Everyone looked at each other in surprise, and Liao Ze's dark face became even more gloomy. "Ayin, go to the confinement room and have a look!" While looking at Ah Sheng, Liao Ze instructed the two young men beside him. The two young men rushed out of the room at once. "Ah Sheng, you don't cry like this because of such a small thing, do you? A lunatic ran out, and he wouldn't be afraid of this! What? Not just that? Could there be other things? The cat? Still thinking about the cat What's the matter with the cat? What? The cat's in the prayer house?" Both Liao Ze and the young man were so surprised that they couldn't speak. Everyone pursed their lips tightly, looking helpless, and they could still hear the ringing bell in their ears. "Auntie? Isn't Tsukiyo praying in the prayer house? Isn't she ringing the bell?" Liao Ze shook Ah Sheng and asked. Ah Sheng shook his head desperately, and at the same time opened his tongue as if he wanted to say something, but the more urgent he became, the more he couldn't speak. The two young men who went to check in the confinement room ran back with greatly changed expressions. . "Oops, the confinement room is empty, and the lunatic is gone." "Let's go to the prayer house! I don't know what happened there." Liao Ze took the lead and walked out, the other three young people followed behind, while the doctor remained where he was, and A Sheng also sat paralyzed in front of the doctor, crying endlessly. As mentioned earlier, the prayer house is built on the slightly higher slope in the courtyard. It is a non-Buddhist building. Inside the corridor on three sides surrounding the prayer house, there is a door half open. stairs. Liozawa shouted from the bottom of the stairs: "Yuedai, Yuedai." All I heard was a mess of ringing bells, but no one answered. "Yuedai, please come out, everyone is worried about you, please come out!" Liao Ze cried out in fear. After waiting for a while, the bell kept ringing, but still did not hear Tsukiyo's voice, everyone was filled with anxiety. "Forget it, don't worry so much, just rush in first! If you are scolded, just apologize." Immediately after a young man finished speaking, he rushed up the stairs and opened the fir door with a bang. The prayer hall is about ten square meters in size. There is a large altar deep in the front. On the altar are enshrined Buddha statues of different sizes and various shapes. There are also incense burners, altars, vases, candlesticks, etc. between these Buddha statues. All kinds of ancient items look strange and evil. In addition, there was a dimly lit oil lamp on the altar, and a sudden gust of wind blew the flame of the oil lamp totter. "Yuedai, where are you?" The smoke from the incense permeated the entire room, blurring people's vision, so Liao Ze had to ask loudly. "Hey, who has a match?" "I have got." "Quick, bring the candles from the altar." The young man groped forward in the direction of the altar amidst the smoke.After a while, he suddenly cried out. "what happened?" "Yuedai is here!" "Yuedai? Light the candle first!" The young man rubbed the matches with trembling hands, but failed to ignite after striking several, he was terrified. "Oh, it's useless, bring the oil lamp." Liao Ze commanded very calmly. After the candle was lit, the room suddenly became brighter. "Nan Wu..." Liao Ze clasped his palms together, his upper and lower rows of teeth rattled as if they were fighting. The group of young people were not much better, each of them stood stiffly, unable to speak.The young man with the candle was so frightened that he could barely hold the candle. I saw Tsukiyo lying on his back at their feet, she looked like a maiko, wearing a red hakama, a tall golden hat on her head, a lock of hair hanging down her face, and a layer of light makeup on her face... ...However, this poignant beauty is spoiled by the tightly-knotted Japanese handkerchief around the neck. "From that altar..." One of the young men hesitated, looking like he wanted to say something but was also afraid. There is a half-square-sized seat on the altar. It seems that Yuedai must have been sitting on that seat to pray when he was attacked from behind and fell down.Although she looks as if she is strangling her neck with her own hands, it can be seen from her right hand holding the handkerchief that she has strongly resisted. "Ze, Ze!" A young man suddenly clenched Ze's hand, shaking it uncontrollably. "People on the island say that it will definitely be Tsukiyo's turn this time, and sure enough... Look, what kind of strange things are sprinkled on Tsukiyo's body?" The young man pointed to something red like blood on Tsukiyo's body and asked in horror. Another young man bent down and picked up the items from Tsukiyo. "Dihua!" "I know it's Dihua. The strange thing is, why did the murderer scatter Dihua on Yuedai's body? Liao Ze, there is no Dihua in the vase in this prayer hall. The Dihua was brought by the murderer. What does Dihua mean?" The young man scratched his head while looking at Tsukiyo's body, and stared at Zewen with a puzzled expression. Sudden-- The crisp bell rang again, and everyone trembled even more as if they had been shocked by an electric shock. Everyone present opened their eyes wide and looked in the direction of the ringtone— On the right side opposite the altar, there are five or six strips of brightly colored curtains hanging straight down to the floor. One of the curtains is tied with a golden bell from the Moon Dynasty at the waist, and the end is tied to Asheng's cat... Liao Ze couldn't remember who wrote this ancient poem, but this situation is really poetic! It turned out that the constantly shaking bell was made by the cat. Soon, Soushan's team also came back.
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