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Chapter 8 Chapter 7 Death Dating

prison gate island 横沟正史 4004Words 2018-03-22
The rain continued unabated outside, the doctor and the village chief braved the heavy rain to come in, Zhuzang went home and changed his clothes, and then rushed over. The three of them were soaked, and the doctor's goatee was sticky. The three of them stood in front of the mountain gate, facing Monk Mingran and said. "Master!" The doctor yelled, and then fell silent. His big Adam's apple slid up and down, and the lines on his face were squeezed into a pile. The village chief kept his mouth shut and silently looked at the monk. An awkward silence prevailed between the three of them. Monk Zhiran gave them a meaningful look, and then said:

"You two have worked hard, please come and see Hanako!" The village head and the doctor had already heard Zhuzang's general situation, so they knew that as soon as the monk finished speaking, they immediately walked to the ancient plum tree. The doctor walked staggeringly, while the village head followed the monk, still stepping steadily. "Master." Zhuzang shouted from behind the clear monk. "Takezang, thank you for your hard work, how is the situation in our family?" Monk Liao Ran turned his head, the gloomy light made it hard to see the expression on his face; his tone was calm, like saying that the weather is fine today or something when greeting.

"Tsukiyo and Yukie are already asleep, and Sanae seems worried." "She's smart, has she already discovered something?" "It seems so! She said she wanted to come with me, but I blocked it, and I asked Ah Sheng not to let her come." "Bamboo, where is Shimizu?" Kindaichi Kosuke interrupted eagerly to ask. "It seems that Qing Shui hasn't come back yet." "Really? That's really hard work for you." Kosuke Kindaichi said slightly disappointed. When they got to the ancient plum tree, everyone froze. Murase Koan, who was a doctor, couldn't help trembling, but Araki Village Chief remained calm and stared at the corpse expressionlessly.

Knowing that the monk came to them, the village chief took a look at the monk and said: "Master! You can't let her hang here forever! Can you put her down?" "Mr. Kindaichi said that Shimizu had to inspect it before letting her go. Since Shimizu hasn't come back yet, I think it's fine if you and Koan have seen it. Mr. Kindaichi, can you let her go?" "Okay! I'll help." Kindaichi Kosuke said enthusiastically. "No, Takezo, you do it." Monk Koran rejected Kindaichi Kosuke's kindness, and ordered Takezo instead. "Yes. Excuse me, where should the body be placed?"

"Well, let's carry it to the main hall first! Liao Ze, do we still have straw mats? Find one to spread on the floor in front of the main hall." Takezang and the village chief untied the corpse and carried it to the main hall. "Xingan, it's your turn now, please take a closer look" Monk Liao Ran solemnly explained to Xing'an. The doctor knew a lot about the dead. When he saw the corpse lying on the straw mat in the main hall, he stopped trembling and immediately examined the corpse with familiar and steady techniques. "Xingan's cause of death was...""

Kosuke Kindaichi asked beside him with great concern. "It was strangled. You see a bandage around her neck that looks like a handkerchief, but..." While speaking, the doctor helped the corpse up slightly, pointed to the back of the corpse and said: "There is a large crack in the back of the head, which should have been caused by a heavy blow from something. Judging from the fact that the corpse only shed a little blood, the murderer knocked the victim unconscious first and then strangled the deceased." "Is it true that he was knocked unconscious first and then strangled to death?"

Kindaichi Kosuke seemed worried, and asked again. "Well, judging from the strangle marks, I think he may have strangled Hanako with a Japanese hand towel!" After looking at Hanako's body again, the doctor said with confidence. "How long have you been dead?" Kosuke Kindaichi continued to ask. "This will only be known after a detailed inspection, but judging from the softness of the corpse, it may have been five or six hours! By the way, what time is it?" the doctor asked. Kosuke Kindaichi looked at his watch, it was exactly half past twelve. "That was today... Oh, no, it should be said that he died between 6:30 and 7:30 last night."

The time of Hanako's death estimated by the doctor was roughly the same as Kosuke Kindaichi's, so he couldn't help but look at the doctor with the goatee again. Although Kosuke Kindaichi is not a doctor, he has some experience in medical knowledge. With the support of Kubo Yinzo, when he was studying in an American university, he once worked in a hospital as an intern nurse. Although Yinzao subsidized his tuition, but in order to plan for this peculiar career in the future, he must accumulate more medical experience. In addition, he has experienced several years of war career, and he has seen many dead people.Those corpses that were bombed or died of disease gave Kindaichi Kosuke a considerable understanding of the state of stiffness after death.Based on his many years of experience, he knew that the doctor's guess was quite correct.

In other words, Hanako was killed between 6:30 and 7:30 pm on October 5th.The question is, when did Hanako come to Senkoji Temple? According to Sanae, Hanako was still changing clothes and eyes in the main family's room when Rodong Shimbun was broadcast at 6:15, and then she sneaked out of the house to Senkoji Temple. Then again, it was exactly 6:25 when Jin Tianyi left the monastery.At that time, Monk Liaoran asked Ze to get the lantern, and Kindaichi Kosuke clearly remembered that he had checked his watch.When he was going down the mountain, he met Zhuzang who was about to climb the steps of Qianguang Temple on the mountainside. It was about 6:28 at that time.

Kosuke Kanedaichi went to the branch first. After he left the branch, he met three people, Ryozawa and Takezo, who came down from the mountain on the hillside of Senko Temple. Then the four of them went to the main house together, and Sanae happened to be listening to the news of the departure ship for returning soldiers.By the time Kosuke Kindaichi and monk Mingran arrived, the news of the demobilization ship's departure had already been broadcast. During this time, the programs on the radio were as follows: 6:15 - labor news; 6:30 - weather report, program forecast; 6:35 - the departure of the demobilization ship;

Six forty-five—Cam time. According to the detailed speculation of this radio program schedule, the profile of the relevant personnel at the time of the incident can be listed: From 6:25 to 6:45, there were always people walking on the mountain road between Qianguang Temple and Guitou Benjia.The problem is: I don't know when Monk Liaoran, Liozawa, and Zhuzang left the monastery.Maybe it happened to be after the branch road where Kosuke Kindaichi turned to the branch.If this is the case, then during this period of time, there is no one on the winding path leading to Qianguang Temple. If Hanako started walking up the uphill road to Senko-ji Temple at the same time that Kosuke Kaneda turned into the branch road, it would take at least ten minutes to reach Senko-ji Temple according to women's footsteps.During this time, Monk Liaoran, Liozawa and Takezang should have left the monastery, otherwise the monk would not have been able to meet Kosuke Kindaichi who had just returned to the monastery from the branch family on the winding mountain path. If Monk Qingming left the monastery within these ten minutes, he should have met Hanako on the road, but since he did not meet Hanako, it means that Hanako was not walking on the mountain road to Qianguang Temple during that time. When did Hanako go to Senkoji Temple? Hanako did leave home at 6:15, and Kindaichi Kosuke left the temple at 6:25, even if Hanako took the ten minutes to get to the temple (according to women’s footsteps, it is not impossible to run and run) , people who are still in the monastery should see her. Kosuke Kindaichi lived in the innermost academy of the temple and could not see the outside. However, from the abbot's room of the monk, he could see the entire mountain gate and the winding path leading to Senko Temple.If the door of the abbot's room had been open at that time, as soon as Hanako entered the gate, no matter whether Monk Liao Ran or Liao Ze would have seen it. Would Hanako, who left home at 6:15, go to other places first, and then go to the temple when she saw that there was no one in Senko Temple? If this assumption holds, then: 1. Where did Hanako go before she came to Senkoji Temple? 2. What did Hanako do at Senkoji Temple? The second question has an immediate answer. When the doctor untied Hanako's kimono to check whether there were other injuries on her body, a letter suddenly fell from Hanako's arms. The letter was tightly stuffed in Hanako's bosom, so although it rained heavily, it wasn't very wet. Village head Araki looked over from behind Dr. Murase Koan, and couldn't help but whisper: "letter!" "Let me see!" Monk Liao Ran snatched the letter away and said by the light: "This envelope is so seductive!" Then he said to Kindaichi Kosuke: "Mr. Kindaichi, my eyesight is bad, please read it for me!" Kosuke Kindaichi took the letter and saw that it was a small envelope with colorful patterns commonly used by female students. On the front of the envelope was written Miss Tsukiyo, and on the back were the words "Famous and Unknown". "Miss Tsukiyo? Isn't this a letter to Hanako's sister?" Kindaichi Kosuke looked at the envelope and asked in surprise. "That's right! Why is Hanako carrying Tsukiyo's letter? What a strange thing!" The village head was also a little puzzled. "Let's look at the content first. 'Famous but not known' means that both the writer and the recipient know who they are. Could it be the fault of the mistress of the family? According to her personality, she might do such a thing." !" Kindaichi Kosuke opened the letter, and saw that the letter was written like this: When Assistant Kindaichi read the letter, he felt both funny and unpleasant, and there was an indescribable disgust all over his body. "It's like a popular romance novel from the Edo period!" Kosuke Kindaichi couldn't help but say something. "Is it written by Ukai?" Zhu Zang guessed from the side. "It should be, but these words must be said by Zhibao, he wrote a sentence, I don't think anyone except that woman can come up with such disgusting sentences." Based on what he knew about Shiho, the village head came to a decisive conclusion. "Anyone have any notes for everyone?" After the monk understood everyone, he asked calmly. Everyone shook their heads, but no one recognized them. "Although no one recognizes Ukai's handwriting, I think it must have been written by Ukai. Hanako came to Senkoji for this letter." Monk Liao Ran said decisively. "But, master, this is a letter to Yuedai!" Takezo still looked puzzled. "This is not a problem at all. Hanako got Tsukiyo's letter by accident, so she sneaked here without telling everyone. By the way, Xingan, didn't you say that you saw it in the evening?" Is that little boy walking towards the monastery? What time was it?" Monk Liao Ran stared at the doctor as if remembering something. "I didn't look at my watch. I only know that when I was walking on the winding mountain road to my home, I saw him turn into the mountain road of the temple on the bend." The doctor's explanation was not very clear. But what is certain is that the doctor arrived at the main house at about 6:50, a little later than Kindaichi Ko helped them.In this way, Ukai must have come out not long after Kosuke Kindaichi left the branch. "Master, did he trick Hanako out, and then...then...killed Hanako here?" Takezo stuttered in surprise. "Ukai... Hanako..." While feeding and talking to himself, the doctor looked at Monk Lian and Village Chief Araki. In principle, everyone agrees that Ukai tricked Shiyu out, but when it comes to saying that he killed Hanako, several people have different opinions. Kosuke Kindaichi met Ukai once in the barber shop, but he didn't have a deep impression. However, judging from Ukai's appearance, he really didn't look like a murderer who would kill. Of course, people should not be judged by their appearance, after all Kosuke Kindaichi doesn't know him well! "Master, does Ukai smoke?" "smokes?" Monk Liao Ran frowned in surprise and said: "No. I don't think Ukai smoked those cigarette butts... But Ukai got the cigarettes from Tsukiyo's third sister, right?" Knowing that the monk is not sure. "No, he doesn't smoke." Zhu Zang said firmly: "Every time I offered him a cigarette, he said he didn't smoke." Takezura clenched his fists on his knees and said with a bewildered expression: "No matter who killed Hanako, why did the murderer hang her upside down in that place? Just killing her, why did she do such a cruel thing?" Yes, Kosuke Kindaichi is also thinking about this issue. Is that the murderer trying to scare people?Or do you want to divert everyone's attention?Or was it a whim when the murderer committed the crime? However, Kosuke Kindaichi still believes that there must be some kind of profound meaning for the murderer to hang Hanako's body upside down.It seems that he is crazy, because who else can do this kind of out-of-the-ordinary method except a lunatic? Hearing Takezo's question, everyone was silent.A gust of wind rushed into everyone's body, and everyone present couldn't help but tremble. At this time, Ze's sharp cry suddenly came from the kitchen: "Master! I know what the thief stole!" Liao Ze yelled and rushed into the main hall, holding up the empty rice bucket. "Master! Look, there was half a bucket of rice left in it, but now it's empty." I didn't expect the murderer to eat a meal, everyone couldn't help but look at each other!
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